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  1. All I would do on a Tanksin if I wanted to beat a Marauder would be force sprint around a corner after cloak of pain or use electrocute and wait out 2 seconds of dps until it wears off, if you can cc and wait out cloak of pain I don't really see how'd you lose on a Tanksin, especially if you use a shield generator. If you save kick/vanish for undying rage or just pop deflection then they're dead in the water.
  2. The damage by itself isn't the issue, it's the damage + the cc + the survivability + the utility that having a tough bastard with stealth and a vanish brings.
  3. As much as anyone might hate to admit it he has a few valid points on some issues. I'm not going to claim to be the best Marauder on my server, but I'm up there. When I fight the person to be considered the best Sorc on the server, in a spec TAILORED to dealing with melee the only time I ever lose is if my cds are already up, AND he has all of his. Marauders are a class that exists outside of the meta currently, and that's why they're FOTM. They just straight up beat everyone, save tank sins but it's close with them. Someone else said it best, it's like the other classes are Rock < Paper < Scissors and Marauders are Shotgun. I GUARANTEE in a few months we'll get nerfed. But we definitely, DEFINITELY don't need any sort of buff.
  4. But Sorcs/Sages aren't OP and they never were, lol.
  5. I'd say 50% damage reduction without even requiring talent points and a possible 6 second duration on cloak is a buff for Anni, 2 points in cloak DR is debatable on effectiveness especially if you have defensive roll as well.
  6. Valid tactic, pvp isn't fair, you're trying to win.
  7. Im sure you can cancel it like any channel, probably has the same effect as with the talent they're removing. It'll make it so they have to stun, knockback, or run out of range to avoid it. It'll be pretty epic with the root talent for the middle tree.
  8. Carnage will probably pull ahead of Anni for raid dps, as it was considered to be pretty close before in drawn out fights, and considered to be actually better for bosses where you didnt have 100% time on target, or had small windows to actually burn the boss. (3rd phase of soa, annihilator droid for instance)
  9. Don't really see how you can say AoE is useless. The smash crits are among the highest single damaging burst attacks in the game, and you can do two in the space of 10 seconds. Burst is good in pvp. AoE wrecks guard, AoE pressures multiple people on the enemy team and forces the healers to attempt to play catch-up to heal others while they're still being hit. If the healer has to focus on himself, it should be relatively easy to pick off his weakened teammates around him due to the fact that the AoEs are burning them down just as hard as the main guy you're focusing. A sustained dps like an Anni Marauder, a Pyro PT, an Arsenal merc, etc + a heavy burst user (something like a Smash spec for instance) Is an extremely potent combination and frankly is stronger than two sustained dps when it comes to killing healers. After 1.2, rage spec will be just as viable as Anni.
  10. Anni didnt get destroyed, everything else just seems to have been brought in line with it (a good thing). *Edit* Also, I play Anni, but I've messed with rage. Don't see how Anni is any harder, you have to keep track of a couple more things but that's it. Use deadly saber on cd, use rupture on cd, use annihilate on cd isn't any harder than force charge > force crush, smash after 4 shockwave builds up, force choke, smash on cd. If anything you actually have to watch the buff and know how to avoid getting kb'd during the animation. Average people can do okay in any spec, and bad people will fail in any spec imo. People act like this is the hardest class to play in any MMO ever and it really, really is not.
  11. How does it? My priority system is fine for Wzs, following a strict priority system is fine for pve but pvp is much more dynamic and 2/3 of the time it won't work out the way you have it planned. And when you didn't mention Bloodthirst at all.... Do you have a Marauder or Sent? If not make one, follow your priority system and be the king of your server. Situational awareness? Objective mindset? Intelligent use of defensive cds? Who cares about those when you've got a priority system? I could whip out my epeen and talk numbers in wzs, post screenshots, even fraps a pvp video for you if I wanted, but people with superiority complexes are wastes of time.
  12. My Laptop and my mouse are 7 years old, my mouse has 2 buttons and a wheel. I do very well in WZs on my server and get invited to premades constantly. It's not even hard. Imo warrior on WoW was 10x harder than this. All classes should be relatively equal when played at the top skill level and they're not, Marauders are stronger than the others. Like someone else said I don't have to worry about ANY class in voidstar and ald, and the only class I have to worry about in huttball matches are snipers on platforms, but I just LoS them and kill them if they try to follow. In fact, I have a 50 Sorc and while I get good overall damage on it (sometimes even more than on my Marauder) I feel like I have to work 3x harder to survive because melee two shot me and they're nigh impossible to kite for long enough to actually kill before I go down, regardless of the cds I pop the ccs I use, etc. Starwars is the easiest MMO to look like an above average or good player that I've ever been a part of tbh. Not saying that's a bad thing but go join a WoW private server and get a free 80 Warrior and see how long it takes before you stop getting destroyed.
  13. Being the best duelist in the game has its own distinct advantages, but they bring some of the best group buffs, an extremely good blind for peeling other melee off of healers, they're second in ball running only to tank Juggs, and they're the most self-sufficient dps in the game. Then you look at things like what a Marauder in a premade with healers can do and what an Op a BH or a dps Jugg can do and it just doesn't stack up because of the crazy amount of defensive cds they get. Don't get me wrong, I play a Marauder and I love it. But I've had so many situations where I started at an extreme disadvantage or even admittedly got outplayed and still came out on top just because I feel like we got everything.
  14. I lol @ people who think the only reason why anyone would ever massively outdamage them consistently in their games is because the people on the other team are "undergeared" You can have 400 expertise in a day or two if you save a bag and 1000/1000 comms for when you hit 50 and then do the dailies/weeklies, easily gets you 1-2 champ pieces and 4+ cent pieces. Cent to champ is a fairly large stat gap, but the damage you take should go down significantly with the expertise, champ to bm is 1-2% stat increase, a guy in 100% champ gear has what, 10-11% damage reduct? In full BM it's 12.7 or something. Such a small difference lol. Only time that would come into play is if it was 2 players on equal ground skill wise and cd wise, and when does that happen? I'm in full champ with BM mainhand, Rakata offhand, and BM bracers on my Marauder, when I pop stims/adrenals I still crit full bm ops for like, 4.2k mainhand 600 offhand with annihilate sometimes, and like 4.6k on clothies. The reason why carnage is a spec that's looked down upon is because you have to spend several gcds setting up a burst rotation for a force scream that hits for around the same as an Annihilate, but you just don't have the sustained damage of the bleeds, or the +10% melee damage from the stance itself. If you can make it work you can make it work, but I've had 450k+ games vs players as geared or better geared than I.
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