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If you don't like the game...why the heck are you still here?


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Game has been a huge disappointment: Clunky interface, walking/running for 30% of time, constant patches, piss poor customer relations, over-zealous forum 'champions', load screens every 5 minutes, 10 stage trip from planet to planet....

I have actually gone back to WOW and guess what - it has NONE of these problems and neither should a brand new game released in December 2011!

You can make excuses but this game is a massive fail...

I'm here because it is more fun than the game!


You are one of those people that prolly went


Avatar was a MASSIVE fail, just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean other people share your opinion. A lot more people love this game than hate it. It's just fact..

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i dont like it but im still paying for it cuz i got nothing else better to play atm, waiting for d3 and gw2 for some serious pvp, both instanced (diablo) and open pvp (gw). Ilum is a joke did, rr80 today is so crap, a guy on my server, on tofn ,is r90...being a bit more than one month and half from release.. *** of crap is that? where the hell are the devs of daoc? it took 2-3 years to get rr13 there with beatiful open pvp, great class balance and no gps/lag issue .--. go figure
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ooo threads like this are just ASKING for every one of the negative people to come in. Oh look! already filled with pages of em! lol


i feel sorry for trolls. They have to "justify" to themselves in their head that they are having fun "trolling" people and getting them angry just because they are angry with themselves that they weren't right about something.


Again..trolls, I am deeply sorry you have to be like that.

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i dont like it but im still paying for it cuz i got nothing else better to play atm, waiting for d3 and gw2 for some serious pvp, both instanced (diablo) and open pvp (gw). Ilum is a joke did, rr80 today is so crap, a guy on my server, on tofn ,is r90...being a bit more than one month and half from release.. *** of crap is that? where the hell are the devs of daoc? it took 2-3 years to get rr13 there with beatiful open pvp, great class balance and no gps/lag issue .--. go figure


You don't like it but you waste your time here anyhow? Go do your homework instead.

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Constructive posts. Also you even said it, 5 years to develop. 5 long years! and for what? a half working game full of glitches and bugs that should have been ironed out in testing? These games have month long testing, starting with alpha going to beta to find things like this.





I have seen you on MANY posts..you don't offer criticism of ANY kind and just blab about how crappy the game is. If that's your opinion..leave. WHY IS IT SO HARD!?

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Originally Posted by Bragar

Game has been a huge disappointment: Clunky interface, walking/running for 30% of time, constant patches, piss poor customer relations, over-zealous forum 'champions', load screens every 5 minutes, 10 stage trip from planet to planet....

I have actually gone back to WOW and guess what - it has NONE of these problems and neither should a brand new game released in December 2011!

You can make excuses but this game is a massive fail...

I'm here because it is more fun than the game!



You are one of those people that prolly went


Avatar was a MASSIVE fail, just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean other people share your opinion. A lot more people love this game than hate it. It's just fact..


Don't forget the third kind, the ones that this game was a huge disappointment too and are waiting for something else to come along.

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Game has been a huge disappointment: Clunky interface, walking/running for 30% of time, constant patches, piss poor customer relations, over-zealous forum 'champions', load screens every 5 minutes, 10 stage trip from planet to planet....

I have actually gone back to WOW and guess what - it has NONE of these problems and neither should a brand new game released in December 2011!

You can make excuses but this game is a massive fail...

I'm here because it is more fun than the game!


And obviously more fun than WoW...



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It's funny how people were crying about all the stupid and negative threads that were being made during the first thirty days and how all the uber fans were going to create all these meaningful threads about the game after the free month was up and now the majority of these silly threads whether it be a thread like this, crying about WoW or any other game, or generally being non constructive is now constantly being created by the same people that were complaining about it in the first place.
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because this forum is not "一言堂",

ppl deserve to know the truth.


and by ur opinion , why should the NEWS exist?

u dont wanna know things u dont like,

u can just live in the remote mountains or stay in ur little well.


why u come to this forum if u dont like it?


I come here hoping to read interesting threads about the game, maybe get tips on strategy, but I cant because they are quickly drowned out by the whiner threads.


Someone call a whaaambulance.

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Just to whine and spread negativity? Im just curious. Lets get some good intelligent answers in b4lock.


just because everyone isn't a butt humping fanboy doesn't mean they dont have right to voice there opinions. TOR is far from perfect and it needs a ton of work... cant expect a game was hyped this much and fails to deliver to not upset alot of folks were super excited about it.


TOR isn't bad... but certainly not next big thing either.

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I have seen you on MANY posts..you don't offer criticism of ANY kind and just blab about how crappy the game is. If that's your opinion..leave. WHY IS IT SO HARD!?


Ya know thats been said in the past 5 major IP releases.


AoC - If you don't like it go back to WoW. Leave the game for those of us who can enjoy it.


Aion - If you don't like the game leave *insert bot gold spam message* and go back *insert bot gold spam message* WoW *insert bot gold spam message* and leave the game to those of us who *insert bot gold spam message**insert bot gold spam message**insert bot gold spam message* want something different.


STO - The game is new a refreshing. if you don't like it go back to WoW. Your just not used to the new game mechanics.


