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Datacrons I Give UP


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Interesting choice of necro's....


Perhaps I might agree if I knew what necro's meant, but I do not.


The reason for my post was that I am such a person with a disability, I can play my characters quite well most of the time but am unable to control it well enough for the more involving jumping.


Rhuematoid arthritis for clarity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheumatoid_arthritis


Description above.


Am I and other who suffer similar disabilities to be discriminated against in attaining what the developers intended to be a way of buffing your toon.


Having a few days ago got the shrine of healing datacron on Voss via The Trials quest. Surely making them a quest reward would have been a better and more viable option to have deployed by Bioware?


Would love a Bioware response to this.... but that will never happen

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Perhaps I might agree if I knew what necro's meant, but I do not.


The reason for my post was that I am such a person with a disability, I can play my characters quite well most of the time but am unable to control it well enough for the more involving jumping.


Rhuematoid arthritis for clarity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheumatoid_arthritis


Description above.


Am I and other who suffer similar disabilities to be discriminated against in attaining what the developers intended to be a way of buffing your toon.


Having a few days ago got the shrine of healing datacron on Voss via The Trials quest. Surely making them a quest reward would have been a better and more viable option to have deployed by Bioware?


Would love a Bioware response to this.... but that will never happen


The datacrons on nar shada I think are the hardest jumping wise on those crates and pipes and that one in the town of tattoine.


Did these fine on my setup but then my wife wanted them done so I get called to do it. I had problems jumping at the right time with her keyboard and mouse until I tried using the mouse to move forward and only using the keyboard to jump (normally I wold use w to move forward and jump at the right time).. also consider toggling on or off sprint. Try the jumps mounted on a vehicle.


or use the MMO solution and remember you are not alone


Make friends with a sorcerer who can jump and have him force pull you to him.




TL:DR: try different methods of moving and jumping and if all else fails ask a friend to force pull you.

Edited by corbanite
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The datacrons on nar shada I think are the hardest jumping wise on those crates and pipes and that one in the town of tattoine.


Did these fine on my setup but then my wife wanted them done so I get called to do it. I had problems jumping at the right time with her keyboard and mouse until I tried using the mouse to move forward and only using the keyboard to jump (normally I wold use w to move forward and jump at the right time).. also consider toggling on or off sprint. Try the jumps mounted on a vehicle.


or use the MMO solution and remember you are not alone


Make friends with a sorcerer who can jump and have him force pull you to him.


Agree that is a solution, but how many players are going to assist me and give up a lot of their time to pull me along gaps and from pipe to pipe, when all Bioware needed to do with them, was make them a quest reward, tough maybe, a challenge yes, but not impossible for player with disabilities.


Disabled people face enough hurdles in real life without putting them into an MMO as well.


Poor thinking on the part of the developers in not considering this simple fact that not everyone is able bodied.


Any company in the real world placing such obstacles in front of disabled people would be subject to legal redress.


Bioware should have considered disabled people when making the datacrons the required buff for players to have for example strength and endurance at end game.


I am not asking for an advantage over other players, but I do expect the playing field/game world not to disadvantage me from accessing them when it is intended, except for the fleet datacrons to be a solo effort.

Edited by DelTarrant
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I hit that wall too and took a long break, then went back fresh. I eventually got every datacron available to Imps. The jumping in this game is the most horrendous I have ever seen, let alone the collision system that inevitably leaves me "stuck" on a corner or along a wall, waiting for some magical timer to allow me to return to the game :(
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Got all datacrons some time ago. I think it's okay to make them hard to access - stat bonus, however small, should be a reward, not a present.


BUT the bugs connected with them are really annoying, especially if they thwart your attempts to get a certain datacron completely (bodytype...), and getting stuck in places where I never expected it (Alderaan) or having to take a drive through the half map of Corellia or wait ten minutes because I died at that MGGS-point YET AGAIN for no other reason than simply targetting it... it gets very, very frustrating. My partner requested I get my mouth sealed shut if they ever introduce more datacrons.

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I'm rubbish at timed jumping (I've been mocked for it by guildies in other MMOs when on the way to xp grind location :p), but I love Datacron hunting! I'm terrible at it; it takes me hours (and a lot of swearing) to get them. At the easier to get Datacrons, people come and go around me as I slowly make progress.


When I pick up the Datacon, it's a great sense of achievement. Then I go and kill some stuff for a while to relax. ;)

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I really liked hunting for Datacrons, it's pretty much an achievement system done right. Proper challenge with actual rewards that are nice but not required. It's a bit unfortunate that I can't get few of them because of my broad shoulders, I'd have to hire a sage to sit there and pull me through tight spaces over and over again.... I'm way too cheap to do that.
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Well at least some of the recent posters are frustrated as well, but sadly and no disrespect to them, imagine trying to get them when all you can use to hit the space bar is the heel of your hand.


