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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I am playing for over a month now and still enjoy it and will be enjoying it for a long,long time


Matter of opinion m8 ;)






Depends how quickly you burn through content, Leveling is the best bit, Ill give swtor a good 9/10 for Leveling your First char of it, End Game 2/10 too easy. too buggy.

Edited by Alohen
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Im in love, but very jaded by a lot missing systems that are basic to MMOS.


Been following this since 2008, played Bioware games since before Baldurs Gate, and loved KOTOR and Star Wars. With that said, this game needs work.


Warzones don't count for wins, a lot of loot problems in end game content. A lot of dialogue is re-used, and the worlds are pretty static, lifeless, and sharding makes me feel like nobody else exists. Also, most of the crafts are useless at end game. A lot of stuff that is basic too mmos like /roll functions, and so on upset me, and the GTN search tool doesn't even work.


The republic side has no love, our armor looks awful. (see Jedi Knight pvp samurai/yellow power-ranger armor) Our fleet looks like crap, its like a garage its all dirty and boring to look at. The empire is beautiful, the armor looks awesome all around. Classes are mirrored, yet they aren't, some of the numbers and actual attacks on empire side are rigged in their favor, animations make their fighting smoother. And lets not forget the fact that despite Jedi having had a purple lightsaber first, it was made empire exclusive. So you think maybe we'd get something awesome, like a silver lightsaber, maybe something cool? No, we get light blue. We already have blue, but now we get light blue. Yeah thats awesome.


I have some other gripes but the ones above are my most notable.


But after all my ranting and raving, I still very much enjoy the game. I hope it will continue to improve. If the Republic keeps getting downtrodden then I think I'll eventually quit for something better because I feel like half the game is there. I have high hopes for this game's future, and am in it for now. We'll see how things go from here. I have enough patience to see where this train goes.

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PvP is a huge disappointment for a number of reasons.


- Playing a Jedi Sentinel seems to be the worst class for pvp. Our damage is about 1/3 of a Commando. We lack any type of pushback or pull that other classes enjoy. It just seems we're on the bottom end of the totem pole. To add insult to injury, the pvp gear is a complete and utter joke for Jedi Sentinels. I really don't understand what they were thinking creating such awful looking gear for a Jedi.


- Some pvpers got their BM gear very early on. The difference between BM's and new pvpers is like level 60 to level 50.


- Healing in pvp is silly OP. I still don't get the idea how they can consider it balanced when you can not take down a healer, at least as a Jedi Sentinel. When will MMO's learn to balance this?


- The Sentinel class quest for the Emperor was ruined for me. It bugged out and I initially did not get to fight the emperor. I will not go into detail but it was like skipping to the end of the movie and finding out what happened. That was a HUGE bug but they don't seem to take it seriously. Also, many people have complained that the chest is bugged and can not be open after solving the puzzle and it's still not fixed.


- Crafting (Artifice) was fun at the start but once you reach 50 it's completely useless. Why did they not include new patterns so we can make better hilts and such once we get better gear at 50?


- No LFG. I've tried many times to do a Flashpoint but was unsuccessful. I would ask for an hour or so. It could be the server population but at any rate, it doesn't work. We should have had a LFG system in place from the start.


There are other smaller problems and there are some great things in this game as well. It's not all bad but there are some severe issues imho that affect my gameplay and fun. In the end, it's all about having fun and I feel they missed the mark. I've enjoyed doing Ops and other stuff in game, the class story line was great, etc, and there were fun moments but the game has yet to mature. Hopefully in time it will.

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Basically yes, have a 42er a 34er snd a 14er right now.


But i feel worried, once you are 50 (i dont rush and play all 3 Chars), that the same "Endgame like in WoW" prevails. "Grinding PvP" and "Raid or die". I dint do MMOs for a long time (3 years) after my recovery from WoW.. and im not keen to fall into a Geargrind-Threadmill again... i was searching SWG2 .. and found basically another WoW, with a Cool storxy whilst leveling.. once levelling stops....


Anyway i probably give it a twist till "The Secret World" gets out in April/May, or im 50 with all 3.

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My answer is a yes, but it was a close call. For now it is a yes but if some things aren't changed/added it will eventually become a no.


First they absolutely need to add more variety to gear, and I don't just mean the looks. There should be offset pieces that are the same armor rating as rakata with different stat combinations and ratios as well as different looks. The way stats are currently impletemnted on gear is very poor. For example: every single piece of sniper rakata gear has accuracy on it.. alot of accuracy. The enhancements have no variety such as crit and power or surge and alacrity etc.


Second they NEED to fix the current GTN sytem, it is far too clunky and time consuming, which causes many players to simply ignore it altogether.


Third they really really really need to add a combat log. I honestly have no clue how this game made it past beta without a combat log. No I am not talking about dps meters although admittedly I wouldn't mind those. I mean a combat log in game so that say if someone dies on a boss fight, and we don't know what killed him it becomes a simple matter of checking the combat log etc.


There are plenty of other things which need to be fixed/added including many involving pvp, but for me those are the top 3.


Edit* Of course they also need to deal with all of the bugs in the game, but I think that is a given and they are already working to deal with them.. which is why I prioritized actual game changes.


