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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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No. It isnt a matter of a buggy game as much as a poorly designed game.


When this month is over there is a real posibility that the game will be removed from my hard drive if 1.2 doesnt blow my socks off.

Edited by quarlo
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YES on the 1-50 content


NO on the end game and pvp.


operations are buggy, heroic FPs are waaayyy overtuned, and end game pvp is just bad. republic lose pretty much every match, empire gets huttball 24/7.. illum boils down to empire camping republic due to being the dominant faction.


its just not fun, which is a shame.


also, if you guys made more flashpoints and operations similar in format to BT and/or esseles, that would go a loooonng way to improving the PVE end game..

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Hey Strike, this is a nice thread that I check regularly.


I already voted before, What I would like to see is that the people add a main character level also to their answer. Like:


Main Char level (or highest level reached): XX


Do you like SWTOR in its current state?




Because of: xxxxxx


Then you have a little more statistics in it. Could maybe pinpoint where the problem really is.


Sorry if someone already suggested this I just can't go through all the posts.

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Yes, I like this game, otherwise I wouldn't be playing it...



All the people saying no, i hate this game, its terrible, you have to wonder why they're sticking around to play something they don't enjoy xD


There are clearly problems that need to be addressed, and I hope they will be addressed, but even with those problems my interest is still held and I'm still having fun.

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No, thank you.


Jedi guard is really under-powered and I just do not like the move away from tanking with damage mitigation and stats to aviodance by trying to prevent the other guy from using their specials and chance to happens like the shield/etc. Where is saber block? The most "iconic and starwarsy" complete damage mitigation ability in SW and it's entirely missing here.


Have 0 interest in another class after playing this 1 till 25.


No player freedoms, what-so-ever. Level 1, dev installed nose-ring and a short leash that keeps you on their path at least till level 25 (farthest I got). Story, powers, quests, worlds, gear, etc etc etc.


The character I played seemed more like it was theirs (Bioware's) than mine. No real immersion past "story". Nothing to differenciate my toon from any others. Way to scriped for me. Can't even imagine end game when the script abruptly ends.


(And for the poster above, I didn't. Canceled 10 days into my free 30 for the 150.00 box, haven't loged in since, just didn't get in until about 15 days ago, nodespeccache error)

Edited by Esquire
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End game as Republic Sentinel makes me sad.


Ilum makes me sad.

Huttball makes me sad.

Crowd Control makes me sad.

Operations are trivial but time consuming, that makes me sad.

End game armor makes me cry.

Bioware love of range classes (and their ignorance on the advantages of 'range') makes me very angry.


Everywhere you go, everything looks the SAME, same cave, same ship, same tunnel, same mob, same AI.


Uninspiring and deja vu-ish, after level 20 it all look and and play the SAME WAY. There is nothing that makes me go 'cool!' anymore. No encounter that's memorable, no quest progression that's cool.


It's like eating ice-cream everyday until you go to the doctor (actually, that's better than this).

Edited by boxey
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Yes and no also. Yes at the moment due to a progressive guild, but if things don't change, that guild might disappear.


There needs to be more to explore, more to craft, more to do in general, but the groundwork is interesting. The worlds seem a bit small in comparison to the planet sizes. Maybe expand on the planets, which are out there and stop creating more planets with linear quest lines.


The game needs more Easter Eggs like the Magenta crystal. In fact, I would say, at end game there should be numerous types of quests like these.


Ilum needs to be rethought - completely.



also, if you guys made more flashpoints and operations similar in format to BT and/or esseles, that would go a loooonng way to improving the PVE end game..


I agree with the above sentiment. Esseles had so much interactivity with the NPCs and players - which pretty much died in every single FP after that.


The faction imbalance is killing the game.


The end game needs to be more challenging. Normal should be a step up from HM FPs, not the same level. It's sort of a joke doing Nightmare after a week of HM Operations.


In general, there needs to be more challenge and more sandbox type elements.

Edited by Dranzen
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Yes i like it,


-Smoother launch from any other mmo (there isnt such thing as a buggless launch, get over it)

-High skilled caped PvP ( <3 resolve )

-Good operation content, abit too easy for my likes, but its starting content so it makes sence.



Jedi guard is really under-powered and I just do not like the move away from tanking with damage mitigation and stats to aviodance by trying to prevent the other guy from using their specials and chance to happens like the shield/etc. Where is saber block? The most "iconic and starwarsy" complete damage mitigation ability in SW and it's entirely missing here.



You lost me there dude, what are u talking about ?

Check your Saber Ward and combine it with your Guardian Passive (ye there IS A PASSIVE BONUS ON THIS ABILITY IF YOU ARE A GUARDIAN)

there is your "iconic and starwarsy" dmg midigation that you dream off.


Guardian is a really interesting class and it shines when you reach 50.

Has 3 viable speccs, great utility (i think it has the most tricks and active cooldowns from all classes), key PvE and PvP role, and if you are an RPer you get to be

the only class to kill the Emperor in their story line


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Back to a YES for me after a no last week. Level capped my imp. agent at 50 last week, got some gear and started playing a sage healer alt during downtime, really liking the class and glad to say I feel back in the groove with ToR.
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For all the people saying yes, Wait untill youve played 3-4 weeks at end game, See if you are still so happy about it then.


I am playing for over a month now and still enjoy it and will be enjoying it for a long,long time


Matter of opinion m8 ;)





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