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Poll: What do you think about the new changes made to global cooldown UI in 1.1.2?


What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2  

3,457 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2

    • They're good!
    • They're terrible!
    • I don't care either way.

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bioware, stop wasting resources on TRYING to make a good UI. you'll never make everyone happy.


implement player made addons. end of story.


I'm going to agree wholeheartedly with this. Let the hivemind have access to the API so they can relieve some of the gamebreaking issues that you guys are creating.

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Hi folks,


We recently implemented a change to the global cooldown UI with Patch 1.1.2 and we realize that it has been a hot topic here in the Forums. In an effort to prioritize any new changes to the UI, we wanted to poll the community on their opinion of the current global cooldown UI. Please vote in the poll above! As a reminder, please only vote with the cooldown UI changes in mind.


I voted 'they're terrible' but I don't want to be overly negative. I feel the new UI changes have one glaring problem. I'm a Jedi Guardian, and not a GCD goes by that I'm not hitting SOMETHING as quickly as I can. The constant flashing of the entire bar makes it very difficult to see the icons beneath, and be able to see what abilites are greyed out and what abilities are ready for use.


I suggest you tweak the alpha on the GCD to make it more transparent, to make it easier to see the buttons underneath while the GCD animation is underway.

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Gave it a day because I didn't want to reject it before trying it out for a while.


The new cooldown graphic is just too bright. It obscures all the skill icons during the global cooldown and generally gets in the way instead of helping identify the timer for skills on longer cooldowns.


I really don't like it.

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I'm indifferent to the changes of the GCD on the UI. Doesn't affect me in the least. It is bright, but I think it helps me notice when my GCD is up, even when not staring directly at the bars. Lots of QQ on the forum though...


EDIT: Reading one of the above posts, I agree that an opacity slider for the GCD pulse may be a good way to go. Will get rid of the whining of a VERY vocal minority and will give more customization to the UI, which IMO is sorely needed.

Edited by Ignath
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When else would you expect them to ask you? Before you had ever seen it?


24 hours ago. When the forum went nuts and they started "investigating".


It was on the PTR, but I'm sure you didn't test it out there did you?


Nope. I tested and was ignored in beta. Why should I pay to continue to test and be ignored?

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Joveth, I'm not sure if you're the one I should be asking this but I figure I'd give it a shot anyway.


What made Bioware decide to change the initial release UI that had zero problems?


The initial UI was perfect. I could see my long CD abilities easily, the GCD was easy to see, and my short CD abilities were easy to follow as well. I also did not see a single complaint about the UI's cooldown system anywhere ingame or on the forums. I simply cannot understand what made Bioware decide the following:


"Hmmm we should change the UI even though absolutely nothing is wrong with it. Lets add a dark background over spells on CD instead of light background (the way it was at release) and see what the community thinks!"


1 week later


"Hmmm the community hates this change. We never saw that coming! Lets change it so all our cooldowns now blink every single time an ability is used! They are gonna love this!"

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So how do people that dislike it for reasons such as: headaches, severe eye strain, nausea, specify that? You know, things that prevent said people from actually PLAYING the game.

Come on....be more pro-active on this.

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A poll? A freakin' poll BW? Really?

After a 200 page thread all consisted of people having health problems and not being able to play the game for more than 30 minutes without getting headaches instead of a simple hotfix you give us a poll?!

What the hell is wrong with you guys!

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Having everything constantly greyed out is bad and prevents people from quein up the next ability before the GCD is up. They have no idea if they have the resources to use that ability untill the GCD is up. This slows your rotation and lowers your dps. I don't not know how anyone can defend this new UI with feature.
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Hi folks,


We recently implemented a change to the global cooldown UI with Patch 1.1.2 and we realize that it has been a hot topic here in the Forums. In an effort to prioritize any new changes to the UI, we wanted to poll the community on their opinion of the current global cooldown UI. Please vote in the poll above! As a reminder, please only vote with the cooldown UI changes in mind.


No, you didn't recently do this. You did it first with the patch a month ago. It was a problem then. Now, you've only made it more of a problem.


What you should be asking is this, because you don't seem to get it.


This wasn't an issue before you made it one. Nobody was up in arms asking for this change.


Now, put up a new poll and ask this.



How many of you can no longer play and enjoy the game due to this and will be forced to cancel if it's not fixed.


That is the issue for many, and YOU created it.

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I'm pleased to see a poll like this in response to all the complaints since 1.1.2's changes. My personal feedback is as follows:


1. The graphic for longer cooldowns is perfectly fine. It's very clear when a skill is nearing the end of its cooldown.

2. The universal FLASH as the GCD ends is bad (I feel that it's giving me a headache and my eyes rarely spend much time on my action bars).

3. Skills should remain lit in some way if they are available for use despite the GCD being in effect. While you may argue that one should know one's "rotation" or "priority", there are times during encounters where that rotation is going to be of lesser importance than movement and be disrupted. I'm fortunate as a DPS Commando and can simply watch my Charged Barrel count and/or the Gravity Vortexes on my target. Not all classes have such cues.


Thank you.