Rift - If you don't like it go back to WoW even thought it's a WoW clone. The Rift idea is great even if it happens far too often but still it's better then WoW.


Warhammer (the closest to what SWTOR is) - If you don't like the game and have issues with it leave we won't miss you. The game is a huge success and the few thousand that leave will be replaced by those that come to the next big MMO. (And mind you Warhammer came out at a point in time when WoW was struggling to keep players interested and active)


All those MMOs had the same release and unit sales that SWTOR did or in the case of Aion eclipsed what SWTOR had. Better game same mechanics same just about everything, save the botter spam to what WoW was.


And where are those games now? Where did all the players go while the white knights and shield bearing fanbois screamed "LEAVE MY GAME!!!!"


We did leave those games. And only one of them has managed to survive. After heavy server merges that now only lingers to 20 servers.


Be careful what you scream for or you just might get it. And the MMO game that goes with it.



Because I will tell you one thing that all those MMO forums had in common with each other before the mass exodus. And that's the community cannibalism. Where the players flamed and feasted and degraded each other between the "This game is bad get on the fix's" Camp and the "Vi Va Laa Game" Fanboi Camp.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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We are here because most of us desperately want the game to improve, and we are offering our advice so the developers can fix what we feel needs fixing.


Ignoring Ambers guidance thread on how to provide them feedback through specific channels (hint: general forum is not one of them) means more wasted space in general forum.

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Game has been a huge disappointment: Clunky interface, walking/running for 30% of time, constant patches, piss poor customer relations, over-zealous forum 'champions', load screens every 5 minutes, 10 stage trip from planet to planet....

I have actually gone back to WOW and guess what - it has NONE of these problems and neither should a brand new game released in December 2011!

You can make excuses but this game is a massive fail...

I'm here because it is more fun than the game!


I have *plenty* of issues with the game, too, but whenever someone follows up theirs with "I went back to WoW" I just instantly tune you out. I'd rather pound nails through my palms then go back to that mindless drivel and if you consider WoW in it's current state to be even playable I just can't relate.


I'll probably just crank out Legacy and whatnot on this until my little batch of games I want starts to hit (Tera, Diablo III, Guild Wars 2, Torchlight II). What I want, myself, is just some original, creative content, basically as in I don't plan to schedule my days away on sheep herding raiding with no legitimate design or challenge.

Edited by MapleMeringue
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Why are things perceived to be so black and white with what people like now? Just because someone doesn't care for a few particulars doesn't mean they hate it all.


Just realize that all the negative feedback are from people that WANT to play this game. They WANT this game to be awesome, from their perspective. And they're letting you know where it falls short. It doesn't mean they'd rather watch a 24 hour loop of Eragon and Matrix 3, it just means there are things that could be done better.



I guess we could all be happy just accepting whatever slop comes our way, and be grateful for it. But thankfully, a lot of us aren't wired like that and actually have the guts to let someone know if they're coming up short.

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Ignoring Ambers guidance thread on how to provide them feedback through specific channels (hint: general forum is not one of them) means more wasted space in general forum.


An identical copy of this thread was just locked two seconds ago. How long do you think we have before this one gets nailed to the wall too Andryah? I give it 2 minutes at most. If they stopped making them, the mods might have a minute to relax!

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We are here because most of us desperately want the game to improve, and we are offering our advice so the developers can fix what we feel needs fixing.


Just because I don't like the game how it is right now does NOT mean I hate it. No. I just want it to get better so I can play it again and actually gain enjoyment from it.




There is your answer.


I feel the same. would be a shame to see so much investment go down the tubes

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Just to whine and spread negativity? Im just curious. Lets get some good intelligent answers in b4lock.


To fill your curiosity, you need to understand that many of us unsubbed players WANT this game to be good. We whine, we spread negativity because deep down inside every player wanted the next gen-mmo from such an amazing company known as Bioware.


I for one WILL continue to whine and b*tch, and troll for the sake of this game =D

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I have *plenty* of issues with the game, too, but whenever someone follows up theirs with "I went back to WoW" I just instantly tune you out. I'd rather pound nails through my palms then go back to that mindless drivel and if you consider WoW in it's current state to be even playable I just can't relate.


I'll probably just crank out Legacy and whatnot on this until my little batch of games I want starts to hit (Tera, Diablo III, Guild Wars 2, Torchlight II). What I want, myself, is just some original, creative content, basically as in I don't plan to schedule my days away on sheep herding raiding with no legitimate design or challenge.


Tbh I don't see anything novel in SWTOR and pray tell me what is so 'mind-stimulating' about this game v WOW. I wanted to stop playing WOW but every time I log onto SWTOR I find the prospect of spending 5 minutes running somewhere to be so bleak I logoff immediately. Hardly compelling...

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Just to whine and spread negativity? Im just curious. Lets get some good intelligent answers in b4lock.


1. I have a .000001% chance to influence possible change that might make the game better and I have a chance to disagree with some of the truly bad suggestions.

2. I have more interaction with others on the forums than I do in game at the moment. Unpopulated worlds and all that.

3. No server transfer available, no UI custumization, or XP stop- give me something to work with.

4. I'm paid up through the end of March.

5. I can't get a refund


That's it in a nutshell

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