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Why go Republic? Something MUST be done


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I honestly wanted to like the Republic more... But...


I kinda fell in love with my female IA... Jo Wyatt's voice on a Chiss Amazon with the best storyline and ship in the game? *melts*


(Yes, I'm sorry to admit it, but... Jennifer Hale, there's a voice I like better than yours! :eek:)

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I find the republic side simply much more enjoyable. Being evil all the time is just boring as hell while leveling and as soon as youre maxed it doesnt matter any more.


I wonder about sith being played that much more often tbh, since in WoW Alliance was played much more often in the beginning than Horde.



But in the end its all just a matter of style, so theres nothing to be "done" about it, i guess.

Edited by Shruk
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Heres some reasons;


Being the underdog in PvP (Ilum) thus getting to choose your fights, instead of like on my server (Ahto City) the Empire runs around in packs of 60's chasing down solo groups of Pubbies.


Being able to throw rocks at people! (wat!)

Having (imo) tons better looking PvP gear.

The people who stay Republic will generally be more dedicated (as they havent jumped ship) and thus better with their class, from having played the character longer/having higher gear/higher rank.

Wearing a bad-*** Indiana Jones style hat and shotgunning people as a Smuggler

Big-*** commando/vg guns!

Getting to do quests without the overpopulated zone being runned down by people ninja'ing your objective object or frantically tagging the same mobs as you try to kill.



Did i mention throwing rocks!?

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The light side is not attracting players.


on naddis rebel. youd think their would be alot of rebels. but there are not. I can get in a pvp match in 20 seconds. most of the time the game rushes me in because somebody quit. its rare to win a match this way.

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It ultimately comes down to the cool kids wanting to be the bad/arrogant/violent guys imo that + force lightning = recipe for massive pop imbalances. The fact that some bioware guy said "we didn't think force lightning was going to be that big of a deal" made me understand they really have no idea what they're doing or who they're dealing with(players).


Note that when i say cool kids it doesn't actually mean they're teens, the majority of them are 20-30+ yet their mental age in that regard is stuck at 15 and so gogo ****** evil faction..


I find the republic to be perfectly fine in terms of races/stories/voices, there's only 2 main things that suck ***, one is the female jk voice - awful. Fortunately i don't play one but a friend of mine does so i have to hear it, the other is that ALL skills due to animations or whatnot are WORSE on the republic side.. i mean, i couldn't understand if some skill was worse, but ALL?

Edited by AzKnc
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Heres some reasons;


Being the underdog in PvP (Ilum) thus getting to choose your fights, instead of like on my server (Ahto City) the Empire runs around in packs of 60's chasing down solo groups of Pubbies.


Being able to throw rocks at people! (wat!)

Having (imo) tons better looking PvP gear.

The people who stay Republic will generally be more dedicated (as they havent jumped ship) and thus better with their class, from having played the character longer/having higher gear/higher rank.

Wearing a bad-*** Indiana Jones style hat and shotgunning people as a Smuggler

Big-*** commando/vg guns!

Getting to do quests without the overpopulated zone being runned down by people ninja'ing your objective object or frantically tagging the same mobs as you try to kill.



Did i mention throwing rocks!?


I agree with the bad-*** Smug hat. That thing is pure sex.



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The only thing I've really noticed is that lvl 50 requires a lot of PvP...and Empire wins a ridiculous amount of time. Have a really hard time getting dailies done...a guildie today said he had 7 straight losses.


Plain and simple...the PvP is unbalanced. As a Vanguard...I'm virtually worthless. I only have 1 stun, no invulnerability spells, and no healing spells. Yeah, I can soak up a lot of damage...but doesn't do me any good when I'm fighting somebody that's basically untouchable for 30+ seconds due to shields and stun locking me.


Balancing out PvP would be a great start....surely it's not THAT hard to institute buffs that only appear in a PvP arena. IE making it so you cant self-shield, or can only be shielded once every 2 minutes...same thing with stuns.

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I tried to played a Sage, but seriously, the story line of Bounty Hunter is waaay better! I dont like Empire at all, but BH is in this faction, so...


Throwing rocks is nice, but i just get tired of this at lv 15. And went back to my blasters! :D

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I really don't see the appeal in playing a sorcerer.. lightning, lightning, wait for it, more lightning. It's rather awful.


As a consular you have pebble storms, hadookens straight out of sf, and throw SPEEDER CARCASSES at people.


Now, if only throwing those speeder carcasses, trashcans, rocks at people was isn't like doing a shock and didn't take 1.5+ seconds ...........

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I went republic (and RP server) thinking it'd be a more mature crowd but I'm starting to wonder if there are ANY mature players in MMORPGs anymore.


I'd pay double to play on a server with no stupid names (I value immersion and your idiotically named avatars are ruinging it) and immediate removal of immature players (lots of room for interpretation here but anyone who does your momma jokes (or lack thereof) in general chat, or has an e-seizure f-bombing everyone, and so on)

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Tripe like this is exactly why I would never play Republic, and love smashing them - I won't even craft things to sell them. Grow uppppppppppp.


The difference between the Sith and the Reps is very interesting. I notice that people who play light or dark side often don't like each other, and I like that. When I see them in PVP I just want to smash those suckers and their rose colored glasses. PEACE IS A LIE. :csw_shuttle:

Edited by LexiCazam
Inappropriate - quote
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There is seriously absolutely no reason to go republic at all. The so called mirror classes are bugged in favor of Empire. Storylines, Empire are all better. Also the main reason I rerolled Republic has turned into failure. I figured with everyone going Empire that Republic would have faster WZ queue times. Well thats a lie I actually get faster queue times on my Empire characters. Sure it might be Huttball but thats still PvP and its better than sitting around crafting in Fleet and waiting for queues to pop.


