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Huttball = Alt+F4?


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Huttball is amazing. It reminds me of Capture the Flag in that when you get stuck with a terrible team it makes for the worst matches, but with a good team it is great.


There is a lot more strategy than the zerg fest that is king of the hill in the other 2 warzones.


It can be frustrating at times to play a melee class in it, but if you play to your strengths every class and spec can truly shine here.

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Best pvp map in any game ever.


pretty much this.


I think huttball is the best pvp gameplay I have ever experienced in a mmo, it also makes baddies stick out like a sore thumb. Wish they would do something with medals though for that gametype, since big numbers aren't necessarily important. They need an assist/goals system.

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as a rep, i like hutball, we play it 30% of the time and win it almost 100% of the time.


i understand as imps you may get sick of it seeing you play it 80% of the time and lose almost always.....but that's your fault for choosing the zerg faction.


if it were up to me there would be no same faction wz's.

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The map itself is great, the fault is the timelimit.


When you're getting roflstomped by the opposing team, they never score 6 and just continue farming medals.


15 minutes is too long of a wait.


This would be fixed by giving an extra bonus for winning a match with scoring 6.

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I actually prefer huttball, it's the one warzone that reps can win fairly consistently. I mean I still get face rolled their when u get the premades but since it does require a good deal of team work if you have a couple of smart players u can still beat a team that out gears you a bit, or has more heals as you need more than that to win.


Void Star is pretty much all gear and all heals so if you're outdone on those fronts you're pretty much going to lose. Alderaan is kind of 50/50, more about dps and rotating but reps screw that up a lot. I win at huttball more than anything else so that's why I like it.

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I like huttball. I hate it if I have to do it more than twice in a row, but its pretty cool. Your team makes or breaks you. But you have to do your part also.


If you're going to leave a warzone, you might as well zone in and click "Leave Warzone". It'll probably save you and everyone else some time.


I think the time limit is too long also. Would like it reduced a few minutes.


Its almost never worth farming medals rather than scoring 6. An extra 50-150 valor isn't worth the wasted time. You could be in a new warzone.

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I'm wondering if I am the only one who does Alt+F4 when huttball starts to load.


I really wanted to have a option to DO NOT queue for this terrible non-pvp game.


Anyone else?


Hum not the only one , but not like this is a big deal.

Some like some dont.

Think they will allow you to select what quill for

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Excel formula to find out if huttball is good or bad:


IF(player.has=OR(knockback, charge, pull), huttball=good, huttball=bad)



I used to hate huttball (as an Operative) but then I took sorcerer and juggernaut alts to the knees.



Operatives need a shadowstep and/or the huttball needs to be dropped when someone uses force speed or charge with the ball. Hell, just make whoever is holding the ball immune to knockbacks, charges, and pulls. This would encourage passing and cause some really cool passing/intercept gameplay to happen. Hell, operatives would be able to go for invisible passes and unstealth to catch them. Juggs would be able to charge for intercepts. People could pull people away from passes, etc. It would make huttball actually fun, not a who has the most warriors and inquisitors fest.

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I win most of my huttballs, and score most of the goals. I still think it's a horribly designed WZ that feels more like a game of who can pass/force speed/ and knockback better more than it is PvP. Pull into fire and pull into spawn insta kills are lame as well. Did I mentioned it is the most ridiculously skewed towards premade instanced PvP I have ever seen?


Hopefully the ability to queue for what you want will be a feature in the future, because I have no desire to play huttball.

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Excel formula to find out if huttball is good or bad:


IF(player.has=OR(knockback, charge, pull), huttball=good, huttball=bad)



I used to hate huttball (as an Operative) but then I took sorcerer and juggernaut alts to the knees.



Operatives need a shadowstep and/or the huttball needs to be dropped when someone uses force speed or charge with the ball. Hell, just make whoever is holding the ball immune to knockbacks, charges, and pulls. This would encourage passing and cause some really cool passing/intercept gameplay to happen. Hell, operatives would be able to go for invisible passes and unstealth to catch them. Juggs would be able to charge for intercepts. People could pull people away from passes, etc. It would make huttball actually fun, not a who has the most warriors and inquisitors fest.



Lots of cool stuff happens now. Don't ruin huttball.

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I'm wondering if I am the only one who does Alt+F4 when huttball starts to load.


I really wanted to have a option to DO NOT queue for this terrible non-pvp game.


Anyone else?


i dont alt-f4 but i do leave lately, it was fun the first 1000 times now frankly I'm sick and tired of it don't even want to be in there any more.


I wish they would add the option to que for the ones you want because i just cant stand huttball, its not even the blatant cheating either with the que exploit that people have started using alot lately, it just fills like im in WSG all over again and my team just plain doesn't even bother to try.


I've read in ops chat a few times were people say "just lut them hurry it along and finish it fast" after the first goal....

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