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10 Good
  1. I have trouble believing you average 500k in wzs, even under the right conditions. Even if you can, your experience likely isn't replicable for other players on other servers. Once you fight people with BM gear consistently your damage is likely to cap out around 300k as combat imo. If you can average 400k-600k as combat against bm equiped guys, please make videos cause obviously I was playing combat wrong. One of the problems is you are setting other people up with false expecations. New level 50 combat sents are going to be lucky to get 200k damage.
  2. In practice my offhand hits about 20% as hard as my main hand usually.
  3. 16.5k - full pvp gear half bm/half champ. Straight up raid gear has more hps though.
  4. Level 50 , valor 59 - I get anywhere from 90k to 220k depending on how hard I go for objectives. (standing at the left door in voidstar can feel like the maytag repair man) . I am combat and have tried other specs and can get slightly higher numbers but Im not quite ready yet to make the switch. I rarely see a sent or mara higher on the score board by more than 40k. Its not uncommon for me to be in the top 3 for damage overall and the best melee dps. With a pocket healer I can hit 280-300k. 310k is my highest since the war zones have been changed to level 50 only. On my server, the imps significanly out gear the republic - maybe other servers are different. I would be doubtful anyone is getting over 350k consistantly - even in premades.
  5. Video is fairly accurate. I disagree slightly with his opinion on watchman not being good one on one for defending a node. I suspect they are superiour in that regard. My rotation is probably different as well. Not sure about awe having such a prominent place on his toolbar. *shrug*
  6. Happens all the time. Not sure if its a wz issue a sign my computer needs an upgrade......
  7. Use a re-useable str/power stim whenever its up in pvp. PVE raiding I'd probably use the end one.
  8. McDaniels is right. level 50 - Valor 53 in case anyone cares. I've gone into warzones after switching to watchman and just facerolled 6 keys (overcharge, cautherize etc etc) and beat my average combat dps by about 15% and my healing was 60k higher. I managed to get 'invincible' solo with out external healing - something I never really do as combat. As an aside, I got similar damage as focus, though fewer kills (more aoe - less direct damage etc) Overall I think watchmen is slightly better and is slightly harder to play well. I still love combat and I've swtiched back. The difference isn't so huge that I want to change my playstyle completely and re-learn everything from scratch. (watchman feels like more work) I love being able to switch targets on the fly and not have to do a bunch of set up.
  9. compared to slash its pretty ugly from a visual standpoint. Kind of looks like precise slash if you have that one. I prefer the look of slash but still dont use it for mechanical reasons.
  10. Yup, I agree with the above. One little tidbit, BR has a guaranteed ataru strike as mentioned - however this is over and above the normal chance to get an ataru strike. That is to say, its possible to get two ataru strikes on one BR - no joke. You only get two strikes like 30% of the time or something silly so if you are doing math is would like 1.3Xataru +BR damage, which muddies the water even more. I 498243948932498 buttons as it is, so slash is off my hotkeys personally (as combat spec)
  11. Vegeta gets distracted by the big damage numbers and sometimes forgets to watch the doors... Love Nimrod. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySnFB9kbViM )
  12. Not sure what you mean by that. Combat has an ability we use every 6 GCD that auto-crits and is very high priority wise in our dps rotations.
  13. Zen does very little dps wise for combat spec. You're usually better off with the increased speed/defense from transcendance or the flat dps increase from inspiration. Zen sounds great but functionally it only saves you focus (which you should have lots of anyways) and allows you to get off a BR/BS combo with only 1 sec between them. It does nothing for BR spamming
  14. From my experience, each hit of MS has a chance to proc ataru. This is more apparent if you don't use cauterize for testing. Any yellow text is likely your ataru proc.
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