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WHY so many tokens at bags?what about the ppl that worked hard for their gear?


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First sign or a troll: Bad grammar

Second sign of a troll: Not willing to reason with others

Anyways, in the new system the champion bags still give tokens to change into champion gear. I got my second main-hand lightsaber on my marauder from the Warzone Daily. RNG is still a factor with getting gear, but the revamp addressed the times where people were getting repeat tokens or no tokens at all.

Edit: Screenshot http://i.imgur.com/2u4gv.png

Edited by Mazgrog
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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.


Don't confuse challenge with time sink.


Crate clicking.

Warfront grinding.

Kill trading.

Zerg rushes.


Where's the challenge again?


It's all reward reward reward. Just invest time and you can be a winner too. Or you could just get lucky with the RNG --- wow, so challenging!!!!!!!!


now that u will loose dedicated pvp players(already i saw hardcore pvp guild from REPS quitting their guilds and leaving the game) lets see what u will do.


Hardcore PVP'ers in a game that - has no meaningful world PVP, gear focus, minigame grinds, no premade only queue, no ladders, no competitive PVP... REALLY, hardcore PVP'ers? lol.


Sounds like someone is simply scared that there gear advantage won't be quite as extreme anymore. OH NOES! :eek:

Edited by Jebi
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i didn't read your post but how did you work hard for your "random" gear? so you were a lucky one to get gear fast and easy while others get nothing or multiple duplicates. i've been pvping every since i hit 50 and nothing but it and i still didn't have all my slots with pvp gear.. now i can finally fill out those slots that lucky people got already... only it is the centurion gear not champion so you still have an edge... and i'm sure you're so skilled that it won't matter.
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****, it's just gear. Get over it. I'm personally praying this game becomes more skill based than gear based. Whoopty f***in' do, some of you grinded a million hours to get your gear, and others ground a whopping 10, rollin' full champion set, and then some for their companions. Yay, you got your high end gear, while those of us who work all hours of the day among other things, had to deal with constant RNG, and get nothing for the effort. It's already entirely too easy to run from lvl 1 to 50 in a matter of a couple days, and you honestly think someone would want to spend weeks on end trying to acquire endgame gear?


If your enjoyment came from having high end gear vs having actual competition in (omg) a competitive setting, then you need to get your priorities straight. I want to see matches run down to the wire, and both sides have an equal chance of succeeding at matches, not a constant lol faceroll 'cause one side is geared and not the other.


You talk about the fun being killed, but your fun =/= everyone else's fun. But I think we can all agree we want to be competitive, not getting our a**es kicked for hours on end only to HOPE we actually get something from a bag or two... add to that, the d***ed game just came out. New gear options, tiers, etc are going to be added.


I'm not saying there shouldn't be a challenge, but the challenge should be out in the world, and in Warzones, not getting a handful of worthless comms.

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If you actually care at all about competitive PvP, you should be happy that everyone will be geared - because when you kill somebody, it means you might actually possess skill - not just a higher % of expertise.


Can we lock this and move on?


^^I am personally in full Champion w/ 4 pieces of BM gear and get little to no satisfaction out of killing someone in 3 shots who has 11K hp. It's not a challenge, and when I do lose in a 1v1 scenario, its not gear it's skill or lackthereof on my part lol. Competition makes PvP worthwhile, not the purples.


and as another post stated; nobody has worked for their PvP gear, most people took advantage of the joke of a weekly/daily quests in Ilum prior to the armaments quest (still terrible). champion gear should have valor requirements, BM gear has valor requirements but should also have a rating requirement.




they need to tone down the gear drops. i have never stepped foot into EV or KP until last night as PvE isn't my focus, but I wanted to check some end game out. Anyways, I left with 4 pieces of columi and a columi weapon... ok so now I've progressed to HM ops in 1 night. =[

Edited by venjinze
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Blame the guys who rushed to 50 and farmed everyone else for gear. All the people who kill trade and the Ilium exploiters. They are the people who made all your hard work go to waste.


