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Everything posted by Bulde

  1. I can't believe someone actually posted on this. What you should be complaining about is that you STILL cannot queue up a full team of 8 (and should have been able to since day 1). If 8 (or 4 as is the case for now....which is lame) put forth the effort to all be online at the same time, get into vent/mumble, etc, and work together, they DESERVE to win. This has bothered me from day 1. I've waited patiently for the dev team to get their act together with the pvp systems in this game and they have just failed, again and again...and again. Wanted to see this game through, but my patience has run out. Peace.
  2. They never should have made rank mean nothing. Many people worked hard and put in many hours to work on getting their rank higher so they could obtain the best gear. Now, they come out and state that rank will mean nothing, and oh, by the way, gear will have no dependencies on rank what so ever. thanks BW! Gear should be rank dependent. But they are going to cater to the masses and ruin progression and worth of pvp in SWTOR all in one swoop.
  3. Agree. Maybe you already mentioned it and I missed it...but if not...also add to your list: No incentive to PvP right now if you already have all the BM gear since gear will no longer be rank dependent. I've been War Hero and had all the BM gear for a little bit now and since they announced that rank will mean nothing in 1.2, other than going into WZ to have some fun, it's kind of pointless now.
  4. No, Aion pvp was actually fun. Objective based, meant something. You didn't want to die. There was risk / reward for sure. The pvp was engaging.
  5. It would be very much appreciated by everyone if Healers received more credit in PVP for their efforts. Currently healers get less valor, medals, commendations, etc. in WZs for healing than do DPS for doing their respective role. Likewise, I was very shocked to find that Healers MUST ATTACK in world pvp to receive credit for kills. How are healers to focus on healing their group/raid when they have to also worry about tagging enemies so they get credit for Valor, quest credit, etc. This must be fixed. Healers get the short end of the stick in pvp no matter what the situation. Please address this. I can't believe the game was even released with this not even being considered.
  6. 1.) Reward Healers! Seriously...there is no reason for this oversight at all. This should have been in since day 1. I get zero credit in open world pvp if all I do is heal...which by the way...is what I SHOULD be doing if that is what I spec'd for. /fail BW...just fail...for not having thought about this. Warhammer Online had the best method of rewarding healers. Healers were equally rewarded as much as the DPS/tanks were. How were healers rewarded? They were rewarded for...wait for it....HEALING!! 2.) Fix Ilum Please, implement some better pvp ideas into your game. The WZs are fun, but the open world pvp is extremely lack luster. Ilum is cool looking and could be a really fun place, provided it had the right objectives and mechanics implemented. The current mechanics are extremely boring! 3.) Look at Warhammer Online, DAoC or Aion for ideas for PvP. They all have very cool objective based world pvp. 4.) Fix the current bugs in your WZ too! Not having enough (or too many, doh!) players in a WZ is extremely frustrating. But what is even more annoying...is having to reinvite my buddies after every...single...friggin...Warzone....COM'ON!!! Seriously???....fix plz.
  7. LOL I'm with you bro...it sucks. You got it baaaad though if you are 73 and having that bad a luck. I only have 2 pieces myself. : / But yeah...seriously, when it comes to PvP...this part is soooo true.
  8. All true. Seriously BW. The OP couldn't have said it any better. The upgrade between BM gear and Champ gear is extremely thin. Therefore...you should not have to burn through 20 or so bags to get 1 piece of gear. Nuff said. Fix soon plz or later.
  9. Some of the posts in this thread make me wonder what they are teaching kids in schools these days. Always use N-S-E-W.
  10. Maybe if you guys would allow us to transfer our actual characters over to the test server or at a minimum, allow us to roll a pre-made level 50, more people might actually use the test server. No one wants to go and roll a level 1 toon just to test stuff on the test server...not to mention, you can't test most of the content because you would have to level that toon up to 50 on the test server to test the high level content. Not allowing the community to transfer our characters to the test server or create lvl 50 toons is not constructive at all as most people are not going to even log in to the test server for that reason alone. Kind of silly you guys haven't addressed this.
  11. Warhammer Online was great. Loved my Rune Priest. Aion had killer PvP as well. WoW pvp was okay...meh. Fun at times, but not very balanced at all.
