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Datacrons I Give UP


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The only one I don't like is the imperial matrix shard (I believe it's a matrix shard) on Nar Shaddaa. You have to jump on two pipes to get it. I lost count of how many times I tried to jump from the 2nd pipe only to have my character slip down it. Edited by Vetril
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There's too much incivility in this thread, and it's going to alienate a lot of paying customers, which would be bad for anyone who likes this game and wants it to be successful in the long term.


If you're having trouble getting a particular datacron, here are some helpful hints:


--When you're running along a pipe, turn sprint off because the smallest lag spike can make you fall off.

--When you have to jump, turn sprint back on because it might give you that extra oompf to land on the platform.

--For me, it's much safer to use keyboard controls (arrow keys) on the jumping gauntlets than to steer with the mouse; the controls on my mouse are way too sensitive and often make me overshoot the target.

--For me, it's necessary to jump a half second before I think I've reached the end of the pipe; my latency is under 100, so I don't know why this is true, but if I wait til I think I'm at the end of the pipe I will fall. (I'm using a laptop, so maybe that's the problem.)

--Jumping at an angle is often safer than jumping perpendicular to the target.

--Sometimes you may need to readjust your camera angle prior to a jump; all the incline/decline action can skew your perspective and make you misjudge the jump.

--Every datacron i've looked up has had a youtube video showing exactly how to get it; this is particularly helpful for datacrons like the +willpower on voss where coordinates and written descriptions can be hard to follow.

--If you have multiple characters, keep a written list of which datacron you've gotten on which character because it gets confusing fast.

--If you're frustrated, leave the datacron for another day. I've only bothered with about a third of the ones that benefit my class because it isn't really fun for me, so I keep putting it off, and I'm never going to bother with the ones that don't benefit my class.



It is definitely possible to get every single datacron on the Republic side even with a type 3 body. One of my guildies has done this (with help). I very much doubt that anyone could get every datacron on the first try, as some of them (e.g. the balloon on Tatooine) pose unexpected problems for even the most skilled jumper.


Anyone who says it's "easy" is just trolling. It's not easy, and it wasn't meant to be easy. The guildie I mentioned is a superior jumper (lands almost every jump on the first try), and he spent DAYS doing these datacrons, probably upwards of 40 hours total.


The people who say the datacrons aren't "necessary" and want people to stop "whining" are also trolling. If you want to pursue end game content, the datacrons are very important in the sense that they give you the equivalent of an extra piece of gear, and that will be extremely useful, possibly even necessary, on challenging fights. And there are definitely lag/fps issues right now which could make datacron hunting much harder for some people than others.


My personal opinion on the datacrons is that there's too much jumping. I don't like jumping in any game, and in this particular game my character feels bottom heavy like she can't get her big butt off the ground. I would prefer that datacron hunting involved more intelligence and/or teamwork and less reflexes and depth perception. After you turn 40, you might agree. Yes, it happens to everyone eventually.


In closing, please stop with the abusive comments. It doesn't improve the game. In fact, it creates a hostile environment that makes nice people not want to play the game, leaving only the abusive people to hang out in General and troll each other. I already left one MMO because of that, and I would very much like to stay with this one for a while. So please; be nice.

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I can't say I'm fond of them. It's one thing to hide them in out of the way and interesting places, to encourage people to explore the worlds that have been created, but platforming style puzzles in a game that, frankly, is pretty awful in terms of movement controls, isn't very fun. That said, their benefit seems pretty small, so I have no qualms with simply ignoring them.
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There's too much incivility in this thread, and it's going to alienate a lot of paying customers, which would be bad for anyone who likes this game and wants it to be successful in the long term.


If you're having trouble getting a particular datacron, here are some helpful hints:


--When you're running along a pipe, turn sprint off because the smallest lag spike can make you fall off.

--When you have to jump, turn sprint back on because it might give you that extra oompf to land on the platform.

--For me, it's much safer to use keyboard controls (arrow keys) on the jumping gauntlets than to steer with the mouse; the controls on my mouse are way too sensitive and often make me overshoot the target.

--For me, it's necessary to jump a half second before I think I've reached the end of the pipe; my latency is under 100, so I don't know why this is true, but if I wait til I think I'm at the end of the pipe I will fall. (I'm using a laptop, so maybe that's the problem.)

--Jumping at an angle is often safer than jumping perpendicular to the target.