I state again disabled/handicapped players will be constantly excluded from them because they lack that ability for manic space bar mashing to get the jumps in.


I state again bad design by Bioware, really really thoughtless and inconsiderate to players who are able to play their characters but will be excluded from Ops.


And before anyone says they will not be excluded from running Ops, trust me they will be as the attitude of certain players on the top ranked guilds will always "be skilled, be geared, have all your datacron buffs".


Again bad design by Bioware in my very honest and forthright opinion.


Rather do a hard quest chain, or a hard group quest phased encounter and achieve them that way.


Finally before anyone else says it yes I am angry, yes I am, I face discrimination every day of my life even something so simple as entering a building can be a struggle for me, the last place I want to be discriminated in, is an MMO, I actually enjoy 95% of the time, but nor do I want to be excluded from content because I cannot button mash for jumps from pipe to pipe or ledge to ledge.

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Well at least some of the recent posters are frustrated as well, but sadly and no disrespect to them, imagine trying to get them when all you can use to hit the space bar is the heel of your hand.


I state again disabled/handicapped players will be constantly excluded from them because they lack that ability for manic space bar mashing to get the jumps in.


I state again bad design by Bioware, really really thoughtless and inconsiderate to players who are able to play their characters but will be excluded from Ops.


And before anyone says they will not be excluded from running Ops, trust me they will be as the attitude of certain players on the top ranked guilds will always "be skilled, be geared, have all your datacron buffs".


Again bad design by Bioware in my very honest and forthright opinion.


Rather do a hard quest chain, or a hard group quest phased encounter and achieve them that way.


Finally before anyone else says it yes I am angry, yes I am, I face discrimination every day of my life even something so simple as entering a building can be a struggle for me, the last place I want to be discriminated in, is an MMO, I actually enjoy 95% of the time, but nor do I want to be excluded from content because I cannot button mash for jumps from pipe to pipe or ledge to ledge.


there is no manic space bar pressing to get the datacrons. No more than typing. Someone who can type your post for example can certainly use a keyboard well enougth to get datacrons.


If it is really that bad then ask for a friendly force pull.

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Well at least some of the recent posters are frustrated as well, but sadly and no disrespect to them, imagine trying to get them when all you can use to hit the space bar is the heel of your hand.


I state again disabled/handicapped players will be constantly excluded from them because they lack that ability for manic space bar mashing to get the jumps in.


I state again bad design by Bioware, really really thoughtless and inconsiderate to players who are able to play their characters but will be excluded from Ops.


And before anyone says they will not be excluded from running Ops, trust me they will be as the attitude of certain players on the top ranked guilds will always "be skilled, be geared, have all your datacron buffs".


Again bad design by Bioware in my very honest and forthright opinion.


Rather do a hard quest chain, or a hard group quest phased encounter and achieve them that way.


Finally before anyone else says it yes I am angry, yes I am, I face discrimination every day of my life even something so simple as entering a building can be a struggle for me, the last place I want to be discriminated in, is an MMO, I actually enjoy 95% of the time, but nor do I want to be excluded from content because I cannot button mash for jumps from pipe to pipe or ledge to ledge.

You can rebind jump to anything you want. You can make it a key on the keyboard or a mouse button. You can even temporarily rebind it; pick a button that is easy for you to push and rebind jump to it for two minutes. You do not need to worry about getting confused or having difficulty with muscle memory because datacron jumping does not require you to use any skills or abilities besides jump. You literally just need the ability to move and press a single button somewhere on your keyboard or mouse.


If that is uniquely mechanically challenging for you, you are probably going to have a difficult time keeping up in a really competitive ops group with or without datacrons. If you literally cannot push a single key or mouse button with the precision to jump from one ledge to another while walking forward, I doubt you are going to be able to perform at the level that competitive groups expect.


It sucks to feel discriminated against, and I sympathize with anyone who does, but it really sounds to me like you are blaming BioWare for something that is not their fault. Platforming is hard for lots of people. It is not mechanically hard in the sense that it requires you to press lots of buttons really fast. It just requires you to have a good feel for the timing and the reflexes to hit one button at the right time.


I happen to like datacrons. I think it is a fun side game. I enjoy finding them and figuring out how to get to them. I am approaching level fifty on my second character, and I have probably collected around two thirds of the datacrons. There are a handfull that I have found but I have not figured out how to get to. There are a few that took me a really long time to get because I kept missing jumps or falling off ledges. I persisted long enough to get them once, but I probably will not collect them on every character. Maybe at some point in the future I will run out of other things to do and I will decide to try.


