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Datacrons I Give UP


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I actually run a weekly event in my guild where we run through and get all the datacrons on one planet. We're going through them all alphabetically. It's actually a lot of fun to get them as a group, especially since some of the platforming can be challenging. But if you've got people with force pull/leap abilities, it can make it a lot easier.
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Actually yes.. and being a person who has worked with disabled people in the past I have never had one of them use their disability as an excuse to have something handed to them.


My best friend while growing up had Muscular Dystrophy. He was able to walk until about the summer between his 6th and 7th grade year when his muscles finally deteriorated to the point where he could no longer walk. Before this period in his life, even with his disability he walked to school and home every day. Instead of going around a hill he would go up it and down the other side because that was the shortest distance. A lot of times he would fall. After he was unable to walk he wouldn't let me push him in his chair, and would get angry if he was to tired to move himself in the bathroom.


I say 'had' above because I lost my friend Jesse in 11th grade. He never once asked for help in anything but the most extremely difficult things.


I share your feelings for the loss of your friend, but I think he would be saddened by your view posted and quoted above in its entirety.


In none of my posts have I asked for anything to be handed to me, simply that the only permanent buff in the game should be able to be achieved by all.


Every single person who has quoted me has quoted me in part only.


Selectivity of a quote is when truth and a person's view become a casualty, in much the same way truth is always the first casualty in war.

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There are lots of videos, search.


The only one that's hard is the republic version of the +10 datacrons (because the grappling points are buggy).


as is the imperial one. We used 9 people total and simply positioned sorcerers in the right places and then had people die and get pulled along to the right places. Otherwise we had several people who could never have gotten into the right positions, or we would have needed to send some people who got it to go push buttons blah blah blah. Not worth the effort. We discussed selling access to other players in the fleet but decided against it, as we worked to get the sorcerers in the right positions, we figured we earned it. But bringing in random people for 100k or something seems to circumvent the spirit of the whole thing.


Without too many spoilers, the start is 2 buttons, and those people have no way to get to the 'central' one that is later activated because the MGGS simply treats you as stuck when you hit it, and it boots you back to where you were.


But yes, in general, the buggyness impairs the fun of getting them, which can be said for a lot of things in the game.

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what pisses me the hell off is bugged datacrons. like the aim datacron on narshadaa for empire, that floating kiosk is BUGGED! i jumped on it and it teleported me back to the ground and i had to wait for it all over again.


or the cunning datacron on taris, i jumped thru all those pipes and when i landed on the platform wit hthe cron, it teleported me back to the start!


and the TATOOINE cron!!! omg the balloon disappeared out from underneath me!!! ***?!?!?!?!

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Well I would have liked to have had the fun you have had in obtaining them, however as a severely disabled person I sadly have encountered very little but hours and hours of frustration.


Should I be excluded from playing the game in all of the multiplicity of ways because of my disability?


Or should Bioware have taken that into consideration when designing the game, as they would not appear to have given it not even a moments thought?


Forgive me if I've missed it, but... Have you actually told anyone here what your disability is that stops you from getting datacrons? It seems to me that if you're incapable of getting datacrons, you'd also be incapable of properly participating in PvE and PvP.

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what pisses me the hell off is bugged datacrons. like the aim datacron on narshadaa for empire, that floating kiosk is BUGGED! i jumped on it and it teleported me back to the ground and i had to wait for it all over again.


or the cunning datacron on taris, i jumped thru all those pipes and when i landed on the platform wit hthe cron, it teleported me back to the start!


and the TATOOINE cron!!! omg the balloon disappeared out from underneath me!!! ***?!?!?!?!


I had that Tatooine balloon reset bug on 3 consecutive attempts. I got a stern talking to from my wife for some of the words I was using that night. I got it on 4th attempt though. It would help if the controls were better (on my pc I have no trouble doing jumps, etc. with ANY games except this one...though I always eventually get the datacron...I"m stubborn that way lol) They are certainly annoying at times, but not impossible. Something to do at 50 when the current in game LFD tool isn't working. :p

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Forgive me if I've missed it, but... Have you actually told anyone here what your disability is that stops you from getting datacrons? It seems to me that if you're incapable of getting datacrons, you'd also be incapable of properly participating in PvE and PvP.


Or I don't know...typing

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I had that Tatooine balloon reset bug on 3 consecutive attempts. I got a stern talking to from my wife for some of the words I was using that night. I got it on 4th attempt though. It would help if the controls were better (on my pc I have no trouble doing jumps, etc. with ANY games except this one...though I always eventually get the datacron...I"m stubborn that way lol) They are certainly annoying at times, but not impossible. Something to do at 50 when the current in game LFD tool isn't working. :p




Just so your wife yells at you again :).

