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Immortal in PVP


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My opinion of Immortal is this (This is mostly a PvP opinion)


I feel that I am not as survivable as I would like to be, but I provide great group survivability and utility, as well as excellent rage management.


In Vengeance, I feel much more survivable where it counts, but I cannot mitigate nearly as much damage for others.


If I have a pocket healer as Immortal, I'm a huge group benefit, if I don't, I feel mostly like a liability. It takes a lot of in and out of the fight to stay alive, and tons of cooldowns.


If I were to ask for one thing above all else for this class: The ability to "deflect" guard. Defense chance doesn't get that high, even for Juggs, so having a 25-30% chance to not take damage from guard would be great.

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I completely agree. I feel the class is a BIT UP. We can really wreck but we do require our team to be competent and do to our abysmal damage we can't exactly be selfish when playing this class/spec.



With a healer we are insane and I know you can say that with any class with a healer, but Jugg is a different beast. I refuse to switch to DPS spec. I went Jugg to tank and that is what I have been doing. I usually top the protection score and have mid damage.


In the end, I love the class with a good team. It is just so awesome to CC, AOE Damage, and keep your team alive while making the enemies damage absolutely tank. Without a decent team though, this is probably the worst class in the game. Absolutely a liability if there is no teamwork because frankly we can't just tracer missle spam, force lightning click, or come out of stealth and instantly destroy someone. We actually have to use almost all our moves in our arsenal and do teamplay to even have a chance at being useful.

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I wholeheartedly agree. I did a lot of pvp tanking in Warhammer. Kotbs, Chosen, Blackguard. Almost as much as I healed. I love how pvp tanking works in these games.


I guess if I was to offer advice to anyone, don't be afraid to bail on a fight. You can be just as selfish as the next guy. If you're taking focus, intercede out and run. You don't need to die. And if you don't die, you get targeted more often out of pure rage on their part.


A win/win. But I wish Immortal was more survivable in pvp.

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My mindset when entering wz´s as an Immortal Jugg is to die a lot so that others won´t have to. I guess it´s a matter of opinion of how you want to play the class in pvp.


If you are concerned about scoreboards then there´s really no problem getting among the top three even if you have the most deaths and low dmg done because of your protected dmg.

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Dont guard in a pug. Pugs run around the middle of huttball taking oodles of damage and you take half of it, probably while being fired at from that sniper on the top ramp.


The key to immortal PvP (I'm a battlemaster I've done plenty of these 3 warzones) is to commit yourself at the right time. For example. At the beginning of Huttball every melee rushes in to get to the ball and battle anyone trying to get it. As an immortal Jugg this is wrong. You will be focus fired from the snipers and sorcerors. Wait for your enemy to pick targets (not you) then charge into the melee and AoE taunt everything. Bam 3 medals. After that you can intercede an ally and help kill someone. By taunting you keep your DPS alive a bit longer for them to win the fights.


In a WZ like Voidstar you stay in the middle and dont commit until the melee is thick. 95% of people wont switch targets because they want the kill. As long asyou are not targetted by 2 or 3 people you will change the course of the battles. You have 5 interrupts, use them on healers and ranged dps who are unloading on your allies. You have 3 damage reduction abilites, use them only when you get focus fired.


The key as immortal is to be unassuming in PvP. You are not a tank, no one is. Any class can be focus fired down. You are a damage mitigater. You are there to taunt other dps smacking your allies around and to lock down a healer. If you get 1v1ed you have plenty of tools to help you win the fight.


Don't guard DPS pugs. Guard a healer if anything and only when you see him in trouble. make the most of your interrupts and force jumps. Lock healers down. Without them healing the taunted enemies, they will not beat your DPS allies. Play smarter and you will feel more powerful.

Edited by AGSThomas
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  • 2 weeks later...
Dont guard in a pug. Pugs run around the middle of huttball taking oodles of damage and you take half of it, probably while being fired at from that sniper on the top ramp.


The key to immortal PvP (I'm a battlemaster I've done plenty of these 3 warzones) is to commit yourself at the right time. For example. At the beginning of Huttball every melee rushes in to get to the ball and battle anyone trying to get it. As an immortal Jugg this is wrong. You will be focus fired from the snipers and sorcerors. Wait for your enemy to pick targets (not you) then charge into the melee and AoE taunt everything. Bam 3 medals. After that you can intercede an ally and help kill someone. By taunting you keep your DPS alive a bit longer for them to win the fights.


