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Another DOWNTIME tonight


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While I would hate it, since I work from home and sometimes have time when there's no work, and find myself playing in the mornings, I would be willing to 'suck it up' for the team?


How does the 6am-noon PST-ish look to Europe? I'm not very good with time zones. :o


I feel for you folks, hope they come up with a different solution in the future. :(


Its nice to see a post that is really sincere. Usually its trivial hate posts and stuff like "go to bed"

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Sorry BW but you got it all wrong.


Either you start balancing schedules in order to not bother europeans that much or players will start (continue) leaving.


It feels like we're second rate players for you, and I personally don't like it; we all pay the same amount of money. Well no, we pay more cause is in euros and 13$ < 13€.


So, we're paying more monthly and are being treated 2nd rate. Yeah briliant ¬¬U

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It all has to do with the fact that they pull the plug at 2am CST. If you live on the US east coast or central time zone ( and sleep before 2 am) its considered a non issue. Patches are a part of mmos and so is downtime, but none of the mmos ive played in the past years have had a 2am CST maintance window, its usually around 4-6am PST.


4-6 AM PST would be worse for the Europeans not better.

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They seriously need to do a better job testing patch content. They haven't exactly instilled a sense that they know what they are doing.



so did YOU log into the ptr and help test?



(ok ill admit im being half serious half sarcastic , given there are no character copy or premade 50s to test with but half the people jsut log in to see a different class @ 50 rather than test anyways)



if you want better testing, then help test **** next time yourself


so if bioware DOESNT fix ilum instantly , forums blow up with ilum QQ , and if they do , forums blow up with downtime QQ


srsly people....

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I've played many mmo's. 5 years ago a full server maintenance for a basic fix was pretty acceptable. An mmo designer should now be able to implement fixes like that with just a server restart, which takes 5 minutes or so.


I am loving TOR, but having the servers down at 7:00pm your time multiple nights of the week is starting to be a bit grating


It doesn't take any less time patch code now than it did 5 years ago. So why would maintenance windows be any shorter? They have their procedures and tests to go through just like they did 5 years ago. Only a few things have changed but they really don't change the time required to patch, restart and test servers.

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I pay alot of money to play this game. What part of that dont you people 'protecting' Bio understand about that?


I dont pay money in this economy to stand around and wait for them to patch their bugged out game...


Bioware needs to wake up and take notice of the massive number of MMO experts that pay them good money to play their game. They have got to be BLIND to not BEG all of these would-be 'consultants' to come and work for them and show them JUST HOW TO DO THINGS.

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They seriously need to do a better job testing patch content. They haven't exactly instilled a sense that they know what they are doing.


If you are not on the PTS, testing patches and providing feedback, you are being a hypocrite. :D

Edited by Andryah
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And the award for Worst Analogy of the Thread goes to.......




Are you still here? you love to put a negative spin on everything don't you? They are patching this game because it's a new game all MMO's do this. It's not unique to this type of game. No one is going to die if they take the servers down. I love the haters, they cry about everything and try to make patching a game to fix a problem a bad thing. So pathetic the amount of crying on this forum for nothing.

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It's almost as if Bioware doesn't want me to play this game. Ever time I got time to spare they have to pull down the freaking servers. And for what, a freaking small bug on Ilum?


Perhaps it's time you revamp Ilum as a whole instead of putting in these small fixes where most of the players already given up on Ilum anyway.

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It doesn't take any less time patch code now than it did 5 years ago. So why would maintenance windows be any shorter? They have their procedures and tests to go through just like they did 5 years ago. Only a few things have changed but they really don't change the time required to patch, restart and test servers.


Total lies. Only if you actually knew

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The population is lower on the servers at 7AM in the morning--why don't they just wait and have the day shift do the patches. Let the players play when they typically play. Knocking everyone from the west coast out of the game at mid night sucks.
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The population is lower on the servers at 7AM in the morning--why don't they just wait and have the day shift do the patches. Let the players play when they typically play. Knocking everyone from the west coast out of the game at mid night sucks.


Doh! Because that would put the patches into the evening in Europe. They are already complaining that the patches are during the morning in Europe. What do you think they will do if they move them to the evening?

Edited by JerokTalram
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I'm a computer professional, I know. I've been patching code for over 10 years and it ain't any faster now than when I started.


I kinda said the wrong thing. It doesnt take 8 hours do do the maintenance is what I was meaning to say.

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I've played many mmo's. 5 years ago a full server maintenance for a basic fix was pretty acceptable. An mmo designer should now be able to implement fixes like that with just a server restart, which takes 5 minutes or so.


I am loving TOR, but having the servers down at 7:00pm your time multiple nights of the week is starting to be a bit grating


^^ This. Don't get me wrong, I love the game and I get the need to bring the servers down and I like that they are getting patches out so quickly, but 4 hours to fix 1 thing (that we are aware of) seams a bit much.


However, I guess telling us 4 hours and it taking 1 or 2 is better than them telling us 1 or 2 hours and it taking 4 though.

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I kinda said the wrong thing. It doesnt take 8 hours do do the maintenance is what I was meaning to say.


It really depends on what they are doing. If they have hardware issues that will extend the maintenance time.


Have they had a maintenance cycle go more than 5 hours? From what I recall most are less than 4 and I only remember one going more than 4 hours.

Edited by JerokTalram
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And the award for Worst Analogy of the Thread goes to.......




Well actually, if you think about it.




Pay initial purchase price

Pay continuing cost to play (sub)

Requires down time for maintenance




Pay initial purchase price

Pay continuing cost to drive (Fuel/rego)

Requires off road time for maintenance.


I think the analogy is decently fitting.


The main difference being, (and this is where I'm kinda siding with you) is you get to choose when your car goes in for a service. We can't choose when swtor gets patched. Which for me, is unfortunate, because due to life, I only get 2, MAYBE 3 nights a week I can play, and every single night seems to include a patch. I think I managed to get in 20mins this week so far.


Would be better if they bundled everything into the scheduled weekly maintenance, instead of sporadically patching for 4 hours all week every week. Something like this illum patch could be done with a rolling restart.....

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To all the people saying get over it, eat me.


I have 1 night a week that I get to play late. Wednesday night. And we have been brought down at 2 every effing wednesday night/thursday morning for the last month or longer. It's getting frustrating and I dont really give 2 focks about how you think I should respond. Get better at patching your product Bioware/EA/whoever the crap is responsible.

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To all the people saying get over it, eat me.


I have 1 night a week that I get to play late. Wednesday night. And we have been brought down at 2 every effing wednesday night/thursday morning for the last month or longer. It's getting frustrating and I dont really give 2 focks about how you think I should respond. Get better at patching your product Bioware/EA/whoever the crap is responsible.


And if they change the downtime to Tuesday night, the people who play then are inconvenienced.


Someone, somewhere is going to be inconvenienced.

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