Believe me, not having every single datacron is not the end of the world. Other people do not even know how many datacrons you have collected unless they sit down with a calculator and add up all your stats.

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there is no manic space bar pressing to get the datacrons. No more than typing. Someone who can type your post for example can certainly use a keyboard well enougth to get datacrons.


If it is really that bad then ask for a friendly force pull.


Wrong you have to be able to space bar and use the mouse at the same time in order to control your toon for platform pipe jumping.


As to my typing, guess what it takes me ages to do it using one hand, count that 1 i.e. a single hand usually one finger typing one letter at a time.


Is it a) possible to get the datcrons using just one hand , some but far too many are not.


Take a look at the pipe jumping needed for some of the coruscant datacrons, or the datacron in your faction city on tatooine.


As an example I spent 4 hours in 3 separate sessions 2 days ago attempting to get the datacron on hutta that requires pipe jumping before giving up on it.

b) who the hell in this game is going to run around force pulling me to all the unreachable datacrons.


That requires a player with unimaginable patience and desire to help, and I am sorry I have found that when asked for that kind of assistance people become deaf. dumb and blind to the request.


Do not tell me there is no requirement to have two functioning hands to get to them because it is a basic requirement for the running and jumping mechanic.


The fact the pipe jumping requires 2 hands to work it, is in my honest opinion thoughtless and downright discriminatory by Bioware.

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You can rebind jump to anything you want. You can make it a key on the keyboard or a mouse button. You can even temporarily rebind it; pick a button that is easy for you to push and rebind jump to it for two minutes. You do not need to worry about getting confused or having difficulty with muscle memory because datacron jumping does not require you to use any skills or abilities besides jump. You literally just need the ability to move and press a single button somewhere on your keyboard or mouse.


If that is uniquely mechanically challenging for you, you are probably going to have a difficult time keeping up in a really competitive ops group with or without datacrons. If you literally cannot push a single key or mouse button with the precision to jump from one ledge to another while walking forward, I doubt you are going to be able to perform at the level that competitive groups expect.


It sucks to feel discriminated against, and I sympathize with anyone who does, but it really sounds to me like you are blaming BioWare for something that is not their fault. Platforming is hard for lots of people. It is not mechanically hard in the sense that it requires you to press lots of buttons really fast. It just requires you to have a good feel for the timing and the reflexes to hit one button at the right time.


I happen to like datacrons. I think it is a fun side game. I enjoy finding them and figuring out how to get to them. I am approaching level fifty on my second character, and I have probably collected around two thirds of the datacrons. There are a handfull that I have found but I have not figured out how to get to. There are a few that took me a really long time to get because I kept missing jumps or falling off ledges. I persisted long enough to get them once, but I probably will not collect them on every character. Maybe at some point in the future I will run out of other things to do and I will decide to try.


Believe me, not having every single datacron is not the end of the world. Other people do not even know how many datacrons you have collected unless they sit down with a calculator and add up all your stats.


Ah the epeen trolling of my abilities and getting datacrons has arrived. I am dismissed from my ability to play my character because of my disability.


As to your mention of keybinding two actions to one button please tell me how to bind run and jump to one key or button.

Edited by DelTarrant
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Datacron hunting is optional, not in any way required to advance


Some of us have a lot of fun hunting down the datacrons, please don’t take away what we like


Well I would have liked to have had the fun you have had in obtaining them, however as a severely disabled person I sadly have encountered very little but hours and hours of frustration.


Should I be excluded from playing the game in all of the multiplicity of ways because of my disability?


Or should Bioware have taken that into consideration when designing the game, as they would not appear to have given it not even a moments thought?

Edited by DelTarrant
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Should I be excluded from playing the game in all of the multiplicity of ways because of my disability?




If you can't do something, for whatever reason, you don't deserve to have it handed to you. I'm sorry you're disabled. I am also disabled. Having a disability is not a reason to have something given to you.

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As to your mention of keybinding two actions to one button please tell me how to bind run and jump to one key or button.


He never mentioned two actions on one key, he just said you can remap. For Example in your case, im guessing you you can only use the mouse? If that is the case, right mouse button to run + remapping the left mouse button to jump. Or if you have a wheel that clicks, you can remap to that. Or if you have a kick *** mouse with lots of buttons, pick one.


Not rocket science.

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Well I would have liked to have had the fun you have had in obtaining them, however as a severely disabled person I sadly have encountered very little but hours and hours of frustration.