In a WZ like Voidstar you stay in the middle and dont commit until the melee is thick. 95% of people wont switch targets because they want the kill. As long asyou are not targetted by 2 or 3 people you will change the course of the battles. You have 5 interrupts, use them on healers and ranged dps who are unloading on your allies. You have 3 damage reduction abilites, use them only when you get focus fired.


The key as immortal is to be unassuming in PvP. You are not a tank, no one is. Any class can be focus fired down. You are a damage mitigater. You are there to taunt other dps smacking your allies around and to lock down a healer. If you get 1v1ed you have plenty of tools to help you win the fight.


Don't guard DPS pugs. Guard a healer if anything and only when you see him in trouble. make the most of your interrupts and force jumps. Lock healers down. Without them healing the taunted enemies, they will not beat your DPS allies. Play smarter and you will feel more powerful.


I 100% approve this message, in short and less apathetic to the noobs, LEARN YOUR CLASS!!! Not EVERYONE is DPS, not everyone has "mad heals yo" . There is a guard stat for a reason used it.

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Dont guard in a pug. Pugs run around the middle of huttball taking oodles of damage and you take half of it, probably while being fired at from that sniper on the top ramp.


The key to immortal PvP (I'm a battlemaster I've done plenty of these 3 warzones) is to commit yourself at the right time. For example. At the beginning of Huttball every melee rushes in to get to the ball and battle anyone trying to get it. As an immortal Jugg this is wrong. You will be focus fired from the snipers and sorcerors. Wait for your enemy to pick targets (not you) then charge into the melee and AoE taunt everything. Bam 3 medals. After that you can intercede an ally and help kill someone. By taunting you keep your DPS alive a bit longer for them to win the fights.


In a WZ like Voidstar you stay in the middle and dont commit until the melee is thick. 95% of people wont switch targets because they want the kill. As long asyou are not targetted by 2 or 3 people you will change the course of the battles. You have 5 interrupts, use them on healers and ranged dps who are unloading on your allies. You have 3 damage reduction abilites, use them only when you get focus fired.


The key as immortal is to be unassuming in PvP. You are not a tank, no one is. Any class can be focus fired down. You are a damage mitigater. You are there to taunt other dps smacking your allies around and to lock down a healer. If you get 1v1ed you have plenty of tools to help you win the fight.


Don't guard DPS pugs. Guard a healer if anything and only when you see him in trouble. make the most of your interrupts and force jumps. Lock healers down. Without them healing the taunted enemies, they will not beat your DPS allies. Play smarter and you will feel more powerful.


You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.


Brb, respeccing Immortal.

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I just started a jugg and the immortal tree attracted me too. I am glad I came across this post. Can some of you post what your build is like? Any advice you can provide a lowbie would be greatly appreciated. I can't wait to see how far I can take this class. Thank you.
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I wanted to be a tank on my Juggernaut (ala a S&B Knight or IronBreaker in Warhammer for those who played), but it just isn't worth it when you compare what Rage (or Vengeance for some of you who have figured out how to make it work) bring to the table.


With a healer backing you, you are practically immortal (no pun intended) as a DPS Jugg and you will kill things fairly easily "by yourself".


With a healer backing you as an Immortal spec, you will kill practically nothing by yourself and live long enough to watch your healer die from focus before you go down.


And without a healer back you, in Rage spec you will live 6-10 seconds under focus (without cooldowns) and maybe take out a couple of folks. With the Immortal spec you will live maybe 16 seconds under focus (without cooldowns) and take out nobody.


Bottom line is so far in this game, dead enemies are the best form of damage mitigation for your team. I would love for it to be different, but that's the way I see it so far.

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Dont guard in a pug. Pugs run around the middle of huttball taking oodles of damage and you take half of it, probably while being fired at from that sniper on the top ramp.


The key to immortal PvP (I'm a battlemaster I've done plenty of these 3 warzones) is to commit yourself at the right time. For example. At the beginning of Huttball every melee rushes in to get to the ball and battle anyone trying to get it. As an immortal Jugg this is wrong. You will be focus fired from the snipers and sorcerors. Wait for your enemy to pick targets (not you) then charge into the melee and AoE taunt everything. Bam 3 medals. After that you can intercede an ally and help kill someone. By taunting you keep your DPS alive a bit longer for them to win the fights.


