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Level 50 Sentinel how many hitpoints should I have


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I'm a level 50 Sentinel with the watchman tree. It seems like anytime I see another sentinel they have way more hitpoints than me. I've even seen a couple level 48 or 49 sentinels with more hitpoints than my level 50 sentinel.


Today I saw a level 50 sentinel with 14800 hitpoints, while I only have 11600. I'm hoping someone can tell me if I have below average hitpoints. Is gear the only way to gain hitpoints? Does my watchman tree have anything to do with hitpoints?


All of my gear is set up with higher strength than endurance. I've been gearing up with the assumption that I should always take strength over endurance, so I always use might armor and might hilts. The result is that I have 911 endurance and 1000 strength, is that a bad ratio? The only way I know to raise hitpoints is by raising endurance, if there is another way let me know.


I'm on corellia right now and I'm not having a lot of problems yet, but I'm worried that I will start having problems soon because of the low hitpoints. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm a level 50 Sentinel with the watchman tree. It seems like anytime I see another sentinel they have way more hitpoints than me. I've even seen a couple level 48 or 49 sentinels with more hitpoints than my level 50 sentinel.


Today I saw a level 50 sentinel with 14800 hitpoints, while I only have 11600. I'm hoping someone can tell me if I have below average hitpoints. Is gear the only way to gain hitpoints? Does my watchman tree have anything to do with hitpoints?


All of my gear is set up with higher strength than endurance. I've been gearing up with the assumption that I should always take strength over endurance, so I always use might armor and might hilts. The result is that I have 911 endurance and 1000 strength, is that a bad ratio? The only way I know to raise hitpoints is by raising endurance, if there is another way let me know.


I'm on corellia right now and I'm not having a lot of problems yet, but I'm worried that I will start having problems soon because of the low hitpoints. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Keep in mind that you can get a bunch of extra health from party/raid buffs, so someone that was in a party within the last hour or so might have a bunch of "temporary" health.


That said, my lvl 50 Watchman has around 17,800 health with no party buffs. That's in (almost) full Columi gear with Rakata implants and Rakata relics.

Edited by andrew_b_gross
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If you do your Belsavis dailies for the purple mods and armors, and use your tokens to buy 2 of the big hilts you can get up to right at 13.5k. I suspect that if you open the Ilum dailies and get the quest that gives the purple enhancements you could probably get 14k or a little over. Saving your tokens (after buying the hilts) for the earpieces and implants is probably the best way to spend them.
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That is definitely low. I am running a bit over 14800 and I am not even close to getting my best mods in my current gear and do not have any gear from HMs or PvP yet. I expect once I get all purple mods and enhancements for level 49 I should have around 16,000 HP. I still have a lower level implant and a level 45 belt, so there is even more room to grow.


Are you using moddable gear? If so what are your mods like?

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A fresh 50 will probably have around 11k ish. As you gear up you'll naturally get more as higher levels of gear has more Endurance.


Right now unbuffed I have about 16k. All my gear is epics though, 4 piece Columi, two Champion Lightsabers, and even my orange pants have 56 level mods.

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  • 3 months later...

I know this post is a little old, but this is for those that may want more information....


First, lets make sure we understand what we are saying when we refer to HP (hit points)

HP is not how hard you hit, BUT how much damage you can endure before you die. But, other factors play into that, amount of armor, blah, blah, blah. that said;


To be more precise about the Endurance factor ... each endurance point will increase your HP by 10 so, example +86 Endurance will increase your HP by 860


As for the Jedi Sentinel, strength will increase your damage you do but you still need that endurance for stamina so you don't die, it is just a balancing act.


I think also as one gets better at learning how to use their sabers and powers, endurance factor goes down a little. I know for me, once I learned what focus was and how to use it, my game play changed dramatically, so HP became less threatening. Of course, higher rated armor always help :)

Edited by KarterJK
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I was in the same position as the OP; I was at around 12k when I first dinged 50, with gear over time I can just hit 19k It's was a bit odd a concept to me in an MMORPG to increase your max HP by over 1/3 with gear but that's the way TOR is. Don't worry, you'll get there eventually!
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PVP or PVE, just buy Recruit gear... Shell out that 280k credits... Recruit gear for fresh 50s with net you a good amount of stats and HP. Yes, it is for PVP... but it is the fastest 50 gear to be acquired as you only need credits. You will arrive at around 14k HP if you are on full recruit gear.
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I have 18.2 k and i have changed every mod/armoring/enhancement that has more endurance then every other stat but one.



If you play well enough you end up with enough HP from your VERY HIGH END PvE gear to do well against people in PvP gear as you do far more damage then them even with their damage reduction and you have enough HP to counter their extra damage.


however only the good players can be competitive like that so it eliminates all but a handful of people.

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20.4k fully buffed on my Sent.


Blackhole Earpiece, Black Hole Implants, Campaign Bracer, Proc Campaign Relic, Burst Campaign relic, Black Hole Boots, Campaign Leggings (Aug), Black Hole Waste, Rakata Gloves, Rakata Chest (Aug), Rakata Helm (Aug.).


Also +10 Datacron and T7 affection bonus. Every little bit helps :)

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With my rakata/campaign/augmented war hero gear combo i get around 20K hp with trooper buff for PvE

in PvP i have full augmented warhero which gives around 19K with trooper buff.


And yes gear & implants etc. is the only way to increase that. sentinel tree has nothing to do with it.


As mentioned somewhere before a fresh sentinel won't have really high amount of HP, but when you get some gear (ie Columi/Rakata) you should easily get 16K +

Edited by Stealios
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