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So... Why doesnt resolve prevent roots?


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If you have a full resolve bar, you can still be rooted/slowed.. Why?


For example, you have full resolve and someone charges you, or uses a knockback with a slow, or a sorceror uses force lightning with its slow. If you have full resolve none of these should affect you IMO.


What does the community think - should slows and roots still work with a full resolve bar and only stuns / mez should be blocked? Or should all roots, slows, stuns, mez have no effect when under full resolve? Personally I think it should be the latter.


Im curious to know if this is a bug or if working as intended..:eek:

Edited by Elboc
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If you have a full resolve bar, you can still be rooted/slowed.. Why?


For example, you have full resolve and someone charges you, or uses a knockback with a slow, or a sorceror uses force lightning with its slow. If you have full resolve none of these should affect you IMO.


What does the community think - should slows and roots still work with a full resolve bar and only stuns / mez should be blocked? Or should all roots, slows, stuns, mez have no effect when under full resolve? Personally I think it should be the latter.


Im curious to know if this is a bug or if working as intended..:eek:


Sorry guys this is already being discussed somewhere else on the PvP forums. It should be in the mix..


This gonna get /ducked just because.. Good luck tho.

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because the only one with significant roots is warriors. every1 else roots require knockback or pull(things that won't work with resolve)


let's face it last thing we need is warriors/knights to have ranged be able to constant kite if they can't slow or root






force lightning slowing during an entire powerful damage channel is an issue with that spell, not with slows and roots

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If you have a full resolve bar, you can still be rooted/slowed.. Why?



In fact, the only thing a full resolve bar prevents are stuns and knockbacks. Everything else still lands, including incapacitates/paralyzes. And roots are just as bad as a stun for melees.

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The fact that resolve doesn't affect roots is the biggest mistake in the entire CC clusterfrick of this game.


It makes no sense, it cripples melee classes, it makes PvP enormously frustrating, and the developer who forced this design decision down the pipe has hopefully been fired, but somehow I doubt that happened.

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The fact that resolve doesn't affect roots is the biggest mistake in the entire CC clusterfrick of this game.


It makes no sense, it cripples melee classes, it makes PvP enormously frustrating, and the developer who forced this design decision down the pipe has hopefully been fired, but somehow I doubt that happened.


No, the fact that resolve doesn't work consistently is the biggest mistake in the entire game.

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Ask for sorc nerfs if you are unhappy. Not all ranged classes are sorcs.


did you even read my post? I was saying that roots and slows are fine, the OP mentioned force lightning and asked why that wasn't on resolve. I said that is a different issue than all slows and roots. You are clearly agreeing with me though acting like you are arguing

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did you even read my post? I was saying that roots and slows are fine, the OP mentioned force lightning and asked why that wasn't on resolve. I said that is a different issue than all slows and roots. You are clearly agreeing with me though acting like you are arguing


oh sorry i was agreeing with you, sort of a qft thing

Sorry hehe, a poor use of quotes :)

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In fact, the only thing a full resolve bar prevents are stuns and knockbacks. Everything else still lands, including incapacitates/paralyzes. And roots are just as bad as a stun for melees.


Not everything lands. As a sorc healer I use "Electrocute" to stun players. Quite often I see people with full resolve bars resist Electrocute.


This game needs diminishing returns. It silly that virtually every class has stuns/knockbacks/roots yet the resolve system is badly flawed.

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No, the fact that resolve doesn't work consistently is the biggest mistake in the entire game.


People believe resolve works inconsistenly because of roots going through it. 9/10 times people claim they were "stunned" while at full resolve they were actually rooted, and that's why it seemed like their character didn't respond.


It really makes no sense on an instinctive level either. After getting CC'd out of the *** and surviving to full resolve, to be controlled with roots after that makes you feel cheated.

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In fact, the only thing a full resolve bar prevents are stuns and knockbacks. Everything else still lands, including incapacitates/paralyzes. And roots are just as bad as a stun for melees.


Thank you so much for this!! It has been driving me CRAZY running the ball in huttball, making it to the last stretch, and getting CCed 4 times in a row and dying. Ill believe my resolve bar full and try to make it through the flame jets only to get stopped dead in my tracks(and its not just a root, as i have no control to pass). I have been so pissed thinking resolve was just not working right. Especially when my damn force pull fails half the time, but i get CCed a million times.


Its the incapacite/paralyze/roots that are getting through on me. Still, drives me crazy. there are FARRRR too many CCs in this game. I mean really, I will get CCed like 10 times on my way to the goal line sometimes.


The stuff that I think needs to be removed completly from PVP is the 60 sec CC abilities. I know they dont last that long on us, but that has no place in a PVP exp that already has to many stuns/incapacitate. Esp when some classes cant use theirs out of stealth, while other can just fire away.

Edited by Saberolson
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People believe resolve works inconsistenly because of roots going through it. 9/10 times people claim they were "stunned" while at full resolve they were actually rooted, and that's why it seemed like their character didn't respond.


It really makes no sense on an instinctive level either. After getting CC'd out of the *** and surviving to full resolve, to be controlled with roots after that makes you feel cheated.


I'd believe that if I it hadn't happened to me before. But I've been stunned in full resolve, I've been unable to cast abilities after getting stunned in full resolve. And I've been chained stunned through resolve.


I know the difference between the two because I can cast during one, and not the other. But I've seen multiple times on not only myself, but enemies as well as friendlies, stuns go through resolve.

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Not everything lands. As a sorc healer I use "Electrocute" to stun players. Quite often I see people with full resolve bars resist Electrocute.


This game needs diminishing returns. It silly that virtually every class has stuns/knockbacks/roots yet the resolve system is badly flawed.


I've been electrocuted with full resolve numerous times. That and the incapacitate that ops/agents have. Not to mention, when these land on you while you have full resolve, your resolve bar drains like a keg of beer at a frat party, while you're hanging there like a pinada.

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Resolve was probably tested by the same Q/A testing department which verified the last 3 fixes to warzone victories counting towards daily and weekly missions and who tested the 1.1.2 patch to make sure that the Ilum changes didn't cause kills to not count there towards daily and weekly missions.


In other words, it's not been tested...

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A lot of people seem to want roots into resolve seemingly to benefit melee classes. But have you thought it through? Imagine force leaping to a target only to be 10 meters away from them before you can move. Imagine how little your snares counter force speed.


A more reasonable solution? Just reduce the root lengths of some ranged abilities (such as the talented force wave root).

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More importantly, why does resolve not work as intended a lot of the time...


Lets get it working at the most fundamental level before confusing the intern that is developing their core game systems now..


so painfully true hahaha

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someone previously mentioned removing resolve completely. I disagree with this entirely because I think that would give ranged classes absolute control over melee classes.


Imagine being stun-locked before you have a chance to land a hit on a target and dying because you can't move.


There are far too many cc abilities in this game to not have the resolve system in place.


I won't deny that the resolve system has it's problems, but removing it is not a viable solution without revamping the entire system.



-Step 1: make resolve work the way it was intended.

-Step 2: reduce durations of root/snares

-Step 3: make roots/snares contribute to resolve

-Step 4: profit.




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No, the fact that resolve doesn't work consistently is the biggest mistake in the entire game.


Now now, there are way too many mistakes/bugs/issues/problems in this game to make the claim that one is bigger than the rest.


That said, could someone explain to me why I am unable to root myself (cover/crouch) when I am rooted?

Edited by Illwill-
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