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Maybe if enough Assassins speak out,


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We will receive a harder to miss notification animation that shows up when procs are up... Seriously, don't you wish you could actually watch what's going instead of having your eyes glued to the bottom of the screen always watching your buffs?
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Are there seriously people complaining that the game is too hard? I have found it to be way too easy to take seriously.. nightmare modes cleared on release day.. and some people are actually complaining that they can't watch their procs *boggle*


Good for you,



but where in my post did I say anything about the game being hard?



Also all I do is PVP because yes PVE is indeed easy in is current state.

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Are there seriously people complaining that the game is too hard? I have found it to be way too easy to take seriously.. nightmare modes cleared on release day.. and some people are actually complaining that they can't watch their procs *boggle*


You missed out the bit where you're supposed to slag off WoW and anybody who has ever played it.


OP: Yeah, I get bored of watching for procs. The animations in this game are cool and I wish I could watch them more.

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Are there seriously people complaining that the game is too hard? I have found it to be way too easy to take seriously.. nightmare modes cleared on release day.. and some people are actually complaining that they can't watch their procs *boggle*


People like to take advantage of Proc because this is where the "big damage" usually occur. While there are some indication (like a noise for Wrath) it is not really noticeable when you have 10 other things going on your screen. I personally would like a more noticeable icon or even mid screen notification (I guess that would fall under customizable UI) telling me my proc is ready (like Wrath)

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I'm just amazed that people can't keep track of it. Sure it would be nice to have an easy mode huge popup like when you were carried by mods in wow, but for me it wasn't anything more than.. ok I have to glance and look for this every global..


It surely isn't hard all you have to do is glance and see if duplicity proc'd and keep track of your stacks of static charge.. other than that you just VS, VS, shock. Very simple.


The skill in PvP is keeping track of your optimal damage output, while also keeping track of the positioning and the use of your offensive and defensive cooldowns. PvP in MMOs in my experience has always been about being able to keep track of long lists of things in your brain and then executing at a high rate of speed. This game is no different, and it would be a shame to see them lower the skill cap because some assassins can't do it.


That said, I've found tank spec to be more effective in PvP at least thus far, but I'm determined to give VS spec a fair try.

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Sure it would be nice to have an easy mode huge popup like when you were carried by mods in wow


Ah, see? You've done it right this time. Lol. I bow to you and how skilled you obviously are.

Edited by Pijinz
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I'm just amazed that people can't keep track of it. Sure it would be nice to have an easy mode huge popup like when you were carried by mods in wow, but for me it wasn't anything more than.. ok I have to glance and look for this every global..


It surely isn't hard all you have to do is glance and see if duplicity proc'd and keep track of your stacks of static charge.. other than that you just VS, VS, shock. Very simple.


The skill in PvP is keeping track of your optimal damage output, while also keeping track of the positioning and the use of your offensive and defensive cooldowns. PvP in MMOs in my experience has always been about being able to keep track of long lists of things in your brain and then executing at a high rate of speed. This game is no different, and it would be a shame to see them lower the skill cap because some assassins can't do it.


That said, I've found tank spec to be more effective in PvP at least thus far, but I'm determined to give VS spec a fair try.


Looking at the bottom of your screen every global is not skill. Making procs easier to notice would be a purely QoL change.

Edited by insendial
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I'm just amazed that people can't keep track of it. Sure it would be nice to have an easy mode huge popup like when you were carried by mods in wow, but for me it wasn't anything more than.. ok I have to glance and look for this every global..


It surely isn't hard all you have to do is glance and see if duplicity proc'd and keep track of your stacks of static charge.. other than that you just VS, VS, shock. Very simple.


The skill in PvP is keeping track of your optimal damage output, while also keeping track of the positioning and the use of your offensive and defensive cooldowns. PvP in MMOs in my experience has always been about being able to keep track of long lists of things in your brain and then executing at a high rate of speed. This game is no different, and it would be a shame to see them lower the skill cap because some assassins can't do it.


That said, I've found tank spec to be more effective in PvP at least thus far, but I'm determined to give VS spec a fair try.




Nope sorry, don't agree with your elitist way of thinking.

I much rather have the skill aspect be based on positioning, timing, order of abilities used, and precision. And as mentioned by someone's reply - I love how the game looks and don't want to miss out on that in combat.


Come back when you've played deception for at least a week.

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The problem seems to be that we have a _lot_ of possible procs. It's easier for, say, Operative - Tactical Advantage procs from your HoT ticking down (%chance), for example, seem to have both a graphical effect _and_ an Evil Chuckle audio effect.


There's a new Harnessed Darkness graphical cue? Do tell. I haven't rolled with my Assassin since last week.

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The problem seems to be that we have a _lot_ of possible procs. It's easier for, say, Operative - Tactical Advantage procs from your HoT ticking down (%chance), for example, seem to have both a graphical effect _and_ an Evil Chuckle audio effect.


