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Thinking of quitting agent, I don't like where this story line is going.


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Well it gets worse in chapter 3.



At one point Keeper (formerly Watcher 2) comes up with a plan where you are to "get yourself captured" and then escape with some data. As soon as I heard that I refused to continue the agent story line. I just couldn't go along with that colossal stupidity.



Now that doesn't bother me, it's killing my own kind and being forced to work for the opposite faction is what got to me.


Edited by Blazer
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To the OP. Relax man,

you'll get to kill the republic scum you're stuck with right now. And yeah, the story is pretty weird. It seems like everyone wants to screw you, so I find it natural to give into anger and turn to the dark side. I respect you for not picking the light side choices, like the majority seems to do. I joined Jadus as well, seemed the best possible choice, as he was the only one who didn't screw me over, and I have no problems with the Sith. Unlike other players, I don't feel a need to disrespect those responsible for the very existence of the Empire. I'm at chapter #2 as well and so far there are some cliffhangers in the story. Maybe it's supposed to be mysterious until the final act, although, as I heard, some cliffhangers will remain even after that, and the ending might be kind of dull comparing to other classes.


That helps me a lot.


Knowing that I will get to kill them and get back to normal, will more than likely let me get back to playing my sniper, thank you. But I think I'm going to take a break from him and build up some double xp and play one of my other characters. My brain still hurts from all this, lol.


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Now that doesn't bother me, it's killing my own kind and being forced to work for the opposite faction is what got to me.


That's what the whole DOUBLE AGENT thing is about..


If you're not willing to do the dirty work and sacrifice something for greater good's sake i believe you've picked the wrong class ( story-wise ).

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It seems about half and half in my guild. We have those people that refuse to ever take a single light side point, those who refuse to make any dark side choices, and a everything in between. I feel like there's definitely more of a 'dark side pride" attitude in the guild though. I'm sitting at DS IV at the moment with something like 9600 DS and 2800 LS. I tended to make LS choices in my class quest where there was a very big moral decision that affected innocent people.


Yeah, I personally think the whole no lightside or no darkside points approach is stupid. Whenever I'm playing a character I kinda RP that character. I think what would he/she do in that situation, and I select the most appropriate choice regardless of the dark/light side points. It's a shame really. I've found some of the most memorable dialogue/moments came from passing on some light/dark side points.

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I think your problem is that you let the alignment system dictate your choices.



This. This a million, zillion goddamned times.


Seriously. you're thinking about quitting because you might accidentally get a few light side points? OH TEH NOES! It's not that you don't like where the story is going, it's that you don't like where the game mechanics are leading you. AND THAT'S FINE! If you care about the mechanics of having as much dark side as possible, then no big deal. But don't blame the story for that, that's all on you for not wanting to have any light.

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Yeah, don't worry about lightside/darkside points, just pick the story options that fit your character. You can always solo black talon runs at 50 to get the alignment you want in the end, if that's important to you.


Or Diplomacy. As a Sniper, I found I had no way of healing myself and needed Bio anyway, so Diplomacy was not only a way of keeping myself topped up on alignment, but topped up in health as well.

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This. This a million, zillion gosh darned times.


Seriously. you're thinking about quitting because you might accidentally get a few light side points? OH TEH NOES! It's not that you don't like where the story is going, it's that you don't like where the game mechanics are leading you. AND THAT'S FINE! If you care about the mechanics of having as much dark side as possible, then no big deal. But don't blame the story for that, that's all on you for not wanting to have any light.


Actually, you pretty much got it all wrong. His main problem was killing imperials for the republic. And that doesn't have to do with ls/ds choices, it's exactly where the story is going.

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I am about to finish the story, and I though it was very well done. You will have mixed reactions, and that's clearly intended.


You know a story (any work of art, for that matter) is working when it brings about a strong emotional reaction. There were at least two parts of the IA story where I was angry (the first time in Chap 2, when the 'magic word' made its many appearances, and later in Chap 3 when the big booby trap goes off).


There's a lot wrong with TOR, but the writing and voice acting are definitely on the "what's right" list.


As for dark/ light points -- they're not relevant. After you level up, you can drive your alignment anywhere you want, and fairly easily. Run through BT over and over.

