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Will the patch today keep you playing or from canceling?


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This part of the patch seemed very fair to me:


Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations.




After hitting rank 54 in valor with 24 bags and no drops, I think this might work for me. Although I am still concerned about the warzone credit bug and how big boy pvp on illum is still pretty much pointless. I am still somewhat considering resubbing. Seems like this might help get rid of the frustration.


Any other opinions?

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PVP in this game is crap cause of expertise how many tokens you get is crap. This should of been a skill based game not a gear based wow clone. Fail and no fun.


Every MMO game has gear progression at its core. If you want to play a skill based game, go play a FPS or speed tetris.

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This part of the patch seemed very fair to me:


Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations.




After hitting rank 54 in valor with 24 bags and no drops, I think this might work for me. Although I am still concerned about the warzone credit bug and how big boy pvp on illum is still pretty much pointless. I am still somewhat considering resubbing. Seems like this might help get rid of the frustration.


Any other opinions?


I have all my gear, and it doesn't make the game any more fun, it will just make it so people realize that getting the gear isn't really worth it.


well, Tera hopefully will be something -New- than this wowclone.

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Im going to keep playing.


I enjoy the game.


PvP is fun.


There isnt a huge inbalance.. Most need to lrn2play.



The bags will make it better, im looking forward to getting my 2nd char to 50 now.



hit 50.


6 bags. 90 Cent Comms 42 Champ.


Do pvp Daily for 3 days.


Have weekly done


12 more bags, and probly at least 1 from comms.


270 Cent Comms in 3 days.


not to mention champion comms and the chance of champ gear still.



btw there is no world pvp in mmo's.



Its ganking, or zerging.


World pvp doesnt exist, and not even close to decent pvp.

Edited by Spyde
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Every MMO game has gear progression at its core. If you want to play a skill based game, go play a FPS or speed tetris.


Yea I agree. Its not always gear in a pvp mmo but there is something. Aion had its pvp gear, DAOC had its abiilites, WAR had a bit of both, etc. I think you'll come across no gear or abilities when you are in a pve mmo. Games like those might have pve gear but usually its not pvp based.

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Sorry, confused. If BM bags carry 15 Champ Comms, where does one get the BM gear from warzones? Thanks.


It, unfortunately, is still on RNG with a 25% (yeah, right) drop rate. However, pretty much everyone I've talked to has said the 25% is a lie.

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This part of the patch seemed very fair to me:


Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations.




After hitting rank 54 in valor with 24 bags and no drops, I think this might work for me. Although I am still concerned about the warzone credit bug and how big boy pvp on illum is still pretty much pointless. I am still somewhat considering resubbing. Seems like this might help get rid of the frustration.


Any other opinions?


Mostly I didn't bother rushing to the endgame at launch, to find bleh, it'll be awhile before this patch effects me and by then it will have all changed. By the time my toons are 50/50+ most of this stuff will be hashed out, and the end game will be much richer.

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It, unfortunately, is still on RNG with a 25% (yeah, right) drop rate. However, pretty much everyone I've talked to has said the 25% is a lie.

I think it's not. I log my bags and currently get hit ratio of about 23%. So acceptably close to claimed value.

People that discuss this topic are mostly people who got unlucky. 99% of people who got they gear acceptably quickly never pop up in such topics or discussions.

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Mostly I didn't bother rushing to the endgame at launch, to find bleh, it'll be awhile before this patch effects me and by then it will have all changed. By the time my toons are 50/50+ most of this stuff will be hashed out, and the end game will be much richer.


Rushing? I only know of one person in my guild that rushed.


I think that terminally should be flipped around. People should not expect to take their time and go excessively slow to avoid dealing with frustration for a incomplete product. In other words, casually leveling should not penalized by production that has not been finished. Sorry, when people say they are going to intently level slowly, it just really boggles me.


Either way, I agree I hope they fix this all soon.

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Cancelled, but I bought a 3 month sub so I have until April. If they don't fix Ilum/world pvp in general, not to mention the billion other bugs in the game by then I'm gone.


If you cancelled already then you never liked the game to begin with and that is fine, but its rediculous to put your reasoning on a singular aspect of the game that will certainly be fixed at some point.


My question to you is how do you manage to play any MMO's. Every MMO that has ever come out all suffer from this same type of problem. You must quit every MMO you play.

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If you cancelled already then you never liked the game to begin with and that is fine, but its rediculous to put your reasoning on a singular aspect of the game that will certainly be fixed at some point.


My question to you is how do you manage to play any MMO's. Every MMO that has ever come out all suffer from this same type of problem. You must quit every MMO you play.


Your post makes no sense or has me wondering if this is your first or second mmo. Unless you've just never been in a pvp mmo. To us pvpers, it is very important. Which essentially is the only reason why we pay and play. It really confuses me why you or anyone else would actually actually expect anyone to pay for something they are not enjoying. Which makes your own question reflect back at you. Any consumer should know when to not buy a product again or ask for a refund. Unless you are a kid or a teenager, I'm not sure how you missed that lesson.

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I am one of those people who got the chance to beta test over a couple of weekends and I must say I enjoyed the hell out of the game. Back then I thought I would be playing this game for at least a year if not more.


But you know what happened, reality set in.


It is one thing to PVP when everybody is roughly the same level and has crap for gear. It is another thing entirely when level 50s can farm kill the guys who don't even have sprint yet in warzones.


I was also one of those poor guys who got stuck at the wrong level at the wrong time. I leveled exclusively on pvp content on my main and by the time I hit 50 I was completely burned out on Huttball. And what happens when I hit 50? A few days later the brackets kicked in so now instead of being one of the 50s who would get to kick around the lowbies I was the new 50 who get to be kicked around by the same 50s who had been farm killing me for the past 30 levels. With even more rounds of Huttball popping than before!!!


The difference is before the brackets each side had some lowbies. Now I was the lowbie in a pool of sharks.


It was quite a very unjoyable experience for a couple of weeks to say the least (until I earned my gear).


Then there was the flashpoints. Little experience and light on gear I found joining and surviving in groups running HMs became a burden. Again nothing fun there to report. And OPS were completely out of the question.


So now I am a 50, been kicked around quite a bit to get my champion set. I just hit valor 60 thinking a might get some easy mode farming in to get my bags.


And what does Bioware do? They change the PVP rules again. Once again no sooner do I hit a critical level mark I am once again the wrong level at the wrong time.


Now, the forums are full with people complaining about Ilum kills not counting and we all know about the low victory rates in warzones (bugs with wins not counting too). And then there are the bag changes to boot. I have to wonder how much longer am I going to play a game I am increasingly finding frustrating.


I play to enjoy myself but judging by my stress levels I am doing anything but having fun.


Does this mean I am quitting this day or this week? Maybe not. But as with last month as the day for renewing grows closer I have to sit back and decide if it is worth paying for another month.


Last month a gave them a shot. I still have some time this week to make that choice again. And just like last month, their continued subscription is once again on the ropes.

Edited by ForceWelder
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