There's a new Harnessed Darkness graphical cue? Do tell. I haven't rolled with my Assassin since last week.


When you have 3 stacks your body ignites into purple fire. I've never noticed it before so I'm guessing it's new.


Also, I agree. Other classes have much better looking procs. For example on my Mercenary, when PPA procs I get a orange shield around me and a evil laugh sound. And when Unload procs I get red circles around my toon, both VERY easy to notice.


On my Sin, when Energize procs there is a very short electric animation with a low tone sound that is almost impossible to notice in fight, especially in PvP. Duplicity gives you some purple smoke stuff that is hard to notice as well. And Raze... I'm not even sure it has a visual proc.


I wonder if Shadows have similar issues.

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Wouldn't be that hard to sort tbh. I don't need a big button in the middle of the screen, I just want a few simple things


Scaling on buffs/debuffs

Moving buffs

Short duration (<30 sec) buffs scale/move on their own


The pain right now is that the buff icons are tiny, and they're in the middle of everything else. If I could just resize and move them a bit I could actually pay more attention to the game rather than those tiny, tiny icons.

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The new Harnessed Darkness animation is a step in the right direction (because it's new right?). Though i really wish Raze (does it even have an animation right now?), Duplicity and Energize got the same treatment...


HD has a graphic? I must be missing it. Only thing I've seen really changed was deflection but the graphic runs out like two seconds before the buff wears off. Which I think is need, it's a purple variant of Saber Wards - I had a complaint about it lacking any graphic neatness but never brought it up so I was pleasantly surprised that they added it.


Otherwise, I don't see the HD affect. I thought it was just a passive that gets initiated and applied with every Shock/Wither.

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HD has a graphic? I must be missing it. Only thing I've seen really changed was deflection but the graphic runs out like two seconds before the buff wears off. Which I think is need, it's a purple variant of Saber Wards - I had a complaint about it lacking any graphic neatness but never brought it up so I was pleasantly surprised that they added it.


Otherwise, I don't see the HD affect. I thought it was just a passive that gets initiated and applied with every Shock/Wither.




It only happens at 3 stacks.

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All classes should have well defined and easy to notice visual and verbal cues on proc. This is not a skill issue, this is about enjoying the game's visuals, maintaining focus on the game's action and feeling like you are the character and not a person watching for an icon to appear.
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Because I play in first person view, I often don't notice that my body has become covered in purple aura to tell me how many stacks i have. I also have trouble keeping up with placement and watching for all the many interrelated procs that mean do this or do that.


I would like an audio trigger system. Then I can assign cues for procs and pay more attention to the game.


I would also like a health of target's target (or HOTT) window for my healer. That would tell me when the boss had a channeled ability I need to interrupt or when my kite has lost aggro to my companion, and I need to intervene with damage or heals.


I have trouble seeing how BW will do complex raid construction with such a clunky chat window interface and lacking basic game control infrastructure like audio triggers and HOTT windows.

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i guess im lucky cause i play on a 37 inch LED, but as madness i do find these new changes a bit annoying, although they look kinda better graphically? idk, lol, glancing down at my bottom left spot above my action bar to see buffs isnt all that difficult, i however take for granted of above said tv and playing with a razor naga for a bit over a year now, so i guess im just more used to it? idk, im not a "pro" by any means, lol.


cant we "speak out" about our squishiness in operations or something more useful to our QoL? =P

Edited by Rigoremortis
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Definitely need some improvements there. I play on a 13 inch screen with native resolution 1600x900, so the buffs are tiny. Can barely see what's happening there, let alone in the heat of the battle.

Please, please, please BW, make procs more noticeable.

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Definitely need some improvements there. I play on a 13 inch screen with native resolution 1600x900, so the buffs are tiny. Can barely see what's happening there, let alone in the heat of the battle.

Please, please, please BW, make procs more noticeable.





i feel your pain then, lol. i can imagine on a much smaller screen id prolly wanna kill myself with these changes, but thankfully, i blow my tax returns every year on a stupid electronic toy of some sort, last year was the tv, not sure what im gonna do this year, lol maybe upgrade my vid card/psu cause this game is pretty intense in that dept as well.

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Are there seriously people complaining that the game is too hard? I have found it to be way too easy to take seriously.. nightmare modes cleared on release day.. and some people are actually complaining that they can't watch their procs *boggle*


Yes, the game is too hard for me. What do you know about EVERY PLAYER? Maybe they have problems with their eyes, hands, coordination, etc. There a a thousand buttons to push, movement, procs to watch, cooldowns, enemy cc, chat, guild chat, and what not.


The mmorpg genre has moved so far towards catering to teens and pre-teens, it's ridiculous. This is not supposed to be a twitch-action game.

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