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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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The journey from 1-50 was fun, and all my old swg buddies all got back together again and started a huge guild.


Once we all got 50 everyone left since they realized the games major flaws.


I will most likely soon be following with an unsub. Even if more content comes, the fundamental basis of this game isn't there, heck even tho coding is done so badly that the game is riddled with exploiters and hackers.

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Crafting is not new or innovative....


End game is lacking but that is true for most mmo's at launch.


The content is lacking too...there is plenty of kill 3 bandits and collect x amount of sashes


Space combat is boring.


they need more rewards for emblems for space.


The storylines are satisfactory.

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No its joined the host of recent MMo releases that keep you busy for barely a month then you unsub and move back to another game. It's not so much ToR's fault as a problem with the direction the genre has taken post WoW. Gaming has become so casual friendly that the games have become nothing but easy mode. Gone are the days of EQ where it took time and skill to accomplish the most basic functions. ToR will make plenty to keep the doors open for the casual market. Though the hard core gamers or even semi-core as I consider myself these days. Chew through content so fast there's no way devs can keep up. Which is just a small part of the problem ToR's end game is nearly non-existent they expect you to lvl alts as a stop gap to end game content. Which is completely flawed as every class basicly lvls through the same area's.


The only diversity being the hand full of quest per planet dedicated to your class quest. In my first 5 weeks I lvled 2 50 BH's PT and Merc. I went completely difrent on the responses one max dark the other light. Both are now fully Columni/Rakata geared after 3 weeks of raiding. The merc was also fully Champion geared in the first week that I played him. Since then I also have a lvl 26 Trooper and one of each class at lvl 12-16. I hit legacy rank 20 about a week ago ,but theres no point to the system anything being added would require me to delete an alt that I already have made. For the last 2 weeks the only time I've logged on was to raid on Wed nights. Even Rift kept me busy for a solid 3 months before I started rolling alts. I can't point to one issue, but more to several design flaws with ToR. Most of which your average casual that probly isn't near 50 will never see. Though they will be affected by such things as the pvp gear issues and walking into warzones against full Battlemaster players and get whiped about. I'd say in about 6 months ToR will be where it should of been at launch instead of being forced out the door early like so many of its predicesors.


Basic stuff like a functioning UI, should be in by then, and hopefully they will fix the phlethra of bugs that riddle this game. I've played pretty much every MMo released in the last 13 years. I can honestly say if you lumped them all together they would not equal the amnt of bugs I've reported or my guild members. Stuff as simple as your UI not locking up while talking in ventrillo and clicking a skill at the same time in game. Everyone in a guild of 60+ people I know have this issue. Its been reported since Beta and yet to be fixed. Anyways off my soap box I just hate to see another potential great game go through these avoidable growing pains.

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Was fun at first but quests became the same boring stuff, PvP is horrible, Flashpoints take too long to get going and then arent that fun, gearing up is a pain and it doesnt really feel like Star Wars.


Id put all my hopes into this game being awesome, that i would be staying here for the long run. After the crapfest that Dragon Age 2 turned out to be and now this im seriously losing faith in Bioware :(

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Yes, most definitely.


My main concern before launch was the launch itself, server stability etc. Bioware did I really good job with SWTOR. Quite honestly the smoothest MMO launch I have experienced.


Whilst i do feel that happy with the current state of the game. I do however feel that there is room for improvement. But with any game isn't there always?

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Yes, I'm loving it.


I've had zero performance and stability issues, the game seems less affected by high latency than others and I'm genuinely interested in leveling, which is a first. I played pve hardcore in wow for years and I'm finding this story driven thing changing my attitude to MMOs ... and in a good way I think.


I know there is room for improvement but I'm prepared to wait for that. There's so much to do now. We'll have to wait and see if the game can survive things like Mass Effect and Diablo launching but as of now.. I'm happy with it. To me the worst thing about the game is the community and the fever pitched whining that can sometimes drown out the forums. The players in game are much more pleasant, friendly and helpful.


The bottom line, I'm having fun.

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My only complaint is that your character levels up way to fast. Im already a level 9 and clocked in around 6 hours. Ive read that people have to abandon certain quest when they start out leveling certain areas and unfortantely for me Im kinda a quest completionist. My playstyle is doing every single quest to get the most out of my first playthrough. Bioware should have made it so it at least took 4 months for the average player to reach max level and maybe 2 months for the hardcore crowd. This method would have ensured people kept their subscriptions for a few months instead of completing the game in a few weeks and cancelling. Edited by ItsPan
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My only complaint is that your character levels up way to fast. Im already a level 9 and clocked in around 6 hours. Ive read that people have to abandon certain quest when they start out leveling certain areas and unfortantely for me Im kinda a quest completionist. My playstyle is doing every single quest to get the most out of my first playthrough. Bioware should have made it so it at least took a 4 months for the average player to reach max level and maybe 2 months for the hardcore crowd. This method would have ensured people kept their subscriptions for a few months instead of completing the game in a few weeks and cancelling.


Dont worry, the grind will kick in around 20.

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Actually I'm not saying NO or YES.

I dont think SWTOR is a bad game.

I just ask myself , every time a log, "Why this, and not one another?".

That's all.

And months ago I would never expect to say something like this.

Thought more about something like : "Damn, what a great game, let's start a new adventure!"

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