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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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I've left the game itself, But I'd never leave YOUUUUUU! <3 xD


I'll always be here fighting for SGRAs, count on that.


Solidarity! *female bro-fist* (is there any way to phrase that without sounding dirty? :eek:)


We need a new topic to discuss in this lack of info. :rolleyes:

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Solidarity! *female bro-fist* (is there any way to phrase that without sounding dirty? :eek:)


We need a new topic to discuss in this lack of info. :rolleyes:


*Female SISTER-fist* The most important question is whether I'd ever choose to read that in any way BUT dirty, giggity. :cool:


Hahaha, Honestly, I am wondering why they made a thread in the Suggestion Box for Same-gender Flirting, instead of just keeping such discussion in here? :confused:

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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I guess I am not understanding why someone would quit over the inability to have a same gender relationship with an npc...


Same reason people would quit over the inclusion, only on the opposite end of the spectrum.


If a game goes against your values, why support it?

It's not so much about the lack of romance itself, but Bioware's side-stepping of the issue as if it didn't matter.

That tends to upset the fans getting side-stepped.


*Female SISTER-fist* The most important question is whether I'd ever choose to read that in any way BUT dirty, giggity. :cool:


Hahaha, Honestly, I am wondering why they made a thread in the Suggestion Box for Same-gender Flirting, instead of just keeping such discussion in here? :confused:


*George Takei voice* Oh, myyyy...


As for the suggestion box... I dunno, it seems a bit self-defeating to split the suggestions between two threads... But hey! That's why I'm not working for Bioware. I don't understand a lick of that stuff, so there's probably some hidden purpose behind it all.


... Like world domination. :rolleyes:

Edited by Raiellyn
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*George Takei voice* Oh, myyyy...


As for the suggestion box... I dunno, it seems a bit self-defeating to split the suggestions between two threads... But hey! That's why I'm not working for Bioware. I don't understand a lick of that stuff, so there's probably some hidden purpose behind it all.


... Like world domination. :rolleyes:


I just about died over here. xD


I would hate working for any company that handled an MMO, that has got to be the most time-consuming and stressful job in the entire industry.


All I shall say is: "Once you start down the EA path, forever will it dominate your developing."

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Wise words, and worth remembering. :D


Also, as of when I'm writing this, the thread for next week's Q&A is up to nine pages, and I've counted 10 or 11 people asking about SGRs. That's a pretty heavy percentage of people who made it a point to get their questions in right away. Keep it up, everyone - with every one of us who posts there and asks about this, we show BW how important an issue it is to us.


Also: let's keep things on topic, please - we're not in this thread to discuss what questions were answered. Thanks.

Whether we get an answer or not, the Q&A thread is a good way to keep our request for further information visible. So far we are doing great. My last count is 19 players asking over 16 pages of the thread.


I'll admit there are other questions I want to see answered, too - particularly concerning RP content and "sandbox" elements - but this remains my top priority.


Help keep this thread alive by keeping on topic - how SGRs can be implemented, etc. Personally, I think the toggle debate is a dead horse. Some people simply do not want to see any same-gender content. Since it will be included, turning it off is the most they can ask, and they are asking it. I am close to making a polite but unequivocal rebuttal that I can C&P - it will save time. But I wonder at this point if it is worth it. No one is likely to change their mind.


Later on tonight, I'll pull together other contact information. Stephen Reid has said that any way players send feedback it will find its way to the Dev Team, so let's not rely on forums alone. Sooner or later, they are bound to say something, so chin up!

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Personally, I think the toggle debate is a dead horse. Some people simply do not want to see any same-gender content. Since it will be included, turning it off is the most they can ask, and they are asking it. I am close to making a polite but unequivocal rebuttal that I can C&P - it will save time. But I wonder at this point if it is worth it. No one is likely to change their mind.


I agree. Pretty much anything to say now has already been said over the past 17 or so pages... Bottom-line is you either want it, or don't.


Unfortunately, I'm drawing a blank at new topics to discuss... :confused: The last thread pretty much ran the gambit between all of my thoughts.


I would hate working for any company that handled an MMO, that has got to be the most time-consuming and stressful job in the entire industry.


Ugh, same here. Although I would never be able to anyway. I'm *much* too snide and sarcastic to be allowed in any public-relations position. :D

Edited by Raiellyn
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No news I see. *sigh* I'm very close to unsubing now. I guess Bioware rather try to make the cooldown graphic look "cool" and give everyone a headache then add things people want.