--Sometimes you may need to readjust your camera angle prior to a jump; all the incline/decline action can skew your perspective and make you misjudge the jump.

--Every datacron i've looked up has had a youtube video showing exactly how to get it; this is particularly helpful for datacrons like the +willpower on voss where coordinates and written descriptions can be hard to follow.

--If you have multiple characters, keep a written list of which datacron you've gotten on which character because it gets confusing fast.

--If you're frustrated, leave the datacron for another day. I've only bothered with about a third of the ones that benefit my class because it isn't really fun for me, so I keep putting it off, and I'm never going to bother with the ones that don't benefit my class.



It is definitely possible to get every single datacron on the Republic side even with a type 3 body. One of my guildies has done this (with help). I very much doubt that anyone could get every datacron on the first try, as some of them (e.g. the balloon on Tatooine) pose unexpected problems for even the most skilled jumper.


Anyone who says it's "easy" is just trolling. It's not easy, and it wasn't meant to be easy. The guildie I mentioned is a superior jumper (lands almost every jump on the first try), and he spent DAYS doing these datacrons, probably upwards of 40 hours total.


The people who say the datacrons aren't "necessary" and want people to stop "whining" are also trolling. If you want to pursue end game content, the datacrons are very important in the sense that they give you the equivalent of an extra piece of gear, and that will be extremely useful, possibly even necessary, on challenging fights. And there are definitely lag/fps issues right now which could make datacron hunting much harder for some people than others.


My personal opinion on the datacrons is that there's too much jumping. I don't like jumping in any game, and in this particular game my character feels bottom heavy like she can't get her big butt off the ground. I would prefer that datacron hunting involved more intelligence and/or teamwork and less reflexes and depth perception. After you turn 40, you might agree. Yes, it happens to everyone eventually.


In closing, please stop with the abusive comments. It doesn't improve the game. In fact, it creates a hostile environment that makes nice people not want to play the game, leaving only the abusive people to hang out in General and troll each other. I already left one MMO because of that, and I would very much like to stay with this one for a while. So please; be nice.


This thread is not new, the OP is just spam posting the same topics that was re-hashed ad-nauseam. And the constant complaining is why there is "NO" possibility to build a community online.


Hint: Forums sites filled with trolls 1 upping each other is not a community. Its a playground for bullies too coward to act that way in real life.


This is why people are not civil.


PS: From a guy with 67/67 Datacron... 1 in Nar give you enough experience jumping to make the rest of them cake. 2 are all about waiting.

Edited by IPaq
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There's too much incivility in this thread, and it's going to alienate a lot of paying customers, which would be bad for anyone who likes this game and wants it to be successful in the long term.


If you're having trouble getting a particular datacron, here are some helpful hints:


--When you're running along a pipe, turn sprint off because the smallest lag spike can make you fall off.

--When you have to jump, turn sprint back on because it might give you that extra oompf to land on the platform.

--For me, it's much safer to use keyboard controls (arrow keys) on the jumping gauntlets than to steer with the mouse; the controls on my mouse are way too sensitive and often make me overshoot the target.

--For me, it's necessary to jump a half second before I think I've reached the end of the pipe; my latency is under 100, so I don't know why this is true, but if I wait til I think I'm at the end of the pipe I will fall. (I'm using a laptop, so maybe that's the problem.)

--Jumping at an angle is often safer than jumping perpendicular to the target.

--Sometimes you may need to readjust your camera angle prior to a jump; all the incline/decline action can skew your perspective and make you misjudge the jump.

--Every datacron i've looked up has had a youtube video showing exactly how to get it; this is particularly helpful for datacrons like the +willpower on voss where coordinates and written descriptions can be hard to follow.

--If you have multiple characters, keep a written list of which datacron you've gotten on which character because it gets confusing fast.

--If you're frustrated, leave the datacron for another day. I've only bothered with about a third of the ones that benefit my class because it isn't really fun for me, so I keep putting it off, and I'm never going to bother with the ones that don't benefit my class.



It is definitely possible to get every single datacron on the Republic side even with a type 3 body. One of my guildies has done this (with help). I very much doubt that anyone could get every datacron on the first try, as some of them (e.g. the balloon on Tatooine) pose unexpected problems for even the most skilled jumper.


Anyone who says it's "easy" is just trolling. It's not easy, and it wasn't meant to be easy. The guildie I mentioned is a superior jumper (lands almost every jump on the first try), and he spent DAYS doing these datacrons, probably upwards of 40 hours total.


