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  1. As a healer, I don't worry about killing, but if I see someone getting ganged up on, or someone with low health, I'll jump on them to get them out of the fight.
  2. Any advice from the pvp community would be very appreciated. Approach, talents, gear, specialization, etc. How would you guys recommend that I go about this? If not an operative, I was considering a smuggler??
  3. So a few weeks ago I finally hit 50, and decided that as a casual player, all my time would be spent in Warzones. Of course, I got completely mauled right out of the gate. I was totally ineffectual, and served no other purpose then to die a quick death. Instead of giving up, I asked a ton of questions, and did a fair amount of research. I recieved an overwhelming amount of great advice, and 3 weeks later, I can hold my own as a Bodyguard healer. I put up a blog post (linked in my sig) to pass alo these tips and tricks for anyone interested. If you're not a link clicking type of guy, here are the most important things a new level 50 should know about Warzones: #1 buy the entire set of recruit gear (it's class specific, so make sure you buy the right set). A full set runs around 350k is it? Without this set, you shouldn't even queue up IMO. You can buy this stuff from the vendor located close to the pvp daily and weekly mission terminals. #2 pay attention to the goals of the map. If you run around with no purpose, you will not help your team win. Each map has a specific goal, there is no team deathmatch in the Warzone game type. This brings us to #3... #3 communicate with your team. It's not hard to be competitive if you coordinate even a little bit. At the very least, everyone on the team should know the general plan. 2 guys west, 6 guys middle, that sort of thing. Don't get caught out of position. I included 9 talking points in the blog, but generally speaking, these are the big three IMO. It's easy to get discouraged when you get into a game of huttball, and lose 6-0 in 4 minutes without coming close to even touching the ball. As the goes on you will see that there are general tactics that will even the odds, so don't give up. Talk to people on your server, make friends with people who clearly have a plan, and soon you'll see those rewards add up.
  4. Call me crazy, but I am enjoying the Warzones...
  5. Vader ganked lowbie Luke on Bespin... What other time are you talking about?
  6. I'm new to pvp, I thought people were using classes that had abilities allowing them to act like nightcrawler...
  7. Just started the warzones last week, and after a few adjustments to my play style, I am really enjoying myself. I think I'm going to start going to level 30 planets to gank players in between matches
  8. Some people collect shells so they can switch their look.
  9. Because you can't wear certain armor if your rank isn't high enough. He was just being informative.
  10. I have been pvping on and off for years. I learned a lot in this thread, but I can tell you hands down, voice communication will help you in a major way. Find a pvp vent server, or something else that does the job, and join those people in the warzones.
  11. http://gemtrix.com/2012/01/swtor-epic-love-at-first-quest/ I published that article. Thanks to all those who responded!
  12. I am always completely humbled when someone goes out of their way to link people to that blog. Thanks for your kind words, I have another 60 or so entries to post! This thread is fantastic for many reasons. For me, pre-cu SWG was my first MMO love. It was broken as we all know, and I did care, but I cared for the community far more. The people were pronominal. It didn't matter that pvp was imbalanced, or that it took forever to get high end combat implemented. The bottom line is this: the game was robust. Say what you want, but player run cities, mounts, vehicles, amazing crafting, a FULL space game... I mean JTL itself kept me subscribed after the NGE wrecked the game, because space was untouched. And over time, they made that better, too. Pre-cu SWG was a bigtime attempt to bring gamers the star wars universe in a sandbox. Yeah they failed over time. IMO it should have been shut down way sooner considering what a mess the NGE made of things. But all that said, i can respect the attempt to bring us something amazing. In a lot of ways, the devs delivered, no matter what anyone says about it now. That game brought a lot of people together, and many of those friendships remain almost 10 years later. That alone is how I define the success of SWG.
  13. Thanks for the pm's, going to keep the survey up for another couple days, so I'll bump this once or twice today. Funny early finding... Guys tend to tank and girls tend to heal their man. What's even funnier is that neither of those are poll questions, it's just general feedback that I keep seeing.
  14. Hello good people of the SWTOR community, I'm writing an article that covers the topic of significant others who play SWTOR together. The article includes a 20 question survey, and basically will focus on the general concept of couples who play the game together. If any of you would like to be included, please pm me, and I'll instruct you from there. The only rule is that I will need both you, and your significant other, to participate in the survey separately. Participants will be given the opportunity to answer follow up questions, and can choose to be quoted in the article. The article will be published on gemtrix.com later this month once the data is compiled, and the article is finished. Hope to hear back, Rodd
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