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Alot people forget that this game is new...


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Lol what??? This isn't my favorite game. That's more of your delusions getting a hold of you. Please don't make stuff up if you have nothing of any real value to say.


As for us waiting in hopes it will eventually get better? Right.... You think this game is going to stay the same as it is right now? More delusions. Obviously it's going to get better. They will add content, tweak content, and remove things people don't like.



And if they took advantage of us, doesn't that mean they took advantage of you too? I didn't buy the CE. Sounds like something a "fanboy" would do, though...


If you want to be treated like an adult, please act like one. ;)


You're STILL not grasping that everyone wants improvement. Regardless of you whining in the forums about spending all this money on a game you obviously had no real clue about (or else you wouldn't have slapped down all that money), it's going to take as long as it's going to take for it to come out.


Whining does not equal quicker patches and updates to content.


Wow easy there lil guy...It will be ok :D

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All the WoW diehards can enjoy running DS weekly until MoP releases sometime in Q3.


"TOR is missing basic features" = "This game should be WoW" :confused:


*Need I remind everyone that BW wasn't even capable of implementing a basic search function in the market? I'm just glad nobody at BW works for Google, Yahoo, or Bing.


[Drop down] Select general category (list of 100,000 categories)

[Drop down] Select sub category (list of 4000 sub categories)

Click search

Enter keyword filter

Click filter

Hope you didn't select a field where things are improperly listed (Custom armor not showing when custom is selected. . .)

Edited by Vodalus
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No gurantee anywhere - not even a mention - about all the fun features and activities that fans have come to expect in a AAA massively multiplayer online game being in place at release or even close to it. Some choose to read things into what's printed then platform them into instant expectations. That's too bad. They're only beating themselves up when they do.


This is the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. You're trying to argue semantics when the quote quite clearly implies all this will be available when you buy the product. Using the very same logic you use, every single retailer in the world would be able to just send you IOU cards instead of actual products whenever you buy anything because the delivery date never specified you'd get the whole product as described by then.


Not really, Cata has been a joke. Blizzard has failed immensely since the launch of Cata. LFR...LOL


LFR has been one of their most successful additions to the game recently. Heck, SW:TOR seems to be trying to imitate it with the ridiculously easy normal mode instances that auto assign loot to "avoid drama".

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Utter, complete, total nonsense. You are 100% incorrect.


"Star Wars" is not science fiction, it is space fantasy; a modern mythology that got all of its ideas and archetypes from various mytho-religious sources.


Lucas took basic concepts and ideals from the eastern and western canons of religion and mythology to create a fantasy universe.


Yes, there are space ships. Yes, there are robots. But they are characters in a fantasy world. It's the world that makes the genre, not the races in it.


If you think that the fantasy genre requires elves and orcs or it's not fantasy, then you have absolutely no clue what the fantasy genre actually is.


"Star Wars" is fantasy. That's why there are impossible things like lightsabres, the mystical Force (although that just turned out to be blood bugs) and the quasi-religious Jedi and Sith orders.


Your talking about semantics.... Oh its fantasy because its a mythos... In that case Marvel heros are a fantasy because its a mythos too...


Oh and impossible things? Well the Matrix is fantasy then because of the impossible things in it... And Star Trek as well must be fantasy because of the impossible things in it... And before you say some of the Trek stuff is true now well in 100 years lightsabers could be real... Just because its not possible now doesnt mean it wont be in the future... Look at Star Trek... Alot of what we saw back then was considered completely and totally impossible and never be able to happen... Yet now alot of it is possible.


As for the mystical force... That is based in reality... Its called Ki, Chi, and Qi..... And can do amazing things. Go look it up before you reply please... Dont want to spend 3 hours trying to explain it to you.


Your talking fantasy as in not real or make believe.... I am talking fantasy as in high fantasy... But your trying to combine that with all the things that Lucas used to influence him in the making of Star Wars to fill in all the holes in your pathetic argument...


Just because Lucas was influenced by mythology doesnt make it fantasy.... If that were the case then every movie, book, comic, etc could be considered fantasy since most writers, directors, etc are influenced to a small or large degree by myths and legends... Good versus evil is a concept centuries old... Heroes and villains just as old.... So by your definition every movie that has good versus evil must be fantasy... Federation versus Romulons/Klingons/Borg/etc.... Good versus evil. Star Trek is fantasy. Any movie that has a hero and villain must be fantasy.... Batman and the Joker... The Dark Knight is fantasy...


Now if you mean fantasy as in not real then everything fiction is fantasy....