In a WZ like Voidstar you stay in the middle and dont commit until the melee is thick. 95% of people wont switch targets because they want the kill. As long asyou are not targetted by 2 or 3 people you will change the course of the battles. You have 5 interrupts, use them on healers and ranged dps who are unloading on your allies. You have 3 damage reduction abilites, use them only when you get focus fired.


The key as immortal is to be unassuming in PvP. You are not a tank, no one is. Any class can be focus fired down. You are a damage mitigater. You are there to taunt other dps smacking your allies around and to lock down a healer. If you get 1v1ed you have plenty of tools to help you win the fight.


Don't guard DPS pugs. Guard a healer if anything and only when you see him in trouble. make the most of your interrupts and force jumps. Lock healers down. Without them healing the taunted enemies, they will not beat your DPS allies. Play smarter and you will feel more powerful.


Thissss, so much this.

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With a healer backing you as an Immortal spec, you will kill practically nothing by yourself and live long enough to watch your healer die from focus before you go down.


Have to disagree big time here. I can do plenty of damage as immortal and I almost never (really wanna say never but might have happened once or twice) watch a healer die. Healers only die under my watch when I die first. Guard + Taunt + Intercede = plenty of time for healers to recover, unless they are getting super focused or they just bad.

Edited by Marcuspasnicus
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My mindset when entering wz´s as an Immortal Jugg is to die a lot so that others won´t have to. I guess it´s a matter of opinion of how you want to play the class in pvp.


If you are concerned about scoreboards then there´s really no problem getting among the top three even if you have the most deaths and low dmg done because of your protected dmg.


^ This


Usually get 15-20 kills in Hutt-ball, more in Void, but Defense is always tops. Plus the MVP votes you get when you save several peoples bacon, prevent losses or caps and literally "take several for the team" (almost as many deaths as kills) is rewarding


Seen several times when as soon as I hit taunt / spam snares, I get focused. Some times there are awesome heals, which allows for causing havoc on the other teams offense.


Makes me smile when the time taken to eventually burn me down allowed the TEAM to cap a turret, pass the ball around or plant explosives on doors

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Have to disagree big time here. I can do plenty of damage as immortal and I almost never (really wanna say never but might have happened once or twice) watch a healer die. Healers only die under my watch when I die first. Guard + Taunt + Intercede = plenty of time for healers to recover, unless they are getting super focused or they just bad.


This ^^^

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I've been trying to play immortal spec like you guys suggest and I do feel like I'm helping the team, but I just recently hit 50 and only have 5 pieces of centurion gear and have been going for vindicator instead of war leader. I've been doing this because I'm dead anyway if I get focused by 3 or more and I've burned my cool downs, and while I can annoy a healer so they can't get heals off with my interrupts and cc, I can't pressure them enough with dmg to make them need to even switch to heal themselves.


Is this going to hurt me later and should I focus on the more tank gear or keep going for the dps gear since I'm not planning on being the primary focus target of the enemy anyway?

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This really depends on how you play. I suggest if you're solo queuing that going full on tank isn't a good idea since you don't always have good healers and DPS to depend on so you have to be more jack of all trades. If you have people that you usually team with then specialization is more of a benefit.
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Dont guard in a pug. Pugs run around the middle of huttball taking oodles of damage and you take half of it, probably while being fired at from that sniper on the top ramp.


The key to immortal PvP (I'm a battlemaster I've done plenty of these 3 warzones) is to commit yourself at the right time. For example. At the beginning of Huttball every melee rushes in to get to the ball and battle anyone trying to get it. As an immortal Jugg this is wrong. You will be focus fired from the snipers and sorcerors. Wait for your enemy to pick targets (not you) then charge into the melee and AoE taunt everything. Bam 3 medals. After that you can intercede an ally and help kill someone. By taunting you keep your DPS alive a bit longer for them to win the fights.


In a WZ like Voidstar you stay in the middle and dont commit until the melee is thick. 95% of people wont switch targets because they want the kill. As long asyou are not targetted by 2 or 3 people you will change the course of the battles. You have 5 interrupts, use them on healers and ranged dps who are unloading on your allies. You have 3 damage reduction abilites, use them only when you get focus fired.