My feelings exactly. Nice post with clear feedback/suggestions. Need more of these instead of "OMG me eyez hruts!"

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I voted that it is terrible, but its not really terrible, I just didn’t see an answer that fit my views on the change.


Problems I see:


1. The global cooldown flash of white overwhelms any other triggers we may watch for some abilities. i.e. out of range and unusable no longer able to tell, or other cooldowns finishing before the GCD which might take priority in a rotation.


2. The flash of white is pretty bright, and spread that to 4 total bars 98% full is pretty hard on anyone's eyes for any long play session.


Solutions I see:


1. Give players options on UI, specifically the bars. There are little to no options that give players more control over what they see and how they see it. I am not talking mods, I am talking ingame click-able features to alter the HUDs function, size, color, bar quantity, cooldown visibility, proximity trigger notification, etc.


2. Revert back to the launch feature HUD, or give us the option to turn on different UI version, i.e. Launch UI check box, Patch 1.1.1 UI check box, or Patch 1.1.2 UI check box and let the players cherry pick the one they like.

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This poll is too black and white. What about a middle option? I would love to have global cooldowns dark as before and make the skills on a seperate cooldown light like now. It would be very comfortable IMHO. Edited by Sauzer
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The new changes are horrible.


I play a Sentinel and it is almost impossible to determine when abilities are off cooldown. During my hardmode raid last night, my entire UI was constantly greyed out or flashing, which made it impossible to determine which abilities could be activated.


I could not monitor Merciless Slash, Cauterize, Overload Saber and Zealous Strike properly. I basically had to guess when each was ready to use. The other raiding Sentinel in my guild was having the same issues.


And don't get me started on the flashing every 1.5 seconds...



There are two main problems:


One, the Global Cooldown causes ALL abilities to flash when it's up. This means all of your bars will flash white every 1.5 seconds.


Two, using ANY ability causes all of your abilities to go grey and they don't fade back in until after the Global Cooldown is up. This is a HUGE problem when you're a class that spams abilities every second, such as a Jedi Sentinel. Basically, the abilities NEVER light back up and are in a constant state of fading grey and flashing. Because of this, you can't tell what abilities are ready, whether or not you're in range, or if you have enough resources to use the ability.


Wow. You people are just INCAPABLE of adapting, aren't you? I have zero problems; you are crippled by the slight adjustment tot he level of light coming off of your buttons. Sheesh.

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Hi folks,


We recently implemented a change to the global cooldown UI with Patch 1.1.2 and we realize that it has been a hot topic here in the Forums. In an effort to prioritize any new changes to the UI, we wanted to poll the community on their opinion of the current global cooldown UI. Please vote in the poll above! As a reminder, please only vote with the cooldown UI changes in mind.



Why the hell ask us now is that not what the test server is for to TEST things before they end up in game and get our idea of them ......this leads me to another point, you have time to run a poll but no time to give us how long a fix will be for something say i dont know

1.illum kills counting

2.warzone counting towards dailys

3.Exploit that gets 11 players in to a sc


just 3 things off the top of my head that i think are a little more important then your poll.

Edited by siant
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Poll functionality is just as broken as the new UI. My response;


They're terrible.


They are a distracting eyesore. They literally give me eyestrain so severe I have to quit the game. It only takes about 30 seconds exposure until I feel like someone is jabbing me in the eyes, followed by a bad headache. I haven't been able to play since the patch.


I think it is the frequency of the flashing that is doing it to me. I have poor eyesight. this effect hits me hard glasses on or off. I looked it up last night on the internet about the ADA and games, and it looks like the federal courts have allowed internt products and sites a pass, but I'm quite frankly shocked at this.


In the military we had Surefire flashlights issued to my unit prior to hitting Iraq that emit a pulsing strong beam of light that stuns those whose eyes you shine them in. Grats Bioware you may be able to sell this game to the military as a weapon.


If this change isn't rolled back or an option to use a more toned down UI added I'll be unable to play this game. That is a shame as I do love this game. I have been playing since about June in Beta, bought the CE, paid for 6 months of subscription. This needs to be fixed so those who are sensitive to this effect can play. I know I'm not alone as I read of many others experiencing the same effect.


Maybe you should hire a professional medicalman and have him explaine what this stroboscopic effect can have on people with photo sensitivity, poor eyesight, or epilepsy.


This needs action soonest.

Edited by Catsmeat
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Wow. You people are just INCAPABLE of adapting, aren't you? I have zero problems; you are crippled by the slight adjustment tot he level of light coming off of your buttons. Sheesh.


You likely have zero problems because you aren't vigilant in your gameplay by making sure you take advantage of procs and cooldowns. Those of us that ARE vigilant find the UI changes to be hindering our gameplay.

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While I can see how some people hate the changes, there needs to be an option for some to turn it off. Personally I really really like the change as I'm slightly vision impaired and it helps tremendously. Please make it a UI option. Even better than the lines moving downward would be an actual numeric value for cooldowns.


Also a forum poll is beyond terrible as an idea. Only a fraction of players partake in the forums. A lot of people avidly avoid these troll and whine invested boards. They are definitely not representative of the entire population at large.

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