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Every patch that doesn't have a LFG tool is costing you players


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Last night, Republic fleet on my server never goes over 60-65 players. For two hours I try to form a PUG for a hard mode flashpoint (I am a tank) with absolutely no luck. In that time I found two DPS (but not at the same time), each of who eventually gave up. How is this considered good for the game? I know people will scream that a LFG kills the community. Do you know what kills the community for than a LFG tool? People quitting the game because it is impossible to form groups to do the content. It isn't any better (probably worse actually) at lower levels also. Last week I was trying to form a group to help my brother with The Red Reaper, and we ended up having to do it with companions. Luckily I am completely overgeared for a level 45 flashpoint so we were able to do it that way.


I'm sure for Imperial players finding groups is easy when there are 200+ people on your fleet, but right now it seems like the only option until they add a LFG tool for Republic players is to reroll to the more populated faction.

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Claims about player base being saved due to a better LFG are overblown. Rift implemented one, and made it cross server, but that did not stop players from leaving the game in droves, probably lead to a bigger loss. Edited by Vydor_HC
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you hate not waiting around 40 minutes to make a group?


40 minutes? I'd love if it only took 40 minutes to form a PUG for a hard mode fp. To all the people saying you would quit if they put this in, do you think that people trying to form a group for two hours then logging off in frustration is acceptable?

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When will you people understand, that a LFG tool is not the same as a LFD tool.


There is actually a LFG tool ingame. It's just really bad. Make it usable, with more options, what you are and what you are looking for. Implement some filter options for what you are looking for. Job done.

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Last night, Republic fleet on my server never goes over 60-65 players. For two hours I try to form a PUG for a hard mode flashpoint (I am a tank) with absolutely no luck. In that time I found two DPS (but not at the same time), each of who eventually gave up. How is this considered good for the game? I know people will scream that a LFG kills the community. Do you know what kills the community for than a LFG tool? People quitting the game because it is impossible to form groups to do the content. It isn't any better (probably worse actually) at lower levels also. Last week I was trying to form a group to help my brother with The Red Reaper, and we ended up having to do it with companions. Luckily I am completely overgeared for a level 45 flashpoint so we were able to do it that way.


I'm sure for Imperial players finding groups is easy when there are 200+ people on your fleet, but right now it seems like the only option until they add a LFG tool for Republic players is to reroll to the more populated faction.


There will never be a LFD tool because look at WoW, how many people do you see leveling 10-84? Almost none. Why? Because EVERYONE in WoW levels thru the LFD tool. That's why all the major cities in WoW are cluttered with levels 10-84.

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There will never be a LFD tool because look at WoW, how many people do you see leveling 10-84? Almost none. Why? Because EVERYONE in WoW levels thru the LFD tool. That's why all the major cities in WoW are cluttered with levels 10-84.


no... questing is way faster leveling than dungeons in wow. you are talking out your ***.

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Well good bye to the lazy players who can't use the looking for group tool already in the game!


Yeah, nice try. I was checking for LFG people in /who the whole time while also having "tank lfg - hard modes" as my LFG description and what do you know, no groups and no people LFG.

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No op you are wrong there are many people like me who play this game because there is no LFG/LFR in the game.


Its been a blast so far teaming up with people on the same server for flashpoints and heroic missions. I have not had one rude person or anyone drop group its been great.


I would be very upset if they ever put a LFG system like World of Warcraft has and if they ever put looking for raid in the game I would quit the game just like I did with wow after playing it for five years.

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Judging by your avatar and sig, you play Empire, so I don't think you are qualified to discuss the difficulty for Republic players to form groups.


Judging by your post you think that it is easier to find a group on the Imp side then the Pub's, fact is it is just as hard to find a group for either side. I play both sides there is no difference.


In past Polls and posts the players have already voiced they did not want a lfg tool. Look here, more nays on that issue.

Edited by Fizbanic
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