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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

30Minute LOCKOUT For Deserters


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Posted in another thread:


The solution to people leaving needs more than just a deserter debuff. They need to make losses count towards the daily.


WAIT, hear me out. I don't particularly like rewarding failure. But PvP will die if it's just premade rolling pugs. People will stop queuing because they have no chance of beating a double premade, and PvP will slowly wither without new blood.


In the sub-50 bracket, people leaving is only a minor problem. Why? Because the daily isn't very important. People can have fun playing and/or get a worthwhile reward (valor/comms), at a lower rate, even for losing.


If the daily went up to 9 "points": 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss, people would be much more likely to finish out the game. And possibly turn things around. You'd also be a lot less upset at joining a losing WZ, assuming you're in it just for the daily


Sidenote, people AFKing will become more of a problem. But that needs a solution anyway.


So i have to ask and yes its off topic...but if the prob is premades vs pugs then why dont you just go in with a premade...I mean all you pvpers say this is a game killer there must be enough to form a premade

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When I find myself in a no win warzone, i entertain myself by doing the following:


1) Pick random player on enemy team.

2) Kill them and only them for the entire match.

3) Wait for the low level alt whispers to come because when they do, it is epic in rage quality.


How is that not entertainment?


ARE U NOT ENTERTAINED? Good ideas here.

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I'm 67, and in no rush to get to 100, my point was that there is still "incentive" as small as it is.


But why does there need to be incentive? Can you not play the game for just playing the game?


It's 2 broken WZs and Huttball for hundreds of times straight. By Rank 50 V you almost have to take the plunge into a semi-comatose state.


Though, if you really are Rank 67 and haven't exploited in LOLum then I'll throw you props for not going insane.

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I've had people leave because we have a couple 10-20's on our team (in the <50 bracket). We ended up winning 6-0 in huttball anyway.


Although, they need to fix the pvp bugs first...once i got knocked down as i died, and i resed in the start area knocked down, and I wasn't able to get up. Nothing worked, not even /stuck. Got kicked because of that crap, but at least I could queue right after.

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I think there should be a 30 minute lookout for all the fresh lvl 50s joining my warzone with PvE gear and no clue what to do, randomfighting players in other side of the map of where the ball is in huttball, making it a loss the moment i joined the warzone
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So i have to ask and yes its off topic...but if the prob is premades vs pugs then why dont you just go in with a premade...I mean all you pvpers say this is a game killer there must be enough to form a premade



Bads normally don't make premades with other bads because the premades last about 3 games (3 losses, one in the same), and they all end up telling each other how bad they are and passing blame.

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Overall I think there is enough times that I get booted, stuck, otherwise forced to leave a match that the deserter buff would be a super annoying.


I would be happy with a setting that lets you opt to not join matches that are already in progress and if the match is half over, stop filling it and let it die.

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Mainly this whole debate boils down to the problem of there not being ranked pvp systems in game. As we all know irl, people who suck don't hang with the pros, and can't be expected to. Guess what, games are no different. Skilled players don't want to be forced to waste (yes I say WASTE) 15 minutes of their time playing with people who cannot grasp basic warzone/pvp/tactic concepts and just end up raging the skilled player to the point of afking or leaving because of said incompetance.


F2P games cater to these carebear views of penalizing people who leave teams of lesser skilled players, because they are F2P. If you want that in a game people pay for, you're in for dissapointment...


If this were all it were, it wouldnt be an issue.


The problem is ppl are now quitting before you can even make that sort of analysis.


We had 2 ppl leave a huttball game last night before the door even opened, before you even hear the preamble speech.


1.Now was it that two guys made a qualitative analysis of the relative skill levels and comprehension of the players involved as you say?


2. or was it that they saw 3 ppl with sub 13HP and just bailed?


if I were a betting man, id go with option 2.


if you go into the game and clearly its filled with ppl that have no capacity to play up to the skill level you expect thats one thing, but most times this is not what is happening, ppl are simply leaving based on HP / Gear levels.