Every day the number of Republic in Fleet dwindles down on my server. Used to be 200 in Fleet when I started now hardly over 100. People are rerolling in droves because finding raiding guilds is impossible hell even finding normal FP groups is near impossible. Theres never mats, schematics, or a good supply of gear/mods on the GTN and stuff that sells like hotcakes on Empire side never sells at all on Republic cause theres no one to buy it. Also I go to Imperial Fleet and its full of chat for people forming groups of all levels even EV groups. Then go to Republic Fleet and /Crickets.


Is BioWare ever going to fix this crap or is this game intended to be a single faction game?


I don't know what game you're playing at all, are we playing the same SWTOR? I never have problems finding groups on my republic character, fleets always filling up, GTN is plenty stocked. Seems like your server got the short end of the stick, my advice...go play on a new one.

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I went republic (and RP server) thinking it'd be a more mature crowd but I'm starting to wonder if there are ANY mature players in MMORPGs anymore.


I'd pay double to play on a server with no stupid names (I value immersion and your idiotically named avatars are ruinging it) and immediate removal of immature players (lots of room for interpretation here but anyone who does your momma jokes (or lack thereof) in general chat, or has an e-seizure f-bombing everyone, and so on)


If removal of brats was possible, the empire would suddenly have even less players than the republic.

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If you want to hang out with all the little kids on the Imperials then go ahead. Because remember, the cool kids ALWAYS want to be the bad guys.


No you never played WoW vanilla right? Every kid was alliance.



seasons change. Flavor of the month.

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There is seriously absolutely no reason to go republic at all. The so called mirror classes are bugged in favor of Empire. Storylines, Empire are all better. Also the main reason I rerolled Republic has turned into failure. I figured with everyone going Empire that Republic would have faster WZ queue times. Well thats a lie I actually get faster queue times on my Empire characters. Sure it might be Huttball but thats still PvP and its better than sitting around crafting in Fleet and waiting for queues to pop.


Every day the number of Republic in Fleet dwindles down on my server. Used to be 200 in Fleet when I started now hardly over 100. People are rerolling in droves because finding raiding guilds is impossible hell even finding normal FP groups is near impossible. Theres never mats, schematics, or a good supply of gear/mods on the GTN and stuff that sells like hotcakes on Empire side never sells at all on Republic cause theres no one to buy it. Also I go to Imperial Fleet and its full of chat for people forming groups of all levels even EV groups. Then go to Republic Fleet and /Crickets.


Is BioWare ever going to fix this crap or is this game intended to be a single faction game?


my guild / real life friends went republic. i got a JK to lv 32 and i just couldnt take it anymore. I played a SI to lv 20 and the story was way better the game over all was more fun. i dunno, as of now i canceled my sub and waiting for it to tick down.


Your right Empire is way better.

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The only reason to go republic is cause of trooper assault cannon .


Well it did work for me , no matter how bad the republic story line is , even more so the green rewards near the end to rub it in ..


The assault cannon make me smile , now give armor mods, cause the freaking gear is ugly like hell !!


Helmet columni that looks like a paper mask ?

Seriously !!!


All those small stuff don't help the republic cause , if assault cannon was available to the bounty hunter , i would go back in no time !!

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Honestly, one thing completely sold me on never returning to the Republic. While I ended up not playing a sorc, I realized that the sorc:


...wears dark robes and slings lightning.


The sage?


Dressed like a homeless bum who throws GARBAGE at people.


So now, all I see are dirty transients flinging trash and other unmentionable things at my juggernaut.

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I totaly agree OP.


started 3 classes in the republic before going to the empire :


- Jedi consular untill level 17 : Oh man is this story boring as hell. Politics anyone? No thanks. Story might get a kick after a while but the beginning is just way to slow.


- Trooper untill level 12 : /salute ? get used it in this story. I understand that they are soldiers, but man they are just to many stereotypes there. We've seen this stuff in many other games. Not very interesting.


- Jedi Knight level 25 : Probably the only good storyline. But that was about it.



On empire side :


- Got a BH to level 50 : Not going to spoil, but i LOVED the story for this class. And man the BH those things in style.


- Assassin level 20 : Want to learn more about ancient sith legends? Explore tombs? Discover the sith origins? This is the bus to take.


- Sith warrior level 12 : haven't played much but so far , i like it better than the JK so...



And of course, there is the end-game gear: My Jedi knight looking dressed in a yellow samurai costume from the power rangers series. Seriously?


Republic is really not that cool.

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There is seriously absolutely no reason to go republic at all. The so called mirror classes are bugged in favor of Empire. Storylines, Empire are all better. Also the main reason I rerolled Republic has turned into failure. I figured with everyone going Empire that Republic would have faster WZ queue times. Well thats a lie I actually get faster queue times on my Empire characters. Sure it might be Huttball but thats still PvP and its better than sitting around crafting in Fleet and waiting for queues to pop.


Every day the number of Republic in Fleet dwindles down on my server. Used to be 200 in Fleet when I started now hardly over 100. People are rerolling in droves because finding raiding guilds is impossible hell even finding normal FP groups is near impossible. Theres never mats, schematics, or a good supply of gear/mods on the GTN and stuff that sells like hotcakes on Empire side never sells at all on Republic cause theres no one to buy it. Also I go to Imperial Fleet and its full of chat for people forming groups of all levels even EV groups. Then go to Republic Fleet and /Crickets.


Is BioWare ever going to fix this crap or is this game intended to be a single faction game?


Agreed 100%, Republic population needs something done about it. There are hardly 30 people on in the Fleet Station at prime time on Kathol Rift... It's very sad.

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