  12. This may not be the case for all servers, but my server (Shii-Cho) as well as many others are spread waaaay too thin with population. This creates major issues with portions of the game such as Ilum (just one example). Please, I ask of you to consider merging some of these servers you have. I understand you don't want people complaining about queue times, but I don't think that is an issue at this point. If people (like me) do not see servers merged (as they should be) and populations increase, more people will leave the game due to not having enemy to fight. Again, not all servers have this issue. But mine does, and sure a lot of others do too. Merge those server please! I saw it in Warhammer. If this does not happen, then you can bet, more people will leave due to dead servers. Please take this into account for your player base and escalate the issue up the chain to the correct individuals, and soon. I'm sure it will take some convincing. But what more convincing do you need. Not merging servers = people leave. period. been there. Thank you.
  13. I concur with this 100%. Being a healer myself, you are not nearly rewarded as much as DPS are. DPS'ing yields more medals period. DPS Medals/Valor: Kills Solo kill 2.5K hit 75K dmg 300K dmg (and I think I'm even forgetting some)... Heals Medals/Valor: 2.5K heal 75K heals 300K heals From strictly a pure healing perspective vs. a pure dps perspective, dps have far more opportunities to accrue more medals/valor. You do not have nearly as many opportunities in a WZ to get medals/valor from a pure healer perspective. bleh. additionally... There are ZERO incentives to heal in open world pvp (ie: Ilum) because you have tag the target yourself or you don't get credit. So essentially if you were to just heal, in an effort to keep up your group/operation, you will get nothing! How lame is that!
  14. In reference to what the OP is talking about, yes, I agree Illum is completely dead most of the time. 10 imps & 7 repubs when I last logged off. That blows. The zone is too big for that few people. Merging servers is in order if you want healthy servers full of life. Otherwise, they will continue to dwindle due to the lack of life currently in them. It's a dominoe effect. I'm talking from experience....ie: Warhammer Online. They waited too long to merge servers and it cost them big time. They merged them once, but it still wasn't enough. Needed a 2nd merge wave and they just didn't do it. Tons of people quite the game for that reason alone, though not the only reason. end game suckage was another.
  15. I have enjoyed the story and content of the game thus far...great story...blah blah. HOWEVER....I should not HAVE to do certain quests if I don't want to. I am level 50 and have old gray quests that I can not abandon that are taking up room in my quest log. It's making completing my daily quests a real pain in the arse! Please...for the love of God...let me abandon/delete these quests. It is completely rediculous that I do not have the option to remove them from my quest log. I'm not even talking about "Class Quests" either! They are just random regular quests...not class quests. This would be an extremely easy fix...yet...you guys are fixing crap that we dont even care about....case in point, the following: "Bug Fixes Kintan Behemoths no longer occasionally walk on top of trees when in combat. Updated 1/25" Seriously? Fix the stuff that matters and that frustrate your player base beyond all belief FIRST!
  16. 38 yr old professional, business analyst for a global company. Good to know I'm not the only one that lives a split life. None of my co-workers would ever guess that I log in and play an MMO for hours on end with buddies online.
  17. I am all for helping create factional balances and concur with the idea. The only issue I foresee is that not everyone will always be grouped in open world pvp. So for example, if I am empire and am running around solo, and run across a rep who is also solo, I don't stand a chance against him due to the fact that somewhere else on the planet there are a bunch of empire guys running around, thereby buffing the reps. Oh well I guess...
  18. Depends on if you want to heal, dps or tank. In pvp, if you want to heal or range dps, go merc. If you want to close range dps or be a tough target to kill, powertech.
  19. Fix option #1.) = bad idea. Fix option #2.) = good idea. Fix option #3.) = rediculous idea.
  20. I like this idea a lot. This portion of the idea "(Imperials and Republic can choose to be 'hired' to work for the Hutts to retain resources/capture points)" particularly will help address the faction balance issue.
  21. Good, solid, constructive and solution oriented post here. Exactly what we need more of. I concur with the above. One side note of my own...I play a healer. I have not had a chance to test open-world pvp from a group perspective yet. My question/concern is...do healers still get Valor for kills if all they do is heal and never contribute any damage to the enemy? If not, this certainly would need to be fixed in addition to the above or there will be no healers in open world pvp.
  22. Ditto. But ugh...I shouldn't have to start over and have wasted all this time into my current imp toon. :/
  23. Seriously dude... Someone creates a petition in an effort to HELP your factions situation and you still manage to say something negative and post garbage like this.
  24. Thats actually a really cool idea man. Hadn't thought about that. Would help even things out a bit. Would take some tweaking, but doable.
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