Someone cheer me up. :(

Edited by kraidy
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I guess I am not understanding why someone would quit over the inability to have a same gender relationship with an npc...


Same reason why people unsub because there is not alot of end game content, same as people unsubing because they find the PVP poor, same reason people unsub because this new cooldown is making players sick.

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So we're at what, 119 pages of posts and still we've got no dialogue with Bioware directly relating to this matter?


I'm finding myself unimpressed.

Yes, well.


If we take Stephen Reid at his word that the Devs either see the forums or Community Support brings issues to their attention, then we can safely assume that the Dev Team is aware of the thread.


But I am all the more convinced that additional avenues of communication ought to be pursued.


Here is a compilation of addresses etc. you may find useful:


support@swtor.com - include the keyword Venus in the subject and body of the text, as this is suggested by Customer Service to earmark your concern as related to missions in game. All romance / intimacy options, whether companion story arcs or casual NPC encounters, are initiated through beginning a mission from the NPC.


communitysupport@swtor.com - these are the folks who have been so very helpful in keeping this thread open, on topic and relatively civil. When new threads on SGRs are closed, they redirect forum users here. Some words of thanks may be in order, along with a polite request that this concern be brought to the attention of the Dev Team.


feedbackSWTOR@swtor.com - this is the address for giving your impressions of the game so far. It is helpful to put your concern in context by also explaining what you like and enjoy about the game, and why the lack of SGAs is therefore disappointing.


contact@bioware.com - this goes to the mothership office in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. You might mention that the Austin studio has been less than responsive to our concerns. Also, be polite! Manners are taken seriously in Canada. :)


An additional email address was provided in a previous thread on this topic by the moderator who locked it: bwacommunitysupport@bioware.com. I'd suggest adding this to the list of recipients. I have no idea what this email's particular focus is. Just give a summary of the issue & your concerns.


Don't forget snail-mail! Concerns on paper carry more weight. I recommend writing to all three companies taking credit for the game:



attn: Director of Public Relations

P.O. Box 29908

San Francisco, CA 94129-0908


Phone: (415) 746-8000



Electronic Arts

attn: Director of Public Relations

209 Redwood Shores Pkwy.

Redwood City, CA 94065


Phone: 650-628-1500



Bioware Austin

attn: Director of Public Relations

7700 Parmer Lane Building C Suite 200

Austin, TX 78729


Phone: (512) 382-8682



BioWare Edmonton

attn: Director of Public Relations

200-4445 Calgary Trail NW

Edmonton AB

Canada T6H 5R7


Phone: 780-430-0164


Send a letter tomorrow (Saturday) to arrive by Valentine's Day! :)

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Well, not that I'd personally complain, but having [flirt] pop up for every gender kind of implies that all characters are kind of bisexual, doesn't it?


If you're playing a character that you envision as having a certain sexuality, having "alternate sexuality" [flirt] options popping up wouldn't make sense, from that perspective. If my character (in my head) is clearly lesbian, for instance, why keep pushing [flirt with this guy] options at me? It's not that having it there offends me, it's simply that I'm never going to pick them ANYWAY, so why not just tell the game "don't bother showing them to me, I prefer other women"?


That's why I suggested that if they DID put some sort of choice, being able to set it at the outset would make it easy. Pick 'gay', and the game won't prompt you to flirt with women. Pick 'lesbian', and it won't prompt you to flirt with men. Pick 'bisexual', and everybody's fair game! Pick 'none', and it never offers you a [flirt] option at all.




My sneaky SI is straight, but he'd definitely /flirt with a guy to get what he wanted. He wouldn't do anything beyond flirting, but having grown up a slave and having grown into a manipulative bastard, he's got no problem with flirting with men. A similar thing would apply to a female smuggler for me - she'd be comfortable flirting with guys, but there's no way she'd take one home.


My Imperial Agent will flirt with anything up to and including a Hutt. And if things go further, well, training taught my Agent to lie back and think of the Empire.

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Yes, well.


If we take Stephen Reid at his word that the Devs either see the forums or Community Support brings issues to their attention, then we can safely assume that the Dev Team is aware of the thread.


Indeed. Their awareness of the thread isn't my concern, though. Their lack of response to it most certainly is.


On a side note whenever I see Stephen Reid's name I always think of the name Steeve Reeves (a name which is too dynamic not to be put in italics).