But Star Wars is and always will be Sci Fi.... Yes there are some elements of high fantasy in it... Every science fiction work has elements of high fantasy in it. People try to classify Star Wars as high fantasy because of the influences and theme... Yet those themes are played out in everything from action to sci fi to drama... And they always fail to mention that part...


WoW has some elements of Sci Fi in it but I would be laughed off the WoW forums if I called it a Sci Fi MMO...


The defintion of science fiction is a work that draws imaginatively on scientific fact in plot theme and setting... But that in and of itself is a bad definition as most science fiction will draw from myth (as I explained above) and scientific fact. Plot has little to do with scientific fact since most science fiction draws from mythical sources at their cores. Theme is once again another bad reference point as theme can also come from mythical sources... Really the setting is the only hard fast rule imo... And thanks to blasters, star fighters, aliens, droids, etc... well that is a clear sign of that setting.


The biggest argument people use in favor of fantasy is the first thing you see... "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...." They always want to point at the "long time ago" part and never seem to want to touch on the "galaxy far far away"... It points to advanced travel hyperdrives and such. And last time I checked most people "a long time ago" didnt know about "a galaxy far far away"..


Now if you want we can discuss this whole thing further sometime... But right now I am gonna play the best MMO imo.... Star Wars The Old Republic...


If you want the truth of it... Straight from the creators mouth.... Lucas has said its a Space Opera, a Space Western, and more simply A Tale of Two Droids....



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Oh and impossible things? Well the Matrix is fantasy then because of the impossible things in it... And Star Trek as well must be fantasy because of the impossible things in it... And before you say some of the Trek stuff is true now well in 100 years lightsabers could be real... Just because its not possible now doesnt mean it wont be in the future... Look at Star Trek... Alot of what we saw back then was considered completely and totally impossible and never be able to happen... Yet now alot of it is possible.


There's a significant difference between Star Wars and Star Trek. Star Trek attempts to explain it's science and keep some baseline in reality. In general, science fiction works try to explain how or why their science works. Sure they use more advanced science than currently possible, and might violate several current scientific laws, but they attempt to explain how or why this changed, and they are usually set in a fictional future of our current timeline.


Star Wars doesn't really seem to attempt any of this. Sure the universe it exists in feels like science fiction because it is a futuristic universe, but the science never really mattered in Star Wars. Lightsabers are swords made of light. How or why? Because they are. The force is sort of like magic in fantasy. How or why? Because they are. Hyperdrive gets you from point A to B really fast. Etc, you get the idea.


I think that's why SW has a lot more of a fantasy vibe than some of the sci-fi examples mentioned, because it downplays the science (it doesn't matter one bit for the story).


Edit: And fantasy does not need elves or magic for that matter. Look at Game of Thrones, it's hardly the stereotypical wizards and warriors, elves and orcs, etc, but it's still considered fantasy.

Edited by Morthis
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And yet players love the feature. Go figure.


Not sure who you're generalizing as "players" here, because over 30 of my WoW guildies quit because of LFR.


There are people who will take the path of least resistance, because they don't care about GS, they care about experiencing content and story. When you can experience all of the end-game content two weeks after it launches, the feature gives people no reason to resub.


As per WoW, many servers are ghost towns. People may be paying, but they sure aren't playing.

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This is the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. You're trying to argue semantics when the quote quite clearly implies all this will be available when you buy the product. Using the very same logic you use, every single retailer in the world would be able to just send you IOU cards instead of actual products whenever you buy anything because the delivery date never specified you'd get the whole product as described by then.
It implied nothing. Even in software's case there is a list of features on the box. I have the retail CE gamebox and nowhere on it does it even allude to "all the fun features and activities that fans have come to expect in a AAA massively multiplayer online game." Nothing misleading on the web store either, which is essentially DD's version of a retail box: http://buy.swtor.com/us/


Folks are free to perceive what they want. I personally had no misconceptions based on a 3½ year old press release. It was a MARCOM-fueled positioning statement, not a product launch action plan.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Not sure who you're generalizing as "players" here, because over 30 of my WoW guildies quit because of LFR.


There are people who will take the path of least resistance, because they don't care about GS, they care about experiencing content and story. When you can experience all of the end-game content two weeks after it launches, the feature gives people no reason to resub.


As per WoW, many servers are ghost towns. People may be paying, but they sure aren't playing.


Once LFR came out I was no longer interested in downing the content. LFR cheapens the entire process of raiding IMO. Dungeon finder was a good addition IMO. LFR takes it way too far.


