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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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the problem as I see it, is that GCD and CD are treated identically.


greyed out when on (long) cool down = good (and I hated the last UI for not doing it)

greyed out when on GCD = bad


we have seen three different iterations of the UI now, and each one had somewhat different problems. But in each and every iteration, the core of the problem was that the 1.5 second global cooldowns and lengthy other cooldowns were treated by the UI in exactly the same way.


THAT is the main problem right there.

GCD after hitting my filler attack and a 2 minute cooldown after hitting some survival skill is not the same thing - so why is the UI treating them precisely the same way?


A quote from my (now closed) thread that is worth quoting.

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There is only thing I would complain about and it's a flash.


Developers could keep the CD slider on the darkened ability but what they could add is small figures at the end of CD. Like 5 seconds before ability is available removing the slider.


Flash is too bright for my eyes. I constantly sit in front of PC because my job requires that and wouldn't want to strain my eyes with extra flashing.


Anyway, I'll get used to it but flashy thing is not good in my books.

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I totaly dislike the feature, it is too contrast, makes the eye sore, plus the logic is twisted. Abilities without proper taget go darker, while on global cooldown they go brighter, so you can use it in case it is between. Having 24 spells in two bars, half of them shining, does not help anything. I feel like blinded.


For those that love it, please make it optional.

Edited by Arnalix
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Please adjust this new cooldown indication to something more decent or include an option to revert back to the old model.


While I appreciate the devs trying to improve it, I think this new animation is a huge step backwards.


For one, it is much to penetrant and bright. Every time the GCD kicks in The whole screen flashes up as if you're looking into a camera flash. Seriously. It is that annoying and quite frankly, I did two warzones after the patch now and have to take a break because my eyes hurt.


And while I like a clear indication, I think this is far too strong. The GCD passes quickly, so it might be a bit of a non-issue regarding readability, but longer cooldown abilities are completely unreadable under this new animation. I can barely recognise the icon underneath. :(

Edited by syntxerr
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I can't tell what's coming up. If I can't tell what's coming up with enough force then I can't plan my moves, yes I plan moves in that second or less, I think we all do.


I'm really sorry to say this but I don't understand what ui designers are doing? This cd thing for 2 terrible patches, maps cover my ability bar, mission tracker wont go away. I don't get it. Maybe that team needs to work on holiday events or something less critical.

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And it also breaks the game for sage healers.


Add that in too.


I literally can't play like this.


Uh oh! Your fun-o-meter went down! :(


...but mine did too, minding I have one? :/


I want to play but have to wait until this problem is fixed. My eyes hurt too much, gives me a headache, and makes me nauseous.

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Just put numbers on it like other games (they do it for a reason)


1 min




56......................... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Flash



so you can see with a quick glance at your bar whats on CD and how long.

Edited by Aedgyth
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Bioware needs to understand that things on CD and things only on GCD should not be treated the same.


Double this.


The new cool down animations make it harder to see when something is available. I have to resort to just mashing the bound key now that the animations render any visual indicator impossible to see.

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The way they had it upon release was fine, people we're happy with it. Instead of turning it into a rave why not just go back to what people we're happy with , I don't understand.


This is seriously giving people headaches.

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Uh oh! Your fun-o-meter went down! :(


...but mine did too, minding I have one? :/


I want to play but have to wait until this problem is fixed. My eyes hurt too much, gives me a headache, and makes me nauseous.


I feel your pain. Physically, too.


I refuse to play my sage healer like this. Game is broken. I can't see if anyone is in range, I cant tell what is on cooldown and what isn't, and more that I don't care to list.


I do NOT understand WHY they had to pull this out of the bag today. WHY can't they test this stuff before implementing?

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Just put numbers on it like other games (that do it for a reason)


1 min




56......................... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Flash



so you can see with a quick glance at your bar whats on CD and how long.


Don't know how bright your screen is, but I can't see a damn with this new animation because it is so bright on top of a darked out icon, that I can't distinguish what's underneath unless I hover it for the tooltip.

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I wouldn't mind it if it was just for single ability used, it actually looks pretty good, but its gets out of control when it does it on every ability, everytime you use the GCD.


Aye. The new CD indicator is fine, but it should NOT be used for the GCD. The GCD indicator/ability fade amount should be exactly the same as before 1.1.2


The NEW indicator need only apply to abilities with a CD longer than the GCD.

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I've been told the next patch will include audio of Bobcat Goldthwait screaming at you that your cooldown is now complete. The audio may at times appear to play on top of itself if multiple cooldowns complete around the same time.
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The new hotbar GCD is horrible. It shows skills that I can use next as not usable. This is a major problem, as I am always planning ahead. Why have the ability to queue up the next attack if everything is going to show as not usable?


Please fix ASAP, as it's currently horrible.


Seeing what skills are on cooldown is good, but the Global Cooldown part when using a skill is horrible. Don't make skills I can queue up appear as they are on cooldown when they are not.


Know what would fix all of this? Community created addon's.

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this thread is yet another proof that we need OPTIONS for the way gcd/cd works.


Vanilla one worked fine imo, previous patch was not needed/needed a checkbox to be disabled. This new one is actually a bit of improvement to me, but I know people feel different. I'd still rather have launch version.


Seriously, its nice they're 'trying' but give me an option to disable the 'attempts' please.

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I wouldn't mind it if it was just for single ability used, it actually looks pretty good, but its gets out of control when it does it on every ability, everytime you use the GCD.


This exactly.


Having half my screen fading between blue and normal tooltip color every time I cast an ability is just an absolutely eyesore.


I like the effect, but is it neccesary to have EVERY SINGLE ability that in on the GCD trigger it EVERY TIME?


UI mods look better every day.


At least give me a color slider so I can make this ugly neon blue UI black.


UI shouldn't be an immersion killer, but this one does a pretty good job.

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My main is a Marauder and I really don't see the issue. It's different, that's for sure, but the things the people are complaining about shouldn't necessarily be an issue. I know when I need rage, I know if I'm in melee range, and now I don't have to guess when the ability is actually off CD.


You obviously aren't looking for what is available in advance then. The brightness of the cooldown effect, combined with the dark shadow behind it makes it much harder to tell if a spell if off cooldown while the GCD is occuring. I play on low ping, so to keep up I HAVE to predict and hit buttons in advance. It might not be an issue for the people with 30 ping / those who don't care about maximising their DPS, but it is certainly not an improvement on the previous system.



If you give it a few days and get used to it rather than coming on the forums to complain...then it might not be an issue for you :)


Why "give it a few days" when it is clearly not better. There is nothing to get used to, it obscures vision and is quite clearly worse than the previous version.



The flashing effect is just plain annoying as well. It's visually unpleasant, impractical, and a huge step backwards.


Please fix this BW.

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