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  1. Adding a vote-kick to warzones so that people can kick AFK'ers? Horrible idea, just horrible. Vote-kick has been known in the past (especially in first person shooter games) to be ridiculously abused. People will be vote-kicking others left and right just because they dont like the way that they are playing/acting. Not a good system. Please, do not implement this feature, it will close to ruin warzone play.
  2. Short for... scoundrels take more skill than sorcs. If you are good enough as a scoundrel, than you will have no problem against sorcs. If you are bad as a scoundrel, well then, sorcs will faceroll you. I would not call a sorc slightly OP because I have seen classes drop them like they are nothing. People need something to complain about, last month it was operatives, this month its sorcerers. The forums are not a great source for how the game is REALLY going. Also, based on what you previously posted, you made sorcs sound a bit more OP than you are saying now. "they spam lightning on me to death!"
  3. And... you can make a class sound OP just talking about it. I dont just talk about it, I do it. Like I said earlier, your choice not to believe me is not my problem.
  4. True that, you can call it a theory, and I am just telling you what I do, whether or not you choose to believe me is up to you. The only reason I have such a difficult time believing your statement saying that a sorc has a counter to everything that I have, is because I have found that I have a counter to everything that they do as well. People shrink classes to nothing when they call another class OP, If you play a scoundrel correctly, in my experience, a sorc is no more OP than say, a juggernaut. I cant speak for other classes, only my own.
  5. Sorc was just in a fight? Why are you dirty-kicking him? You should be using your opener (scoundrels most powerful ability.) This will knock him flat on his face for 1.5 seconds and, knowing his resolve is full, you should throw tendon blast on him before he stands back up from that opener. As you are walking away from him to nearby cover to LOS him, throw a dot on him. He now has both dots, his resolve is diminishing, and he has to run over to you. Distraction has a 10 yard range, and, after the sorc knocks you back, you should be no more than 10 yards away from him. You are positioning yourself wayy wrong if he is able to knock you back and spam slows on you. Dodge has a 1 minute cooldown, you can use that in every fight, sometimes twice in a fight. The goal is to anticipate his knockback, and keep the situation in your favor, rather than simply letting him knock you back and spam lightning on you. I am not just talking in theory, like I said earlier, I am able to consistently do well against sorcs. As a scoundrel you should not be ever engaging someone out of stealth, if you are doing that you deserve to be killed.
  6. Really? Because I manage to do that rotation consistently against sorcerers. Resolve only applies to the stealth opener, dirty kick, and flash bang. Tendon blast, and interrupt dont raise that bar at all. If you manage the timing correctly, you can do all three as I stated. I didnt post a theory, I posted the way that I deal with casting classes, so I am obviously able to deal with the resolve bar. They dont 'let' me run, I manage my abilities well enough where they have no choice but to stand in my root as I slip in to nearby cover. Plus if you throw in combat stealth to the loop you have a whole 'nother story (but I like to save that for escaping when I get overwhelmed.) In response to your second statement, saying that there are 4+ of them, that is irrelevant to the point, 4+ of any class against one person will destroy them.
  7. Actually, as a geared scoundrel, I find that I am able to take on sorcerers pretty well. While they are formidable opponents, there is nothing like a good fight. The order is more like: -Stealth opener (1.5 sec stun) -interrupt (4 second no casting that spell) -dirty kick (5 second stun, i think..) -flash bang (8 second stun if not dotted) -interrupt all over again By this time the target is usually dead, that is a process i use on many casters. Scoundrels have amazing utility, and even after the nerf I find i still do very well in PvP. Worst case scenario I tendon blast(2 second root + slow), run behind cover, and heal up to reset the fight.
  8. Yeah, I feel for you.. Powertechs need a major buff in the PvP realm. Compared to mercs they are inferior in almost every way when it comes to their DPS specs. I gave up on my powertech pyro because I grew tired of being topped by my other advanced class who stands there and spams tracer missiles.
  9. Whoah there... Are you a Mercenary or a Powertech? If you are a mercenary, then what I am reading is that a Mercenary (A MERCENARY) is asking for another class to be nerfed. I am sorry, but if as a Mercenary (A MERCENARY) you want another class nerfed you need to rethink your priorities. From what I can see your class, next to the lightning spam sorc, is next on Biowares nerf list(based on forum complaints about classes.) Just keep spamming that tracer missile and you will do just fine. Now if you are a Powertech, thats a different story...
  10. You worked hard? Ha! More like you got lucky with the RNG bags. The PvP system was broken before, a game should not leave gearing up to chance where some people open 10 bags and get 10 pieces, and others open 10 and get nothing. Thats not working hard, thats getting lucky. You sir need to think before you post a rant about how people worked 'hard' for their gear.
  11. Excuse me while I dig my own grave and put myself in it. Humanity is lost...
  12. Melee classes are sub-par in PvP right now. I have seen juggernauts do pretty well, Operatives and Assassins also do decent due to the fact that they can open on their target out of stealth. If you want the most powerful PvP class than go for either a Mercenary or a Sorcerer, both do exceptionally well (Merc is easier to play.) If you really are set on melee, than I would personally go for either a juggernaut or an operative/assassin, depending on your play style. Juggernaut seems to fit your description the most.
  13. Well, if this change in 1.1.2 is any good, then you wont have to worry about it anymore. You are tired of them because either A.) You arent 50 yet or B.) You are one of the lucky ones (or I am just an unlucky one. )
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