The key as immortal is to be unassuming in PvP. You are not a tank, no one is. Any class can be focus fired down. You are a damage mitigater. You are there to taunt other dps smacking your allies around and to lock down a healer. If you get 1v1ed you have plenty of tools to help you win the fight.


Don't guard DPS pugs. Guard a healer if anything and only when you see him in trouble. make the most of your interrupts and force jumps. Lock healers down. Without them healing the taunted enemies, they will not beat your DPS allies. Play smarter and you will feel more powerful.



This is what being IMMORTAL is all about!!! I am usually the tank for my guild for PVE and being able to do something in PVP besides being a liability is awesome.


We have 5 Interupts..UM what do you think bioware gave us them for? Yes you are right for the healer classes to keep them locked down so the rest of you team can kill everyone else.

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Dont guard in a pug. Pugs run around the middle of huttball taking oodles of damage and you take half of it, probably while being fired at from that sniper on the top ramp.


The key to immortal PvP (I'm a battlemaster I've done plenty of these 3 warzones) is to commit yourself at the right time. For example. At the beginning of Huttball every melee rushes in to get to the ball and battle anyone trying to get it. As an immortal Jugg this is wrong. You will be focus fired from the snipers and sorcerors. Wait for your enemy to pick targets (not you) then charge into the melee and AoE taunt everything. Bam 3 medals. After that you can intercede an ally and help kill someone. By taunting you keep your DPS alive a bit longer for them to win the fights.


In a WZ like Voidstar you stay in the middle and dont commit until the melee is thick. 95% of people wont switch targets because they want the kill. As long asyou are not targetted by 2 or 3 people you will change the course of the battles. You have 5 interrupts, use them on healers and ranged dps who are unloading on your allies. You have 3 damage reduction abilites, use them only when you get focus fired.


The key as immortal is to be unassuming in PvP. You are not a tank, no one is. Any class can be focus fired down. You are a damage mitigater. You are there to taunt other dps smacking your allies around and to lock down a healer. If you get 1v1ed you have plenty of tools to help you win the fight.


Don't guard DPS pugs. Guard a healer if anything and only when you see him in trouble. make the most of your interrupts and force jumps. Lock healers down. Without them healing the taunted enemies, they will not beat your DPS allies. Play smarter and you will feel more powerful.


Have to disagree with you on huttball. I always run the ball. Grab it from mid, intercede to ally on rafter, charge to baddie sorc through fire, force push them to line, and force charge for the score. Entire combo takes 10-15 seconds.

I end up capping all 6 and having 1 medal. Zero MVP votes. But I know in my heart I'm the real MVP :'(

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I just started a jugg and the immortal tree attracted me too. I am glad I came across this post. Can some of you post what your build is like? Any advice you can provide a lowbie would be greatly appreciated. I can't wait to see how far I can take this class. Thank you.


Hi mate this is the build i Use



Some prefer the 2 points in dark blood, myself i like the reduced cooldowns on force push and AoE taunt. Also i skip Accuracy in favor of Ravager as i feel a lot of our utility comes from abilities that dont need as much accuracy.


Have fun with the class

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Dont guard in a pug. Pugs run around the middle of huttball taking oodles of damage and you take half of it, probably while being fired at from that sniper on the top ramp.


The key to immortal PvP (I'm a battlemaster I've done plenty of these 3 warzones) is to commit yourself at the right time. For example. At the beginning of Huttball every melee rushes in to get to the ball and battle anyone trying to get it. As an immortal Jugg this is wrong. You will be focus fired from the snipers and sorcerors. Wait for your enemy to pick targets (not you) then charge into the melee and AoE taunt everything. Bam 3 medals. After that you can intercede an ally and help kill someone. By taunting you keep your DPS alive a bit longer for them to win the fights.


In a WZ like Voidstar you stay in the middle and dont commit until the melee is thick. 95% of people wont switch targets because they want the kill. As long asyou are not targetted by 2 or 3 people you will change the course of the battles. You have 5 interrupts, use them on healers and ranged dps who are unloading on your allies. You have 3 damage reduction abilites, use them only when you get focus fired.


The key as immortal is to be unassuming in PvP. You are not a tank, no one is. Any class can be focus fired down. You are a damage mitigater. You are there to taunt other dps smacking your allies around and to lock down a healer. If you get 1v1ed you have plenty of tools to help you win the fight.


