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Poll How many of you played WoW when it first came out?


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Just wondering How many of you played wow when it first came out and if you did you should remember all the problems they had. just tryin to get some feedback. maybee we should give these guys some time at least through the first major content patch. any thought???
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Yes I played WoW 1 day after EU release, and I was with a load of work mates, we had server queues and disconnects, there was the usual problems and to be honest it wasnt much different from this game although our expectations were lower then as WoW was different to almost everything else.
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I was playing WoW at release. However, I don't think that comparing the games does much good since so much time has gone by since WoW was released. Just because one game (ok, MOST games :D) had problems at release doesn't mean that everyone needs to give the companies a pass. What it really boils down to is whether people enjoy the game enough to stick and subscribe.
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I was in the WoW launch, but that's about all you could say... The game at launch suffered from server queues, SEVERE lag, bugged un-completable quests, bugged crafting nodes, bugs bugs bugs bugs... The game was practically unplayable the first couple patches. Trust me when I say SWtOr had/has some problems at launch; However, it was still a dream compared to the WoW launch. Edited by Sticksabbi
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I was in the WoW launch, but that's about all you could say... The game at launch suffered from server queues, SEVERE lag, bugged un-completable quests, bugged crafting nodes, bugs bugs bugs bugs... The game was practically unplayable the first couple patches. Trust me when I say SWtOr had/has some problems at launch; However, it was still a dream compared to the WoW launch.


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I was there on launch day and it was pretty good when the servers were up. The funny part was all of the sudden you would stop moving but chat still worked. So you had about a five minute window where you knew the server was about to go down, and everyone was complaining about it. Part of the fix for this problem was to implement the server queues, but it took a good 3-4 weeks for them to get that in. There were quite a few bugged resource nodes, but that was about the only bugs I personally noticed (besides the server problems).
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Laaaaag. Disgusting, unplayable, lag.


Loot lag. Sliding around after looting a mob or node until you logged out.


Server queues of 30 minutes or more at times.


Rollbacks. Rollbacks. Rollbacks.


Extended maintennance downtimes, I remember one that went almost 72 hours.


Hotfix after hotfix, which as I understand it still happens after almost every patch to this day. After 7 years you think they would have moved beyond necessary hotfixes.


And absolutely NO organized PvP.


Tarren Mill - Southshore battles. (I actually think fondly on those PvP days)

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SWTOR has had one of the smoothest launches of any MMO I have played (and I have played ALL the major ones at launch). They ran into a lot of similar problems but none were quite as bad and considering that they weren't expecting the quantity of people they got and this is their first MMO and they have a lot to learn, Bioware did amazing.

I was on WOW at launch for a few hours then I put it down a couple of weeks while things smoothed out. I didn't have to do that here.

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I was in the WoW launch, but that's about all you could say... The game at launch suffered from server queues, SEVERE lag, bugged un-completable quests, bugged crafting nodes, bugs bugs bugs bugs... The game was practically unplayable the first couple patches. Trust me when I say SWtOr had/has some problems at launch; However, it was still a dream compared to the WoW launch.


Yep. Me too. I actually played WoW during Beta too.. Was AWFUL for the first few months after release.

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I played before WoW, way before WoW.... WoW is not the holy grail, just the most popular with the noobs.


A lot of people play/played WoW.. Certainly many of which played MMO's that came out prior to WoW. Wasn't just "noobs" that liked it. My first MMO was the first EQ, started playing in I think December of 1999 when I was 14 years old, and played lots of MMO's after it. Including WoW. Anyways.. I think people just keep bringing it up because it's the most recently huge MMO and it's fresh in people's memories - it's still very popular.

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Just wondering How many of you played wow when it first came out and if you did you should remember all the problems they had. just tryin to get some feedback. maybee we should give these guys some time at least through the first major content patch. any thought???


I was playing wow in the beta. Yes the launch was bad, but there had never been an MMO that had so many people trying to play right off the bat. They did pretty well considering.


Bioware doesn't have a "good" excuse for having so many bugs and stuff at launch, beyond admitting that they were forced to release the game a year early.

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I was there about a month after launch. I was new to MMOs, so I was pretty amazed at the game and only remember some graphic bugs (something about when I fought the murlocks made the graphics go all wonky). I remember the queues too... yuck. But overall I liked it and it was fun... so is SWTOR (it's fun nd I like it). There are some minor bugs in this game, but nothing I can't play around. I figure it will grow and mature just like WoW did.
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for anyone who played wow vanilla,


you have to remember too this game generates the vast majority of its projected value through monthly subscriptions, months which havent happened yet. investors typically want to see an initial return on investment before investing in a products longevity.


if you played wow at launch you know what im talking about. there were x number of servers we all que'd on until blizzard starting making money at which point they put up additional higher capacity servers. the original server shortly thereafter went through a series of hardware upgrades.


of my experience with wow and rift both at launch time, this has by far been the highest quality initial product release in my opinion.


addition: to the arguement that bioware made a big deal about "Were keeping the design team completely intact", that not a reason to expect the team that spent years untertaking a project like this to be able to go back into the operating codes and fix every glitch in 6 weeks. im sure blizzards current staff of programers and designers is much larger than it was in development.

Edited by Tattersalad
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The best part during WoW's release is that you unexpectedly fall down the earth for no reason.


I was in the WoW launch, but that's about all you could say... The game at launch suffered from server queues, SEVERE lag, bugged un-completable quests, bugged crafting nodes, bugs bugs bugs bugs... The game was practically unplayable the first couple patches. Trust me when I say SWtOr had/has some problems at launch; However, it was still a dream compared to the WoW launch.


Amazing how SW:TOR gets ragged on for their launch. And just when things hit rock bottom, the BWL patch made things even worse.

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I played WoW at release, stopped playing after two weeks. It was a very poor first impression of mmos. If I didn't have some gamer friends who talked me into playing it again 6 months later I probably would have never played an mmo again.
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