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The Death March that is lvl 50 Pvp


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I thought my guildies were exaggerating....boy they sure as hell werent.


I thought people who were raging about it were just people who werent real pvpers and wanted things handed to them, yup, i was wrong about that one too.


Level 50 pvp is a Death March. Its almost funny. This is my 50 pvp experience.


1) Hit 50

2) Bought 5 Champion Bags + 1 I had in cargo

3) Bought 1 Champion Piece/5 Centurion pieces(Earpiece,impants,relics, pistol, 305 exp. total)

4) Que up

5) Enter WZ

6) Run to objective

7) Get killed in 3 hits

8) Repeat 7

9) Repeat 7

10) Repeat 7

11) Repeat 7 another 6- 7 times

12) Lose WZ


Lol, its crazy. Now mind you im Valor level 50, Ive pvp'd as a Powertech since level 12. I do 8-10 WZ's a day. Ive never had any kinds of problems 1v1 against any class. I lose my fair share but i cant say theres any class that owns me regularly. Im not a pro, but im far from a scrub. From level 46 Ive been buying the LS with the +25 exp. enhancement, ripping it out and putting one piece in every custom piece I have. I had 125 exp before i even bought a piece of pvp gear.


I know my class backwards and forwards. I know the counters for most every other class. But in the 50 bracket, without full Champion gear, you just cant compete. Anyone who says they can is full of beans. No fresh 50 has any chance at competitive pvp in the 50 bracket (unless you're in a premade with others who have Champion Gear to babysit you), its a Death March.


Now Ive played MMOs the last 10 years. Ive pvp'd hard the last 5 in a game that shall remain nameless. Ive been on a 2k rated 2v2 team and a 2200 3v3 team.


Having said that Im not here to rage quit, im not gonna cry about unsubbing, im not calling for nerfs. Im gonna continue to take my beatings until I can level the playing field, but not everyone is like me. Having no chance to compete at the 50 level without the gear isnt fun for a lot of people. I thought those who came here to cry about it were exaggerating, boy they sure as hell werent.


The 50 bracket needs to be broken up into tiers itself.


Intermediate for those 50s who are fresh out the box who want to compete and Advanced for those who have the gear and want to take on those who also have the gear.


Continuously farming undergeared players doesnt take skill. Fighting players of the same gear level does.


Getting killed over and over for God knows how long till you get the gear you need to compete isnt fun. And while Ill take my lumps to get there, alot of others wont. Ive heard alot of harsh things being said about the pvp in this game and personally i disagree with alot of it. I think its pretty good.


But being a farm animal to higher geared players isnt a smart idea if you want to retain your playerbase.


Im not asking for a handout, im not asking for nerfs to any class, I can whip them all equally, im asking for a level playing field.


The Death March gear grind isnt fun.....




P.S. To the "L2P" people the names Jingo, im on the Darth Malak pvp server, feel free to stop by without your Champion gear and teach me to "L2P", im sure I can convince you otherwise.

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Now Ive played MMOs the last 10 years. Ive pvp'd hard the last 5 in a game that shall remain nameless. Ive been on a 2k rated 2v2 team and a 2200 3v3 team.



This is where I stopped reading. Seriously, leave this crap out if you want your post to seem credible.

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On the contrary. I also just started and I am a SCOUNDREL. Most defenseless class there is and then we still recently got nerfed. Do I die a lot? Yes. Do I still feel I accomplish things? Yes. And I am not a good pvp player. I have very little experience with it compared to most others. Now it is very different class to class but most people agree we have the weakest defense which is what you are remarking on.


Now the reason I don't have a problem in pvp. Good teamwork. I don't rely on the other team having bad gear or mine having good gear, though obviously that helps a great deal. What I found really helps is my team having good team work and at least a decent amount of gear. I think this is what really makes the difference in a pvp community. You hope pvpers are actually better socializers than pve but yes it's usually not the case. As well I've noticed republic usually has a much better community since we are the lower population.

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1) Hit 50

2) Bought 5 Champion Bags + 1 I had in cargo

3) Bought 1 Champion Piece/5 Centurion pieces(Earpiece,impants,relics, pistol, 305 exp. total)

4) Que up

5) Enter WZ

6) Run to objective

7) Get killed in 3 hits

8) Repeat 7

9) Repeat 7

10) Repeat 7

11) Repeat 7 another 6- 7 times

12) Lose WZ



Sounds like you need to change your lifestyle with mmo's atm, cause if you honestly are bored then add some flavor. What I mean is play other games, reroll another toon, craft, mingle, gank, try another server, another faction, raid, dance, laugh, listen to music, color, sleep, come back and try something new ect.


I could go on and on atm, what I mean is think outside the box, realize this game is in its first few months, take a chill pill and relax, alot more content and game is coming. :)

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Cause getting into melee undergeared is stupid. I think you mentioned being a powertech - meaning you have options. Not 100% ranged, but options anyway.


Meaning if you have more than a couple points in the defense tree or the middle tree as a new level 50 you're doing wrong.

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honestly, pvp is more about skill than gear, the times before 50 brackets prooved so, you could defeat lvl 50s while beeing lvl 20 missing half the talents and skills+ gear


Gear pre-50 is a whole different beast though, plus the undergeared players have bolstered stats, gear etc... so it's primarily about skill.


Once you reach 50 it's pretty much whoever grinded the most minigames, whoever click the most crates, whoever kill traded the most, whoever got lucky with RNG... wins.


Great PVP right there.


But yeah, it's easy to bypass. Just re-roll and have fun trying new classes, and taking down level 40's when you are level >15 - It's actually quite rewarding, plus there no gear grind or ilum to speak of. It's all win (comparatively speaking at least).