Don't guard DPS pugs. Guard a healer if anything and only when you see him in trouble. make the most of your interrupts and force jumps. Lock healers down. Without them healing the taunted enemies, they will not beat your DPS allies. Play smarter and you will feel more powerful.


Thanks for posting this, this REALLY helped me out, seriously. Next time I run a WZ, I'm going by this lol

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If you want to have a good tank build in pvp then going full Immortal is not the way to go, try a hybrid, lets say a build that find is nice for pvp tanking which have better survivability and really nice for Huttballs.

Oh and I took 2 pieces from the warleaders modds and put it into 2 pieces of the jugg pvp dps gear for the intercede 8% health bonus.




But I think sith jugg in tank build in pvp is kinda weak no matter what unless you got a premade.

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But I think sith jugg in tank build in pvp is kinda weak no matter what unless you got a premade.


Weak for what?


I can 1v1 most classes if i have to (vanguards can P-off though, just not worth the effort), i always get my 25 kills, i can survive being focused and i am a complete and utter annoyance to the other team. The only thing a tank spec Jugg cant do is burst down somebody quickly, but if that was your objective then honestly why arent you playing marauder? Logic dictates that the heavy armour tank potential class would lose something and for us its burst.


We have a distinct role in combat and we are capable of topping a warzone or at least getting 8-10 medals which is going to keep your valour moving nicely.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Weak for what?


To take damage, without cooldowns sith tanks dies quite quickly and I am not talking about 10-49 warzones..


My main is a sith jugg with full champion gear and I am suprised how fast I go down.

But now I mainly play the Rage build which in a way makes me live longer since I kill them faster then they kill me.

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i'll share what i've learned pvping as a hybrid jugg immortal.


first, before you do anything... you have to learn how to use your keyboard. watch this video by taugrim to understand the concept of moving using your mouse and two keys...




if you hold your left and right mouse buttons down you move forward by default. map one key to 'strafe left' and one key to 'strafe right' and only ever use those two keys and your mouse for movement. this way you can keep your fingers in one place on the keyboard and move and hit attacks without taking your eyes off the screen.


now, look at my hotbar and see how my 12 hotbar keys are laid out.




1234567890-= <-TOP CENTER HOTBAR ROW



look at your keyboard... you've got four rows of 6 keys...






the third row is my movement and targetting row. the four fingers of my left hand always sit on asdf... s is strafe left, f is strafe right, d is my standard assault attack which is on my right side hot bar... i never look at it and it does not take up space on my main center hotbar. nothing on this row is on the center hot bar. the a key is mapped to 'target next enemy' which my pinky always rests on. i can move, attack and switch targets without taking my eyes off the screen or moving a finger except to press.


expanding on that row, my force charge is G and intercede is H which are both on the right hot bar. i never have to look at them.


the other three rows are on the hotbar... 123456, qwerty, zxcvbn. i can hit any of those keys with my left hand without taking my eyes off the screen. so i will always hit the keys azq1 with my pinky either by pressing a, going up a row to press q, going up two rows to press 1 or going down a row to press z. the same applies to every finger except the index finger which presses multiple keys on each row.... for instance, fgh on the movement row for move right, force charge or intercede. for interceding, i have the TAB key mapped to 'target next friend'.


i put non attack / utility abilities on the bottom row... zxcvbn...

z = fill rage pool

x = aoe taunt

c = sprint

v = unleash, frees me when cc'd

b = throw the huttball

n = spammable no cost aoe snare


the row right above the movement/targetting row is primary attacks...


q = smash, aoe damage

w = force scream, ranged attack

e = choke, not channeled stun

r = force push

t = backhand, 4 second stun

y = big damage ranged attack, only when target is 20 percent health or less


then the top row is lesser damaging or lesser used attacks


1 = just damage

2 = ravage, channeled damage

3 = retaliate, ignores gcd

4 = sunder, stacks armor debuffs

5 = saber throw

6 = DEFENSIVE increases defense


then i have another row of 6 abilities as 7890-=... these are the only keys i have to take my eyes off the screen to hit...


7 = increase health temporarily

8 = disrupt, stops bad guys channel and he can't cast same for 4 seconds

9 = guard

0 = 10 seconds of 40% damage reduction

- = aoe stun, disables everyone until they take damage, they flop like fish

= = single target taunt



now, let's talk about the abilities and their reasoning...






in pvp, cc is king. when you're stuck, you're ganged up on and killed... this build maximizes your ability to keep moving...