Edited by Oghier
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I just finished chapter 1. I didn't like my choices that I had, and didn't want to miss the oppritunity for dark side points (there was no way in hell I was going to get light side points). I spent all of my levels up to this point to defeat this objective and I decide to join it? Are you serious? Then I turn in watcher two ?? After all that and on my way to kill Jadus's daughter I was feeling really bad. After I killed her and had to report to HQ and saw watcher two sitting there I **** my self and had a heart attack at the same time. Plus she looked really, really pissed at me which made me feel even worse. And now I'm brainwashed and can't even let her know, and the republic guy also knows that I am Imperial. So now no matter what I want to say I can't, I'm now a republic agent, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I don't want to kill Imperials. The first thing I had to do was go to that droid factory and scan for the blueprints for them and kill Imps !!! I'm an Imperial agent with cipher clearence, why did I have to kill them ?? I could of just walked in got the info and left. I didn't play on the Imperial side to work for the republic and kill Imperials. Does this story line change fast? Do I get my brain "switched" back soon? If not I'm not playing this character anymore. There is no way in hell I'm going to kill my own kind. Someone please tell me I'm not going to be this way for very long.



Yeah, I did exactly the same thing you did and even as a full-darkside sniper I was glued to the screen going over my choices, I wanted to choose the lesser-ds choice that involves fighting him, I don't know why I did that, oh well, I'm going to make a operative sometime in the future and take that path,still, the end of act 1 and the beginning of act 2 are pretty heartbreaking...

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Actually, you pretty much got it all wrong. His main problem was killing imperials for the republic. And that doesn't have to do with ls/ds choices, it's exactly where the story is going.


At what point do you kill Imperials?


Nar Shaddaa: Droids.

Taris: Rakghouls, various aliens, a Jedi (unless you decide to Turn her).

Dromund Kaas: Droids.

Quesh pt 1: Republic.

Hoth: Rogue, traitor Imperials.

Quesh pt 2: Droids.


Edited by NicWester
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I agree with the OP.


I found the story really good up until the end of Chapter 1. Not that I had a problem with the Story but the bug ment what should have been a fair fight had me standing onto of Jadus getting can't see target as he smegged me making the fight harder than it should have been. Now a known bug and nothing has been done for month, but I suck it up and kill him. So what is my reward. I'm feking






Its poor story writing when you force people down a certain path, can't find a decent branching story so just force us down one. I make choices on the dialogue wheel and I say/do something completely different. You may as well take the dialogue wheel away cause its now pointless.


I don't need to think about the story I have no choice, which is poor writting given this is ment to be the 4th pillar. Turns out I'm not calling the shots and I may as well just space bar through cause I have no choice and its going to follow a pre set boring arc.

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At what point do you kill Imperials?


Nar Shaddaa: Droids.

Taris: Rakghouls, various aliens, a Jedi (unless you decide to Turn her).

Dromund Kaas: Droids.

Quesh pt 1: Republic.

Hoth: Rogue, traitor Imperials.

Quesh pt 2: Droids.



I just finished chapter 1. I didn't like my choices that I had, and didn't want to miss the oppritunity for dark side points (there was no way in hell I was going to get light side points). I spent all of my levels up to this point to defeat this objective and I decide to join it? Are you serious? Then I turn in watcher two ?? After all that and on my way to kill Jadus's daughter I was feeling really bad. After I killed her and had to report to HQ and saw watcher two sitting there I **** my self and had a heart attack at the same time. Plus she looked really, really pissed at me which made me feel even worse. And now I'm brainwashed and can't even let her know, and the republic guy also knows that I am Imperial. So now no matter what I want to say I can't, I'm now a republic agent, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I don't want to kill Imperials. The first thing I had to do was go to that droid factory and scan for the blueprints for them and kill Imps !!! I'm an Imperial agent with cipher clearence, why did I have to kill them ?? I could of just walked in got the info and left. I didn't play on the Imperial side to work for the republic and kill Imperials. Does this story line change fast? Do I get my brain "switched" back soon? If not I'm not playing this character anymore. There is no way in hell I'm going to kill my own kind. Someone please tell me I'm not going to be this way for very long.


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Don't quit the story because you don't like the direction it is going. This reminds me of how I felt about The Shield during season 5 onwards as you could see where it was going and Vic wasn't going to come out on top. I hated it but at the end of the day his character had to be held responsible for some of the **** he had down over the years. Still one of the greatest shows ever and Season Six even though most of the main characters end up dead through suicide or betrayal it was still an amazing story. I say stick with it sometimes the best stories are the ones that go a direction we don't want them to go.
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Well, I actually enjoy the IA storyline quite much, but the only issue I had so far was this:



After finding out that Darth Jadus is the real threat to the Empire you have two choices:


A) Saving countless people, but Jadus get's away in the process

B) Deceiving Jadus so he believes you're on his side, secretly calling reinforcements and disabling his ship so you can nail that soab for good, but thousands of people die


So, yeah, in the long run, just as Watcher Two said, it's more important to get Jadus for good, accepting a few thousand deaths.

