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Madness is now the PvP spec


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Most of those are fairly easy to comply with. Solely focus firing (no tab dotting) I never miss the 300k-400k mark in damage with 8-10 medals easily being achieved through taunting.


The reality is that you won't be pulling 500k-700k under those conditions unless you're in a FULL length huttball or voidstar. The guy posting the ss' of numbers as high as 700k in those situations and had a pocket healer.


Right. Which is basically my point. Play properly, get legit medals, don't have a pocket healer, and still show us the 500-700k numbers. Getting the numbers that high is not being called into question. I could so respec right now and show you a 500-700k match without much effort. I just don't consider discharge spam to be real pvp hehe.


My biggest concern is using terms like "THE pvp spec" because statements like that draw in the lemmings looking for the easy win. There is already a over population of assassins, but at least as it is right now we have varied specs. Deceptions sins who can play hell with healers with the high burst/interrupts, darkness sins who are GODS in huttball if played well, and just overall awesome in the others, and then madness sins who can do really excellent sustained dps. I don't want to start seeing nothing, but tab dotting madness sins because the all mighty (useless) meters at the end stroke their egos. Objectives are the most important thing above all else, and in a lot of cases madness is just not the best spec to get the job done.

Edited by Mazrigar
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Thank you OP for making this thread!


Full DPS gear helps, I try to get a mix to where I can hold 15.5k HP.




600k almost 300k more damage than the guy in 2nd place. I LOVE THIS SPEC! 4 pieces of champion gear the rest was pve orange stuff with daily mods.


The damage isn't even the best part, DOTS are so damn OP for Voidstar and Civil War maps. If you look at the screenshot you will see kills are low across the board, I queued up solo in a pug and we went against a premade BM repub team. The match was very defensive and we fought for mid practically the entire fight.


More than several times our healers wiped and only 2 of us were left. I was able to dot everyone trying to cap and they just couldn't take it. So fun!


In hutball this spec works great too, I still have my low cooldown sprint. I just equip a tanking set, say **** the damage and help score. Even when I focus on scoring and get 3+ scores/passes in a game I can manage to dish out 300k dps.



Edited by Kurfer
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I really don't think madness is the only good spec... at all


Check out my link for example... just some random pug game... I topped ALL THREE for my team... I'm not that geared and yes my damage isnt as high as the pic you posted but this was a losing game.


I dont think in any way that "Madness is now the PvP spec" all are viable




edit : Of course im Darkness... lol


I do 350k+ in alderaan games where I play a good amount of defense, and win as madness. I've played all 3 specs and excelled at them, the class isn't hard.

Edited by Nocorras
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Most of it was worthless AE damage. Easily healed through.




1. No cheesing the meters with constant tab-dotting. Go forth and play the round properly. Focusing on the objectives, and not padding your numbers with cheesy tactics.



Videos or it didn't happen. ;)



Tab dotting is bad mkay. I usually queue premades but I might queue solo to get vid footages

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Tab dotting is bad mkay. I usually queue premades but I might queue solo to get vid footages


Please do. I think most people's problem with Madness is that they don't thrash enough. It looks as if you're supposed ot be dot'ing left and right but in reality it performs better via thrash jousting after dot's have been applied. In my humble opinion.l

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Please do. I think most people's problem with Madness is that they don't thrash enough. It looks as if you're supposed ot be dot'ing left and right but in reality it performs better via thrash jousting after dot's have been applied. In my humble opinion.l


Yep, picking the correct target and thrashing over multi dotting. Thrash crits for 1200-1300 for me. I've pretty much stopped mauling 100%, it isn't worth it. Don't shock every time it's off cd.


I think the biggest survivability issue for Deception and Madness is players blow their cds and don't use them to escape. Force cloak, force speed and force shroud are pretty much 100% used to run the hell away from something for me.

Edited by Nocorras
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Yep, picking the correct target and thrashing over multi dotting. Thrash crits for 1200-1300 for me. I've pretty much stopped mauling 100%, it isn't worth it. Don't shock every time it's off cd.


I think the biggest survivability issue for Deception and Madness is players blow their cds and don't use them to escape. Force cloak, force speed and force shroud are pretty much 100% used to run the hell away from something for me.


I was reading through the QQ's of people being like "oh you just dot things and aren't actually productive" and lol'd. I can assure you that I, in madness spec, play for objectives as well as personal gain. And to address the charge that our damage doesn't reflect our actual kills, if you have any inkling of skill it's very easy to 1v1 any class as madness.


Anyway, during the first zerg when they all approach in a group I start off by popping a trink, pot, and Recklessness then tossing Death Field followed by Overcharge Saber, dotting people up, and then proceeding to single target a healer/ball carrier/etc with shock (for the proc), thrash (insta crushing darkness), and assassinate when applicable. I actually still use Maul and find it effective when Exploit Weakness is up.


