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10 Good
  1. first dragon age 2 abomination next first day dlc ME3 and atrocious story now,...now.... my pvp is dead 1.2 the biggest lie in history. thanks bioware, you're dead to me.
  2. anyone else notice how fast this post is being pushed down, like the wrath of god is trying to get rid of it. It's so weird.
  3. for the love of god what is going on here? i don't get why they would delay this patch really i was hoping that i could grp with my friends and do warzones. either way, its not going to be fun anymore, i'm tired of waiting. doomed i tell ya, doooomed.! absolutely wrong in all way shape and form. no way is this going to be good for bioware/swtor i really hope this is an april fools joke ending my sub prolly. leap of faith, i have none with bioware anymore.. none at all!. eating some cereal hoping it was a joke. really pissed cause it isn't i hope the people make the devs change their mind. cause i like to pvp. killing people in ranked 8v8 would be so much fun. so thats why i'm sad oh well, i guess i'll have to unsubb night night swtor,
  4. problem with bioware is that they think that nerfing every class to the ground is going to fix their crappy system. It won't. in order to fix a MMORPG you need to buff up the other classes to be on par with the class that is deemed "playable" so that everyone has fun. It's like a millionaire being robbed by the government because people were crying that he's too rich. Why not make everyone a millionaire? duh.
  5. No. I despise this game. For me, it's somewhere between a cockroach and that white stuff that accumulates at the corner of your mouth when you're really thirsty. It's the degeneration and homogenization of the mmorpg genre.
  6. hey guys quick question for patch days I have 3 pcs on a crappy connection, and i really dont like downloading all of the patches every single time I don't wanna copy and paste the entire game folder every time, it's really tediious and sometimes take's more time than downloading the patch. Is there a patch folder somewhere in the files that i can download? If so, please explain exactly how to access this, thanks.
  7. quoted for truth, my vote is No also, same ol' garbage we've seen before.
  8. operative healing tree/talents fail hard. After playing full BM sorc/ Merc healers trying out this garbage seems like a waste of time. problems with operative. ------PROC BASED----- so basically if i have no TA i am F.cked, i try to stutter step or cast DS so they won't interrupt my KInj but it usually never works. Even if it does it will take an entire 2s for me to cast my fail KInj. I'd love to see any operative that says otherwise fight a Marauder that is anni build, they will turn you into that guy from deliverance <squeal like a pig!> Meaning if i don't have any procs up I'm an easy kill, sure i got defensive's Shield probe that last 15s on a 45s CD and ofc the most OP spell in game, Evasion 1mCD on 4sDuration... That will keep me alive, it's much better than sprint(30s or 20s CD)/shield(15sLockout)/KB(9sCD) and the oh so mighty god mode merc 25% damage reduction(1minCD but it actually keeps you alive!) spam heal with OCG OUR HOTS SUCK, for the amount of energy needed for kolto probe and the amount it heals for it doesn't pay off, a sorc can spam the crap out of a 4.5k absorb shield on entire raid for less mana consumption... WHO THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA? RN is the most garbage ability in the entire tree, it cost a ludicrous for the amount it heals, I NEVER USE IT. with all my hots rolling on the target i can barely notice a difference. THE POOL THAT SORC DROPS ACTUALLY HEALS, in PVP if i can, i try to drop it because i KNOW it will help me, this is not so for RN. IT SIMPLY DOES NOT HELP. KOLTO INFUSION SUCKS, its a specline ability but i never use it over KInj, why they would make the specline heal so terrible and proc reliant is such a brain farting mystery it gives me a headache to think about the blatant stupidity of bioware. SURGICAL PROBE, the only spell worthwhile in the entire healing spec, mind you it is completely useless outside of >30% Health. Using this after Kolto INJ gives you a little bit of a sust/burst heal but be very aware, that this heal is not something to be used on the run. Like i said, shield from sorc outdoes this spell aswell, i've only seen it crit for about 2500 in PVP and i've got around 85% surge with 525 bonus heals in my BM gear. All in all? Operative is a proc reliant POS healing class at the moment which makes it inferior to ALL other healers. If you play operative to heal, you're wasting a spot in a pvp grp or a raid. Our dps tree is bad too.. but that's a whole nother story. Play sorc/BH if u want to play a good healer Fixes? Should i even bother? they already said in posts that they cannot change game design because of the games engine, and the lack of a recount only ensures that people never find a definitive answer about anything. It will always be guess work and speculations so bioware doesn't have to fix anything, there is not enough "definitive" proof for the fanboys. If they do change operative, don't make it like SORC or BH, make it like DRUID from WoW.. that's what it tried to copy and failed miserably at it, i don't know how that is even possible.... IF YOUR GOING TO COPY for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, DO IT RIGHT... ALL THE SOURCE MATERIAL IS THERE!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT SITH JUGG, AN EXACT CARBON COPY OF WARRIOR FROM WOW AND IT WORKS!!!!!http://i.imgur.com/Yc6so.jpg like i said, it gives me a headache thinking about how infinitely moronic the dev for operative is. <sigh>... can't wait till tera is out.
  9. I have all my gear, and it doesn't make the game any more fun, it will just make it so people realize that getting the gear isn't really worth it. well, Tera hopefully will be something -New- than this wowclone.
  10. was watching video then posted, but clearly that is proving to be a mistake. the community forums in this game is a miserable cancerous sore, it's getting worse and worse. ah well, gw2 ftw.
  11. yet another troll -_-. Great video, it's nice to see a non-clicker/keyboard turner post a nice pvp vid. Love the 2v1 fights, it takes a lot of skill to go against the odds, esp when you're fighting the same class as yourself <loltrooper+scoundrel>. Great video
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