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anyone know if hair change is coming?


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Just wondering.. I noticed the game doesn't let you change hair or makeup :\ I'm real big on how my character looks, and I get bored of looks, so does anyone know if the devs plan on adding something like that in? I don't see any reason why they can't program that in..
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Just wondering.. I noticed the game doesn't let you change hair or makeup :\ I'm real big on how my character looks, and I get bored of looks, so does anyone know if the devs plan on adding something like that in? I don't see any reason why they can't program that in..


A "barbershop" is coming according to a few posts I have read on here today.

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It's funny how important something like this can be, I deleted my operative solely because I didn't like the hair/cyborg eye stuff I had on her. I rerolled her as a sniper to see how that feels game play wise but now I'm starting to not like her hair too! (NOooooooOOOoo!)
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It's funny how important something like this can be, I deleted my operative solely because I didn't like the hair/cyborg eye stuff I had on her. I rerolled her as a sniper to see how that feels game play wise but now I'm starting to not like her hair too! (NOooooooOOOoo!)


I'm at like 16 with my BH. I wanted her to look good, but I find there's ALWAYS an option I forget about after getting the face right, and it was the hair. Didn't think about it much, but it really doesn't match the armor or anything. Looks more like a model than a ******. I always change things anyway, like my wallpaper several times a week. In wow I think I changed my hair monthly.

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This is something that I want, but if they add this before fixing end game content, i'll be severely dissapointed.


Unless the end game content you have a problem with is an art problem, then fixing this won't be done by the same people.


So if they fix this it won't have any relationship to end game stuff.

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I'm at like 16 with my BH. I wanted her to look good, but I find there's ALWAYS an option I forget about after getting the face right, and it was the hair. Didn't think about it much, but it really doesn't match the armor or anything. Looks more like a model than a ******. I always change things anyway, like my wallpaper several times a week. In wow I think I changed my hair monthly.


Well, err... sorry...?


I don't know about you guys but usually if I find a flaw with my selection i.e. don't like the choice, I'm picking up on it rather quickly, especially as it is staring me in the face when logging in... well, okay, not the back of the head or the full body, but that is what I see as soon as I'm not in some dialog sequence...


So, having played a character up past lvl 10 and then starting to feel uncomfortable with the character creation choices made, well, that sound more to me like someone found the flavor of the minute fashiopn no longer quite cool...


or they ran into someone who looked so much cooler and you want to look just like him... or at least have feature X or Y...


but hey, IF there is a barbarshop coming, enjoy... though I would suggest not holding your breath for it to happen just because some guy posted that he thought he had seen something posted somewhere on this forum...


no link, no proof! And even then BW may drop the whole idea...


So, my suggestion would actually be to rather invest an extra 10, 20, 30 minutes, maybe even sleep over things for a night, trying to find the most 'perfectest' character look for your guy or gal... but hey, that's just me *shrug*

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Well, err... sorry...?


I don't know about you guys but usually if I find a flaw with my selection i.e. don't like the choice, I'm picking up on it rather quickly, especially as it is staring me in the face when logging in... well, okay, not the back of the head or the full body, but that is what I see as soon as I'm not in some dialog sequence...


So, having played a character up past lvl 10 and then starting to feel uncomfortable with the character creation choices made, well, that sound more to me like someone found the flavor of the minute fashiopn no longer quite cool...


or they ran into someone who looked so much cooler and you want to look just like him... or at least have feature X or Y...


but hey, IF there is a barbarshop coming, enjoy... though I would suggest not holding your breath for it to happen just because some guy posted that he thought he had seen something posted somewhere on this forum...


no link, no proof! And even then BW may drop the whole idea...


So, my suggestion would actually be to rather invest an extra 10, 20, 30 minutes, maybe even sleep over things for a night, trying to find the most 'perfectest' character look for your guy or gal... but hey, that's just me *shrug*


You are correct but with so few choices and many being just a slight change from the next it really doesn't matter IMO if this or that isn't perfect. There are only so many options they give you as long as you don't hate it I think people could live with their choices.


Barbershop(hair changes) would be a nice option, even better would be more and better options to pick from and allowing you to make those changes past character creation.


I expect neither of them so if they ever make it into the game great.

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Well, err... sorry...?


