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Dear BioWare, I am... bored.


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Op is correct, you do end up wondering what you are going to do when you log in. Personally im leveling a 3rd alt on wz's alone(only doing class quests). Leveling another char doing same quests over and over is an absolute drag.


If i had not found some enjoyment in wz's, and having a laugh there, i doubt i would be logging in much at all anymore. This game needs the things OP has listed.

Edited by jihn
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Did you consider the possibility that you cleared the content at an above average pace, and that the average subscriber is still not at 50 or has cleared all the content? If that were the case it is a possibility that the existing content is just right for the bulk of subscribers, who may feel overwhelmed by all the content before them. I feel his way at the moment. I just dinged 50 have two more planets to clear, and all the bonus content on Belsavis and Voss awaiting me, as well as several flashpoints. I haven't PVPed once and operations are currently off the table (mostly because I heard they lack story content). When they released the new flashpoint, I said to myself, "Already? I'm not even close to the endgame". I have played since early access at least a little bit most days and for prolonged periods of time on weekends (6+ hours).


MMOs cannot cater to everyone's schedule. Some people will clear the content faster than others. If you are clearing the content at an above average pace, as I suspect, then you could consider unsubscribing for a bit, taking some time with other games, and then returning when they add more content for you to clear.


At the very least consider the alternatives to your favored hypothesis (i.e., that the game hasn't produced enough content). Until Bioware releases some stats on the current status of their subscribers (i.e., how many have done all the flashpoints vs how many that haven't, how many that have completed their main story arc vs how many that haven't, etc.) at most we can conclude it hasn't produced enough content for you and that it has produced more than enough content for me. So far we only have fairly useless anecdotes about the game from people that are using the forums.

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Did you consider the possibility that you cleared the content at an above average pace, and that the average subscriber is still not at 50 or has cleared all the content? If that were the case it is a possibility that the existing content is just right for the bulk of subscribers, who may feel overwhelmed by all the content before them. I feel his way at the moment. I just dinged 50 have two more planets to clear, and all the bonus content on Belsavis and Voss awaiting me, as well as several flashpoints. I haven't PVPed once and operations are currently off the table (mostly because I heard they lack story content). When they released the new flashpoint, I said to myself, "Already? I'm not even close to the endgame". I have played since early access at least a little bit most days and for prolonged periods of time on weekends (6+ hours).


MMOs cannot cater to everyone's schedule. Some people will clear the content faster than others. If you are clearing the content at an above average pace, as I suspect, then you could consider unsubscribing for a bit, taking some time with other games, and then returning when they add more content for you to clear.


At the very least consider the alternatives to your favored hypothesis (i.e., that the game hasn't produced enough content). Until Bioware releases some stats on the current status of their subscribers (i.e., how many have done all the flashpoints vs how many that haven't, how many that have completed their main story arc vs how many that haven't, etc.) at most we can conclude it hasn't produced enough content for you and that it has produced more than enough content for me. So far we only have fairly useless anecdotes about the game from people that are using the forums.


^^^ THIS sums it up for myself and my wife. Game is fine. If you raced to endgame meh...I am enjoying content and just now getting into more endgame stuff. Go create an alt.

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even in wow, which everyone likes to use as their examples, outside of some very rare class specific quests you are going along the same linear path doing the same thing as the next guy, and making an alt wont change a single thing.


Either you are crazy or you haven't played wow for years.


I leveld quite a few chars in WoW and none of them followed the same path as the others, even if we're talking about same race.


Back in Vanilla I wanted my NE to have a horse, so I took her to Elwynn at level 1, arrived level 3 only by exploring though :p


Come on, take a lvl 1 and move it from it's planet. From Tython to Ord Mantell, from Korriban to Hutta.

Oh wait! You can't!!

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I played for about 2-4 hours a day, 4-6 on week ends for the last few months and I have yet to reach 50.




I did the same thing and reached lvl 50 in less than a month, without skipping convos (except for some aliens "watchyopanky!" stuff)

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I did the same thing and reached lvl 50 in less than a month, without skipping convos (except for some aliens "watchyopanky!" stuff)


Did you PvP, Collect datacrons, level multiple alts partake in guild activities? Or did you rush to the end?


I am also wonder how people expect a (relatively) new mmo to have as much content as WoW in its 4.3.


My suggestion to you would be to stop playing, wait a few month, then come back and eat up the content. Why is that so hard to do?

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Either you are crazy or you haven't played wow for years.


I leveld quite a few chars in WoW and none of them followed the same path as the others, even if we're talking about same race.


Back in Vanilla I wanted my NE to have a horse, so I took her to Elwynn at level 1, arrived level 3 only by exploring though :p


Come on, take a lvl 1 and move it from it's planet. From Tython to Ord Mantell, from Korriban to Hutta.

Oh wait! You can't!!


