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Knockbacks! Plz .. enough already!


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As an Operative, Huttball is incredibly annoying and sometimes almost impossible to play due to constant Knockbacks. I am sick and tired of it guys.


I get on the ramp, BAM I get get knocked back down;

I run back up ... BAM ... I get knocked back again; this repeats continuously.


We already have positioning requirements to do any decent damage. And I don't care if I get knock back into Acid or Fire once in a while. I can position myself properly for that most of the time; but it's very hard to avoid getting knocked back off the ramp.


Just 1 ability totally negates my role. It does not have to kill me outright, but just 1 knockback will remove me from being able to chase the enemy Ball Carrier or to help my team's BC. I mean come on :(!


I could make a video but it's pointless. Everyone knows how bad it is, but those who do it a lot will just jump up and say it's fine. Well sorry, it is not fine. And those same people will start talking about skill and l2p. What skill is involved in pushing a single button and removing your opponent(s) from play?


BW, are there any plans to address this?

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I agree, its ultra annoying. Yesterday, during the fight for the left turret, was like 6v6 fight... i think i got knocked back from the turret platform 4 or 5 times in a row.... was funny.. i go in, hit something, someone does kb, and i fly down.. go around the stairs, do the same thing.. and again.. someone knockbacks.


This CC should have bigger impact on resolve bar at least.

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your doing it wrong, against good players they always keep aligned to the long side of the walkway, hell even if i get on the short side to use force wave to knock them off when i jump into the air they have time reposition so they dont get knocked off. sith dont have this problem it seems. ( im a jedi sage)
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your doing it wrong, against good players they always keep aligned to the long side of the walkway, hell even if i get on the short side to use force wave to knock them off when i jump into the air they have time reposition so they dont get knocked off. sith dont have this problem it seems. ( im a jedi sage)


You think I've not tried that already? The guy with knockback only needs to move 1 step to the side and I end up off the ramp. Sorry mate it just doesn't work most of the time.

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Operatives REALLY need some movement skill. They are the only class without any, and that's especially hard for a melee class.


Both Warrior classes get Charge

Assassins have Knockback + Sprint + Pull if Tank

Sorcerers have Knockback + Sprint

Mercs have Knockback

Powertechs have Pull + Charge if Tank

Snipers have Knockback


Operative doesn't have anything besides a Stun and a Mez. They really should have at least a sprint.

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You think I've not tried that already? The guy with knockback only needs to move 1 step to the side and I end up off the ramp. Sorry mate it just doesn't work most of the time.


I do this fairly often, works most of the time. However, it's not automatic so different people will have different levels of skills in positioning.


Keep in mind that things like piles of sandbags, lamp posts and all the other various objects in the warzone also stop you being pushed away.


You need to pay attention to both your position relative to whoever is knocking back as well as the game world.

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As a scoundrel my "job" (for myself at least)...


Take out healers, to stop the ball carrier that's 20m-30m away from me


To make sure my team dps can burn down the dps slowing down OUR ball by killing the enemy healers.


Shoot first's knockdown as they are at an edge, getting ready to jump down from the top ramp to the lower ramp to bypass the fire. If you time it well, the stun from shoot first tossed them ahead 1m, which is enough to cause them to fall into the pit.




Over all you're going to die if you get focused - so do hit and run tactics. Kill a person run - restealth and repeat.


Try to go for the people aready damaged, then you can kill them in about 2 seconds and restealth 2 seconds later.

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So you want a class which has knockbacks, stuns, heals and amazing burst? You have a weakness, learn to overcome it. Knockbacks are a strategic skill. I save my knockback in hu8ttbal for when it is neded. If there were no CC's, heals or knockbacks, how the hell are you expected to score? It's called teamplay, so if it annoys you, re roll.
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Operatives REALLY need some movement skill. They are the only class without any, and that's especially hard for a melee class.


Both Warrior classes get Charge

Assassins have Knockback + Sprint + Pull if Tank

Sorcerers have Knockback + Sprint

Mercs have Knockback

Powertechs have Pull + Charge if Tank

Snipers have Knockback


Operative doesn't have anything besides a Stun and a Mez. They really should have at least a sprint.


Ops have faster in combat run speed and can spec to make their stun give them faster run speed after being used.

Just because people dont spec into these talents doesnt mean you dont have access to them.

Also the mez ops have is the best in game... AOE mez !

Edited by Avindra
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Ops have faster in combat run speed and can spec to make their stun give them faster run speed after being used.

Just because people dont spec into these talents doesnt mean you dont have access to them.

Also the mez ops have is the best in game... AOE mez !


Assassins also have the 15% runspeed, as do Marauders. Every Warrior has the same AOE mez that Operatives have also. A run speed increase after a melee stun isn't really a gap closer for a melee class...

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Operatives get one of the most powerful CC in the game -> Flash bang. Thats what you would have to give up for a knockback. And Flash bang is far more useful when capping an objective.


Knockbacks are easy to avoid getting knocked off platforms, its called situational awareness. Make sure you always have enough room behind yourself when in combat with a knockback class, and dont let them position you so that you can get knocked off a ledge.

