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Staying Subscribed Means: "I accept being sold a beta"?


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I have to wonder about all of the people that continue on after this first month. Don't we as consumers demand a 'somewhat' finished product at the very least when we pay $60 for a PC game (which is just an asinine price)? It isn't that I detest SWToR or what have you, on the contrary, I think it may eventually shape-up to be a decent game. However, in my opinion, continuing to pay a monthly subscription (I think) sends a very wrong message to the people responsible for releasing this game too soon.


I would be inadvertently saying that I accept being sold an inferior product and furthermore I'm willing to pay an ongoing fee for substandard customer service, a lack of key/industry standard features, extremely shallow L50 content, and a myriad of bugs too great to list.


I don't know about you, but if I had purchased this kind of product from an individual in a store where I had an outlet to physically return this and confront the salesperson / staff behind the creation of said product, I guarantee they would be either embarrassed, ashamed, and at least have the decency to give me a refund. It's not like I'm the only one here complaining, either. I could understand their counter-argument if it was a minority but let's be real here, most people who feel wronged won't spend the time to come to a forum and voice their opinion. Most will simply leave, take their losses, and never buy another product from that company again.

Edited by Proto
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If I didn't go to these forums I would not know about any of these bugs, because I don't experience them myself. I've enjoyed the game so far.




I am not so high and mighty to assume that others aren't experiencing bugs. Just saying that you might be having problems but that doesn't mean everyone is. On the contrary most of the people I speak to on my server seem to be bug free, or the bugs they are experiencing are not worth mentioning because they are either A.) Rare or B.) Minor.


As for any missing "industry standard" features... most of them are in development as we speak. Patch 1.2 is looking really promising with the Legacy rollout and Guild banks (and then some).


TL;DR Relax

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If you feel the product is not worth paying for then you can obviously quit paying for it.


There are people still subscribed who find the game fun. They do not find any of the issues game breaking for them. I fully understand those people still being subscribed. They're having fun so they don't mind the cost.


There are people still subscribed who think the quality of the game is lacking. They complain endlessly about being sold a beta and how the whole world should be ashamed of the game. They can't possibly understand how anyone else can be enjoying the game because they find the game so abysmally pathetic that they get no joy out of it. Yet, they stay and keep paying.


Honestly, those are the people who confuse me since they are free at any point to quit.

Edited by racsofp
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No, it means that I am having fun. If I stop having fun, I will quit. A concept that many fail to understand, then create endless drama over making this simple decision. Yes, it is that simple. Edited by Qoojo
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I'm having fun with the game, and MMOs are an ongoing project. That's just how they work.


Sure, it has flaws, but so does every other MMO (particularly new ones). If you want everything "finished," it's not the genre for you.


So, no, it doesn't bother me that it needs work. I knew that was part of the deal going into it, just like it has been for every other MMO ever made.

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Rarely do I make statements about what other people know or don't know, or have or haven't done, as there's no real way to be sure. I'd bet my oaycheck that you haven't been a part of many, if any MMO betas or MMO launches. This isn't a single player game. For a launch title? TOR is VERY polished, and has quirte an extensive features list.


You don't strike me as the sort that should be playing MMOs at launch: try the game again in 6 mos. to a year and see if it suits your tastes then.

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a lack of key/industry standard features


This is the part that gets me the most.


No mods or especially macros is just ridiculous.


I mean implementing a full-fledging scripting language, or integrating an existing implementation, and exporting/testing/documenting an API for building mods is development intensive, especially if you haven't built the game around it.


But implementing some simple language for quantifying targets and conditions for executing abilities? That's pretty trivial...


...and mouseover is pretty critical (esp. for healing)...

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Nope. Staying subbed means I genuinely like the game, am enjoying playing it, am patient enough to wait for the fixes that BW is working on and think the Pantwetter Patrol that haunts every MMO's forums is the most immature, impatient, childish, puerile, idiotic, annoying group of crybabies and infantile turds ever to grace the gaming industry.
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You decided to play an MMO at release.


The free month’s playtime offered is the acknowledgment of the stumbling that’s expected.


While I don’t condone it, it is the industry standard.


No MMO savvy player expects a bug/lag/crash free release. We’ve seen little to no crashes so….. pretty impressed.


Simply put….. if you want a polished MMO, wait 6 months after release before joining.