If I had to pick a reason why I unsubbed WoW it would be the combination of LFR and kung-fu panda happening at about the same time. I felt no excitement for the game. In truth it's been building for all of Cata, but these were the single greatest catalysts.

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Not sure who you're generalizing as "players" here, because over 30 of my WoW guildies quit because of LFR.


There are people who will take the path of least resistance, because they don't care about GS, they care about experiencing content and story. When you can experience all of the end-game content two weeks after it launches, the feature gives people no reason to resub.


As per WoW, many servers are ghost towns. People may be paying, but they sure aren't playing.


These statements are meaningless. I could say that my guild of 300 players all love LFR so much they signed up for the one year plan, it means absolutely nothing because we can both make up whatever number we want or whatever statement we want about this.


Blizzard, on the other hand, does have the information, and they've already stated LFR has proven to be extremely popular. Now even if you're the tinfoil hat type who thinks Blizzard is lying about this, try queuing for LFR on a North American server in the middle of the night (for NA), you'll see that even in the middle of the night, you can often get a group within 10 minutes as dps, and within a minute as healer. It's obvious tons of people use it.


As for the paying but not playing thing, this should be roughly equal for all MMO's (as in, an equal percentage of players for each MMO are paying but not playing) unless you can name some specific reasons why this would be more common for WoW than other MMO's.

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I find it hilarious when fanbois come here and try to deflect the valid criticism of this game by saying that companies are punished "for trying something new". How laughable!


This game is a WOW-clone so don't come here and try and claim anything else. If they wanted to do "something new" then they might have come up with their own classes, game mechanic and spells (instead of creating a carbon copy of WOW).


If they really HAD tried something new and fresh then I'd also have a lot more understanding for any design problems (I personally don't care about bugs that much because they are not intentional and happen in every large software project).


I've been playing EVE online since its infancy and I can tell you that I've seen tons and tons of very severe bugs (losing months of work to bugs for example) and heaps of terrible design choices but did I ever leave that game? NO! Because it was something new and fresh instead of simply going the lazy arse route that BW chose by copy/pasting WOW (while not actually copying the features that make WOW a well designed game).


So the argument about BW "trying something new" and being more forgiving on the account of it is totally moot (the people that claim this are either: BW alts, blind fanbois or never played WOW so they don't realize this is a (terrible) WOW-clone).

Edited by gaalon
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I find it hilarious when fanbois come here and try to deflect the valid criticism of this game by saying that companies are punished "for trying something new". How laughable!


This game is a WOW-clone so don't come here and try and claim anything else. If they wanted to do "something new" then they might have come up with their own classes, game mechanic and spells (instead of creating a carbon copy of WOW).


If they really HAD tried something new and fresh then I'd also have a lot more understanding for any design problems (I personally don't care about bugs that much because they are not intentional and happen in every large software project).


I've been playing EVE online since its infancy and I can tell you that I've seen tons and tons of very severe bugs (losing months of work to bugs for example) and heaps of terrible design choices but did I ever leave that game? NO! Because it was something new and fresh instead of simply going the lazy arse route that BW chose by copy/pasting WOW (while not actually copying the features that make WOW a well designed game).


So the argument about BW "trying something new" and being more forgiving on the account of it is totally mute (the people that claim this are either: BW alts, blind fanbois or never played WOW so they don't realize this is a (terrible) WOW-clone).


They did make their own classes just so you know...wow didn't even do that.

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Blizzard, on the other hand, does have the information, and they've already stated LFR has proven to be extremely popular.


As for the paying but not playing thing, this should be roughly equal for all MMO's (as in, an equal percentage of players for each MMO are paying but not playing) unless you can name some specific reasons why this would be more common for WoW than other MMO's.


only wow has the one year pass currently (with d3 as bonus, other one year plans just give you better money value than a shorter sub).


and numbers are one thing. it might be popular, yet player numbers are still declining (and that's people canceling their subs, not just people taking hiatus till MOP). you also have to consider that there is NOTHING besides raiding at one point - and LFR is the path of least resistance. it might be cool and awesome now (because, what else is new in wow?), how it's perceived in 3/6/9 months is a completely different matter.


so "60% of the players like it = success" can still imply the other 40% quit (=less money). at the end of the day it's just PR.

Edited by Graburr
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They did make their own classes just so you know...wow didn't even do that.


Well, they took existing talent trees and assigned them to new classes and mixed some new abilities in here and there.


But it's still a carbon copy of WOW. Just compare the SWTOR healing abilities with the WOW healing abilities... half of them are identical except for the name and icon.