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It's boring waiting for this feature. I can't get myself up to level alts or even play much anymore at 50. Seems like there taking there time adding things to the game. Figured cancelling my sub just to wait until they add things before resubbing back. :confused: Wish they would speed things up :confused:
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It's boring waiting for this feature. I can't get myself up to level alts or even play much anymore at 50. Seems like there taking there time adding things to the game. Figured cancelling my sub just to wait until they add things before resubbing back. :confused: Wish they would speed things up :confused:


Well, when I step back and look at the cryptic Sept. 13 Announcement, what I gather from that is the following: that the only same-gender content which BioWare has actually committed to is with companion NPCs, and that they plan to have new options available with new NPCs.


So, if that is all that we're getting, we are looking at waiting until new companions are introduced, which if they join our characters through class story arcs could mean waiting until a content expansion which raises the level cap above fifty.


We could be waiting for years.


Or - and this is something BioWare had better think good and hard about - we could not be waiting.


The longer this takes, the less likely I am to be here to enjoy it. And that's a shame.

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Hm... maybe my emails have been too nice?


"I find your lack of response... disturbing."




Honestly, I prefer being nice about it. That said, throwing in Star Wars paraphrasing isn't going to hurt any.


I don't really have much more to add to the thread's constructive input, to be honest, and it's possible that not many watching this thread can comment on the essence of it (what we want from same sex relationship options) without repeating ourselves.


For the record, though, in case it's been buried in the 120 pages of posts, I'll quickly (and hopefully politely) reiterate my own thoughts.


* I'd like to see existing companions, as well as new companions, be overhauled for gender-responsiveness. Some of us are very fond of existing characters and it'd be a shame not to develop the potential of those characters further.


* I support the companions being made 'hero-sexual', as people have been phrasing it. Sexuality is not always clear or obvious and, in the privacy of our own cutscenes, I believe it maximises fairness, flexibility and existing resources to have all romanceable companions be potentially bisexual. Whether this lessens or expands a character's nature is not a matter of fact but a matter of opinion; it is my opinion that it does not lessen a character.


* I do not support a romance toggle. I believe that both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships should be treated as equal. I have heard many reasons for and against romance toggles but in the end I believe instigating them would not only be a waste of resources, but it would also diminish the game.


* I most definitely support an expansion on the number of romanceable characters available to each class. I mean for both same-sex and opposite-sex romance. As it stands there is a very limited number of romances available to anyone; if you want NPC romance but can't stand the offered companions you're just out of luck.


And, most pertinently...


* I support Bioware entering into open discussion with us about this! It'd stop several pointless lines of inquiry and channel discussion toward pertinent and constructive goals if we could get some feedback from someone with the authority to give it.

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I don't really have much more to add to the thread's constructive input, to be honest, and it's possible that not many watching this thread can comment on the essence of it (what we want from same sex relationship options) without repeating ourselves.


For the record, though, in case it's been buried in the 120 pages of posts, I'll quickly (and hopefully politely) reiterate my own thoughts.

I don't think there is any harm in going over the the basic ideas we've come up with. Honestly, 120 pages is a lot of clutter, so laying it out as you did is a good way to summarize.


I want to stress your last point first, as it is this thread in a nutshell:


I too feel it would be greatly beneficial if the Dev Team were to join us in a frank and open dialog about the inclusion of this content. It is hard to know what is reasonable to expect or reasonable to suggest when we can only guess what is already being worked on, what can be changed, what is difficult to change and what kind of player input will be most constructive.


It is difficult to be patient in an inherently frustrating situation, and all the more so in the absence of comment from the game designers.

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It is difficult to be patient in an inherently frustrating situation, and all the more so in the absence of comment from the game designers.


It is difficult, yes. I think most of us have been very patient, though. Having said that people's patience is starting to run out, as the frustration present in this thread seems to clearly indicate.

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But as of right now, I'm completely bored with SWTOR. Can't play most of my characters, for fear of missing out on the future romances that might be put in, and those that I can play are... not holding my alt-ADD interest for long. :(


Personally if they don't have an ETA for this within the next billing cycle I don't see any reason to come here anymore.


I don't need to know every detail, but it would be nice to know if this is something I can expect soon or next year and at least whether it will be new content only or include what I most want, the old companions. I have spending to plan.


Those quotes basically sum up my feelings at this point.


When will SGRAs be implemented? If no general date is available, where are SGRAs on the development timeline?

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