I don't know about you guys but usually if I find a flaw with my selection i.e. don't like the choice, I'm picking up on it rather quickly, especially as it is staring me in the face when logging in... well, okay, not the back of the head or the full body, but that is what I see as soon as I'm not in some dialog sequence...


So, having played a character up past lvl 10 and then starting to feel uncomfortable with the character creation choices made, well, that sound more to me like someone found the flavor of the minute fashiopn no longer quite cool...


or they ran into someone who looked so much cooler and you want to look just like him... or at least have feature X or Y...


but hey, IF there is a barbarshop coming, enjoy... though I would suggest not holding your breath for it to happen just because some guy posted that he thought he had seen something posted somewhere on this forum...


no link, no proof! And even then BW may drop the whole idea...


So, my suggestion would actually be to rather invest an extra 10, 20, 30 minutes, maybe even sleep over things for a night, trying to find the most 'perfectest' character look for your guy or gal... but hey, that's just me *shrug*



I just like change. Even if I found something perfect that pleased me now it may not in 2 weeks. I don't see why they can't just put it in the game either, just bring up the creation screen and lock out the other options.

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I hope they allow you to change:

Hair (hopefully some new hair styles in there too)

Hair color

Facial hair

Other features ( masks, racial markings etc )

Cosmetics ( make-up on, Make-up off )

Scaring ( you know, dramatic scaring to show off your arrow scar on your knee )



Of course they could really go wild and let you change everything. I am sure they could dip you in a kolto tank and re-ginetically engineer you. We have the technology.



I seem to get myself stuck in a rut where I find a look I like....and then ALL my character look like clones of each other.

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I hope they allow you to change:

I seem to get myself stuck in a rut where I find a look I like....and then ALL my character look like clones of each other.


The good thing is that here, with the legacy system, they will be family of each other and the resemblance is realistic ;)

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I just like change. Even if I found something perfect that pleased me now it may not in 2 weeks. I don't see why they can't just put it in the game either, just bring up the creation screen and lock out the other options.


Well, part of me understands... yet another part doesn't to be honest.


I mean I like mixing up things: unless I really feel like a particular character should represent a 'game-idealizied' version of myself, I will create a different character style based on my idea for that character. And yes, there will be testing and trying unusual combinations!


But I will also only be satisfied once I have gotten him an 'iconic' look (which of course may be shared by another character somewhere else simply due to the limitations of the character creation system).


Because I personally think that 'iconic' is an important factor! Look at movies over the last 30 odd years:


Imagine if they had changed the look of Schwarzenegger's Terminator from T1 to T2 to T3...


just as well everybody knows what Indiana Jones looks like... forgetting what Professor Henry Jones, Jr. of Marshall College looks like...


John McClane and no dirty undershirt?




and yes, Star Wars! Alec Guiness' iconic look for Obi-Wan was carried on by Ewan McGregor...


Han Solo suddenly with long hair, beard and a ponytail?


Luke Skywalker suddenly no longer sporting that farmboy innocence but with some 'cool' haircut?


Anakin Skywalker in Ep I is obviously a perfect reflection upon Luke Skywalker.


Do I have to mention Darth Vader?


Is there a reason why the clone troopers are wearing that armor? An armor that so very much reminds us of the Stormtroopers? Maybe because the look is iconic?


Boba Fett and Jango Fett... again: if a look is iconic, you are much more likely to re-use it than some... well... flavor of the minute look.


Frankly, my 'me' Smuggler, if I had to imagine him without the beard I would have the same reaction I had once long, long years ago, when I took off mine... and it was mirrored by seeing Jonathan Frakes' Will Riker once more without his beard: Who is that babyface?


With all that said, to me SWTOR is not a 'fashion' game... well, at least not as far as your facial composition goes.


Yeah, changing clothes, fine, no problem... because (sadly) the game forces that upon you: 'Dear character, you just got another level, maybe it's time to get out of that armor you've now been wearing for 6 level... I mean, compare your defense with that of your companion!' - 'But Gamer, really? I mean I like that cool outfit... all the other stuff I've found, well, it offers better protection... but it just doesn't look 'me' you know...' - 'well, fine, if you feel like dying... again...'


But the rest? I mean tattoos, piercings actually do have reasons in SWTOR other than fashion.


And no, I don't think you need to show that you were on Tatooine by changing to a different skin color...


but hey, that's just me... *shrug*

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