You simply can't tell me that the game designer who came up with Resurge (for example) didn't have the WOW-equivalent (Riptide) in mind when he "invented" it. The same goes for Innervate (SWTOR) and Penance (WOW) or Static Shield (SWOTR) and Power Word: Shield (WOW) or Kolto Shell (SWTOR) and Water Shield (WOW).


They are clearly copies. Adding a few talents that give +3% spell crit instead of +5% haste isn't exactly what I'd call "innovation", ey?


I mean hell... even the stats in SWTOR are not original... they're simply WOW game mechanics with slightly changed names (Alacrity for Haste etc.).


So nobody tell me this game is "new". It's a WOW-clone with SW skin and mediocre voice acting instead of quest-texts.


I'm surely not willing to cut BW any slack for being to bad to even steal other games concepts.


If it actually WERE new and fresh then OK... but this? A slap in the face (and half of this community don't only take it lying down.. no... they actually like it... Stockholm-syndrome much?)

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This game as been out for 2 months. IDK *** they were thinking not implementing all this stuff! That is soooo much damn time! Surusly get to work ea cmon. Why am I paying for this game that isn't perfect 2 months after release?! I mean damn.../sarcasm


so your argument is the game was in development for 2 months, wow ea really is awesome.


Stop being surprised a product is compared to it's CURRENT competitors.

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WoW didn't even have some of the standard features of MMOs that existed back when it launched so your argument is entirely valid. And of course WoW wasn't really even playable at launch.


Excuses, This is a 2012 game, it needs to launch with the standard features otherwise why play it? Tera is launching with an LFG tool and a combat log and everything, i'm probably going to switch over to that game because it is going to have everything i want in an MMO right out of the gate.


Until you actually PLAY Terra. Once you do, you'll find a lot of new stuff to complain about. This is what the MMO community does. They have that "the grass is always greener...." mentality until they get on the other side of the fence. Then they hate the grass there too. lulz

Edited by eklipzze
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I find it hilarious when fanbois come here and try to deflect the valid criticism of this game by saying that companies are punished "for trying something new". How laughable!


This game is a WOW-clone so don't come here and try and claim anything else. If they wanted to do "something new" then they might have come up with their own classes, game mechanic and spells (instead of creating a carbon copy of WOW).


If they really HAD tried something new and fresh then I'd also have a lot more understanding for any design problems (I personally don't care about bugs that much because they are not intentional and happen in every large software project).


I've been playing EVE online since its infancy and I can tell you that I've seen tons and tons of very severe bugs (losing months of work to bugs for example) and heaps of terrible design choices but did I ever leave that game? NO! Because it was something new and fresh instead of simply going the lazy arse route that BW chose by copy/pasting WOW (while not actually copying the features that make WOW a well designed game).


So the argument about BW "trying something new" and being more forgiving on the account of it is totally moot (the people that claim this are either: BW alts, blind fanbois or never played WOW so they don't realize this is a (terrible) WOW-clone).


Then why are you here? Feel free to go play your crappy wow game. We won't miss you. ;) And fyi, I'm no BW fanboy. In fact, I hated Dragon Age and Mass Effect. If things haven't changed 5 or 6 months after launch, I will complain. But I don't whine at launch, ever. And I have played a lot of MMOs.

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This argument is such garbage. Do new car makers compare themselves to the Model T? When a new movie comes out do you compare it to silent films? They didnt create SWTOR in a secret bunker without influence from the outside world. Just look at how much they borrowed from WoW. You would think they could make some improvements here and there. This game shouldve came out of the gate a lot more feature rich and a lot more polish. They decided to rush it to boost revenue and in my opinion, it has severely backfired. Releasing it before MoP and GW2 might have brought them some bored gamer money, but it also gave us a broken product and probably doomed the game's future...
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Why would you need those things? There is only 1 monitor size on the market. There is only 1 desk configuration. There is only 1 kind of chair that everyone uses to play the game. There is only 1 size room that anyone plays in. There is only 1 type of lighting that anyone uses in their gaming area. Everybody has the exact same visual acuity. This UI works just fine for everyone.




Yeah, there are many here who claim these things aren't needed. What they don't realize is that the game needs people of all monitor, office, desk, chair, lighting, and visual abilities to pay a subscription or the game will not last. Not in today's market where being uncomfortable isn't a requirement to play a game.


I'll tell you why I need this.. first off, this should be an option from the get go, second, in my taste the ui is abit too big for my taste, and I dont really enjoy having minimaps, chatbox and actionbars overlapping eachother while in a warzone, Im not blind, I dont need stuff to be gigantic for me to see things, only clickers need big bars, and this is NOT the case for me..

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