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Operatives get one of the most powerful CC in the game -> Flash bang. Thats what you would have to give up for a knockback. And Flash bang is far more useful when capping an objective.


The problem is that Operatives are the only melee class without a gap closer. Warriors - who, as I pointed out have EXACTLY the same "most powerful CC in the game" as you call it (Flashbang = Intimidating Roar) - have Force Charge. Assassins who have a whole lot of CC have Sprint, Powertechs have Grapple.


Operatives do not have a single gap closer.

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Operatives REALLY need some movement skill. They are the only class without any, and that's especially hard for a melee class.


Both Warrior classes get Charge

Assassins have Knockback + Sprint + Pull if Tank

Sorcerers have Knockback + Sprint

Mercs have Knockback

Powertechs have Pull + Charge if Tank

Snipers have Knockback


Operative doesn't have anything besides a Stun and a Mez. They really should have at least a sprint.


Thats because Operatives are completely reliant on quick burst dps in PvP. Stealth, get in, kill someone, get out. I don't play an Operative or Scoundrel myself, but once one of those pops up from behind you and throws you on the ground: you're as good as dead, unless a healer gives you some assistance. The downside to that is that they have very few, or no 'gadget' abilities such as Sprint, Charge or Pull. Granted, in PvP these abilities are way more than 'gadgets', but still. If you would like to have any of the above, then imo, they should touch your burst dps.

Edited by Mormoz
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So you want a class which has knockbacks, stuns, heals and amazing burst? You have a weakness, learn to overcome it. Knockbacks are a strategic skill. I save my knockback in hu8ttbal for when it is neded. If there were no CC's, heals or knockbacks, how the hell are you expected to score? It's called teamplay, so if it annoys you, re roll.



Everyone faces the same knock backs as you, and if your smart you can avoid them most of the time. Zero sympathy from me. If the same thing keeps happening to you then maybe you should look at where you are standing? Stop making the same mistakes? It's not hard really, and tbh they are hardly game breaking.

What needs to be addressed here? They are working the way they are supposed to, they are called knock backs and thats what they do..

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Thats because Operatives are completely reliant on quick burst dps in PvP. Stealth, get in, kill someone, get out. I don't play an Operative or Scoundrel myself, but once one of those pops up from behind you and throws you on the ground: you're as good as dead, unless a healer gives you some assistance. The downside to that is that they have very few, or no 'gadget' abilities such as Sprint, Charge or Pull. Granted, in PvP these abilities are way more than 'gadgets', but still. If you would like to have any of the above, then imo, they should touch your burst dps.


I play a Powertech DPS and no Operative ever has killed me within their opening stuns (after their nerf). And I don't even have full champion gear.

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The knockbacks are annoying, but don't forget that you don't have to carry the ball the entire way. If you get knocked off the ramps, you should have had teammates who were also on the ramps, or who are getting positioned to be thrown to.


I was in a round yesterday where I was getting ping-ponged all over the place as a Marauder. In one instance I was actually knocked back (+snare), then immediately knocked back again by a different player, ending up in a fire pit. It was a great trick that they pulled off, but completely inescapable on my part.


I don't mind dying. Not even when I'm being focus-fired down, because I can at least try to escape via my shortlived stealth. But the one type of death that bothers me is when I die and cannot do anything to fight back. Luckily the stunlock deaths are rare now that the Operatives/Scoundrels seem to have re-rolled to Sorcerers/Sages, but that's created a lot more ping-ponging in WZ's.

I second the notion that CC's MUST NOT become too effective. It was the demise of Warhammer Online.


20 sec knockback (18.5 after your GCD) with a followup stun or 4 sec movement speed reduction is just too much. It creates a large imbalance between classes.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers the Warhammer knockbacks.


I think a whole lot of players quit that game once they reached tier 3 warzones. It was actually rare to die due to player damage on the lava map. The vast majority of your deaths would be due to getting knocked back into the lava. Extremely frustrating.

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I play a Powertech DPS and no Operative ever has killed me within their opening stuns (after their nerf). And I don't even have full champion gear.


I said 'Once an Operative/Scoundrel pops up from behind and throws you on the ground you're as good as dead. No, you won't be dead, but you'll be instantly on about 20-40% of your hp unless you have your anti-stun ability up. This makes you an instant target for every enemy, because, tank or not, people love targetting enemies on low hp.


Even after their nerf their burst dps remains the largest of all classes. This already gives them a massive advantage in PvP. Giving them more movement abilities, without nerfing something else, is asking for imbalance.

Edited by Mormoz
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I agree with the OP that it's highly annoying, the sheer amount of knockback, root, freeze, immobalize and other cc skills.


a typical PvP warzone goes like this:


run a little, shoot, stun, stun, stun, freeze, root, stun, stun, knockback, walk a little, wooz a stealther behind you, stun, knockback, root, death


meanwhile your trying to fire skills that are obviously unresponsive, creating quite a spam on the screen with "Not available" messages.


Then add some bloody irritating Huttball commentators to add to the annoyance, taking away the last sparkle of fun you had while winning the previous game.


Maybe you don´t have a problem with all of that, but i find it irritating to have an unresponsive character more than half the game because of all these frigging cc skills.


So kudos to you having fun with the game´s pvp. I don´t.

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