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"Lazy Listing" on auction:


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I am the laziest of the lazy as I find no entertainment on the GTN. If dropping those auctions on default gets me back out adventuring even 2 minutes quicker, it is worth it.


I generally see about 1 in 5 auctions complete successfully. The rest go to the vendor.


What I can't figure out is why people spend so much time playing the GTN for credits in a game.


It's not even as bad as people seem to make it out to be.... yes: you will need a calculator... just have one by your desk. Yes: you have to search using their terrible interface... once you get used to it though, it's so simple and takes like 2 mins max to list 7 pages of stuff. I barely spend any time with it... I'll list for 10 mins in the morning... and list again at night... buying out lazy listers and reselling at the normal market prices.


The reason for this post... besides calling out the folks making me millions... is to get Biowares attention about their "default" listing point and how bad of an idea it is... and maybe get them to consider changing the value to one that fluctuates with the market.... so then I can be a lazy lister too when I'm through making my goal.

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<and the other guy who posted before you in a similar fashion>



Dear guys assuming I spend more than about 10 mins in the morning and 10 mins at night on my auction toon and think this is the only outlet of fun I have with this game... you're wrong. And you are just pissed off that I caught you and called you out on being a lazy lister. Truth hurts sometimes. ;)


At first I thought.. "Is this guy for real".....

Now I just think... Sad, very very sad


Me thinks you ought to go play some other game where sales and profit actually mean something...


As your in such a giving mood, giving all us "Lazy Listers" a lesson in sales tactics and profit margins.. o wise market guru tell us... WHAT YA GUNNA DO WITH IT ALL.. nothing, cos from day one credits became a useless commodity.. like another poster said the only thing its remorely usefull for is repair bills.


So me thinks you need to come down from your butter mountain and get over yourself.. FOOOL! :rolleyes:

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Basically this. I remember painstakingly checking the linen prices or whatever in That Other MMO, carefully deciding my prices and cursing at the random person who would come by and undercut everyone by a ridiculous percentage. So I do get your attitude, OP.


However, in swtor, I just can't be bothered to fight with the GTN interface enough to see the going price of the mats or ship parts I'm selling. So, I don't, and I'm never so poor in the first place that I feel like I'm losing a whole lot. When I'm down on credits, I PVP a few matches.


Why do people think it's so hard to use the GTN interface? Here's my ritual for my Underworld Trader / GTN mule:


1) Log in

2) Accept my UWT mission returns

3) Send pets on new UWT missions

4) Gather up all my GTN emails, both sold & unsold

5) Walk 3 seconds from the mailbox to the GTN

6) Open inventory then open GTN

7) Do a search on GTN for Crafting Materials / Underworld Trading

8) For each item in my inventory I want to sell:

8a) Apply a GTN filter on a unique part of that item's name

8b) Find the lowest price per item on the first page and use that to determine my price per unit

8c) Split my stack into the stack sizes I want to sell

8d) List the stacks


It helps I suppose that I use a simplistic spreadsheet for the calculations in 8b-8d. Overall, I'm on this character for ~10 minutes per day.

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Things I've learned about the SWTOR economy from the forums:


Everything is too expensive and impossible to afford.

There is nothing to spend credits on.

You cannot make a profit on the GTN.

Crafting is useless and not profitable.


Things I've learned about the SWTOR economy in game:


All of the above are wrong.


No, they are not wrong on many servers. It takes a certain critical mass to have a healthy marketplace and some servers (and more often the republic side since they are lower population) just have horrible markets.


Busy servers, espacially Empire I have no issue selling things. (I was in two guilds in different games that migrated here.. one is on a busy PVP server emp side and the other is a lo pop rebublic side.


I can easily sell stuff on the busy servers, but even with huge losses can't sell anything on the slow ones. I just gave up crafting and selling excess mats on that slow server.


I really hope they merge the red and blue markets, but I doubt they will. They need server merges too for the low pop servers but likely won't do that either.

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Dear guy who is excited about making lots of imaginary money, I'm having fun playing a game.


I think he's having fun also, while making a profit doing it (always fun to make a profit). His point is valid, the default pricing is stupid and has no relation to actual market value, if anything the default price should match what the item going for on the gtn at that moment. I've been selling purple ship upgrades, the ah defaults to 10k when the item is selling for 40-44. Funny nobody lazy lists on that item....

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I for one go with the default price not that I am being lazy, I think it is fair price if I don't think it is a fair price I will usually lower it not raise it. I have never been one for price gouging and over inflating a market. If one feels the need to buy mine and then resell it at a higher price then so be it. I made money and if someone with more credits then sense buys at the new price then so be it.


I am secure enough an successful enough in real life I don't feel a need to do it in a virtual world.

Edited by Kelvian
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"Lazy Lister" - someone who goes by the pricing that the auction interface defaults to instead of looking at the current market pricing when listing their items on the auction house.


Dear Lazy Lister: first I want to thank you. You make my pocket book extremely fat. For whatever reasons you have... maybe you feel you are helping out a new person... or maybe you genuinely are just that lazy to bother to check or calculate.... whatever the reasons: you are making me rich. I will always buy you out because I know I can turn around, and within 30 minutes sell what you gave me at over 200 sometimes 500% profits. If it was an altruistic "I am trying to help a new person" you didn't. You put your credits into my bank pocket and you didn't help anyone but greedy ol' me. :D


So I understand bragging in places like old-school WoW, where money actually meant something, but seeing as credits are already worthless I'm not sure what's to brag about.