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Why do you play games when all you really want is to be given everything. Maybe they can just give you all the codex and datacrons when you make your toon so you dont have to waste any time in the game doing them.


well, as he said he played wow. WoW hands out epic gear, achievements, mounts to anyone who pays.


as for the OP, its not like you're required to get them. and have you ever thought to just go to Google or Youtube and type in SWTOR Datacrons? you will get pages and pages of walkthoughs on how to get them.


Clearly OP is ************ for the sake of ************. Complaining about something that is an added bonus shows how pathetic some people are. Seeing people complain about datacrons and space combat is retarded, would you rather it just be removed? what difference would it make? none. except now the people that enjoy it can't do it. and thats what you want. If you cant be happy nobody should be happy. Spoiled.

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Or I don't know...typing


If you had bothered to read my earlier posts your questions would have been answered.


I suffer from severe rheumatoid arthritis, one of my hands is not what you would even recognise as a hand any more, and as to use of it I made an attachment strap for my mouse, and can manage in that way to make my character both run, and if necessary press the buttons.


As to typing that's easy one hand one finger takes ages and patience but is not impossible, as to pressing action buttons, simple I place the major ones on 1, 2 and 3 keys, and can manage to get the mouse to the other necessary buttons in combat by constant hovering over the required action buttons.


I do just fine in PvP, playing ranged classes this way and have a skirmisher and duelist rank on 2 different characters, but I am unable to combine the necessary precision and speed to do pipe jumping.

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well, as he said he played wow. WoW hands out epic gear, achievements, mounts to anyone who pays.


as for the OP, its not like you're required to get them. and have you ever thought to just go to Google or Youtube and type in SWTOR Datacrons? you will get pages and pages of walkthoughs on how to get them.


Clearly OP is ************ for the sake of ************. Complaining about something that is an added bonus shows how pathetic some people are. Seeing people complain about datacrons and space combat is retarded, would you rather it just be removed? what difference would it make? none. except now the people that enjoy it can't do it. and thats what you want. If you cant be happy nobody should be happy. Spoiled.


Selfish and mean minded just because you can, as an able bodied player, stuff the rest of humanity?


One day your going to want to beg for help, just hope someone actually listens and aids you, after all I assume you are human?

Edited by DelTarrant
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I tried to get datacrons when I started playing after launch. I quickly figured out that they were a waste of time. The amount of time and effort needed to obtain them was a joke compared to the benefits gained. Datacrons are for those players who are obsessive. They are a TIME SINK nothing more.
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Meh what irks me about the datacron hunt is that this game engine is so not designed to be a platform jump game. The jumping is soooooo delayed and wonky and if you are too close to a object your character won't get any jumping speed. It's like that game Kid Cool that AVGN rages about because apart from Mario in Mario Bros for the nintendo entertainment system where u can steer Mario when he has made a jump in Kid Cool you can't so your jumping has to be EXACT or you won't make it.


TOR reminds me of Kid Cool. Yes you can steer the toon a little while in air but it's so slow to fix the angle and so badly done that it's just too tedious. CBA by it


A good way would have been to make the datacrons hard to get but made the controls responsive enough. When you have a side game taht requires accuracy it's kinda stupid to have a jumping system that punish the player just because you were too lazy to get it right.


It feels like some things wasn't 100% tested while developing this game

Edited by redsovereign
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If you had bothered to read my earlier posts your questions would have been answered.


I suffer from severe rheumatoid arthritis, one of my hands is not what you would even recognise as a hand any more, and as to use of it I made an attachment strap for my mouse, and can manage in that way to make my character both run, and if necessary press the buttons.


As to typing that's easy one hand one finger takes ages and patience but is not impossible, as to pressing action buttons, simple I place the major ones on 1, 2 and 3 keys, and can manage to get the mouse to the other necessary buttons in combat by constant hovering over the required action buttons.


I do just fine in PvP, playing ranged classes this way and have a skirmisher and duelist rank on 2 different characters, but I am unable to combine the necessary precision and speed to do pipe jumping.


So, you click everything? Or are you able to press the 1, 2 and 3 buttons? If you can use your bad hand to press a single button while using the mouse to run, all you need to do is re-bind 1 to jump while getting the datacron.


Or, if you have full use of one of your hands (or just three fingers), you can rebind your mouse wheel (or any mouse button) to jump.


Failing that, you could place your keyboard on the ground, use your two mouse buttons to run and use your toe on the spacebar to jump.

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