This. 1000x this. Very nice post by OP. Very valid points. Due to my obligations in R/L and my schedule, I have played this game very casually. My highest is level 45, and I have several alts between level 20 and 35. I might get a couple of hours to play here and there, and some time on the weekends, but last night was my first time back on in over a week. I'm not even to end game yet, and while I am still having fun, I am not in any way unaware that I am quickly approaching the end of my Merc's storyline quests, and this has been the largest driving factor behind my gameplay so far.


Essentially I'm kind of dreading reaching 50, because I have never been in to the token/point grind of repeating the same FP's over and over... I have always struck a balance between PVP and PVE, as well as social aspects of the game. I had fun in EQ2 for a LONG time just roaming around, discovering new things, and finding nifty decorations for my penthouse apartment.


Gulthaw hit the nail on the head here. There is no variety in path for same faction characters. A saving grace for you will be to roll your alt on the other faction. While it will be the same planets, at least the Planet Story Arcs AND Class Quests will be completely different. At any point in WoW I could usually think of several zones on different continents where I could go to level or grind, and I'm not just referring to the starting areas. Post 60, when you hit Outlands and beyond, it did become a lot more linear. But even then you had a large series of connected, non instanced zones, the freedom of flying mounts and multi-tiered/phased areas.


Long story short. I can completely relate to the OP, and several others posting in this thread, and I am still 5 levels from hitting the cap. I am having my fun, but at some point when the story runs out, I believe I will find myself much more interested in GW2/TERA than logging on to repeat the same content.


I think a large problem is the complete removal of outdoor/public heroic/elite leveling areas and dungeons (you know, those things where people grouped up just to kill things for loot and experience, with respawning bosses and large loot tables). Additionally the leveling speed of the western MMO market has become atrocious. In Everquest it took months and months to get to level cap. The focus was on getting levels and new skills, and then eventually at cap AA's and Gear. Today it seems as though it's a huge race to level cap (one week tops), and then you have nothing to look forward to above and beyond some new gear which provides marginal benefit.


I personally miss the feeling of working on 5 or 6 levels for a week or more in one zone, and then, holy crap! this new area I'm in is awesome! And getting to spend another week exploring and leveling there, or various public dungeons with a solid group, socializing and *gasp* really getting to know the people and community you play your game with.


Not all directed at Bioware/SWTOR. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Story and Game, I can just see the light at the end of the leveling tunnel and am not naive enough to believe it's not the freight train of end game grind coming my way.



TL;DR: -- Good Post OP. I'm a casual player, am not at cap yet, and can see the potential boredom now that I'm nearing the end of my class quests (Level 45). Only option is alts on other faction.

Edited by RiflesCrossed
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To those of you saying this game isn't WoW reskinned... to a point you're right. WoW had MORE options at launch (let alone the options it has now.) To be competative with games out now, when you release a game you need to be on par with where the competition is NOW, not 8 years ago when it came out.

If you level alts at all, it becomes painfully obvious that there is one path you can take. If you're republic, everyone goes to Coruscant around 10, then you finish and go to Taris, then Nar Shadaa, etc. Every other MMO I've played the past 15 years gave you choices where you could explore at any particular level. Discovery and exploration are fun! To be on par with other MMO's we'd need around 2-3x the planets that are available to us now.

How can you not provide social things like guild banks, guild achievements, or even something that guilds can build together? This promotes unity.

If this game is to survive, these things need to come sooner than later.

For the CEO to say that they have a superior MMO is complete ignorance to what other MMO's offer.

I don't feel that these expectations are too high, even if you consider what other MMO's have offered at launch in the past 10 years. Guildmates that I've played with for a long time already quit in disappointment, please do something to bring them back.

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But what else can you expect at endgame other than repeating stuff, at least eventually. It's a physical impossibility by the laws of the universe for Bioware to create an infinite amount of content that can never be repeated. So at some point you HAVE to be done with your first time through, then your second, and all that will be left is repeating it. I don't really understand what all the "I want more endgame" people want. Even quadrupling the content would only entertain you for a couple of weeks of hardcore playing (if that) and then you'd be bored again.


Nobody could meet the demands you people are placing on this game. You even admit WOW didn't, and WOW has had 7 years more to add new content post-launch than TOR has had.


You people burn through content like it's going out of style and then complain there is not enough content. You did this to yourself.


I've been playing since day 1 of EA. My highest character is still level 34. I have a couple of level 15 alts and a 24. And I play quite a lot. I just don't burn through it as fast as possible, and I don't try to max out my XP gain/hour. From my end the game has so much content I can't possibly do it all on a single toon.


Now, I'm not saying that powerleveling through content and doing it ASAP is wrong or anything, but if you do that, you really have no one to blame but yourself that you burned through it. It's like you bought the DVDs of the 6 Star Wars movies, fast-forwarded through all of them to get to the end, and are now complaining that the movies "didn't last long enough".

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To those of you saying this game isn't WoW reskinned... to a point you're right. WoW had MORE options at launch (let alone the options it has now.) To be competative with games out now, when you release a game you need to be on par with where the competition is NOW, not 8 years ago when it came out.

