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Everything posted by stevepidge

  1. It seems there are two categories of posters. 1. Adults who realize that paying a company to test a product, no matter how little we pay for it ( looking at you 50 cent guy) is just plain not gonna happen. 2. Teens or college smarties with way too much time on their hands who have no working knowledge of what it means to budget ANYTHING, including time.
  2. All the specs feel too clicky. WAY WAY too much setup. For instance the charged saber in Anni not only has to be refreshed every 15 seconds, we also must manage fury stacks, endless semi long CD's of damaging abilities ranging from 6 to 12 secs. This is all on top of managing rage generation, battering assault and our 3 main defensive CD's. This class is masochism incarnate and not my idea of having fun when I do everything right only to do piss poor damage.
  3. 1.Falling through an environment and getting booted to the login screen during a winning pvp match is bollocks. This has happened to me multiple times. 2. Winning a match and it not counting towards your daily MULTIPLE TIMES. 3. interrupts that are NOT on the gcd.
  4. congratulations, you are trolling someone who cares about the success of the same game you believe to be the second coming of George Lucas. The difference is I see the problems inherent and the uphill climb this game has to overcome to be successful. IF you wanna cup your hands over your ears and yell " lalalala" then so be it, but don't claim this game is perfection incarnate.
  5. THIS is not a bad game. However, we as Starwars fans and consumers should expect more. EA and bioware has spent 300 million dollars making this game and I cannot for the life of me see where that could have possibly have been a sane investment. The combat bugs alone and ability delay are game breaking unto themselves yet we are supposed to fawn over voice acting that gets old after one pass. Bioware read the MMO forecast wrong, the most important aspect of a "game" is gameplay. If I wanted to watch a movie I would do as much. The "rpg" nature of this game while interesting at first glance is little more then filler and a massive waste of resources that could have been used to facilitate a truly excellent combat system. I really really love starwars and like alot of the other "trolls" we only post because we do care. I'm not saying this because I want the game to fail, I say this because I grew up with starwars and it is in my blood. Regardless of how much I love starwars I must acknowledge that this game is in trouble. Bioware needs to start addressing combat issues asap, not tomorrow. I always hear people compare this game's launch to WOW's launch 7 years ago. Well the stark reality is SWTOR is not competeing against a "fresh" featureless WoW but instead a robust game with TONS of content. I do NOT want to wait 7 years to find out if SWTOR will compare favorably to WOW in it's prime, these issues need to be addressed now not later. The bottom line is this game was rushed and is not competitive "feature wise" with WoW. I hope and pray Bioware can pull a miracle out of their collective rears but somehow I feel those wishes will be unfulfilled.
  6. Its a step process.. 1. turn off computer 2. take a shower, shave and brush your teeth 3. get dressed, in attire not related to starwars 4. walk out front door 5. enjoy a hemorrhoid free day and talk to a gurl or your mother and friends... give it a try you spend way too much time on the PC.
  7. Ahsoka Tano is the only jedi that I have seen using the shien style. So that is the only comparison i could draw. As for what grip should be specific to what form I have no idea. It is just an idea
  8. This may be a ways down on the "to-do" list, but it would be nice if each form had a visual difference when holding the light saber at ready or when running. Single blade lightsabers below Ataru = reverse hilt lightsaber hold, akin to Ahsoka Tano. Shii - Cho = The way jedi gaurdians hold a light saber in game. Juyo = They way Sith Juggs hold lightsaber. Dual Wield Ataru = Double reverse Ahsoka Tano Shii - Cho = Current Dual wield hold Juyo = one reverse one forward grip.
  9. no offense but I KNOW we have 1 move to build six rage, the problem is its feast or famine with rage. That is a problem. My defensive cd's are wasted if I get thrown in a fire. SO I am going to sac half my health to live through the fire and die as soon i re-engage the target? ok boss, sure.
  10. This is not a PVE vs PVP thread as I love both, and i recognize that pvp fixes should not be priority but here is a list of a few things that bother me the most as a marauder in pvp encounters. 1. knockbacks - these things drive me insane as many knockback abilities not only knock you back or into various deadly environmental traps but also snares you or slows you as well. We have no sprint and no gap closer, our slow should not be an ability unto itself but instead tied to an energy builder that can be spammed. A force pull would even out the god awful hutball situation marauders often find themselves in and give us respectable time on target. 2. Rage buildup feels clunky and contrived. Vicious slash should be turned into a rage builder at the tune of 1 rage in combination with assault at 2. this will balance out rage building and change it from a feast or famine mechanic to a more manageable resources that can be built while doing steady damage in situations where you find yourself drained due to enemy abilities completely nuking your rage bar or in-between battering assault. 3. streamline the class. TOOO many buffs and debuffs to reliably keep track of. For example, Annihilation and the deadly saber component and it's links to beserk and bleed effects, effectively ties me up to a specific PVEish rotation that does not work well in a dynamic environment. Deadly saber for example costs an inordinate amount of energy, has a short effective uptime and long cooldown for an ability absolutely imperative to pvp success. Overall the marauder is "funnish" in a masochistic way. But a few quality of life changes would go a long way to making it feel seamless.
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