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Top 3 wishes for the PVP system.


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I thought I'd make a post of the top 3 wishes for the PVP system. Please, somewhere in your post reply put something in the format you see me use below. I'll parse all the data once the thread gets a little bigger and make a list of the most wanted 'things'.


These things shouldn't be stuff like "Nerf sorcs lolightning" or "I want gearz kek" It should be things like WZ types, the addition of an arena style system. larger scale WZs, the ability to queue as an op, same faction PVP in all WZs, etc. just give me your top three and we'll see if we can put somethign together to give the Devs a real idea of what their community wants. For me...



1. Queueing as a full Op. (i.e. make an 8man Op and queue together)


2. larger WZs with 16 per side.


3. A world PVP area with a population based "boost" buff to account for population imbalance without eliminating potential world pvp fun time.



Current Top Ten per this thread.

1. Fix PVP Bugs (victory credits, WZs with 8v, 8v10, etc)


2. Add more World PVP.


3. Mitigate Population Imbalance.


4. Adjust medal system to be more balanced and focused on winning vs kill farming.


5. Add Arena style PVP


6. Add ability to Queue as a full OP


7. Add options for dealing with leechers and deserters.


8. Provide a ranking system.


9. Add more Warzones (preferences for Larger group sized WZs and Deathmatch style)


10. Balanced WZ Launch (8v8 to start)


I will keep this alive and update it every few pages of responses or so. I will start from the first set of responses each time and remove things from the list when they've been fixed. That should keep it alive and relevant. Thanks for the feedback so far!

Edited by Kiphere
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1- starting all warzones with eight people against eight people. Not 6v8 or 7v10 or 8v12


2- fix victories not counting for the daily quest


3- averaging 1 of each of the advanced classes in a random team of eight. Not 4 sorc, 3 merc and 1 random

Edited by ShizuXIII
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1. Get CC's and knock backs under control. Add a 45 second timer so you can't be CC'ed or knocked back for 45 seconds after you have been CC'ed or KB.


2. USE the Mythic developers to get some good PVP in the game. LOOK at DOAC AND WARHAMMER and you should be good to go. No need to reinvent the wheel.


3. Fix all these bugs in Warzones..

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1 Just let us use companions in Ilum to help when its 4 to 1 might not help alot but anything is better then what it is now.

2 Reward healers in pvp more then it is now.

3 End the extra people on one team in wz's 8v9 8v10 8v11 8v12 and donot let people reque until the game is over they started in.

Edited by eldubz
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A lot of things require pop... low pop servers, lower pop sides will be harder to implement, but shouldnt stop such things from being put in.


1. Still gear, but less reliance on it making such a difference at 50.


2. Choose your WZ, with maybe a queue number... (tho I get how some will be played more than others)


3. The glaring bugs... like WZ wins not counting, and WZ pop imbalance when one side can go over 8 players...


(and well not in my 3 but totally overhauling Illum is obvious :)

Edited by ErisktheRed
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1. Queueing with a full 8-man op


2. If somebody on your Huttball team is carrying the ball, put an indicator on their name in the op frames so that it's easier to target them for heals, buffs, guards, etc.


3. UI option to turn off titles and legacy names for other players so that their name in the op frame matches what you see on your screen (i.e. "Cuddlebug" on the ops frame isn't "Tyrant Cuddlebug Poopsalot" on your screen).

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2. USE the Mythic developers to get some good PVP in the game. LOOK at DOAC AND WARHAMMER and you should be good to go. No need to reinvent the wheel.


I fail to see why everyone thinks they should copy two failed games... The reason DAoC wasn't a huge success was because Mythic was in way over their heads with it.

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I fail to see why everyone thinks they should copy two failed games... The reason DAoC wasn't a huge success was because Mythic was in way over their heads with it.


DOAC isn't a failed game. It is still going today and made Mythic a lot of money. Just because a game doesn't have 10 million subs doesn't mean it's a failure. Many MMo's are built with a player base of 100k to 250k in mind to be very profitable.


DOAC is considered my many to be the best pvp in a MMO..

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  1. Fix the damn pvp bugs (warzones not counting, Ilum kills not counting etc)
  2. Fix the class balance - some classes is obviously OP in pvp
  3. Get some more warzones (sure fixing Ilum would be nice, but its gonna take a major overhall to make it work). But it gets old VERY fast to play Huttball.

Edited by Noer
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1) PvP that is relevant to the game, its story, and the factions - not just centered around gearing just for the hell of gearing. More world PvP. Less focus on instanced. DAoC, Dominus system. (Think about it. WZs are like mini-games who's sole purpose is a valor farm. They are otherwise irrelevant to the game. Ilum is boring, imbalanced, and worthless to the game with the exception of being an open-world valor farm.)


2) Wins count toward daily


3) Some way of mitigating the population imbalance

Edited by GameNirvana
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1. Never


2. Gonna


3. Happen


Not hating on the OP. I love when people are passionate about making something like this better, but BW's priorities place investors well before the gamers.