If you level alts at all, it becomes painfully obvious that there is one path you can take. If you're republic, everyone goes to Coruscant around 10, then you finish and go to Taris, then Nar Shadaa, etc. Every other MMO I've played the past 15 years gave you choices where you could explore at any particular level. Discovery and exploration are fun! To be on par with other MMO's we'd need around 2-3x the planets that are available to us now.

How can you not provide social things like guild banks, guild achievements, or even something that guilds can build together? This promotes unity.

If this game is to survive, these things need to come sooner than later.

For the CEO to say that they have a superior MMO is complete ignorance to what other MMO's offer.

I don't feel that these expectations are too high, even if you consider what other MMO's have offered at launch in the past 10 years. Guildmates that I've played with for a long time already quit in disappointment, please do something to bring them back.

WOW didn't get guild achievements until Cata.


If you read any patch notes, guild banks are coming. along with many more flashpoints, operations, warzones, dailies, and a new Companion. :-)


WOW is the same thing..............you start out in your level 1-5 zone, go to the next zone to level that is on par for your level, etc. You cannot go to a Cata zone at level 1 and do quests.


Low level PVP in WOW sucks too. You either wait 2 days for a queue, then go up against FOTM class with BOA gear and have 0 chance at doing anything. Low level PVP is pretty good here.

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Ahh, the ADHD generation... I've found plenty to do once I've reached 50. Don't know where you guys are going wrong, but with daily pvp quests, daily PVE quests on Belsavis and Illum, Flashpoints with my guild, and trying to get my happy *** to battlemaster, I still have to stay up WAY too late for my liking. oh an for crafting, I just mae myself some reusable grenades, giving myself an extra stun/slow every 5 minutes, so it can't be completely useless...


OCD calling normal people ADHD is amusing.

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Yeah I'm still not so bored I'm suddenly going to start some QQ.


If you are that bored already you have only yourself to blame. You are focusing too much attention on the video game. If you remember all the quests and can't replay them I have to suggest you unplug from the game every couple days.


I've literally played through all of Corusant 3 times. I didn't do it all in the same day, that would be like torturing myself. I did it over the span of 3 weeks, and I'm looking forward to going through it again on another class in a week or two.

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Even quadrupling the content would only entertain you for a couple of weeks of hardcore playing (if that) and then you'd be bored again.


I'm sorry, but WoW had more content at launch, and more mechanics to work with.

Also, I compare revisiting content like watching a movie. If you just get done watching a movie, of course you aren't going to want to watch the same one again. But if it's been weeks or months since you've seen that movie (and you've watched some other ones since,) it might be interesting to watch again (do you follow?) This is why having 3 to 4 different options in leveling up works. Being so linear in a MMO kills it! And I thought Warhammer was bad...


Nobody could meet the demands you people are placing on this game. You even admit WOW didn't, and WOW has had 7 years more to add new content post-launch than TOR has had.

Until Cataclysm, the vanilla portion of WoW remained relatively untouched, but it still held interest for reasons mentioned above.

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I really agree strongly with the OP. I just found myself looking into my number X champions bag a few days ago, and realising I was doing exactly what I did in WOW - in grinding boring PVP for gear and there was no real reason to do so in this game other than so I didnt get facerolled by other players in the said boring pvp. There's nothing to aim for.


As an added issue, I feel that WOW gameplay is more inherently fun, responsive, smooth and competitive, so I'm just finding myself asking myself "what the hell I am doing in playing this game?"


At present, I feel that the only difference is that its a) new, b) star wars, and c) has huttball, which is a great warzone. That's it. In basically every other aspect of endgame that I can think of, but particularly in the gameplay itself, I'd just rather be playing WOW.


And this is coming from someone who swore he would never play WOW again.


Edit: I want to add I have a 50 on both empire and republic side and have zero desire to level again through exactly the same process. I'd rather be repeatedly punched in the face by Mike Tyson.

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WOW didn't get guild achievements until Cata.


If you read any patch notes, guild banks are coming. along with many more flashpoints, operations, warzones, dailies, and a new Companion. :-)


WOW is the same thing..............you start out in your level 1-5 zone, go to the next zone to level that is on par for your level, etc. You cannot go to a Cata zone at level 1 and do quests.


Low level PVP in WOW sucks too. You either wait 2 days for a queue, then go up against FOTM class with BOA gear and have 0 chance at doing anything. Low level PVP is pretty good here.


Obviously you didn't read the bulk of my post. WoW had about 8 different areas you could level from 1-5, and about 3 to 4 areas you could choose from, from there on out at any particular level. I NEVER said that you could go anywhere at any level. I also NEVER said anything about PvP. BTW, I hated Cata, because it became so linear. I'm talking Vanilla.

I also read all of the patch notes... and am saying that some of these options not being available (in even early beta) is inexcusable, if your goal is to competative to other mmo's. Even if you look at these MMO's at their launch, SWTOR dropped the ball big time, and it is costing them subs.

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