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CE Vendor? A bad joke...


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When are those who purchased the CE going to get what they paid for? The store was the sole reason why I spent £139, the PR made it sound filled with magical wonders that would make my SWTOR experience complete – but it’s TERRIBLE.


If I’m stupid enough to spend £139 on your moderately multiplayer online railroaded persona game (MMORPG) then at least give me the option of buying a clown’s mask and huge shoes from the CE vendor. That way I can role play my stupidity rather than continue being forced into the narrative controlled characters YOU made. I can’t even pick a different type of weapon... ***! This is a question to the role players – how can you role play when everything is already pre-defined for you?


But let’s get back to being constructive – I know how much you forum moderators like to close threads that aren’t.




Bioware, please make the store worthwhile or scrap it and refund the people who were gullible enough to believe sales descriptions were legally binding agreements... Oh wait...



Right now I'd take more orange outfits covering the three armour types. I’m guessing it would be a three hour task for an intern to fill up the vendor but if he’s busy giving people seizures via the UI or randomly putting together new content from your Asian and Indian contractors I guess it can wait... After all you already have my money...



/slopey head with two thumbs up



And all this is coming from someone who dragged friends from WoW and subscribed for 6 months...

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You know that's something I shoulda mentioned in my thread


I was expecting really cool stuff from the CE vendor and there wasnt, except the targeting droid that really WAS a familiar (Hutt Observer)


but instead of writing a thread and raging about it, I lol'd really hard because I don't mind it.

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I use to shrug my shoulders and laugh it off but I can't do it with this. Clearly you are all better people than I am.


All I'm asking for is that Bioware give the CE vendor some items or scrap it and refund.


<sarcasm>Someone has said buying the CE for the vendor was the wrong reason, so perhaps they dont have to refund everyone because I'm in the tiny minority. So Bioware could only refund those of us who purchased the CE for the wrong reason if they can't fill a vendor in game? </sarcasm>



If I purchased anything else, whether it be clothing, a bluray or pizza I'd be able to get a refund if the product was broken or unsatisfactory yet digital products especially MMORPG's can avoid the legally binding trade descriptions act? (and that's not targetting the CE element, but the general collection of MMORPG's released unfinished, untested and unsatisfying - because "satisfactory" is a key word).



Perhaps I should just /shrug and walk away because it's clear everyone else is happy with this...

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Just don't make the same mistake again, you'll not get any money back :)


Yeah I know. It's not about the money but the PR wonderment that surrounded the CE Vendor making it sound like some magical entity that encouraged the vast majority to buy the CE and be screwed over in the process.


If they told the truth "the vendor will have a set of light armor and a pet that looks the same as one you can buy from the dark side vendor" they wouldn't of sold even 1/10th of the CE's they did.


It's the same as if they said "you'll have a cinematic experience while completing a locked linear story that pre-decides everything about your character from start to end. But you can dress it up however you feel and select to do PvP, broken PvP or a selection of flashpoints and operations that have varied levels of bugs and issues." That too wouldn't have helped sell much...



Sorry, I know I'm ranting. Perhaps I'll wait for The Secret World (although I played AoC at lunch) or go back to WoW 2.0 (Rift) or maybe even WoW. Either way games are meant to be fun and I can't even find the motivation to log in anymore.

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You spent 139 pounds for an in-game vendor in which you had no clue as to what it sold?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but BioWare didn't offer information as to what it sold before the CE was purchased. Can't very well make a decision that way, can we?


There's no doubt the CE vendor is a total waste. It's not that even there's hardly anything there, or that it isn't "good" gear... but the fact that it isn't even interesting stuff. Fact.


And you STILL have to pay for the items at a rate commensurate to that of similar items on other vendors.

Edited by Lethality
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Which is why buying it solely for that reason alone was a bad idea.


You don't think it was a bit duplicitous that BioWare expected EXACTLY that to be a draw? I mean, otherwise, why announce a CE Vendor in the first place? They should have just let it be a surprise once you logged in.


It worked EXACTLY as intended.

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Yeah I know. It's not about the money but the PR wonderment that surrounded the CE Vendor making it sound like some magical entity that encouraged the vast majority to buy the CE and be screwed over in the process.


This is all you something you made up in your head. I read the all the same BioWare marketing info about CE, DDE, etc. and never got that impression. Went and bought SE for 45 euros and now I can pay for about a year of subscription with the money I saved from not getting the CE.

Edited by Zilkin
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Sorry, I know I'm ranting. Perhaps I'll wait for The Secret World (although I played AoC at lunch) or go back to WoW 2.0 (Rift) or maybe even WoW. Either way games are meant to be fun and I can't even find the motivation to log in anymore.


The game maybe isn't for you, at least not now. Quit and You'll feel better, maybe revisit in 6 months and see what's going on?

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You don't think it was a bit duplicitous that BioWare expected EXACTLY that to be a draw? I mean, otherwise, why announce a CE Vendor in the first place? They should have just let it be a surprise once you logged in.


It worked EXACTLY as intended.


It absolutely was duplicitous of them. And their subterfuge was plainly visible. The fact that some people may have recognized that and then handed over their money anyway was poor decision-making.


As I said. Learning experience. Perhaps in the future some people will not be so naive and trusting and quick to throw money away.

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Yea, I got burned too.


I think most people felt they did, except the doll fetishists. Though, I did enjoy the bathroom reading book.


Lesson learned: Don't spend extra money on vague promises with the expectation that the people in charge of these things have a shred of integrity.

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The game maybe isn't for you, at least not now. Quit and You'll feel better, maybe revisit in 6 months and see what's going on?


If players leave bigtime, generally they dont bother coming back , thats why these first 3 or 4 months getting major stuff sorted is paramount.




"maybe revisit in 6 months and see what's going on"


The above doesnt generally happen as new games come along.



Ive bought CE versions of MMOs in the past, i didnt with SWTOR basically because most of the time they were behind the scenes dvds etc, extra reading material which i didnt really use.


Buying a CE of anything with the notion (without any ad) that you may have some MEGA unique gear or weapon for ingame isnt the way to go.





As to the CE vendor ..... how does anyone know what might be added that is unique for CE purchasers only in the upcoming months, so in the short term you may be miffed but who knows in the long term.

Edited by Urko
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When i went to the videogame shop got in mind to take the Collector's Edition, because is always funny to have some exclusive items. How could it cost? maybe 10 euros more? When i arrived and the vendor told me that it was 140€ i laughted and said "No, thanks. Forget about it".
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So to recap, in the future if you encounter the following situation:


Marketing goon: Buy our CE! It has a vendor that sells awesome exclusive items!

Prospective buyer: Oh yeah? What's he sell?

Marketing goon: Give me your money to find out!


This smells foul, and wise people walk away if they have zero interest in any of the other CE items like the statue or authenticator etc.

Edited by marshalleck
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When i went to the videogame shop got in mind to take the Collector's Edition, because is always funny to have some exclusive items. How could it cost? maybe 10 euros more? When i arrived and the vendor told me that it was 140€ i laughted and said "No, thanks. Forget about it".


The way above price here in UK too was a big decision not to also.


£ 20 pound more ok , but its like another £70 plus.

Edited by Urko
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