I guess I'm glad you're having fun, as well as anyone else reselling my 'laziness'. If you think shuffling through that interface to gain extra fake money is worth your time, and you enjoy it, all the power to ya man. If you want a direct line to my trash I'll COD it to you. I'm not bothering if real money isn't involved. :)


Edit: omg lol you have a spreadsheet? I don't think srs auction housing is for me - after staring at them all day I'm not voluntarily pushing them around at night.

Edited by Amyiss
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When I first used the GTN, I tried to price competitively, but now I can't be bothered with it.


I'm just there to unload some of the crap I can't use or don't need. Questing makes me enough money for what I need to do, so when I'm at the GTN, whatever the suggested price is, I cut it in half and sell.

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Dear OP,


No one is impressed. No, we're not jelly and we aren't just saying that because we're mad bro. We just aren't impressed. At all. Not even a teensy little bit.


If you want to feel superior with your ability to play the market game, go do it in EVE. It will be far more fun for you and you will get far more validation for your efforts to boot.


Or, better yet... go do it in the real world. Maximum fun, maximum validation.


I particularly liked the part where you took sole responsibility for keeping the market alive on your server. That was pretty good.


So, I guess what I'm trying to say is... 4/10.

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You think listing is lazy?


I just sell to the nearest vendor.


Sometimes I'm even too lazy to do that - I just delete items if I want to pick up a mission reward, even though the vendor is 10 feet away :)


It's crass to be worried about money frankly darling ;)

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I guess it's different with crafted items, I don't know why anyone would not want to maximize their profit for items they have invested time and material in.


Maybe we need an "occupy the gtn" protest, damn those greedy GTN investors!! ;)

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"Lazy Lister" - someone who goes by the pricing that the auction interface defaults to instead of looking at the current market pricing when listing their items on the auction house.


Dear Lazy Lister: first I want to thank you. You make my pocket book extremely fat. For whatever reasons you have... maybe you feel you are helping out a new person... or maybe you genuinely are just that lazy to bother to check or calculate.... whatever the reasons: you are making me rich. I will always buy you out because I know I can turn around, and within 30 minutes sell what you gave me at over 200 sometimes 500% profits. If it was an altruistic "I am trying to help a new person" you didn't. You put your credits into my bank pocket and you didn't help anyone but greedy ol' me. :D


Secondly: when I am through making my millions... my goal being around 100mil sitting on my banker after my alts hit max level... I will be leaving the market and unless someone else carefully babysits and culls the markets, you will ultimately be killing your server's economy and hurting everyone in your community. You don't help anyone.


Realize this: if you list your item for 1 credit per mat lower... it will sell.... it will sell just as fast as it would if you list it for your ridiculously low lazy list of 40 cred per mat. When the next highest is 200->500 cred per mat, you are seriously missing out on good credit by lazy listing.




Dear Bioware: why? Why did you include a default... and one that has zero rhyme or reason to what is currently happening on the market? I could understand if this number fluctuated and changed based on the average last 20 items sold... but it doesn't. it stays constantly painfully... stupidly low. Can you either a) REMOVE a default number as a price list or b) have it AVERAGE the last 20-40 items sold of a certain item... make the number more MEANINGFUL?


Thanks all around.


And it's people like you that post orange belts and bracers for $250k and then wonder why no one buys them.

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Dear OP,


Economics teaches us that there is an invisible hand that guides the market. The market doesn't require someone to "cull" cheap items from it and sell them at a higher price.


Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying it's a bad thing to do that. It's just a msitake to think you are saving your server's economy.





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You guys trying to bash me.... makes me laugh. And act all like "I'm so chill... and cool headed... just play the game for funsies" and yet you are trying to bash someone and getting all riled up.... completely opposite of your stance.


SO WHAT... like you say: it's a game. You wanna lazy list and make someone else rich: do it!!


In the end though? What if you could have BOTH... lazy listing... plus making some real credits for your listing? Wouldn't you want to be on board for Bioware making the default pricing meaningful? :confused:

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Credits doesn't hold much value in this game, nearly all end-game gear sets are bind-on-pickup. As such, I don't put much effort into using the GTN nor care to hoard credits in a pseudo-bullionist manner. Edited by Dinadan
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I'm a lazy lister, but depending on what items...


I just threw up 8 blue lv 27-35 items on GTM, and just went with default price. Why?

Because I wont bother check prices on stuff, I woulda normally just vendored anyway.

With 17.4M creds in my wallet, its not like I need more. (Yes, this was a brag, sorry).

Edited by Kanub
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You are welcome. Problem this game so far has absolutely no economy to engage in much commerce. I have over 1M (which is not a lot, I know), with nothing I want to spend it on. Everything of value to end-gamers do not come from BoE or Crafting, and all you have to do is 1 day of Ilum/Belsavis dailies, and you have another 200K. Money has no value in this game, so enjoy gorging your pockets with worthless credits while I do something of value like PvE or PvP. Edited by Turando
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I put stuff up on the AH for 10 credits before, and rest for what the AH says.


If you wernt so greedy your stuff would sell to, The buyer sets the price, you dont, if they would rather pay less then what you offer, your loss.


By your opinion i guess, you have to buy all your IRL stuff at the most expensive price ?


Oh thats right, Amazon and Walmart are powerfull as they are cheeper then competition.


You can lower your price or make less fake money! My items sold. Guess yours didnt

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Add an option to the Market interface to calculate the price per item for me, and I'll happily stop lazy listing.

I'd rather play the game than worry about maths. Yes, ironic since MMOs are games of numbers...I just prefer if the game does the calculations for me.



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When they fix the AH ill stop being lazy, i have to many items to unload and dont have the playtime to dedicate to sifting through this clumsy AH. Ill take what i can get. If you want to buy out my stuff thats fine by me, im still selling my crap... ive never understood people who get butthurt over people that play the ah. good for you, u got the time, i dont.
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