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Mass Effect 3 Release bad for SWTOR?


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I can play two games.... So no wont hurt SWTOR at all. Do singplayer games hurt WoW noticeably? Yes for about a week then the players come back.


D3 is just D2 all over again, which isnt a bad thing. But been there done that, wont play it very long.

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Dunno bout anyone else but for me i am planning on cancelling my sub for march to play ME3 for most of that month, and also to see if SWTOR patches can improve the game as right now having played from release, its losing its fun, ilum pvp is terrible, warzone wins not counting is terrible, skill trees are bad, lack of Legacy is annoying.


Hopefully a month off and with patches, maybe the game will improve. But for March, it ME3 time.

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I thought ME 2 was better than ME 1. It had twice as much content. It took me maybe 24 hrs game play time to complete the first one and a little over 45 hrs to finish the second one. This is how sequals should be. More content , larger. Instead of less like DA 2 was.


I totally do not believe that, ME1 is a multi-act story with plot twists, while ME2 consists of one act and a epilogue, get companions then run suicide mission. ME2 was extremely disappointing with fewer locations and lack of story development.

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The old gritty style came from the game trying to look evil and very hellish. The new style is all about attracting WOW kids. I'd honestly hope if they ever remade Diablo 1 or 2 that it would retain its eerie darkness. The dark grittiness sets the atmosphere. Would you feel immersed in Doom if it was brightly colored?


And they only had 256 colours available, easier to do as you can leave shadows completely black and reduce the amount of lighting due to lack of computing power. D2 had pretty gaudy areas as well. People initially criticized the Arcane Sanctum as silly idea, the desert and jungle levels being too colourful. It didn't destroy the immersion, so I am pretty sure a D3 not sticking to make everything look like a basement lacking lighting won't break its immersion either since D1 played almost all the time underground and D2 had some outdoor areas.


I am betting on TL2 having some outdoor areas as well which will look as cartoony as WoW and as gaudy if not even more gaudy than TL1 and yes, I like TL1 but I am not trying to super-impose expectations of a horror action RPG.

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The way its going (i still hope for a miracle), ill probably be going Guild Wars 2.


I really didnt want to go back to a fantasy setting, i wanted a fully competent (to reflect 2012 gaming) Sci-Fi based one and i believed all the hype and visuals in beta that this was it.


I havent put in any of my posts up to now but id like everyone to note thats its only the past 2 odd weeks that ive gone from a semi fanboy to a very pessimistic player.

Edited by Urko
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ME3 will give us about 20-30 hours of gameplay.


I don't think it will affect SWTOR much at all.


Of course the people with a busy IRL, who can only play around 7 hours a week, might cancel for a month, then come back.


I will still be logging in for Ops, outside that time I will probably work, study and play ME3.





I'll play the game in full the first weekend I get it on my "main" Shepard. Then pick it up periodically and work through all my "alternate" Shepards.

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If the trend from ME1 to ME2 continues in ME3, ME3 will have 1 item in the entire game called "Item" and after the initial cut scene you equip it into your sole item slot with no further "item" upgrades available throughout the game.
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I would say Bioware shot themselves in the foot pushing back the release of ME 3 people in my house have played both Mass Effect and ME 2 to every possible ending scenario just to have multiple choices when the new game was released.


As it stands now with SWTOR we could care less, we might purchase it we might not, only time will tell.

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Pretty sure it will have an impact. I've been playing TOR since headstart every day. I have ME3 on pre-order and will be playing that once it's released. I'm sure others will do the same. Of course we will all play TOR again after finishing it :)


Funny how Biowares own game will impact TOR.

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I'm not a doomsday player, threatening to cancel my subscription, ranting about bugs/issues or screaming the sky is falling, but....


Anyone else a bit concerned the release of Mass Effect 3 in a matter of weeks will further drain subscriptions for a period of time if not permanently?


Given this is an important time for BW to address issues and restore consumer confidence in SWTOR, for those that have lost it and/or considering cancelling their subscription, having a tried and true alternative RPG (albeit primarily offline) to compete for their time and money seems a bit of a conflict, even if it's the same company.


Can we play both? Absolutely.

Does it have a chance to negatively mass effect the short term and potentially long term interest in SWTOR?


I think the possibility exists...



Mass Effect 3 will take me maybe 2 weeks to beat so no this will not be a problem.

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I'll be playing both.


Funnily enough, the day-long maintenance we get in the EU will bother me even less than usual on the 14th - that's when the ME3 demo is out :D


Because of health problems and a sort-of job that has me working for weeks at a time then nothing for a month I have loads of free time, so won't be a problem fitting them both in.


Besides, even if some people do take a SWTOR break to play, it's still money in Bioware's bank account.

Edited by MoogleNut
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I totally do not believe that, ME1 is a multi-act story with plot twists, while ME2 consists of one act and a epilogue, get companions then run suicide mission. ME2 was extremely disappointing with fewer locations and lack of story development.


Beleave what you want. The turth is for me....ME2 was better than one. I enjoyed one also, but two just seemed to have more content and things to do. Then again...some like rap and I hate it. So each to his own. :cool:

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ME3 promises more RPG elements than any prior ME game. Looking at them so far, the modding, etc, i suspect they took the best from SWTOR, and DA, and improved aspects of the game.


Everything said it will impact SWTOR. A good group of players are drawn here strictly that it is sci fi, those people will reconsider when there is a viable sci fi rpg.


Everything of course banks on ME3 being a good game, which remains to be seen.

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no more so than kingdoms of amalur releasing tommorrow, single player game wont really hurt a mmo. maybe short term people will play other stuff, myself included but ill keep the sub here and raid with my guild till i get tired of kingdoms. most people wont cancel a sub fee to go play a single player rpg, they will just play a little less here till they beat that other game.
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Perhaps I didn't view it from that standpoint but I'm not sure I agree. I think there's a large contingent of fanboys/fangirls for that series that will make a noticeable absence (hopefully not permanently...point of this thread) in SWTOR that aren't exactly as loyal/fanboyish to this title, just yet.


Dunno, played every single player game released, never bought one. Think about it.


Once played though, deleted. So it might keep some busy for a few days or a week, hardly an impact.

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SWTOR will be the first MMO in history to directly compete with a single player game from the same company.


SWTOR is a single player game with co-op mode


ME3 is a single player game with co-op mode.


One charges a monthly sub and one does not. Both will take approximatly the same time to finish the storyline and can be replayed with a different 'class'



Yup they are in fact in direct competiton and when ME3 comes out I will be one person putting down SWTOR until finished it.

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