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I can see why everyone wants to be empire


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Man this is nuts i started yesturday and today i played from 1o am to 11:30 pm out of 24 pvps in the group i was in won 6 times. today i played 22 games and have only won 4. OVER POWERED MUCH. as a saw bones i got hit with 2000 pts of damage how the hello can you heal through that. I could not keep up with the damage most of the time and im full speced saw bones. I hope they offer server moves Im not cut out i guess for pvp servers its too imbalanced.


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People will move from Republic to Empire and the balance will get even worse... I know many people who have decided to move to empire because its just plain better... more people, more groups, more raiding, more guilds, more fun....only downside is you play huttball all the time...


Healing is reduced 30percent in Warfronts and people can kill you in a couple seconds... makes total sense...


heal per second match the damage per second?

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It really depends on your server population. On my server, I would say that the Republic outnumbers Empire, and it shows in PvP as I see many more Republic guilds PvP'ing versus Empire guilds. However... This has actually allowed me, and maybe others, to get used to how others on my team play in PvP quicker. When the Republic isn't running their "pre-mades", my team usually wins more often than not.


I suppose another observation is that the population is reaching a point where they are leveling out "alts" or new "mains." Perhaps that is also contributing to the imbalance in faction population.

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You hit the nail on the head. Since the Imperials have more players, they have higher levels in pvp on average than the Reps, and they can easily win in pvp constantly. A poster mentioned below that it depends on the server poplulation. Thats true, but only to a point. Its a fact that the Imps outnumber the Reps. There may be a few servers that this doesnt hold true on, for now. But thats the exception, not the rule. The majority of Reps are getting no chance to win at pvp because of the massive imbalance. How long do you keep playing a game where you dont get to win?
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Man this is nuts i started yesturday and today i played from 1o am to 11:30 pm out of 24 pvps in the group i was in won 6 times. today i played 22 games and have only won 4. OVER POWERED MUCH. as a saw bones i got hit with 2000 pts of damage how the hello can you heal through that. I could not keep up with the damage most of the time and im full speced saw bones. I hope they offer server moves Im not cut out i guess for pvp servers its too imbalanced.



Over powered? All classes are mirrors. Some animations are different and in most instances favor republic.


A few notes about PvP. The team that wins has this in relative order of importance:

Premade>healers>more merc/sorc(commando/consular)>ranged heavy>people that actually know the point of the game.


There are many issues, but really the biggest issues often lie between the keyboard and chair.


Dont know what server you are on, but Canderous Ordo seems to be 50-50. Whoever has larger numbers in illum owns it and it changes every 20 min or so. WZs are probably slightly repub favored, but since empire face each other in hutball all the time, its probably 50-50.

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Over powered? All classes are mirrors. Some animations are different and in most instances favor republic.


Name these animations that are different that favor republic.


Lightning vs project = favor imp


groin kick vs op's stun = favor imp


civil war turrets = favor imp

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Man this is nuts i started yesturday and today i played from 1o am to 11:30 pm out of 24 pvps in the group i was in won 6 times. today i played 22 games and have only won 4. OVER POWERED MUCH. as a saw bones i got hit with 2000 pts of damage how the hello can you heal through that. I could not keep up with the damage most of the time and im full speced saw bones. I hope they offer server moves Im not cut out i guess for pvp servers its too imbalanced.



I boss up healing for the republic. I hate playing for the "cool" evil side that all the 12 year olds play in MMOs.

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Name these animations that are different that favor republic.


Lightning vs project = favor imp


groin kick vs op's stun = favor imp


civil war turrets = favor imp


I play both sides. lvl 50 on both.


CW = a joke to think its any bit a big deal. maybe if someone goes unhindered to left and right imps get a 1 sec 5 point lead. In the 1:10000000000 chance that both sides split dead even and that 1 sec 5 point lead matters is a joke.


How is lightning better? They are both instant, both do same damage, both cost same energy....


groin kick and op stun do same thing.... not sure how it matters.


Jedi Knight classes have shorter wind ups for 2 defensive proc skills making them unaffected to ability lag.


Commandos Grav shot still hits after death, tracer missile misses.


Gunslinger's cover places them inside the wall farther, hence harder to see and target unless the person used a larger toon model.


Do any of these really matter? Probably not.

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I boss up healing for the republic. I hate playing for the "cool" evil side that all the 12 year olds play in MMOs.


Terrible generalization. Our guild is adult only and as far as I know the youngest person is around 26. Average age is probably 35ish.


Today I played Hutball against Republic and 2 separate games I need to report Jedi Consulars for exploiting wins. IDK what they do, but their character model is laying on ground on upper walk behind center and yet the person will score 5 seconds later. They get ball back on instant spawn and back to upper walk and score.


We were winning 4-0 with 1 min left and they score 5 in 30 seconds. And we cant attack player at all. 6 of us standing on the body with the ball and they just keep scoring. Probably the act of a 12 yr old....