The people who say the datacrons aren't "necessary" and want people to stop "whining" are also trolling. If you want to pursue end game content, the datacrons are very important in the sense that they give you the equivalent of an extra piece of gear, and that will be extremely useful, possibly even necessary, on challenging fights. And there are definitely lag/fps issues right now which could make datacron hunting much harder for some people than others.


My personal opinion on the datacrons is that there's too much jumping. I don't like jumping in any game, and in this particular game my character feels bottom heavy like she can't get her big butt off the ground. I would prefer that datacron hunting involved more intelligence and/or teamwork and less reflexes and depth perception. After you turn 40, you might agree. Yes, it happens to everyone eventually.


In closing, please stop with the abusive comments. It doesn't improve the game. In fact, it creates a hostile environment that makes nice people not want to play the game, leaving only the abusive people to hang out in General and troll each other. I already left one MMO because of that, and I would very much like to stay with this one for a while. So please; be nice.


^Best advice on this thread.


Every PC is different, every player is different, every web connection is different. So why have this stupid Star Wars Donkey Kong in the first place? Oh, I bet because some young gamer/programmer at BW thought it would be fun and it worked just fine in the Austin offices. I hope they got fired. I could also care less about the history of these items after playing KOTOR 1 & 2 many times each.


What would have been better is datacrons as quest rewards, or having to do thinking puzzles to solve with clues given out here and there like in the old MYST series. Thinking trumps jumping any day as a challenge.


Do I want a game without challenge? NO! I enjoy the combat with my Shadow, but this jumping stuff sucks beyond belief.

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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.


If they were easy to get, they could have just started you out with the stats. People complain about nothing to do at 50...work on your datacrons. They should be difficult.

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After trying to get more datacrons on Hoth last night, I think that the way they implemented datacrons is negatively affecting my outlook on the entire game even though it's just a tiny part of it.


It's just so needlessly frustrating. It's not fun. Last night I logged off thinking I should just quit this game--just because of the datacrons. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had that specific thought go through their heads while doing this ridiculously frustrating activity.


Currently, I can stomach trying to get datacrons for a couple of hours every few weeks. Any more than that and I'd probably throw my LED monitor through a window in rage. Maybe I'll try to get another one in April, if I'm still around this game.

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There's too much incivility in this thread, and it's going to alienate a lot of paying customers, which would be bad for anyone who likes this game and wants it to be successful in the long term.


If you're having trouble getting a particular datacron, here are some helpful hints:


--When you're running along a pipe, turn sprint off because the smallest lag spike can make you fall off.

--When you have to jump, turn sprint back on because it might give you that extra oompf to land on the platform.

--For me, it's much safer to use keyboard controls (arrow keys) on the jumping gauntlets than to steer with the mouse; the controls on my mouse are way too sensitive and often make me overshoot the target.

--For me, it's necessary to jump a half second before I think I've reached the end of the pipe; my latency is under 100, so I don't know why this is true, but if I wait til I think I'm at the end of the pipe I will fall. (I'm using a laptop, so maybe that's the problem.)

--Jumping at an angle is often safer than jumping perpendicular to the target.

--Sometimes you may need to readjust your camera angle prior to a jump; all the incline/decline action can skew your perspective and make you misjudge the jump.

--Every datacron i've looked up has had a youtube video showing exactly how to get it; this is particularly helpful for datacrons like the +willpower on voss where coordinates and written descriptions can be hard to follow.

--If you have multiple characters, keep a written list of which datacron you've gotten on which character because it gets confusing fast.

--If you're frustrated, leave the datacron for another day. I've only bothered with about a third of the ones that benefit my class because it isn't really fun for me, so I keep putting it off, and I'm never going to bother with the ones that don't benefit my class.



It is definitely possible to get every single datacron on the Republic side even with a type 3 body. One of my guildies has done this (with help). I very much doubt that anyone could get every datacron on the first try, as some of them (e.g. the balloon on Tatooine) pose unexpected problems for even the most skilled jumper.


Anyone who says it's "easy" is just trolling. It's not easy, and it wasn't meant to be easy. The guildie I mentioned is a superior jumper (lands almost every jump on the first try), and he spent DAYS doing these datacrons, probably upwards of 40 hours total.