Should I be excluded from playing the game in all of the multiplicity of ways because of my disability?


Or should Bioware have taken that into consideration when designing the game, as they would not appear to have given it not even a moments thought?


I am sorry that you are disabled.... don't tell me you are going to play the "disability card"? I guess Bioware is bad because blind people can't play this game very easily either.


I am not trying to be insensitive to your disability... I just don't think a game designer could incorporate a "wheelchair ramp' for every aspect of the game.

Edited by Docsis
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Well the Mos Ila was easy before, now a stone is in the way for the fast route, the long way around the town ontop of pipes, buildings etc to many places to mess up and have to start over. Alderaan dam cron seems you cannot get it any longer without the MSSG, tried yesterday, got to the ladder, jumped on ladder fell down, no matter how much jumping i did, the ladder was a fallthru...
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The only datacrons that should not be in the game are the two on Tatooine that you have to ride the Jawa balloon to get to. Reminded me of waiting for boats in Everquest except waiting for the Jawa balloon takes even longer.


A friend with a knockback will solve that problem (unless it's been changed recently). There are plenty of guides on Youtube for doing it the short way.

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I've just been going through getting them all (the ones I missed while questing) and to be fair some really are annoying. Jumping in this game is far from accurate and leads to much frustration, especially when you have to wait a long time to get another crack at it. I've said before, the Jawa Balloon ride (buggy as hell) should be supplemented by a MGGS point on top of the crawler - waiting up to 40 mins for the balloon and waiting another 20 to reach where you're going is not gameplay - and that's if you're lucky enough not to fall through it.


The one on Hoth for Cunning is another tedious one. Miss the jump, have to wait another 5+ mins for the crates to make their way back to where you can start again. We get how to reach the thing, why not speed up the movement of the crates a bit? This one seemed buggy too, once I was teleported back across the room to where the gold enemy stands after failing the second jump.


The Green Matrix on Corellia is actually a good example of how it should be done. The jump is a little tricky, but the spawn point if you fall is a short ride away and it takes only a couple of minutes for the droid to come back round again. I died 7 times getting this, but I didn't mind as it was easy and quick to get back again (2 of the deaths were after having made the initial jump on to the droid but then clipping my foot on the rounded 'wall' of the droid when jumping off, causing me to change jump angle...)


In short, the trick should be more about finding them than pulling your hair out to reach them.

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I am sorry that you are disabled.... don't tell me you are going to play the "disability card"? I guess Bioware is bad because blind people can't play this game very easily either.


I am not trying to be insensitive to your disability... I just don't think a game designer could incorporate a "wheelchair ramp' for every aspect of the game.


Who said anything about a wheelchair ramp, and to be honest your comment is just down right insulting, and neither did I say obtaining them should not be challenging, all I said was the challenge could have been via demanding and challenging quests/missions.


From your tone you are not in any way sorry I or even many other players are disabled, your just sitting there feeling smug and gloating over your so called leetness at pressing buttons.


Please take your smugness and go to another thread to troll.


The only failure Bioware had was they did not take the entirety of their customer base into consideration, they will almost certainly not address the issue I have raised in this game.


But by my making this thread maybe they will contemplate a different method should they include something like the datacrons in a) any future expansion which am sure you will all want at some point, and b) any games they develop in the future.


My point remains make it a level playing field for all regardless of physical ability, remember disabled peoples lives can be radically enhanced by computer technology, and therefore to exclude them or in this case not even give them any consideration is plain bad business planning, because of a poor or short-sighted decision in designing the acquisition of the only permanent buff in the game.

Edited by DelTarrant
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Well I would have liked to have had the fun you have had in obtaining them, however as a severely disabled person I sadly have encountered very little but hours and hours of frustration.


Should I be excluded from playing the game in all of the multiplicity of ways because of my disability?


Or should Bioware have taken that into consideration when designing the game, as they would not appear to have given it not even a moments thought?


Actually yes.. and being a person who has worked with disabled people in the past I have never had one of them use their disability as an excuse to have something handed to them.


My best friend while growing up had Muscular Dystrophy. He was able to walk until about the summer between his 6th and 7th grade year when his muscles finally deteriorated to the point where he could no longer walk. Before this period in his life, even with his disability he walked to school and home every day. Instead of going around a hill he would go up it and down the other side because that was the shortest distance. A lot of times he would fall. After he was unable to walk he wouldn't let me push him in his chair, and would get angry if he was to tired to move himself in the bathroom.


I say 'had' above because I lost my friend Jesse in 11th grade. He never once asked for help in anything but the most extremely difficult things.

Edited by Tahana
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