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4 hours for 1 patch item, really?!


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Does it really take Bioware between 2 and 6 hours to patch one item every time they take the servers down?


Here is what they have patched on nights I'm referring to:

"Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended."

"Made a configuration change to resolve hitching/freezing issues seen on some clients after patch 1.1.1. "

"Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen."


Seriously, 4 hours for that is absurd. This is not the first time they have patched a single item and taken the server down for between 2 and 6 hours.


Seriously, please learn how to hotfix and do rolling restarts. Taking the servers down for 2 to 6 hours at a time multiple times per week as a cost cutting measure is terrible customer service!

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It won't work anyway and we will get another patch the next day to attempt fix what they break tomorrow. When they break something else with that patch we will get another one on Saturday. Given their track record with fixing bugs it's generally the 3rd or 4th attempt where it actually gets fixed so by Saturday or Sunday Illum should be "working" again
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Very seldom do the updates actually take the full amount of time. The reason they do that is so that people can't say "Why is it taking five hours if you said it would only take four hours?" That is if they went over the four hours. The same thing goes for days when they give themself eight hours to patch an update when it could only take two hours. It's just to cover themselves. The four hour patch tomorrow probably won't take any longer then 30 minutes to be completely honest.
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I work in software development in a different industry, not games. To do a full uninstall and reinstall on each server, not to mention doing any manual file replacement for the patch then running the hotfixes or whatever else needs to be done takes a good amount of time. On the servers we work with this downtime is usually a window of 4-6 hours for only a fraction of the number of servers that SWTOR has.


Most of the time the servers are backup in a shorter time than the window given...

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Does it really take Bioware between 2 and 6 hours to patch one item every time they take the servers down?


Probably not. But if they say the servers will be down for 30 min and something goes wrong, the lonely people turn in to pissed off lonely people and head to the forums to whine.


I do the same thing. If I have to take a server down for an update and I think it will take an hour, I schedule it for 4 hours. Keeps people from calling me every 5 minutes if I'm dealing with an unexpected problem.

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server restarts take time... theres what, 100+ of them? need to update them all with the changes exc


If they are doing it manually, they are doing it wrong. I can push updates out to every workstation on my network with a few clicks. I'd be shocked if they don't some way to automate the update process.

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Easier to set wider window if you're unsure it will all patch correctly, which seems to be the case esp since we're dealing with hotfixes and hotfixes-of-hotfixes every week. Plus they avoid even more qq when they leave servers down for longer. They are usually back faster tho.
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So the whole patch is about Ilum.

It is fully separate from the other planets, and instanced a bit too.


And EA has to bring down all the servers to patch this. Sounds logical to me, since the selling point for the hero engine system was the ability to change things on the go.

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As I can see it is clear that my point has been overlooked by some, I'll reiterate.


In this day and age of MMO's, taking the servers down for such a small update is something that SHOULD be questioned. Because to me it appears they are using it as a cost cutting measure to bring down overhead costs associated with the data centers.


These types of updates on other MMO's of the past few years have been quite fast and even less hindering to server up-time.


That is my point, which brings me to my next question. What is so different about this game, when compared to others of such caliber, that requires they bring down servers on consecutive days for something that other MMO's can patch in a hotfix and a rolling restart?


For those who are still wondering why I am asking this question, please refer to my last post on this topic, which got a response that linked to the FRENCH forums suggestion box.


Check out the response on page 3, which also locked the topic, and be left wondering what the frak like I was.

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I work in software development in a different industry, not games. To do a full uninstall and reinstall on each server, not to mention doing any manual file replacement for the patch then running the hotfixes or whatever else needs to be done takes a good amount of time. On the servers we work with this downtime is usually a window of 4-6 hours for only a fraction of the number of servers that SWTOR has.


Most of the time the servers are backup in a shorter time than the window given...


These guys make Trion look like some *********** Geniuses YO..! Fo'reeelzzz!

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Does it really take Bioware between 2 and 6 hours to patch one item every time they take the servers down?


Here is what they have patched on nights I'm referring to:

"Killing players on Ilum will now consistently grant Valor and mission credit as intended."

"Made a configuration change to resolve hitching/freezing issues seen on some clients after patch 1.1.1. "

"Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen."


Seriously, 4 hours for that is absurd. This is not the first time they have patched a single item and taken the server down for between 2 and 6 hours.


Seriously, please learn how to hotfix and do rolling restarts. Taking the servers down for 2 to 6 hours at a time multiple times per week as a cost cutting measure is terrible customer service!


OP, what exactly is the purpose of your post. Need attention?? Need people to agree with you??


I mean, what are you looking for here???


This is just another silly whine post, to add the 100's already littered throughout these forums.


Don't you have something better to do with your time???


Do you feel the need to play a game 24/7????


Get over it!!!!!

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