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Will Bioware really change Sentinels mechanics?


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Do you guys think Bioware will change Sentinels mechanics to be more accecible to the main stream crowd?


Imo they will eventualy make the class easier to the masses. Sentinel is too much of an iconic class. I doubt they will let the class like it is right now. Overly-complicated with the incredible ammount of micromanagement and CDS.



Best regards community.

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i hope they won't change a single bit, i started a sent just as a simple alt to see some republic and try a knight/warrior type, and i ended up ditching a lvl 50 sorc and operative for this class just because of how go***mn fun it is^^



edit: also, it kicks some serious a**

Edited by PaZZo
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You know the masses dont even know this forum exists right?


Game forums are mainly visited by" hardcore" players. Taht would be like 10 to 30% of the entire community.


I am asking you guys what you think!!



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Game forums are also known to the people who only ***** and whine. I too also hope that they don't change ****. If you can't L2P, then get the **** out. This class isn't for the weak at heart.



Edited by EnnaRei
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I hope not. I enjoy the challenge.


I agree. I played a Trooper and found it to far too easy and eventually boring. Loving the much more complicated combat of the Sentinal, especially in PvP. Sorry OP but I don't see them dumbing down the Sentinal (I hope they don't anyway)

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So by definition an easy class is the one that has to push less buttons? I dont think so.


I personaly find Sentinels easy, but annoying due to the ammount of CDS and variables to the class priority rotation.


It is not a l2p situation on my side since I am very confortable with any class Ive played so far. (even Sentinels)


But the what about the majority of the player base, they will find Sentinels quite frustrating, mainly pvping.


There is a thin line in game design philosophy between what is Annoying and what is Challenging to the player.


So, tell me...


What do you guys think? Will they make the class easier? Just like the cursed wow did to all the classes?


I know by experience that I went from using like 30 buttons on warrior to like 10.


I just think this is the model adopted by the major companies.


They want the class fun for everyone, not just a few talented.

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I'm ok with where Sentinels are at now, complex but rewarding.


However, I do believe they could stand to make the Sentinel class more approachable. As it is, in the 10-20 range, Sentinels are overcomplicated and fragile.


In regards to the steep learning curve, it's not a curve. It's a learning cliff. And unfortunately, it's jump up or reroll.


That mentality will ultimately kill the class.

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We have tools for almost every situation. I like this, and I am comfortable with the amount of hotkeys I've set up to play it. I really hope that Sentinel class does not get changed to be easier. Bioware has said a few times now that the class is working as intended, and we'll see quality of life fixes for ability activation and such. We've seen that. I hope they stick to their word on leaving complexity alone.
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I hope not either, its the only class that gets my ADHD under control




As a player that started with WoW back at launch and played a Fury Warrior and a Feral Drood in a strange way a Sent feels like a combination of the two classes. Like a warrior in pvp, I get roflpwned if I am not paying complete attention or if I get caught off guard, but when things go right, dear lord do they go right. I also have the CDs to manage that a druid had, and the survivability (at least for a few seconds) that a cat drood could have when it popped bear form.


TL/DR summary. If they change it, I hope it's along the lines of the Guardian force push/leap change, where they just enhance what we have already to maybe make us less kite-able.

Edited by DJavelin
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I don't know, I personally don't find Sentinels all that difficult. I'm leveling a Commando alt right now and the ammo system is really annoying, I much prefer the Sentinel resource system(then again Commando is only 23 so it's not fair to judge right now but still).


Watchman is a great spec. Yeah it could be made a wee bit easier but eventually you get the hang of it and having so many abilities to keep track of doesn't make it that bad. And I love having so many defensive and utility tools.

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So by definition an easy class is the one that has to push less buttons? I dont think so.


I personaly find Sentinels easy, but annoying due to the ammount of CDS and variables to the class priority rotation.


It is not a l2p situation on my side since I am very confortable with any class Ive played so far. (even Sentinels)


But the what about the majority of the player base, they will find Sentinels quite frustrating, mainly pvping.


There is a thin line in game design philosophy between what is Annoying and what is Challenging to the player.


So, tell me...


What do you guys think? Will they make the class easier? Just like the cursed wow did to all the classes?


I know by experience that I went from using like 30 buttons on warrior to like 10.


I just think this is the model adopted by the major companies.


They want the class fun for everyone, not just a few talented.


The fact you think Sentinels have a set rotation means you're bad at the class.

Edited by Derian
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I want their style to remain the same. But, I wouldn't mind seeing a few changes made to combat; just to get it more on the same level as the other specs.


Not a big change, just a tiny buff in certain areas. Maybe add another second or two to precision slash. :jawa_angel:

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I am definitely in the “I Hope Not” Camp.

Unfortunately I think the day will come when the whingers win and we lose this class that is so very interesting to play.

A Note to Superastro, it is not the number of keys that make the Sentinel interesting to play, it is the different ways you can use them, the fact that you can adjust your use of skills to achieve different goals. You can push out a strong effective DPS rotation, you can work as a Trash lawnmower, but these take a different mindset. And a different focus on how to use your skills. Equally you can spread out your use of defensive cooldowns to be ultra efficient, or you can pop them all at once to make yourself all but invulnerable, this is what the number of skills gives you, the flexibility to make the class work differently dependent on your goals.

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I love my senti! Played till lvl 40 with a bounty hunter and just steam rolled everything, not so much pvp cuz i hated how the BH played in it so I switched to sentinal. And it so much more fun! Hard mode compared to BH but all of our insta abilities and jumping from place to place is just so much more awesome then standing still and waiting for your abilites to activate.


Other classes are so ridiculously easy to play in this game, with my bounty hunter my opening Aoe move took out 80% of the mobs i came up against. But having to actually use all your abilities and really get up in someones face with them makes this class very challanging and fun and i hope its never changed.

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Why would they change it? its no so much more difficult to play than a hunter in wow until blizz nerfed it and made it more accessable to the masses.


Half the fun of playing this class is the challenge of micromanaging your cds and im only lvl 17!!

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Not to troll but Sentinel isn't hard at all. Everyone talks about "CD management". CD management really means having a brain and knowing not to pop your 3 min CD below 25% HP (unless you have a boss healer). All Bioware needs to do is put a warning during character creation that says "Warning: This class is not for those who don't want to/can't use their brain."
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If they dumb it down I am done with this game. It would be such a terrible thing to do. It's not even hard as is.


Yup, dont change it. Only reason why I play this game.. I would want to go back to WoW, but the Marauder is just waay to much fun right now. Change it and Im gone.

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I want their style to remain the same. But, I wouldn't mind seeing a few changes made to combat; just to get it more on the same level as the other specs.


Not a big change, just a tiny buff in certain areas. Maybe add another second or two to precision slash. :jawa_angel:


I think there are ways to improve the class without dumbing it down. Some of that involves bug fixes, design/UI flaws, etc. Also, I think the combat spec needs some attention. Globally, I do not feel the class needs a total overhaul - but I am in the middle in thinking the class, or at least the combat spec, could use some improvement (not dumbing down, though).


I do think added complexity makes class balance harder to analyze due to the variable of subjective player ability. That said, I do enjoy the added complexity and do not enjoy mindless button mashing routines. Sentinels play like a chess game, which is great, but I do think without resorting to dumbing them down, there are things that could be done to improve the class without changing what we lvoe about it.

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