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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Test on the PTR and stop the QQ


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im not even going to debunk this....do you even know how this process works?


that is a monumentally asnine,limited and downright idiotic analogy for an issue wich is not even remotley relevant to the issue of " test on the ptr , otherwise you are not helping"


see , im gonna leave it at this...




thats why your horrible analogy is laughable at best


srsly , stop trying to rationalize your own laziness with a thousand examples, see, im going to remember your name, when they eventually put character copy and premades in , im going to make it a point to quote your complaining back to you when you cant be bothered to test regardless of premades....



also, i feel very little motivation to even pay attention to a person so lazy that they cant even be bothered to select a forum avatar ...


Apparently your arguments are so strong that instead of bringing them forth you retorted with ad hominem instead.

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wich is why hes saying " it only takes a week to get to fifty"


use common sense , geez

So it takes a week to get to 50. They are rolling out patches that impact people at level 50 every week. How exactly are we supposed to test this week's changes when it takes a week to get to level?

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wich is why hes saying " it only takes a week to get to fifty"


use common sense , geez


So instead of playing the game with your friends on your server you need level up a toon on test server?


Sorry but I got a day job also to consider...

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I have no room to complain if I didn't voice my concern.
No, I have plenty of room to complain


It's bioware's job to release quality fixes and to adequately test their product. It's not my job to test it, not until they start cutting me a paycheck.


It's totally reasonable for me to expect quality patches and to complain when bioware doesn't release quality, even if I don't play on the test server.

Edited by ferroz
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you are funny! LOL


you are paying 50 cents a day and acting like you are paying 10 dollars a day ..


What's your point? Does that make me a paying customer, or doesn't it?


you do realize that even though you are paying 50 cents a day to play this game .. your character can still be wiped .. as you do not own your character. You are just placing your trust in that they won't wipe your character but they have the capability to do so at any time they wish


Stupid argument is stupid. Yeah, they *can* wipe my characters on live, but they're not going to. Characters on test realms get wiped all the time.


all of you are complaining about so little, it's not even funny .. why don't you use all that energy for something with a real purpose that actually means something?


What am I complaining about? I'm not the one that started a QQ thread.


If you are not happy with something in game .. give your feedback and be done with it.. why go on and on and on for weeks about it?


What am I going on and on for weeks about? :confused:


It's just a game that you do not own and pay 50 cents a day to play. A can of soda cost more than that


You are as clueless as the OP. When did I complain about paying a subscription for this game?

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what does it take now? a week to get to level 50? two weeks?


what are you guys complaining about again?


funny how most the testing periods haven't been over two weeks long at the most (one was what, 4 days long?)


This games testing blows, as proven by everything we've so far. The only things that ever get changed are based on massive forum qq.

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It seems there are two categories of posters.


1. Adults who realize that paying a company to test a product, no matter how little we pay for it ( looking at you 50 cent guy) is just plain not gonna happen.


2. Teens or college smarties with way too much time on their hands who have no working knowledge of what it means to budget ANYTHING, including time.

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wich is why hes saying " it only takes a week to get to fifty"


use common sense , geez


You realize the test server is not a persistent world but gets wiped entirely for new builds ?


Most MMOs handle it this way and that makes me wonder if the two of you ever actually participated in testing a live game.

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Ilum turret farming was actually pointed out on the PTS. Bioware ignored the post and continued with it anyway.


Funny how that launcher with the PTR option didn't come along till well into Wrath of the Lich King, their second expansion, and event then, it was towards the end of that expansion just before Cata.


So is TOR competing with 2011 WoW or WOTLK WoW? Hell, Everquest's first iteration of raid bosses didn't even drop loot. Should we remove loot from TOR bosses because "its only two months in"?

Edited by KuusouRumba
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I tested this game for months in beta, and all I saw was a bunch of ignored beta feedback. I'm done with that circus. It's not my responsibility to help Bioware fix their game. I just want to be able to enjoy it. Edited by marshalleck
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Every time I log into the test server and test their next patch, I want my regular account fees to be pro rated for the time spent testing. Alternatively, they can pay me OOG or with in-game rewards (Battlemaster Bags) for my services.


No. It's not our muffuggin job to test their product adequately before release while paying for an account. We pay for a product. They test it to make sure that what we're paying for works. That's how it works. If they want to comp our testing time with incentives, then I'll log on over there.


To do otherwise would be idiotic.

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I agree that there needs to be a better way to submit actionable bugs as opposed to subjective opinion on the PTS. Any suggestions of how this could happen better?


An in pts bug reporting system that works. telling people to post on the forums is ignorant. Most of us won't bother because we will have forgotten what we're need to report by the end of session and alt-tabbing is a pin in this game. Their PTS system has a long ways to go.

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I agree that there needs to be a better way to submit actionable bugs as opposed to subjective opinion on the PTS. Any suggestions of how this could happen better?


Plenty, and like any intelligent person, I charge for my time and value. If BW would like to send me a cheque for $100, I will happily consult with them to improve their PTS feedback process.


While waiting for my cheque, I will even provide a bit of free sample advice too. Like any business, it is BW's problem to sort out their own business model and figure out how to provide a service people are willing to continue paying for. My only responsibility as a consumer is to decide if I'm going to give them my money or not.

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If people don't test on the PTR then they have no right to complain about PTR testers not doing "their job".


However, whether you test on the PTR or not you DO have the right to complain about changes Bioware makes. They really should have their own internal testing and QA. If they are relying primarily on PTR testing for quality control then they are following a pretty shoddy business practice, and deserve a lot of criticism.

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If no feedback is given then obviously they will launch with what they pushed to PTR. There are people max level on on that server. In the case of UI it does not take long for anybody to notice.


It's a byproduct of the following:


Terrible PTR setup.

A history of Bioware ignoring testers.


Honestly - what even drives a gamer to test something when pretty much all of our testing feedback is ignored?


The only time Bioware takes action is after it goes live and people FREAK OUT.

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