Edited by Jebi
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honestly, pvp is more about skill than gear, the times before 50 brackets prooved so, you could defeat lvl 50s while beeing lvl 20 missing half the talents and skills+ gear


that was only in the beginning before the 50's got 500+ expertise. It was a slaughterfest once they geared up.

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OP is right on the money.


The fact that expertise increases your damage against other players completely negates any possible argument you can make against the clear and present gear gap.

Edited by Gungan
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So no one on the other team has anything but full Champ/Battlemaster Gear eh? No one else just got to 50 too and only has the equivalent of 6 champion bags worth of gear huh? Can I assume then you are the last person on your server to hit 50 then? And if that's the case, doesn't that make you kinda slow, perhaps explaining your constant stream of defeats?


When I first turned 50, before I had any PvP gear, I too noticed that my attacks where doing ~10% of their damage to certain individuals. You know what I did then? Stopped attacking those individuals and drawing attention to my newbie self, instead choosing to spend my cooldowns fighting those toons that didn't resist 90% of my damage.


Perhaps you've just been unlucky and keep getting queued against Valor 60 premades, but statistically (insert derpa argument about Imps farming Valor on Ilum, since there are 100x the Imps vs Pubs on every server amirite? O except your an Imp, so your side should have more stuff), both your squad and the enemy squad will have the same ratios of people with Battlemaster/Champ/Centurion/No PvP gear on both sides. Math and population distributions are wonderful things.

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I hear there will be tiered based pvp soon from reading the dev forums. /crosses fingers.


I was a new lvl 50 powertech when the 50 only pvp bracket started. I solo que'd the last three weeks and slowly piece by piece got the gear.


I just hit 601 expertise, in about 3 weeks of pvp. I'm lvl 35 valor atm. I did alot of circling nascar style in center illum picking up boxes, alot of dying in warzones, and if I'm lucky 3 wins a night.

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stop the qq now , bioware did so you do get 15!!! cen commendations and 7x champion + chance to get champion gear on each bag now, and if you do get the item you still get 15x and 7x commendations !!


Before it was 3x and no gear or gear +1x commendations. that sucked now its pretty easy.

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OP is right on the money.


The fact that expertise increases your damage against other players completely negates any possible argument you can make against the clear and present gear gap.


sad part is expertise barely even matters. good teamwork and communication trumps expertise 10 times over


i wonder how many times the OP said 'incoming left/right/east/west/etc' in the Ops channel. im guessing it was WAY less than the number of times he went 'gomg gear trumps skill here!!!'

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Dude, I couldn't agree more, the people calling "L2P" are the same ones farming less geared teams over and over.


I hear a lot of people, and I mean a lot, saying the same thing, they love pvp and swtor, but 3 TIERS OF PVP GEAR in the first patch is so damn stupid. Why not leave it at centurion and make everyone play skill for skill? If your a true hardcore pvper, you dont play for gear anyways.

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305 exp is plenty to do at least average or better depending on skill. 305 expertise is 7.XX%, i'm at 495 (still not super high) is 10%, I think 495 expertise is slightly above average and it's still only 3% more than what you have on your first day of pvp. It was a HELL of a lot worse before this patch where you might've gotten 2 champ pieces if you were lucky and not enough cent comms for a single piece. What more do you want?


Edit: I hit 50 on this character two weeks ago, in a much harder to gear in scene with opponents that had been 50 since prelaunch weekend, and yeah, I lost more often than not, but I didn't feel useless, and I'm on a Marauder. One day I opened 12 bags by turning in my 2 dailies, both weeklies, and grinding out 4 merc bags in the process, got less cent tokens than you did with the 6 you got from hitting 50, and got an implant that i already had.

Honestly, take your lumps, we all did, and you'll have to take a lot less than us to get up to speed.

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Cause getting into melee undergeared is stupid. I think you mentioned being a powertech - meaning you have options. Not 100% ranged, but options anyway.


Meaning if you have more than a couple points in the defense tree or the middle tree as a new level 50 you're doing wrong.


If you are geared you should be using the shared tree anyways.


Edit - To some who only think about expertise. Stats guys, stats. You get a 30% upgrade on stats from gear blue 50 to champion, and that's damage and healthpool. A fresh started 50 with some champion/centurion gear is at 14k health at best while buffed with 1200 main stat, and their damage isn't only mitigated by expertise, it is also WAY lower than a 50 geared who is sitting around 1500/1600 main stat and 17k health.


It isn't lineal, there is a small gap between centurion and blues, and there is BIG FAT gap between centurion and champion. That gap makes an abyss of difference. Luckily, it's pretty fast to even the playing field getting champion gear, even easier nowadays. On less than a week you should be able to compete, not many games can say that. If you don't have the guts to play pvp on a game with pvp based on gear progression as it's main focus for ONE week, then man, quit already (but quit from themeparks mmo's entirely ;P).


And i am a guy with 2 50's champion/bm geared, so no, this isn't a QQ post.

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If you are geared you should be using the shared tree anyways.


Edit - To some who only think about expertise. Stats guys, stats. You get a 30% upgrade on stats from gear blue 50 to champion, and that's damage and healthpool. A fresh started 50 with some champion/centurion gear is at 14k health at best while buffed with 1200 main stat, and their damage isn't only mitigated by expertise, it is also WAY lower than a 50 geared who is sitting around 1500/1600 main stat and 17k health.



While this may be true, someone with 305 expertise and a couple champion pieces needs to just play more cautiously. When i started out on my Marauder with 150-200 expertise early on and mostly oranges, I'd find low health people, people 1v1ing and make them 2v1s, healers who can't hit me back to disrupt some heals enough so that hopefully one of my more geared allies could take out their targets (whom i couldn't touch.)

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