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Everything posted by Marcuspasnicus

  1. I agree this is just dumb, why do I have to hit spacebar just to START the cutscene that I have to spacebar through again?
  2. MMO's dont do this because like the other guy said that would be all about gear (not that its not now i guess) FPS is what you want to play, I suggest CoD S&D.
  3. I cant come up with a number but I can think of many times. The ones that really stand out are viodstar when we killed the entire team, they are all stuck up behind the door and we cant click because of dots. I agree its either noobs who should have been purging or just really bad luck that we didnt have a purge there but either way we should have got that door. Bottom line, you should actually have to be somewhere to defend it imo.
  4. Let me sum up this thread: I suck at pvp please nerf everyone else so I can be better, and why isnt this game more like WOW??
  5. Hahaha cry more. Oh no I cant defend a node without actually being there anymore?? Ilum is pointless now?? Uh its been pointless since launch. Pvp is easier? No its more competitive now. Harder to defend is exactly what was needed.
  6. Very easy fix for this problem. Make the break cc ability on a 1min cd instead of 3 min.
  7. Please remove Jugg from this statement. 3-4 buttons GD I wish. But as to the rest, ya I agree, the whole game has turned into sorcs/sins vs sage/troopers, naturally I blame BW.
  8. Have to disagree big time here. I can do plenty of damage as immortal and I almost never (really wanna say never but might have happened once or twice) watch a healer die. Healers only die under my watch when I die first. Guard + Taunt + Intercede = plenty of time for healers to recover, unless they are getting super focused or they just bad.
  9. Na just happened, pub went first, we held them off (never even clicked) then our turn and same result. They win. I dont get it.
  10. So if both teams never click the first door why does the second team lose? Should it not be a tie?
  11. The game is not dying, but its not doing well either. The proof is in the stock. EA stock has been consistantly plummeting since launch. I dont know but if it was doing great would that happen?
  12. Why do I get the feeling that most of your days are filled with frustrating social interactions?
  13. Im sorry is this a discussion about surge nerf or one about how much Biowareftw loves WOW?
  14. Sorry but Ilum pvp has been broken since launch and this patch is not going to fix that, its just going to fix 1 part of the broken. Again not a priority.
  15. I been saying this since launch. I think most of us are just burned out on MMO's all together and we hoped ToR would save us.... it didnt
  16. I am a lvl 50 valor Jugg and honestly we need a nerf not a buff. Go to the Jugg forums and read some strats. We will mostly not top dam meters but we are serious utility forces to be reckoned with. A good Jugg can make or break the wz just like a good healer.
  17. LOL at the hypocrisy of this post. Almost no one plays Ilum in the scope of total subs. Its a small part of the game. My group are all pvp'ers and still we only go to that crap planet to do dailies and leave. The main question asked in this thread that most are missing the point of is, how does this issue require an emergency patch when theres bugs everywhere? Why no emergency patch to fix wz wins not counting? Or any of the other issues that plague the minority.
  18. Hating on the Phantom? Ya Im the one trying to be "cool"
  19. I agree with the OP. They so blindly ignore all of the pvp issues and bugs in this game (still havent fixed wins not counting) and yet this issue is worthy of "emergency maintenece? Could have waited.
  20. Phantom Menace in 3d is out tomorrow night at midnight. Would have been a much better night for maintenece! Cmon BW get it together
  21. Love all the peeps saying the op is a jerk or a moron lol. Personally I approve of this greatly. Simple lesson to be learned here: You dont like it, join the dark side. We need more imps enforcing this imo. We should be making life miserable for as many pubs as possible.
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