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Everything posted by OtterNation

  1. Too late here. My clycle ends the 25th. I might come back later, but I am not jumping back on the second 1.2 goes live. They can't even do a simple patch without breaking the game, can't wait to see what 1.2 does.
  2. The problem is that people ARE making constructive criticism. Sure, there are the trolls that go above and beyond to piss people off, but anytime someone says anything constructive and the fan boy squad immediately jumps on them and goes this game is perfect!! rabble rabble rabble. The problem with a good chunk of people is that they know this game has severe issues, but they are letting their fan boy selves get in the way of fixing this game.
  3. I enjoyed it on my Operative, but it's not enough to keep my going.
  4. I am unsubbing once my cycle expires. More power to you that you can stay subscribed, but I can't. I'll come back when the game is caught up to the times.
  5. Because we were promised fixes and changes. A lot like the Obummer administration. Everyone had these great high hopes and were in absolute love, then the realization sets in that it's all garbage and not true.
  6. Yup. It's Knights of the Old Republic with some multiplayer thrown in. My sub cycles on the 25th and I highly doubt I'm giving them any more money until they fix the game.
  7. Oh noes!!! You are going to make the fanboys mad!!!! THIS GAME IS PERFECT!!! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!!!!!
  8. Zinggg and unfortunately true.
  9. I don't know whether to congratulate you or tell you to leave your house for air and take a shower.
  10. I enjoy Huttball. Hate Voidstar. Alderran is ok. I could have been playing for hours, but instead I have been re-watching LOST because I really just don't feel the need to play the game.
  11. No problem for a fellow road warrior. Best of luck.
  12. No sympathy from me for the traveling. I am rarely home and have lived out of hotels for seven years. I run a gaming Vaio. I've had it for 2.5 years and still works great. Graphics are from low to medium but run 40 - 60fps. I would look into an Asus http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details_ss.asp?EdpNo=1822452&CatId=3998. Also, you might want to consider some form of 3g / 4g connection. I run a Verizon Thunderbolt with 3g / 4g and I have it tethered with PDAnet that costs nothing extra as long as you have an unlimited data plan. You will find out that not all hotel 'high speed internet' is cracked up to what it's supposed to be. And surprisingly enough, even on a 3g connection I can sit around 100ms ping.
  13. Well it's a good thing I have the mobile app and my dongle. BUT thanks for the heads up. Good to know.
  14. Really? I dinged 50 last week and I had this since early access. At what point is it safe to hit level 50 in your eyes? Should people ask your permission?
  15. You will now get the casual ZOMG TOR IS AMAZING!!!!! coming to flame you because they think it is none of their concern. This game needs some fixing, but not too fast or you will have to fix patches of patches.
  16. Yeah, I stuck with it because of what that companion brought to the table. And I am full darkside on my toon as well. I really realllllly wanted to destroy that companion.
  17. Careful, the elite few will tell you that you are a crappy healer and you are an idiot for not being able to remember what is what, blah blah blah. But screw em, just put on your flame suit, lol.
  18. Really? Between this exact quote, Can I have your stuff, GO BACK TO WOW!!!! You all have NOTHING original to come back with. Sweet tap dancing Christ.
  19. I'm playing this until Guild Wars 2 because my wife bought me the C.E. If I stopped playing, she might go Jersey Girl on me.
  20. I help when possible. We are all on the same side.
  21. Let's slow down first. Why don't we get some new content and some fixes in general.
  22. Why are you complaining??? This game is the most evolved and greatest MMO ever... wait, strike that.
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