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10 Good
  1. Didn't take long for them to change that stupid design choice! Thank god.
  2. Oh damn thanks, that helps greatly so I don't waste my vanish most of the time.
  3. Yeah that quote is pretty horrid. According to their statistics at guild summit we are the least played advanced class. With Sorcs being the highest. I just started playing a sorcerer to see if the rumors were true. They sure as hell have more dps and plenty of CC abilities. Seriously what class does not have tons of stuns. Sure we can do a lot of damage on that initial stun unlike other classes. But also unlike others we can't do **** after our initial damage. It's not only us though. They've constantly nerfed burst damage since they apparently want no one to come into the forums crying. The surge nerf was the same. I played scoundrel first because I wanted to be the less played class, knowing everyone would choose force user classes. And I chose scoundrel because shotgun stealth is ******. Who cares about dual pistols. But man they have just kicked the **** out of us only because pvp players, which they have clearly made not their focus, come in and cry about being killed in stunlock, which is complete ********. Also don't forget the dirty fighting spec is completely useless to this AC. Would be nice to see them fix that at least, but no they just continue to **** us over. Gee, wonder why we are the least played class. Usually stealth type characters to get over played in other MMO's but we have seriously been ****ed. I am playing others. But I really wish my first character and a class with an actually fun unique idea were viable. Should this game really just turn into Star Wars: Jedi vs Sith?
  4. The real annoyance for me is that our vanish becomes useless in pvp because it will quickly be removed by a DoT. And unless you run in with shoot first and immediately vanish you usually have a DoT put on you. I would be fine with it if we had some other defense mechanisms. But scoundrels by far have the weakest utility abilities. All we have are a couple of CC abilities and vanish would be great if it weren't so easily removed.
  5. I've been disconnected twice just before the balloon got there now too. Not even the dissapearing balloon. Disconnected at almost the exact some place. Really wish they would just not use a stupid mechanic of a floating platform that is clearly buggy. If you get disconnected at any point during the 30 minutes you've also wasted your time. I don't usually get disconnections that often but this is twice now it's happened to me.
  6. But I love speeder rides. It's my favorite part of this game.
  7. I don't have this problem but sympathize. This is the same kind of problem I feel keeps cropping up with these patches though. They just all feel rushed. Not only do new bugs pop up every patch, poor design schemes that just seem like they didn't have enough time to really check if they were good ideas get put in. I really wish they'd stop pumping things out and just do a few fixes at a time that they took lots of time on to not only test but make sure they are actually good choices. They had good intentions with this but seeing every icon on my screen flash every GCD is just pointless. Would have been fine had they made it only trigger on individual cooldowns and not GCDs. Or make it an option instead.
  8. On the contrary. I also just started and I am a SCOUNDREL. Most defenseless class there is and then we still recently got nerfed. Do I die a lot? Yes. Do I still feel I accomplish things? Yes. And I am not a good pvp player. I have very little experience with it compared to most others. Now it is very different class to class but most people agree we have the weakest defense which is what you are remarking on. Now the reason I don't have a problem in pvp. Good teamwork. I don't rely on the other team having bad gear or mine having good gear, though obviously that helps a great deal. What I found really helps is my team having good team work and at least a decent amount of gear. I think this is what really makes the difference in a pvp community. You hope pvpers are actually better socializers than pve but yes it's usually not the case. As well I've noticed republic usually has a much better community since we are the lower population.
  9. Tophatter

    Republic PvP

    I never hear anyone whine about it on my server. Actually most of us like being the underdogs. I'm glad I'm not empire so I don't have to play with stupid teenagers.
  10. Tophatter


    What is this I don't even
  11. It does make channels proc faster but I don't think so on dots. And for some classes that is a good thing. Don't know about Gunslinger. But the longer someone is bleeding the better for Scrappers. Alacrity is not for us unless you are a healer. Even then I think healers also want to make sure their heals are big enough before they would let this stat go up instead of another.
  12. That's because it's a chance for you to have sex! You don't want to have sex in a canteena like a Twi'lek whore.
  13. Yeah, let's turn this game into a bunch of bunny hopping ********. Sounds great to me.
  14. Surprised there are not more posts on this. This happens to me a lot recently apparently Good god, make the timer better or fix it starting before your loading screen is finished.
  15. Oh yeah, was forgetting about Episode 1-3 where Republic did rule till Palpatine came in. Well at any rate the Republic is certainly barely surviving now. The Empire can raze a planet like Taris. The Republic has signed a treaty with an Empire that obviously has no qualms about breaking it just to survive. The only thing we have going for us is that the Empire will destroy themselves due to their backstabbing nature.
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