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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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GW2 is a PVPer's wetdream really? it is an all instanced game how are true PVPers who always cry about open world PVP going to like that?


GW2 is an entire open world.


GW1 was entirely instanced yes, but they've changed almost everything about the game.




For instance, there is no more quests, there is "events" which ANYONE can help you do, so say there is 40 people there, the event will be tuned with that in mind and you don't even need to group up to work together, you get credit for kills even if you're not in a group!


They have brought in "combo spells" which say your elementalist summons a flame wall, you can shoot arrows through it and they will be on fire and do fire damage. That's pretty ******.


They also have a HUGE design intention behind PVP, they want it to be an e-sport.


Also, true PVPers aren't about open world pvp, they're all about competitive balanced PVP. Which guild wars is the best in the genre for.



@ the thread, I'm playing because I actually enjoy this game. Some may not like it but I do. The PVP is fun, not competitive or balanced, but I enjoy it a lot.


I'm not the kind of guy who needs tons of end game content and 10 mil subs to be pleased. I just queue for warzones and have fun in my spare time, I probably won't even step into a pve instance once my Jugg hits 50.


Once GW2 is released though, I'll definitely be switching to that for sure. Whether or not I keep subbed to this game is yet to be determined based on how Bioware pumps out content :)

Edited by KhealThar
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My excuse is my best friends still play for now, and my sub is up in March. I was a sucker and bought two months of game time even after beta testing for a year.


IF 1.2 doesnt bring many fixes to Ilum, pvp gearing, and class animation balance (mortar volley, energy blast, full auto, etc) then I walk away for good. ( assuming a March release)


I love pve content too but I dont care for it right now. I would rather have smooth combat/gameplay over new content.

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I'm pretty sure with this sentence now everybody will believe you.


Not hard to believe considering how horrible this game is. TERA already has a far superior PVP and combat system. :)


But I guess some people consider looking for boxes all day and spamming their 1 key as "real PVP". How's Ilum and Huttball bro?

Edited by CapitaFK
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Not hard to believe considering how horrible this game is. TERA already has a far superior PVP and combat system. :)


But I guess some people consider looking for boxes all day and spamming their 1 key as "real PVP". How's Ilum and Huttball bro?


Yep this game and everyone associated is full of epic fail...let me guess here comes post telling me to get off forum?

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What was the point of this thread? To piss people off? Because that's all I've been reading is just...nonsense.


If you don't like the game then...leave? Why are you on these forums complaining about it? That makes no sense unless you're just a bored troll.


Why am I here on these forums rather then playing?


Because I'm stuck at friggin work.

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because its star wars and new so there is hope that they will make things good as we move forward.....


SWG wasn't good for a while, i mean when it launched it had major issues, no mounts, speeders ect... no player cities...


everything that made SWG great came later....


You see, why would we compare a game'S START THAT IS MUCH OLDER THAN SW:TOR to games now?


Ex. Comparing SW:ToR to WoW at launch is just as stupid as can be. They aren't go against WoW from 2004, they are going against WoW from 2012. As for SWG compare to what it was before it shut down, not at launch.

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I am also quite dissatisfied with the PvP. I never really played WoW (just a little), my 2 big ones was Ultima Online and Guild Wars.


Both of those had amazingly good PvP, many of the old timers I played with still play on emulated UO servers because of it. GW was amazing as well, much more geared towards PVP ... but then again that wasn't really a MMORPG.



GW2 looks great... I had high hopes for SWTOR and it was great fun until like level 30, but the story element was too weak for a single player game yet it never felt like an MMORPG to me. Some wierd thing in between



PVP well, it just promotes lame behaviour especially in WZ. People are just in it to be announced so they spec for survival and spend all the time not dieing. So often you see people getting invincible and they have 0 deaths at the end and just enough to be awarded the 7 medals. 2 of which are from camping a turret with 5 others while the other 2 are not being taken. So you have more medals/dam/healing/objectives than them but they feel cool cuz they got announced. Stupid.