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The thing I've always noticed with servers is the ones with more evil type names tend to have the most imperials and the ones with more enlightened names tend to be republic heavy. So next time you choose a server to pick try to pick one that you have no clue what it is.


My server Infinity Gate is about 3 imps to 1 repub and that's pretty close to a balanced server from what I've heard other servers are at.

Edited by Kentonic
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Empire has more players and while we have a talented group of pvpers there are a whole lot of lousy players that don't have a clue.


I would rather play with a smaller group who knows how to play anyway.


I play both sides and I win far more on the low pop pub side. Except when you get people that think wz = death match and have no clue how to cap or plant bombs and stand around waiting to attack someone.

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Name these animations that are different that favor republic.


Lightning vs project = favor imp


For PVP this actually favors republic because with the travevl time you can hit project + another ability at the very same time for some immense burst. Imps cannot do that.


Not everything is bad for the Reps.

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I play Empire cause i thought the Republics will be more.. Somehow BioWare miss to inform us that is going the wrong way.. And now is to late for me cause i have friends in my guild that i will not leave.


So if you you are looking for a reason i will give it to you - BioWare mistake :p

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I play both sides. lvl 50 on both.


groin kick and op stun do same thing.... not sure how it matters.


Do any of these really matter? Probably not.


I doubt that you play a 50 on each side, or you would know the difference between those two moves ... does it matter, oh hell yes it does.


Lets make one of your money insta's, one that you cast on the move, root you for a gcd ... while your counterpart class can still be moving while using the same ability.


Get informed, before you "try to inform" ... thank you.

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I'm leveling a Shadow for changing my main in a PvP server. I'm still with Republic. My winning rate with this character in Wz's is like %75-80. For last 5-6 days it's %100. (With my 50, my winning rate was about %55-60)


It's my best PvP series ever. I never saw worse players than these Empire players in any MMORPG really. Even people started to talk in chat how bad they are when playing Wz's. It's normal though i was a noob at MMORPG's 4 years ago but now i can play Tank, Ranged Dps, Melee Dps or Healer good enough still not pro though.


No offense to these Empire players, they will be better in time.


And not EVERYONE wants to play crowded side, there are people like me to enjoy playing Underdog side.


It reminds me WoW. I was in a PvE server and after 1 years i started to like PvP more, but it was too late for changing server, i had friends in this server and had too many alts. Anyway, Horde was beating us bad in Wintergrasp and Tol Barad afterwards. They were attacking Stormwind, there were tones of duels in front of Ogrimmar (Had a low level Horde alt so i know) etc. They were PvP'ing because they were Mighty Horde.


Everything seems perfect right? No. In Alliance side they were people like me also. We weren't much, but we were good. I remember after losing a Wintergrasp, me and my friend alone beat 5-6 Horde (2 of them were 4-5 levels low though) for 10-15 minutes without dying once. After 15 minutes, a Horde opened his alliance character and whispered "How we beat them bad, and he impressed."


And thats just an example why playing Underdog is fun. After their Zerg is over, i'm still there to show who is better player. It's actually happening in Ilum also. After prime-time Republic is the king in Ilum in our Server with much equal numbers. ;)

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I reroled from empire to republic and the thing begins to bug me now!]

The win/lose part is destined to get more even,i believe!At start we had more people ,more 50's so ended up that we geared faster!this gap is closing now so more wins for reps!


Unfortunatelly it is not the only thing!want to keep an alt geared while leveling?:impossible if you dont have all crafts,economy is non existent


Have an option of 2 guilds if you want to do some organised things!


The worst part is that is not getting adressed and i m thinking of getting my old main out of the dust again,cause its not my work to balance the population,i just want to have fun and empire gives you that possibility

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CW = a joke to think its any bit a big deal. maybe if someone goes unhindered to left and right imps get a 1 sec 5 point lead. In the 1:10000000000 chance that both sides split dead even and that 1 sec 5 point lead matters is a joke.

For what is supposed to be a mirror match, it's rather unfair, still.


How is lightning better? They are both instant, both do same damage, both cost same energy....

instant Shock=instant objective interrupt\instant on-demand damage exactly when you need it.


groin kick and op stun do same thing.... not sure how it matters.

Agents can stun on the run. Smugglers are rooted for the duration of the kick animation. I have a Sniper and a Scoundrel - and the difference is *immense*.

Jedi Knight classes have shorter wind ups for 2 defensive proc skills making them unaffected to ability lag.

Blade Storm takes a second to cast, and thus often cancelled if you get knocked back or stunned. Warrior Scream is instant.

Commandos Grav shot still hits after death, tracer missile misses

BHs have roughly 8% more resource than Troopers. Fact.

Gunslinger's cover places them inside the wall farther, hence harder to see and target unless the person used a larger toon model.



Do any of these really matter? Probably not.

Alone, probably not. But together, it's pretty krakking annoying, given the fact that every single mirror imbalance favors the Empire.

Edited by Helig
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