UNSTOPPABLE vengeance t3, every time you force charge, this gives you 20 percent damage mitigation and 4 seconds of cc immunity... this is pure gold for pvp. you leap in, and everyone nearby spams you with cc in those 4 seconds.


UNLEASHED immortal t3, reduces the cooldown of unleased by 30 seconds. unleashed is what you hit when you are rooted or stunned. it will free you. having this cooldown reduced by 30 seconds is a major bonus during pvp. don't hit it right when you're first stunned. wait a sec because enemies have a habit of spamming stuns first. let them all spam you with stuns for a second or two then laugh and walk away THE JUGGERNAUT.


UNLEASH is the ability itself not from the advanced class skill tree.


THROWN GAUNTLET immortal t4, this ability reduces the cooldown of force push by 15 seconds. this is important. in a recent update, bioware made force push reset the cooldown of force charge. this means that you can force charge to someone on a ramp, push them off and then immediately force charage away to another enemy. i sometimes push someone just so i can target an enemy and escape.









a stun will cause an enemy to stop moving or attacking. juggs have a lot of stuns... CC stands for crowd control. a cc is any ability that hinders an enemies ability to move or use abilities.


FORCE CHARGE every time you force charge to an enemy, you root them in place for a few seconds.. 2? they can attack i think but they can't move.


FORCE GRIP immortal t5... this ability removes the need to stand there when you choke someone. instead, you apply the choke and they hover there in the air taking damage while you either keep attacking or run off. i use it all the time to escape. also, it's great to use to push people off things... you lift them up with the choke and then manuver yourself into the right position to create the trajectory to push them wherever you want. absolute gold in huttball where lag can sometimes cause the enemy to get pushed in a direction other than what was showing on your screen when you hit the button. also good for the bridges in voidstar or the ledges on ilum.


BACKHAND is a 4 second stun. will max out their resolve bar so use it wisely. don't use it on an enemy who is close to the goal line with the ball in huttball if they have full health. after 4 seconds they'll have stun immunity.


INTIMIDATING ROAR this is an aoe stun that puts everyone in a radius on the ground waving their arms like idiots. any damage done to them will break the stun so the best use of this is not in a big brawl but when you're surrounded by enemies by yourself and want to escape. it's also great when someone challenges you to a one vs. one, you put them on the ground flopping and just stand there watching. can be humiliating.


FORCE PUSH pushes the enemy far away. remember that force push will reset the cooldown on force charge so you can jump to someone, push them and then jump away.


DISRUPTION - this ability does not affect movement, but counts as a cc because it stops the enemy from using the ability they are channeling for four seconds. so if a trooper is laying big damage down on a crowd of your teammates in voidstar and you see his channel bar you can break his attack and he won't be able to use it again for 4 seconds. your one strike may have prevented a ton of aoe damage to your entire team if they are mobbing together by the door. this is also to be used on healers who are channeling heals.








managing rage is part of any build...


BATTLE CRY gives you a free force scream after you force charge.


INTIMIDATION immortal t2 gives you no cost spammable aoe snare CHILLING SCREAM. this is an amazing strength in voidstar... when the doors open everyone races through them.... i spam this non-stop causing every enemy to be snared and take forever to get through the hallways... this snare is not a stun and can't be broken by stun removers like unleash. can provide enough time for someone to open a door up ahead and keeps enemies clustered close together so aoe dps teammates have a field day... also very useful in huttball to keep the enemy ball carrier permanently snared... also, if melee is chasing you you can spam it and it's hard for the melee behind you to stay in range for melee attacks...


UNYEILDING vengeance t2 gives you 4 rage when you're stunned.


ENRAGED SUNDER gives you an extra rage from sunder


RUIN gives you free unlimited smashes






you don't have a ton of damage abilities with this build... you're basicallly using the standard damage dealers force scream, smash, sundering assault, ravage, retaliate, force throw and vicious throw that does big damage to someone who is under 20 percent health.


BACKHAND is a higher damage attack but nothing major.


DECIMATE veng t1 increases smash damage by 30 percent.


HEAVY HANDED increases damage by backhand and smash by 15 percent. you end up with a smash that costs no rage and does 45 percent more damage. you can hit smash every 12 seconds, it hits everyone around you and you don't need to have anyone targetted to smash





the strength of the jugg hybrid build is the FREE MOVEMENT, the STUNS AND CC and avoiding damage....