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I have no idea why anyone seriously interested in PvP would pay a 6 month subscription for any MMO unless all they know is WoW, and compare it to that. Sure, I was pleasantly surprised SWTOR even had PvP, however for me it was a 1 month wonder. Rift to date has been the most successful start of an MMO I've ever played (but unfortunately the PvP endgame lacked). I'm really looking forward to Guild Wars 2 innovation of World versus World (WvW) PvP! Something different than the usual warzone & world pvp with ONLY 2 factions (gaud I'm sick of this basic model).
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I am also quite dissatisfied with the PvP. I never really played WoW (just a little), my 2 big ones was Ultima Online and Guild Wars.


Both of those had amazingly good PvP, many of the old timers I played with still play on emulated UO servers because of it. GW was amazing as well, much more geared towards PVP ... but then again that wasn't really a MMORPG.



GW2 looks great... I had high hopes for SWTOR and it was great fun until like level 30, but the story element was too weak for a single player game yet it never felt like an MMORPG to me. Some wierd thing in between



PVP well, it just promotes lame behaviour especially in WZ. People are just in it to be announced so they spec for survival and spend all the time not dieing. So often you see people getting invincible and they have 0 deaths at the end and just enough to be awarded the 7 medals. 2 of which are from camping a turret with 5 others while the other 2 are not being taken. So you have more medals/dam/healing/objectives than them but they feel cool cuz they got announced. Stupid.


You nailed it SWTOR isnt an MMO, it is more of a single player hybrid pretending to be or disguised as MMO.


Good luck collecting subs BW

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  • 2 months later...

I have fun with the game. It's the first MMO I've played where I would like to level just about every class.


The PvP is alot of fun to me, I am however displeased with the longer queues. I'd like this MMO to become more of an MMO and start to improve server populations by a merge or Xserver bgs.

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It's Star Wars... I saw the movie when I was 5, so they got six months off the bat from me. I need more from the PVP though... jeez, if you're going to cram us into 8 on 8 instances, can we have more than 4? Gad, it is so mind numbing. I've taken my credit card off my account, so I won't get stuck with that extra whoopsie month.


I'm no longer hardcore, and with the limited time I have, usually primetime... it's okay, especially since I have some RL buds to geek with .. we love our PEW PEW.


Warhammer Online got me for six months. Their PvE was a joke, loot was a joke, but when they finally got the large encounter PvP right... nothing in gaming was like 100 vs. 100 in a city or fighting over a castle. It ran pretty dam clean too. SWTOR has a good story and decent PvE, but the PvP is what I enjoy and it's sub-par for a triple-A title from the developer and publisher responsible.


How can the backbone of the game, the engine, not handle one of the major precepts of the development... large scale PvP? Much less limit the instances to 8 vs 8... This is a gross oversight and could easily be the reason 400,000 people are gone so soon.


One other thing I would mention, I wish the space fights were not on rails and included other players. I appreciate the retro feel of the space fights... they remind me of some of the old arcade games, but man, rails in 2012... an MMO with solo space fights... idk, was hoping for more there.

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I canceled but have a few months left, since I paid 6 month sub :(


What is your excuse?


Hoping against hope that things will eventually get unfu><0r'd for the 50's bracket. 10-49 is QUITE enjoyable once you get into your 20's and have a good portion of your skills. My experience is the 10-49 brackets boasts the best skill/strategy/challenge in most matches. Lev50 pvp is marked by a conflict between the geartastic and the ganktastic.


Also, there's nothing else out there for me right now. I'm tired of Elves and fireballs.

Edited by Kleve
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I LOLS at all the people that expected PvP from this game. It was obvious to me they were aiming for PvE first. Which they have got down pretty good with the latest patch.


PvP is a nice distraction for me. A few matches now and then and Im in full BM and competitive with everyone.

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I love everything STARWARS I just don't know if that is going to be enough to make me stay with this game. I pvp...many more like me PVP...if you give us PVP players scraps we will bite your hand off..We are the ones that keep MMO's alive.not the part-timers that play for 2 hours a night and PVE. I hope Bioware is seeing this in its subscripttion cancelations.
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