The people who say the datacrons aren't "necessary" and want people to stop "whining" are also trolling. If you want to pursue end game content, the datacrons are very important in the sense that they give you the equivalent of an extra piece of gear, and that will be extremely useful, possibly even necessary, on challenging fights. And there are definitely lag/fps issues right now which could make datacron hunting much harder for some people than others.


My personal opinion on the datacrons is that there's too much jumping. I don't like jumping in any game, and in this particular game my character feels bottom heavy like she can't get her big butt off the ground. I would prefer that datacron hunting involved more intelligence and/or teamwork and less reflexes and depth perception. After you turn 40, you might agree. Yes, it happens to everyone eventually.


In closing, please stop with the abusive comments. It doesn't improve the game. In fact, it creates a hostile environment that makes nice people not want to play the game, leaving only the abusive people to hang out in General and troll each other. I already left one MMO because of that, and I would very much like to stay with this one for a while. So please; be nice.


Yes, this is the best advice on this thread. I had to learn most of these tips the hard way, especially the written list for multiple characters:o


I find most datacron searches fun, except for the Jawa Ballon on Tatooine. That search frustrating because of the amount of time it takes and doing nothing but waiting during the process:mad:

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I find most datacron searches fun, except for the Jawa Ballon on Tatooine. That search frustrating because of the amount of time it takes and doing nothing but waiting during the process:mad:


Yeah...the balloon related datacrons was a waste of time. The Balloon neesds a shorter flight path or a much quicker travel time. The other datacrons weren't so bad, though some of the Nar Shadda were a pain for me to get.

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Yeah...the balloon related datacrons was a waste of time. The Balloon neesds a shorter flight path or a much quicker travel time. The other datacrons weren't so bad, though some of the Nar Shadda were a pain for me to get.


I honestly do not mind the balloon wait. better to make the few jumps and do something else while sitting than play Mega Man with awful jump mechanics.

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I found the best way to get through some of the datacrons is go with a friend. Several classes have some sort of a pull ability. You may have to turn dueling on at certain points and surrender it at others. If your friend makes the jump they can pull you and vice versa. Teamwork helps on some of these.


Hell if they keep you targetted and you go to make a jump they were able to complete but are out of range they can "catch" you essentially. My friend and I Had to do this on Taris to ensure I'd make the jump I just took a leap of faith and she force pulled me to a safe spot.


If all else fails just don't get the datacrons its not something for everyone just like raiding isn't for everyone. Its starting to get tiring to hear gamers complain about not enough unique features are in X game but then when there is a unique feature they get all butthurt over it.


Not all players like platforming or are good enough to do it and NOT all players raid..so should we get rid of raiding and platforming? If you get rid of one you should get rid of the other. Neither are necessary parts of the game to a portion of the population. Lets toss out crafting too.

Edited by Kindara
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Video lag makes at least half of these near impossible to me, along with horrible collision detection/clipping, i can spend easily a full hour getting something that should be as simple as 'super mario style' jumping. (Also; am I the only one who finds it retarded that a jedi or sith cant leap higher than a foot and a half? Does anyone remember force jump 1-3 from the Jedi knight series with Kyle Katarn? Where did THAT go?)


However, these are and will always be, an optional part of the game, however tedious and time consuming. Love it hate it, odds are it will remain exactly the way it is. (At least until people get their flying gryphons they're pining for..)

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After trying to get more datacrons on Hoth last night, I think that the way they implemented datacrons is negatively affecting my outlook on the entire game even though it's just a tiny part of it.


It's just so needlessly frustrating. It's not fun. Last night I logged off thinking I should just quit this game--just because of the datacrons. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had that specific thought go through their heads while doing this ridiculously frustrating activity.


Currently, I can stomach trying to get datacrons for a couple of hours every few weeks. Any more than that and I'd probably throw my LED monitor through a window in rage. Maybe I'll try to get another one in April, if I'm still around this game.


Not to sound like a jerk, but it is all your perception - not reality. And you act as if you are entitled to have them simply by showing up and finding the box. Wow, that's a lot of fun. Get a scavenger hunt list of all the Datacrons from a fansite, with the exact coordiantes and just run around and collect.


When it's time to get them all for me, I will call my 8 year old nephew over. Ever see those kids in WoW that spend 5 hours trying to reach the highest point in Org - pre flying mounts? Jumping around constantly like a knucklehead, just to get on top of an inn in Goldshire so they can scream in /ooc chat "Look at me! Look how I got up here!"