GUARD you have to be in soresu stance to guard. on your guard icon on the hotbar is a little button at the bottom. it starts dark and will glow with light when you are guarding someone. target your teammate and look at your guard icon if it is dark then someone else is guarding them and you cannot guard. if it is lit, hit it and the little spot on the bottom of the icon should light up. you'll see light shoot out from you at the target and a sphere of blue light will surround them. as long as you're within 15 meters, 50 percent of all damage done to them will be done to you instead.


THREATENING SCREAM this is the bread and butter of the mosh pit brawler... the area taunt... when you hit this every enemy within 15 meters will be debuffed and do THIRTY PERCENT LESS DAMAGE TO EVERYONE BUT YOU for like 6 seconds. this is a game changer. you cause tons of damage to be avoided by everyone around you which can make the difference in the fight. if i'm running around in civil war and see a 1 vs 1 happening and my teammate is losing, i intercede to the friend granting him 20 percent damage mitigation, then hit threatening scream and then target the enemy player and hit taunt... this pretty much stops the majority of the damage the enemy does to the friend. i've saved countless teammates who were losing a standoff who only had like 15 percent health left.


INVINCIBLE this is the immortal ability that mitigates 40 percent damage for 10 seconds. uses are obvious but extremely useful when you are guarding the huttball carrier. intercede to the carrier and give her 20 percent mitigation, then guard giving her 50 percent mitigation, then hit ENDURE PAIN that gives you 30 percent more health temporarily, then hit invincible and the enemy team now has to do close to 300 percent more damage to the ball carrier than they would have if you had not intervened.


UNSTOPPABLE when you force charge you get a 20 percent damage mitigation for 4 seconds


INTERCEDE when you jump to a friend, they get a 20 percent damage mitigation







use soresu. it gives you 60 percent more armor and allows you to guard. it also gives you a 20 percent shield chance which you enhance by using an offhand shield generator.







immortal jugg is not a damage dealer. you are there to turn the tide of the battle. let's say i run up and see that our team has the ball in huttball. i intercede to the carrier and give her 20 percent damage mitigation. i then guard her giving her 50 percent mitigation. i hit area taunt which causes every enemy within 15 meters to do 30 percent less damage to everyone but me. i target an enemy and unchanneled choke him which does damage and takes him out for 4 or 5 seconds... i immediately turn to the next enemy and backhand him which stuns him for 4 seconds, i hit A and target the next enemy and force push him 20 meters away or off a ramp... i look for the healer and hit him with disruption. having just lept into this fight, i have made a major impact to the outcome of the next 10 seconds and spread chaos everywhere. anyone who notices and comes to beat on me is frustrated by invincible which reduces damage by 40 percent, my high armor which already is reducing damage by 47ish percent and the fact that i am now spamming chilling scream which snares everyone around me.


let's say i have the huttball in the center.... i can target an enemy above on the catwalk and leap to him... i look down to see a teammate on the lower catwalk below me and an enemy above him on the upper catwalk leading to the goal. i force push the enemy i lept to, hit tab to target the friend... intercede to him.. then hit A to target the enemy above and charge to him since i pushed the first guy and charge is reset. i'm now on the ramp leading to the goal line in a matter of seconds and all the bad guys in the center are QQ.


all the time i run the ball into the enemy pit by the goal line... all it takes is for any player, friend or enemy to run up to the ledge and i leap to them and score.











it's been frustrating to play a sith jugg to be honest. we don't put up big numbers in warzones or do big damge or heal. the damage we cause to be avoided also doesn't compare to the 400k that healers can post up. but i feel good about my insane survivability. i win a great deal of the 1 vs 1 standoffs i have with stragglers... and i really feel like i'm making a huge difference in big battles where everyone is brawling fairly closely together... playing a jugg i rarely go stand off with someone and stay until one of us is dead... i intercede to an ally and taunt his opponent, i charge into a brawl hit aoe snare and aoe taunt and then run out... and i look for enemies with low health... we have one ability that does big damage on enemies with under 20 percent health. juggs are not big damage dealers but it is not healthy to be near one when you're low on heath.. they will finish you.




<Flag of Convenience>

The Harbinger

Edited by Belbullab
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