I agree with you on one point though, if you want to remove some of this behavior, make the matchmaking better. at the moment its just a crap shoot. 40% wipe one way, 40% wipe the other way, maybe if your lucky 20% chance of a game that actually has the outcome in question.

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30 min is to long.


The deserter time should be the length the match that you left. When the match finishes then you can queue up again. That seems quite fair to me. The max you would be out would be what 15 or 12 min.






First before anything like this is implemented, they need to allow you to choose what you want to que up for. The only time I leave a match is when it is not Huttball. That is the only warzone I enjoy.


When I do leave it is before the match even starts. So there has to be stipulations to this deserter time. Such as if you leave before the match even starts. Cause (at least on my server) a player will be replaced in your place pretty quick. You more often then not would have a full team when the match is underway.

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Tool or noob?


Bringing nothing to a conversation other than grammar corrections indicates lack of intelligence and a possible lawsuit to the doctor who promised your parents you would not see the light if day.



A grasp of language shows lack of intelligence...brilliant. Top it off with an abortion joke.


Words are hard hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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I Honestly could care less if you find my leaving a warzone "selfish" i play for My entertainment...



If im not being entertained... ill leave... wether its playing a warzone, flashpoint or operation.... if im not having Fun i will leave....


i could care less what YOU think...


I play for ME.. not YOU...


Cool. But when people desert the warzones you want to win, you get screwed too. Everybody gets screwed by this. There's no dispute.

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Cool. But when people desert the warzones you want to win, you get screwed too. Everybody gets screwed by this. There's no dispute.


Nobody voluntarily desert a winning warzone unless they really have to go for whatever reason. If people leave a warzone that he is in because they are losing then he will just leave too. The only people that complain are the "honorable" players, which also happen to be some of the worse players too.

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Cool. But when people desert the warzones you want to win, you get screwed too. Everybody gets screwed by this. There's no dispute.


Punishing the goods doesn't handle the problem of the bads being bad. If Bioware can find a way to create a system that I described earlier which groups bads with other bads based on prior wz performance, everyone will be rewarded accordingly.

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Exactly. The whole point of a premade is to roll a non-premade with minimum effort, get gear and lord it over everyone so they can see how madly skillful you are.


As ranked battlegrounds in WoW showed, nobody is interested in premade vs premade, especially when you suck. Which is true for 90% of the player base.


And yet MMO devs continue to cater almost exclusively to the premade crowd. And they wonder why people leave/bot/afk? Idiots.

Edited by maradigamer
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Before ANY "punishment" is given in any way, there are alot of things that need changing:


1. The "extra players" in an ops exploit

2. The random game crashes/dc's

3. An option to choose your desired WZ

4. The speederfiasco in Voidstar

5. Noclip hacks/speedhacks

6. Loading screen finished and booted for being "afk"

7. Actual rewards besides the crappy valor you get for BM ranked (I'm rank 67). What do I need the XP, commendations (allready decked out 3 companions with full champion/centurion gear) for? And the credits? Hardly...

8. Wins actually counting for your daily.


On top of that (there might be alot more reasons but these are the most I have seen), when people start talking about others leaving being selfish etc etc. Nobody has anything to say about how I spend my free hours out of work, taking care of the kids, the house, friends, family etc.


Whatever reason I would/should have for leaving any WZ is my (and everybody elses) own choice.

Now, if you pay my bills, fill my bankaccount, you can start saying what I should do In my work. Heck, I'll stay every match no matter what.


Untill then, I'll decide for myself how I want or do not want to spend my free time.

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Hooray for generalizations with no facts.... bravo sir.


It is a generalization with no hard facts yes, but I still think it is true. Nobody loves getting rolfstomped for 15 minutes and when that happens who do you think are the first to leave, the casual players or the competitive players? The competitive players are the first to leave because trying to carry bad players is not fun for them and border line rage inducing at times. Not to mention that if you are valor rank 60+ then you have absolutely nothing to gain but frustration from fighting a losing battle.


Like I have said in another thread, if people keep leaving on you then you might want to take a good hard look at your performance as you might just be part of the problem.

Edited by Shendaar
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