Well, that's my nephew. Beleive me - there is skill to it. Trial and error skill. I personally suck at it as well. My 8 year old nephew? Mad jumping and movement skills. Took me over 45 minutes to get the one in Balmorra. I was pulling my hair out. But you know what? I would rather have that, than given the coordinates and just run around and collect. What fun is it running around and collecting?

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I strongly disagree with the OP


I love the current implementation of datacrons and the required jumping and searching. This is quite possibly one of the best ideas in the game. Bravo Bioware.


I had a group last night and got the +10 all stats Datacron and it took forever and was quite difficult, but I got it. The sense of achievement was well worth the frustration. Coordination is a skill that has not had to be utilized in many recent MMOs (Rift did a pretty good job). If you don't have the skill to get a particular one then you shouldn't get it. Things don't need to be handed to you on a silver platter.

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So far the worst for me was the cunning one on Cosruscant. I didn't bother on my Shadow, but I really wanted it for my Scoundrel so took forever to get across those pipes. The lack of precision in the controls makes it very difficult on a normal keyboard. The balloon on Tatooine is boring, but not hard, as is the cunning one on Hoth. There are really only 2 that need to be fixed. The one on Alderaan where you need to go through a small opening is impossible for someone with a large toon to get to. There is no way to squeeze though that opening. The same is true of one on Corellia where you walk along the pipe. My toon won't fit between the pipe and the wall.


I do agree that they should be a challenge at some level, so the ones that require jumping, although annoying, I see no need to change. On the other hand, the size of the character that you selected shouldn't dictate whether you can get one at all and that needs to be fixed.:mad:

Edited by EEFER
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I honestly think some of them should be harder to get... I mean they are PERMANENT stat increases to your character!


I love that they added some fun for all us wall walkers/ explorers.. I used to love finding glitches in other mmos where i could walk up a mountain and get to a really really hard to reach area or something like that...


Swtor just added a point in doing that! Which I love :)

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What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one ...


I couldn't agree more on this statement ! Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump . . . . almost made it . . . . jump, jump, jump, fall ... f*ck ! Screw it! Just waisted 30 min., of my game time.

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I honestly think some of them should be harder to get... I mean they are PERMANENT stat increases to your character!


I love that they added some fun for all us wall walkers/ explorers.. I used to love finding glitches in other mmos where i could walk up a mountain and get to a really really hard to reach area or something like that...


Swtor just added a point in doing that! Which I love :)

Lol yeah, I jumped up a mountain with my 110% speeder in Balmorra, pretty sure you weren't supposed to get up that way, I was rewarded with an unfinished mountaintop that had invisible textures and which I could walk inside as there was a huge gap in it. Not to mention there is a river past there where you can literally fall off the map.

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The most memorable situations in the game can easily be linked to the hunt for Datacrons, they have all been possible to reach so far, but I've run into body type issues, bugs and glitches that still made it so much sweeter to grab them in the end. :D



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Datacrons are fine in my opinion, but they need to fix a few things:


Alderaan: Crack is too narrow for Male Bodytype 3/4

Alderaan: MGGS is messed up; better use the ladder

Tatooine: Balloon is bugged and may despawn on you

Corellia: Cracks are too narrow for Male Bodytype 3/4

Corellia: MGGS is messed up and acts totally random

Secret: MGGS is messed up


Everything apart from the balloon seem easily fixable. Make the cracks wider so people playing a Male Bodytype 3/4 can get through; and change the MGGS to function with teleport-to mechanics (just like every zone transition and quick travel works). Click the spot, see the animation, get teleported to a predefined spot just in front of the spot.


For me it's not the pipe-jumping or wall-hugging that gets to me. It's the blatant issues where some characters are not allowed to get the datacron through regular means because of the bodytype and the MGGS that's totally messed up.

Edited by Danakar
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The worst bug for me was on +10 datacron when trying to collect the blue crystal in the museum - "Not enough experience" or some BS, bearing in mind i've been lvl 50 for a long time now.


Only had 1 quest open, some people say your quest log is full but that's not the case, relogged - no help there.


We had already got two of the players up to the +10 but because I had died and couldn't pick up the blue crystal we were stuck and couldn't get back in.

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people whine there is no challange in mmos








if anything it helps u gain more movement control with your character



perhaps if u dont KEYBORED TURN perhaps u would be able to reach it :D

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