The world PvP needs nuking and something completely new in it's place. All the balances, patches, new content people want needs money which they don't want to put in.


My advice? Enjoy the story mode then wait on the next MMO.

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3) Some way of mitigating the population imbalance


How, though?


The best would be to introduce another faction and slide the BH and Smuggler class over to it and maybe throw in an extra class.


But that would require another 'capital' fleet station, new plots, new story, etc.


Alternatively, you could offer the incentive for Imps to go to Emp and all their stats etc would transfer ... but then the Reps might want the same deal so the same imbalance is kept.


Another solution would be just don't allow people on servers to make another particular class ... so they either quit, complain, or stick with the classes they have and play less.

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How, though?


The best would be to introduce another faction and slide the BH and Smuggler class over to it and maybe throw in an extra class.


But that would require another 'capital' fleet station, new plots, new story, etc.


Alternatively, you could offer the incentive for Imps to go to Emp and all their stats etc would transfer ... but then the Reps might want the same deal so the same imbalance is kept.


Another solution would be just don't allow people on servers to make another particular class ... so they either quit, complain, or stick with the classes they have and play less.




I think that If you play as a lightside sith/bh/w/e you should be able to go to the republic side and vise versa. Of course this requires like lvl 5 lightside points or something, because why not?. Really theres npcs in the game that have switched sides, why cant we?

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1 - More Open World PVP


2 - More Open World PVP


3 - More Open World PVP


/cheer :D


That was the great thing about Warhammer Online. Good Open World PvP is one of the greatests features in MMOs imho (saying as a "pvp only" player). Then they ruined it with the 1st expansion (was there a 2nd one? who cares now...?)

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Good stuff so far guys. When I hit 4 pages I'll consolidate the list and put a top 10 in the initial post.


It's not hurting us to tell them what we want, these forums are for feedback, my goal is to consolidate it in an easy to consume format for the developers. If we put up a list of the most wanted things from the community and they get ignored for a while then we have a legtimate complaint of "you don't care what we want". Until then we're just whining into the wind. Lets give em the valid feedback they want and see what they do with it.


Keep it rolling.


Also, thank you for not turning this into a flame fest. I appreciate it.

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1. Cross server warzones.


2. Complete and total pug and premade separation (in actuality, not just in theory).


3. Rankings and other fun stuff for premades, but no gear that gives an advantage in pug games. The gear either has to be the same (except maybe prettier) or scale down when a player enters a pug game.

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I think that If you play as a lightside sith/bh/w/e you should be able to go to the republic side and vise versa. Of course this requires like lvl 5 lightside points or something, because why not?. Really theres npcs in the game that have switched sides, why cant we?


That would actually be a really good idea.


I'd spam the crap out of my diplomacy to switch from V Dark to V Light for a new slant on things.


If you don't mind I may make another thread suggesting that.

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DAoC is the biggest game of his time, and come from a small company. DAoC was killed by a terrible expansion + terrible customer service. Daoc die cuz ppl had to stay for 6h killing mobs that used need 40+ ppl to kill and than don't get credit for it and call support who tell them, sorry but nothing we can do.

WH was fail at start cuz EA take over and they release a game that wasn't even half finished.


This game have so many options for a good World pvp. make planets that can Switch hands if players conquer the central city ,and to attack the planet you need first conquer a Space station on this planet. Each one off the planets could give you a minor bonus or something.

or make where we can really fight for a planet not like Illum.

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1 :- revamp how the medal system works (I love the idea of the medals it's just totally unbalanced on how many you can get depending on class/spec)


2 :- deserter debuff (if someone leaves a warzone they have 15 minutes before they can queue again)


3 :- arena, arena, arena lol

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1.) Reward Healers! Seriously...there is no reason for this oversight at all. This should have been in since day 1. I get zero credit in open world pvp if all I do is heal...which by the way...is what I SHOULD be doing if that is what I spec'd for. /fail BW...just fail...for not having thought about this. Warhammer Online had the best method of rewarding healers. Healers were equally rewarded as much as the DPS/tanks were. How were healers rewarded? They were rewarded for...wait for it....HEALING!!


2.) Fix Ilum

Please, implement some better pvp ideas into your game. The WZs are fun, but the open world pvp is extremely lack luster. Ilum is cool looking and could be a really fun place, provided it had the right objectives and mechanics implemented. The current mechanics are extremely boring!


3.) Look at Warhammer Online, DAoC or Aion for ideas for PvP. They all have very cool objective based world pvp.


4.) Fix the current bugs in your WZ too! Not having enough (or too many, doh!) players in a WZ is extremely frustrating. But what is even more annoying...is having to reinvite my buddies after every...single...friggin...Warzone....COM'ON!!! Seriously???....fix plz.

Edited by Bulde
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That would actually be a really good idea.


I'd spam the crap out of my diplomacy to switch from V Dark to V Light for a new slant on things.


If you don't mind I may make another thread suggesting that.



Go ahead but give me 100% credits ;P

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