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Fix the camera, we are getting sick of it.


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Are you testing players patience? How long it might take to fix freaking camera in game?


1. turn off camera auto-follow which makes us loose controll of what we see and what we want to see. It basically steals controll from player for absolutely no freaking reason, renders mouseovering/targetting on the move anything that is not in front of us impossible, missplace mice on mousepads and succesfully disorient players for a brief moment.


2. disable camera movement smoothing. This stuff is like implementing hotbar auto-hide feature... It might look nice, but its a horrid idea in practise. Camera movement smoothing puts a barrier between player controll and the game. There is a reason why old school, great players will call mouse smoothing a sacrilege, Bioware... >.< I thought to be a game developer you should be player aswell - seems i have been wrong.

+ this camera smoothing causing wierd, awkward, camera bug , which randomly change its facing for no reason to some random point also succesfully disorienting players and make the struggle for camera controll continue...



Controll over camera should be solid, comfortable, simple. Stop reinventing the wheel cause it doesnt ends well. And if you feel creative and cant resist, then fix the stif animations like inquisitor's lighting strike casting animation or sith warrior's channel hatred animation... And if you will feel the energy still bursting out of you, then double check if your voiceovers are properly placed, cause i have seen a male Zabrak on the Empire Fleet that have female voice... Thank you.



new bug reproduction video:


Edited by MuNieK
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Are you testing players patience? How long it might take to fix freaking camera in game?


1. turn off camera auto-follow which makes us loose controll of what we see and what we want to see. It basically steals controll from player for absolutely no freaking reason, renders mouseovering/targetting on the move anything that is not in front of us impossible, missplace mice on mousepads and succesfully disorient players for a brief moment.


2. disable camera movement smoothing. This stuff is like implementing hotbar auto-hide feature... It might look nice, but its a horrid idea in practise. Camera movement smoothing puts a barrier between player controll and the game. There is a reason why old school, great players will call mouse smoothing a sacrilege, Bioware... >.< I thought to be a game developer you should be player aswell - seems i have been wrong.

+ this camera smoothing causing wierd, awkward camera bugging, which randomly change its facing for no reason to some random point also succesfully disorienting players and make the struggle for camera controll continue...



Controll over camera should be solid, comfortable, simple. Stop reinventing the wheel cause it doesnt ends well. And if you feel creative and cant resist, then fix the stif animations like inquisitor's lighting strike casting animation or sith warrior's channel hatred animation... Thank you.


Please substitute "we" with "I" and for me it is hardly game breaking

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This is actually an issue I would like to see reworked. The max zoom out key is getting worn down and the auto front face seems unnecessary for users.


Please substitute "we" with "I" and for me it is hardly game breaking


Well thought out contribution.

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Have you guys tried to make the camera zoom out further?? mines at about 35%. It looks so much nicer. Sometimes it screws up though and a little roll of the mouse wheel fixes it. IT makes you feel like your watching an actual battle rather than clicking something in first person.
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Oh just stop trolling. I may as well write about me and my alter ego. If you are nto included in "we" stop begging for attention. I dont care who loves the bugged, broken, idiotic features. Im more than sure every decent player finds them disturbing. People like you might even play first person shooters on laptops' touchpads and call it hardly gamebreaking for them. Your opinion however is really irrelevant in that case.


There you go again,


"every decent player", "bugged, broken, idiotic feature"


Actually my opinion is as relevant as yours, truth is if this is the greatest complaint you have in the game then BW must be doing a pretty good job.

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since you really fail to understund, and my reply was taken as "rude" even tho imo you failed to provoke me to be rude i will explain it to you differently. Cant expect everyone to simply understund simple sentences, can I?


Here i go:

"We" in this thread applies to everyone who is being disturbed by those awkward features.


Is it more clear for you now? Can you comprehend? :rolleyes:


Even if you still dont comprehend, no - i will not change "we" for "I" just cause its to hard lecture for you.



There you go again,


"every decent player", "bugged, broken, idiotic feature"


Actually my opinion is as relevant as yours, truth is if this is the greatest complaint you have in the game then BW must be doing a pretty good job.


No, its just feature that can be fixed quickest and with least effort, due to just removing unneccesary, problematic code (auto-follow and smoothing). I didnt expect you to comprehend that so you can just move along to some other thread in search of something easier to understund. Sorry.

Edited by MuNieK
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Who's this "we" you're talking about?


That's everybody with a lick of gosh darn sense.


Actually my opinion is as relevant as yours,
I assure you, it isn't.

truth is if this is the greatest complaint you have in the game then BW must be doing a pretty good job.
I assure you, it isn't. Edited by CharagonIGN
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I though it was my mouse, I discovered then it is the game.


I play almost 90% with right click pressed, I even move the character as if I was playing a FPS!

But sometimes (too many) the game goes nuts and all of a sudden I'm looking at the ground or I turned around or... ¬¬U


Died too many times cause of this.

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2. disable camera movement smoothing.



Yea that mouse smoothing is obnoxious, very first thing i noticed the first second i took control of my character at the launch of the game "*** is up with this camera".


Can we add to those 2 issues, zoomed out camera with pivot enabled frequently gets stuck in mid air looking at the horizon about 20 meters above your character, and zoomed out camera without pivot enabled stubbornly refuses to zoom back out to the selected distance every time terrain forces it to pull in. The camera zoom in/out function should set a fixed distance in game units that the camera should continually return to, quickly, whenever it has to move in for whatever reason.


While we're at it, why on earth is the sensitivity of camera movement tied to your framerate? Which genius thought that up.

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Please substitute "we" with "I" and for me it is hardly game breaking


Besides yourself there is only 1 other person in this thread that see this as a non-issue while everyone else hates it, "we" works.

Edited by nabrass
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I also want to add that turning off auto-follow is next to no work and makes the game 100% more playable for many of us. The fact that it's been a month and a half- and that many, many people reported this in beta- and the issue is still not fixed just displays a monumental cluelessness.
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Bioware needs to step their game up, even if it means taking down servers more than once a week we gotta get these damn bug fixes out ASAP do not let this become WARHAMMER or AoC or something like that Bioware, i know your team has mythic members on it, ask them this: Have you learned from your mistakes with Warhammer?


Lets hope they answer yes to that one.

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