Edit 2* Oh and they also absolutely *********** must add a /roll system to the game... period.

And also I am 50 and have been playing at 50 for 1 month + an alt I have leveled to 37 when I am not on my 50.

Edited by Cruorpunctis
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Yup, I do :D


Except for a few bugs I have encountered, one of which stopped me in my tracks until it was fixed three days later, I am thoroughly enjoying leveling up my characters... none of which have hit 50 yet and I have almost 130 hours played.


Their endgame is apparently lackluster, but they've been honest from the start: SWTOR is about the journey, and not the destination. The only fault on BioWare's part was underestimating the amount of people who would rush to level cap in order to jump on the gear treadmill.


They now know better the mind of the modern, entitled gamer. They will patch and change as needed and, by the time I am ready to jump on that same treadmill, I'll actually have decent content to surmount.


Silly power gamers.

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This game is god aweful. Sub runs out in 1 week. This game is beyond terrible. I am running from it as fast as I can. Can you take a poll on the yes votes and see how many are actually 50?


You will notice a trend of how many 50s are no's and non 50's are yes. This would be a great measure.


In about 2-3 weeks when everyone hits 50.. Those no's are going to sky rocket.



If this game was sold as a single player game.. it might have been one of the best of all time... But as an MMo it is one of the worst MMo's I have ever played and I played them all. It is right up there with Failhammer Online.

Edited by JonnyLoveMachine
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So what do I mark you down as? Yes? No?


If people do this, I don't know what your intentions are for the poll. I'll put you as Undecided or won't count you.


Please make your answers clear. Thanks.


Mark ones like mine as no, if we're going with absolute yes or no. Because if the game isn't what you will want to countinue to play after you hit 50. There's a stronger likleyhood your going to cancel your sub at that point.

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This game is god aweful. Sub runs out in 1 week. This game is beyond terrible. I am running from it as fast as I can. Can you take a poll on the yes votes and see how many are actually 50?


You will notice a trend of how many 50s are no's and non 50's are yes. This would be a great measure.


Yep, thats exactly it, the People who are saying Yes are the people playing the wonderful side of the game ( level 1-49 )


Even hitting 50 is good for a week or so, then doing your First OP, and thats about it. All the No's are people who are no longer distracted by the Brilliant leveling experience that is only good first time round

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No because to much endgame and operations bugs. Generally when they release patch in to much cases it brings more bugs and bad solutions.

My guild progress is stooped because of bugs and i am very unhappy about that, rest of bugs i can live with, but these one are to much.

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(for a designated PvP player this game is horrible)


Truth to be said, I really enjoyed Rift more than SWTOR now.

Not compareable with the longtime challenging endgame found in WoW.


- Horrible PvP (Zergbased everywhere you look. No favor for better tactics. It is only better equip paired with the omnipresent Zerg)

- Ilum (shows firsthand the lack of creativity / will to satisfy the player / competence of the Devs. And its the Zerg in its purest and most boring form)

- Lack of distinctiveness of the played class.

- Failed attemt to mirror the classes (f.e. Inquisitor / Consular or Smuggler / IA)

- very Ranged/Caster favored

- frustration in every aspect of the endgame.


I understand, that people like this game until lvl50 with the classquests and VO. But the moment, when the endgame kicks in and endgame keeps a MMO alive, this game has no potential.

And I dont see, that BW can change this with the next 2 or 3 content patches.

Maybe I give it another look after some content patches, but after this disappointment the chances are low.


So over all this game will join the ranks of the big failed MMOs like AOC / WAR / Aion a.s.o. in my point of view.

Edited by Oldgrimm
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I hate to break it to most of you... BUT...


SWTOR wasn't designed for PvP. It has always been plugged as the first "story-driven MMO." I don't remember any devs putting the PvP on the front line of awesomeness; nor should they.


They have crafted a "KOTOR 3-10" if you will (each class' story). Like it or hate it, THAT is what SWTOR is and has always been intended to be. The PvP was thrown in because, face it, a lot of you wouldn't have even bought the game if it didn't have PvP.


So whether you continue to sub or not, they've made their $60-$150 from you and millions of others just like you.


As someone who enjoys PvP, but understands what this game is supposed to be, I vote a very strong "Yes." Keep the content coming, but amazing job delivering what was promised.

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I hate to break it to most of you... BUT...


SWTOR wasn't designed for PvP. It has always been plugged as the first "story-driven MMO." I don't remember any devs putting the PvP on the front line of awesomeness; nor should they.


They have crafted a "KOTOR 3-10" if you will (each class' story). Like it or hate it, THAT is what SWTOR is and has always been intended to be. The PvP was thrown in because, face it, a lot of you wouldn't have even bought the game if it didn't have PvP.


So whether you continue to sub or not, they've made their $60-$150 from you and millions of others just like you.


As someone who enjoys PvP, but understands what this game is supposed to be, I vote a very strong "Yes." Keep the content coming, but amazing job delivering what was promised.


Your post felt slightly derogatory towards others in this thread. Keep your opinion simply that, your opinion. No need for "I hate to break it to most of you". It might start a fight, and this thread has been kept clean and orderly because hardly anyone has fought one another. Thank you.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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