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I subbed for six months, so far i'm enjoying myself and find very little to 'put up with' that they aren't atleast attempting to fix already.


You've got your opinion on it, i've got mine. They differ and nothing we say to each other is going to change that since our opinions are based on what we are playing and not what arguments we can bring against each other.

Edited by Cormey
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I'm "putting up with it" because of the same reasons you're not, and if you don't understand that, or why... shame on you.


You think the game has a good chance to get good, but cancelling is how you support that? Neat.


If you're upset, by all means I understand. Personally, I have yet to get a PC version of a game at launch that doesn't have issues, and I have bought a LOT of games. A TON. Obviously some have more than others, but I am fairly patient.


Some issues that arise from a thread like this are:


-It's in General Discussion, so you obviously don't even care if any of your issues are addressed, at all. You just want to raise a stink that everyone can smell.


-You're implying every person who reads this has the same opinions as you.


-More implications that doing the same as you is the answer to this game's problems.


-You invite too many people on one side of the fence or the other to your "No it's not trolling/flaming/spamming but IS constructive" to come in and nuke each other, by insinuating that a major game developer has done something wrong, when really it's just opinion, one way or the other, that it is/was wrong.



Honestly, I wish some of you people would do some coding for a while. Then do some marketing. PR... you know, all of it. THEN go try to glean some insight as to what you can do to help players enjoy your product more but ONLY find mind-numbing posts that are really all just doing the same thing: complaining and whining.

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This is the part that gets me the most.


No mods or especially macros is just ridiculous.


I mean implementing a full-fledging scripting language, or integrating an existing implementation, and exporting/testing/documenting an API for building mods is development intensive, especially if you haven't built the game around it.


But implementing some simple language for quantifying targets and conditions for executing abilities? That's pretty trivial...


...and mouseover is pretty critical (esp. for healing)...


I know, right? Why should you have to make decisions on the fly when you're playing the game when the computer can do it all for you with a bit of clever programming and poof...you have a set of I-WIN buttons that take all the skill out of the game? SEriously, BW...it's a totally major fail that you haven't given these people the crutches they need yet.

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Rarely do I make statements about what other people know or don't know, or have or haven't done, as there's no real way to be sure. I'd bet my oaycheck that you haven't been a part of many, if any MMO betas or MMO launches. This isn't a single player game. For a launch title? TOR is VERY polished, and has quirte an extensive features list.


You don't strike me as the sort that should be playing MMOs at launch: try the game again in 6 mos. to a year and see if it suits your tastes then.


You just lost your paycheck. Been playing MMO's since 97. Beta tested DAOC, WOW, FFXI, SWG, SWToR, UO, EQ2, Shadowbane, Lineage 2, AION, and Rift.


Furthermore, of all of the bug reports that SO MANY of us beta testers in SWTOR have reported for nearly 5 months before release - none of them were solved. I'm talking major problems that went right into release and still haven't been fixed. I almost wondered what the heck the point was to have a beta in this game?

Edited by Proto
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I am staying subbed becasue i like the game. Name a game that has released in the past 5 years that had no bugs, Get real............ WoW was still in Alpha when it was released in my opinion. I beta tested it i know what i am talking about. Blizz fixed their game in time and it all worked out for the best. Give BW some time people......................
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I know, right? Why should you have to make decisions on the fly when you're playing the game when the computer can do it all for you with a bit of clever programming and poof...you have a set of I-WIN buttons that take all the skill out of the game? SEriously, BW...it's a totally major fail that you haven't given these people the crutches they need yet.


That's a gross mischaracterization of macros.


The ability to place my mouse over someone's unit frame and hit the hot key to dispel/heal them, as opposed to clicking their unit frame, losing my current target (maybe it was something I wanted to watch?), healing them, and then clicking someone else, is a matter of convenience, not stupidity.


WoW specifically avoided allowing certain conditions in macros precisely because of this. The conditions that they did leave in only allowed you to query for things about yourself or your target.


/cast [target=target,modifier:ALT] [target=mouseover,noharm,nodead,exists] [] Holy Light


hardly reduces the game to a one button mash fest.

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...and mouseover is pretty critical (esp. for healing)...


I'm a healer. I've healed both in raids and in Hardmode content.


Obviously, your heal-fu is weak if you're making the above quoted statement.


Don't rely on "crutches" like mods and macros as a substitute for learning your class and being competent at playing it.

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