But, you get of course dark side points for choice B). Which doesn't really make any sense, because you can't apply this moral system so easily to this particular decision.


So it's just another form of A), picking flowers for your loved ones, or B), killing the puppy, if you break it down of course.


I'm kind of fed up with this because it never was a big deal before, but I didn't like that I should get dark side points for the "right" choice, know what I mean?


Of course every moral system in any game is flawed, it has to be, because inevitably it breaks down to those two choices.

But considering that this is Bioware, I was kind of expecting that they establish more of a grey area in certain choices. Like in Mass Effect for example.


But I guess that was just me expecting too much :jawa_frown:


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I had a blast playing the IA storyline. There are choices I made, at times, which were purely emotional. You don't end up as powerful as the other class ends up being, but the story keeps you going.


And you never really kill imperials you wouldn't have killed anyways (traitors). Remember the class you chose is the CIA, Mosad, MI6 type. It seems like you wanted to wave your imperial flag in pride, and show your colors everywhere you went. If so, you definitely chose the wrong class. The IA's theme seems to be 'the ends justify the means'. And don't get tied down with dark/light side mess if you care about story. Seriously, anyone who really cares about light/dark points aren't in it for the story - they mostly do it for gear choices.



During act II, you are given the choice of laying out your vengeful wrath against every member of the SIS team (sans one, but he's the main antagonist of act III). Do keep in mind, if you kill them, and you decide during Act III, from the information you gather and seeing how inept, petty, and stupid the sith politics are, that you would have preferred to ACTUALLY defect you won't have that option. Only by letting all the SIS agents live do you have the option.

But at lvl 50, everything you did during your class mission doesn't matter. No one treats you differently. So there's also that.

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Well, I actually enjoy the IA storyline quite much, but the only issue I had so far was this:



After finding out that Darth Jadus is the real threat to the Empire you have two choices:


A) Saving countless people, but Jadus get's away in the process

B) Deceiving Jadus so he believes you're on his side, secretly calling reinforcements and disabling his ship so you can nail that soab for good, but thousands of people die


So, yeah, in the long run, just as Watcher Two said, it's more important to get Jadus for good, accepting a few thousand deaths.

But, you get of course dark side points for choice B). Which doesn't really make any sense, because you can't apply this moral system so easily to this particular decision.


So it's just another form of A), picking flowers for your loved ones, or B), killing the puppy, if you break it down of course.


I'm kind of fed up with this because it never was a big deal before, but I didn't like that I should get dark side points for the "right" choice, know what I mean?


Of course every moral system in any game is flawed, it has to be, because inevitably it breaks down to those two choices.

But considering that this is Bioware, I was kind of expecting that they establish more of a grey area in certain choices. Like in Mass Effect for example.


But I guess that was just me expecting too much :jawa_frown:


Look again, those aren't the only choices.

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I vaguely recall making a choice that resulted in the decimation of thousands if not millions of people all across the galaxy ... Yeah. It sucked to hear them crying out over the coms but ultimately, it had to be done for the greater good of the Empire. At this point , having done that, I have little compunctions about blasting any one else who may interfere in my mission in any way.


Cold, calculating, ruthless and effective. That is the job. Morality isn't in the job description. Loyalty to the empire is. Yes, the Sith are douche-nozzles most of the time but they are our bosses so... we deal with their elitist crap, do the job and reap the rewards and occasionally... kill our bosses. ;)

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I've finished the IA story line, and I thought it was amazing (especially the ending). However, after reading this thread I do find it very interesting how very different the story can be based on the decisions you make. I went mostly dark side, though at some critical points I went light side just because that was the option I really wanted, and I think it made it much more enjoyable for me.


Really, 300 LS/DS points are not going to be that big of a deal in the long run.

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OMG !!!

This is killing me !!!


Now I don't know if I'm being brainwashed by the Imperials, that republic dude, or the guy that just showed up on my ship that did surgey on me back on Nar Shaada. Plus I just picked up some guy that is on my ship that can transform in to a Rakghoul, I must be losing it. Is there a planet with rubber trees I can live on till retirement so I don't hurt my self?


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