Wait until the next major refit for PvP and then everyone will be back to farming for gear. Hopefully without exploits to help them this time.

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Tzou, I really would like to know how your friend grinded 111 bags in one day?


It takes 774 tokens to get every piece of Champion gear (assuming you get no lucky procs). Now with your logic that your buddy has grinded out EVERY piece in 1 day seems very unlikely.

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HOw can you say "Wha about the people that worked hard for their gear." The previous system was RNG based, you didn't have to work hard, you just had to get lucky. I was valor rank 40 with tons of champion bags opened and missing 4 pieces of champ gear while a valor rank 20 was full champ because he got lucky. Are you going to sit here and say that he worked harder then me, because that would be BS.


From what i can tell there doesn't seem to be tokens that drop from champ bags anymore, or my luck still sucks balls but i have opened 15 bags on my alt and still no tokens. If it is true that there are no tokens anymore in champ bags, then gearing for champ gear will take longer for those that were lucky but faster for those that were unlucky. And the new system is better because it gives people the ability to get centurion gear while they build up to champion. The new system also gives a purpose to centurion gear which was pretty much meaningless prior to this patch, unless you were unlucky.


If it still gives tokens then i kinda do understand your point, it makes gearing even easier for those who are unlucky. If this is still in place i hope they remove it, so there is actual PvP progression, from centurion to champ and finally to BM.

Edited by Megamaid
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I don't care that people are getting handed gear, except for the fact that they are literally being handed gear. I welcome more people being geared up similar to what I am, however, allowing them to do so in a day or 2 is a little upsetting.


I've always considered myself to be a casual player. I play a couple hours a day at most, and am not overly concerned with being efficient with my time played either. My point is, I managed to gear up as a jedi shadow tank in full centurion/champion gear in about 2 weeks playing casually. I find it hard to believe that it is asking too much for others to do the same in order to compete in pvp. I mean really, you can't spend the time to get 3 WZ wins everyday, or at least 5 times a week? Then don't expect to compete with players who play more than you. Why should someone who plays 1-2 hours, 3-4 times a week be able to have the same rewards as someone who plays 2-3 hours or more, 5-7 days a week?


I'd like to stress again this is not about players having the same gear as me, I could honestly care less. It's more about people just complaining that it was too hard to gear up, when it certainly wasn't difficult at all, and BW giving in so quickly. At least Blizzard put out a ton of content before they made their game playable for 4 year olds.

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no one worked hard for their gear, you may or may not have worked long for it, but not hard.


working hard would be at the very least losing valor on death in world pvp and gaining no valor for warzone losses.



let me correct that statement. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HARD WORK IN A VIDEO GAME. nobody has ever done "hard work" in a video game other than the company that created it.


lol, playing a video game is hard work? really? lololololololololololololololol

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i must be happy?no my frienf im not.i want to know what kind of game i play.an easy one to gear up or a hard one,from day1.


yes i might enjoy now that ppl are harder to kill but who told u that its fair for me to gear up so hard and from now on ppl wil lgear up so easily?and its now after 1 -2-3-4 years of the game.its after 2 months.


You worked hard? Ha! More like you got lucky with the RNG bags. The PvP system was broken before, a game should not leave gearing up to chance where some people open 10 bags and get 10 pieces, and others open 10 and get nothing. Thats not working hard, thats getting lucky. You sir need to think before you post a rant about how people worked 'hard' for their gear.

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i tottaly feel u.


maybe u all didnt get my point.


my point IS the nw patch made it worst that it was.


it was bad and now its even worst.


You dont deserve my response, you really dont. But you leave me no choice......you sir....... are a complete jack-off.




Some people got full champ gear in 10-15 bags, while other went through 100 and got a few pieces. Its not rocket science. And you only get 15 centurian comms, its 7 champ. And centurian is just there to get you in the door, cause its complete crap with horrible secondary stats.

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