I also agree that Force Cloak/Shroud/Rush are my **** buttons. Although if I am 1v1 or 2v1 I'll pop Force Shroud as a defensive maneuver along with Deflection. 9 out of 10 times I'll survive those encounters.


I usually get 300k+ damage in every warzone, 400k+ in Voidstar though. I have all Stalker gear, 8 pieces Champion, 4 pieces Centurion. I would have full Champ, but I was Darkness until a few days ago. I figure it will improve as I reach BM in 3 levels and start progressing my gear.

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i have a simple solution for everybody that says their build is best. instead of posting a screenshot of your flashy medals post a vid of the whole warzone. that'll show who does the most useless damage and who actually contributes to a win
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The tab discharge makes those people immune to 1/2 the CC in the game including your own whirlwind.


People like you are why we can't cap doors in void or points on alderaan. Making people essentially immune to long duration CC is not worth the extra damage and healing you receive....


Personal attacks based on your interpretation of my post. Classy.


People like me are why we win games, because I'm the only one in the match selecting a target and dropping it. There is a time and a place for all things. If we're halfway through a cap and one guy shows up, I'm not going to dot him, because hell be in a ww. By me. Because nobody else in the match thinks about what they're doing before they do it.


I'm not sure what scenario you're referring to where I would be in a position to tab dot where long term cc would be possible to prevent interrupt seeing as there are multiple people within ten meters of me and long term cc is single target, with the exception of flashbang, but if I stake my life on a competent Agent, I may as well go coffin shopping.

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i have a simple solution for everybody that says their build is best. instead of posting a screenshot of your flashy medals post a vid of the whole warzone. that'll show who does the most useless damage and who actually contributes to a win




I'm going to post one screenshot (out of thousands of games played) that PROVES my spec is the best! I'm even going to post screens of games I lost, but I still pwned noobs!

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I'm going to post one screenshot (out of thousands of games played) that PROVES my spec is the best! I'm even going to post screens of games I lost, but I still pwned noobs!


Except I rarely lose when in premades and I can still put up good numbers if I do lose. But yeah i pwn noobs.

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Most of it was worthless AE damage. Easily healed through.


Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but until I see a video showing a few things I don't believe the OP isn't just following the crowd and enjoying tab-dotting. Make a video showing the following and I will happily concede that Madness is now THE pvp spec.


1. No cheesing the meters with constant tab-dotting. Go forth and play the round properly. Focusing on the objectives, and not padding your numbers with cheesy tactics.


2. No pocket healer. Queuing up with a healer is a great way to look like a rock star. Anni-Marauders with a dedicated healer can easily bury other classes on damage output. No healer? Cannon fodder.


3. Get 8-10 medals without using the silly frozen water trick. I often get that many just by adapting my role during the game. Heavy offense to start, and swapping to defense when needed. Every medal well earned. No silly +healing medals on my assassin... ever.


4. Show your 500-700k damage at the end.


Might sound like a tall order, but if you make big claims you have to make big demonstrations. If we want to just say that "Madness is a great pvp spec!" then sure. No problem. It IS a great pvp spec, and does wonderful things in the right hands. THE pvp spec though? Pfffffft, you are going to have to prove it with more then silly/meaningless screen shots. To use the popular internet phrase...


Videos or it didn't happen. ;)




Wasn't tab dotting, was playing for objectives.


Had a healer in the group, but not a 'pocket healer'.


Minus the healing medals and it's still 10.


Hopefully 470k is enough!

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I can't wait until rated warzones come out. Until then, it's all the same ego-boosting with charts and medals. I still believe Deception will remain crucial as the damage-dealer/finisher, whilst Darkness/Madness hybrids will remain to be the key protectors and Huttball carriers. Full Madness really doesn't work against any knowledgeable healer combo. Edited by Alwaysx
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I can't wait until rated warzones come out. Until then, it's all the same ego-boosting with charts and medals. I still believe Deception will remain crucial as the damage-dealer/finisher, whilst Darkness/Madness hybrids will remain to be the key protectors and Huttball carriers. Full Madness really doesn't work against any knowledgeable healer combo.


ofcourse it does if the madness player has played a healer and nows what and when to interrupt.

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why is no one posting videos? :(


Because the OP probably has a bunch of new 50s on his server that he goes against. On my server virtually everyone I face in warzones had 500+ expertise. Even with 700 expertise I am not getting 600k against full BMs/Champs with any spec.


Don't believe the hype.

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Please do. I think most people's problem with Madness is that they don't thrash enough. It looks as if you're supposed ot be dot'ing left and right but in reality it performs better via thrash jousting after dot's have been applied. In my humble opinion.l


This ^^. I found that to be the case as well after messing around with madness for about 3 days now. It doesn't seem as bursty as Deception but the overall damage is clearly higher.

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This ^^. I found that to be the case as well after messing around with madness for about 3 days now. It doesn't seem as bursty as Deception but the overall damage is clearly higher.


Now if only I could come up with a way to not get owned so hard in solo queue. I'm getting kills, sure but when I get focused, I'm dead no matter what.

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